982 resultados para Canker (Plant disease)
The basal ganglia may be involved in bimanual co-ordination. Parkinson's disease (which impairs basal ganglia output) is clinically reported to cause difficulties in the performance of co-ordinated bimanual movements. Nevertheless, any bimanual co-ordination difficulties may be task specific, as experimental observations are equivocal. To infer the role of the basal ganglia in co-ordinating the two arms, this study investigated the bimanual co-ordination of patients with Parkinson's disease. Sixteen Parkinson's disease patients and matched control subjects performed a bimanual cranking task, at different speeds (1 and 2 Hz) and phase relationships. All subjects performed the required bimanual in-phase movement on a pair of cranks, at fast (2 Hz) and slow (1 Hz) speeds. However the Parkinson's disease patients were unable to perform the asymmetrical anti-phase movement, in which rotation of the cranks differed by 180 degrees, at either speed; but instead reverted to the in-phase symmetrical movement. For Parkinson's disease patients, performance of the in-phase movement was more accurate and stable when an external timing cue was used; however for anti-phase movement, the external cue accentuated the tendency for patients to revert to more symmetrical, in-phase movements.
Plant cells are characterized by low water content, so the fraction of cell volume (volume fraction) in a vessel is large compared with other cell systems, even if the cell concentrations are the same. Therefore, concentration of plant cells should preferably be expressed by the liquid volume basis rather than by the total vessel volume basis. In this paper, a new model is proposed to analyze behavior of a plant cell culture by dividing the cell suspension into the biotic- and abiotic-phases, Using this model, we analyzed the cell-growth and the alkaloid production by Catharanthus roseus, Large errors in the simulated results were observed if the phase-segregation was not considered.
Field collected flies were screened for the presence of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) by applying reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) in which primers specific to the capsid protein of the virus were used. The virus was detected in flies from locations where rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) was reported and also soon after the release of RHDV in a 'clean' area. Oral and/or anal excretions of flies (flyspots) were found to contain viable virus and oral inoculation of rabbits revealed that a single flyspot was able to cause RHD. We conclude that flyspots are a major potential source of the virus for oral or conjunctival transmission of the virus to rabbits. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Surveys of commercial soybean fields, disease nurseries, and trial plots of soybean were conducted throughout eastern Australia between 1979 and 1996, and 694 isolates of Phytophthora sojae were collected and classified into races. Fourteen races, 1, 2, 4, 10, 15, and 25, and eight new races, 46 to 53, were identified, but only races 1, 4, 15, 25, 46, and 53 were found in commercial fields. Races 1 and 15 were the only races found in commercial fields in the soybean-growing areas of Australia up until 1989, with race 1 being the dominant race. Race 4 was found in central New South Wales in 1989 on cultivars with the Rps1a gene, and it is now the dominant race in central and southern New South Wales. Races 46 and 53 have only been found once, in southern New South Wales, and race 25 was identified in the same region in 1994 on a cultivar with the Rps1k gene. Only races 1 and 15 have been found in the northern soybean-growing regions, with the latter dominating, which coincides with the widespread use of cultivars with the Rps2 gene. Changes in the race structure of the P. sojae population from commercial fields in Australia follow the deployment of specific resistance genes.
A prevalence study of Parkinson's disease (PD) was conducted in the rural town of Nambour, Australia. There were 5 cases of PD in a study population of 1207, yielding a crude prevalence ratio of 414 per 100,000 (95% confidence interval; 53-775). We performed a separate case-control study involving 224 patients with FD and 310 controls from South East Queensland and Central West New South Wales, to determine which factors increase the risk for PD in Australia. A positive family history of PD was the strongest risk factor for the development of the disease (odds ratio = 3.4; p < 0.001). In addition, rural residency was a significant risk factor for PD (odds ratio = 1.8, p < 0.001). Hypertension, stroke and well water ingestion were inversely correlated with the development of PD. There was no significant difference between patients and controls for exposure to herbicides and pesticides, head injury, smoking or depression. The high prevalence of PD in Nambour may be explained by rural residency. However, the most significant risk factor for PD was a positive family history. This demonstrates the need for improved understanding of the genetic nature of the disease.
Nitrogen relations of natural and disturbed tropical plant communities in northern Australia (Kakadu National Park) were studied. Plant and soil N characteristics suggested that differences in N source utilisation occur at community and species level. Leaf and xylem sap N concentrations of plants in different communities were correlated with the availability of inorganic soil N (NH4+ and NO3-). In general, rates of leaf NO3- assimilation were low. Even in communities with a higher N status, including deciduous monsoon forest, disturbed wetland, and a revegetated mine waste rock dump, levels of leaf nitrate reductase, xylem and leaf NO3 levels were considerably lower than those that have been reported for eutrophic communities. Although NO3- assimilation in escarpment and eucalypt woodlands, and wetland, was generally low, within these communities there was a suite of species that exhibited a greater capacity for NO3- assimilation. These high-NO3- species were mainly annuals, resprouting herbs or deciduous trees that had leaves with high N contents. Ficus, a high-NO3- species, was associated with soil exhibiting higher rates of net mineralisation and net nitrification. Low-NO3- species were evergreen perennials with low leaf N concentrations. A third group of plants, which assimilated NO3- (albeit at lower rates than the high-NO3- species), and had high-N leaves, were leguminous species. Acacia species, common in woodlands, had the highest leaf N contents of all woody species. Acacia species appeared to have the greatest potential to utilise the entire spectrum of available N sources. This versatility in N source utilisation may be important in relation to their high tissue N status and comparatively short life cycle. Differences in N utilisation are discussed in the context of species life strategies and mycorrhizal associations.
In order to evaluate the capability of H-1 MRS to monitor longitudinal changes in subjects with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD), the temporal stability of the metabolite measures N-acetylaspartate and N-acetylas-partylglutamate (NA), total Creatine (Cr), myo-Inositol (mI), total Choline (Chol), NA/Cr, mI/Cr, Chol/Cr and NA/mI were investigated in a cohort of normal older adults. Only the metabolite measures NA, mi, Cr, NA/Cr, mI/Cr, and NA/mI were found to be stable after a mean interval of 260 days. Relative and absolute metabolite measures from a cohort of patients with probable AD were subsequently compared with data from a sample of normal older adult control subjects, and correlated with mental status and the degree of atrophy in the localized voxel. Concentrations of NA, NA/Cr, and NA/mI were significantly reduced in the AD group with concomitant significant increases in mi and mI/Cr. There were no differences between the two groups in measures of Cr, Chol, or Chol/Cr. Significant correlations between mental status as measured by the Mini-Mental State Examination and NA/mI, mI/Cr and NA were found. These metabolite measures were also significantly correlated with the extent of atrophy (as measured by CSF and GM composition) in the spectroscopy voxel. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.
Liver samples from rabbits killed by RHDV, collected from five States in Australia in 1996 and 1997 were analysed by RT-PCR. A 398 bp fragment of the capsid protein (VP60) gene was amplified by PCR and directly sequenced. The alignment of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences and their comparison with the original strain of the virus released in Australia indicated genetic changes after two years have been small with 98.2% to 100% identity. The constructed phylogenetic tree suggests slight differences in nucleotide substitutions in various States but there is no clear evidence of clustering of sequences according to their geographic origin. In practical terms, sequencing of viral RNA provides a means of testing the efficacy of further releases and subsequent spread of the virus if such a strategy is employed as a means of enhancing RHD as a biological control of the wild rabbit in Australia.
Coronary heart disease is a leading cause of death in Australia with the Coalfields district of New South Wales having one of the country's highest rates. Identification of the Coalfields epidemic in the 1970's led to the formation of a community awareness program in the late 1980's (the healthy heart support group) followed by a more intense community action program in 1990, the Coalfields Healthy Heartbeat (CHHB). CHHB is a coalition of community members, local government officers, health workers and University researchers. We evaluate the CHHB program, examining both the nature and sustainability of heart health activities undertaken, as well as trends in risk factor levels and rates of coronary events in the Coalfields in comparison with nearby local government areas. Process data reveal difficulties mobilising the community as a whole; activities had to be selected for interested subgroups such as families of heart disease patients, school children, retired people and women concerned with family nutrition and body maintenance. Outcome data show a significantly larger reduction in case fatality for Coalfields men (although nonfatal heart attacks did not decline) while changes in risk factors levels were comparable with surrounding areas. We explain positive responses to the CHHB by schools, heart attack survivors and women interested in body maintenance in terms of the meaning these subgroups find in health promotion discourses based on their embodied experiences. When faced with a threat to one's identity, health discourse suddenly becomes meaningful along with the regimens for health improvement. General public disinterest in heart health promotion is examined in the context of historical patterns of outsiders criticising the lifestyle of miners, an orientation toward communal lather than individual responsibility for health (i.e, community 'owned' emergency services and hospitals) and anger about risks from environmental hazards imposed by industrialists. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
MiAMP1 is a low-molecular-weight, cysteine-rich, antimicrobial peptide isolated from the nut kernel of Macadamia integrifolia. A DNA sequence encoding MiAMP1 with an additional ATG: start codon was cloned into a modified pET vector under the control of the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. The pET vector was cotransformed together with the vector pSB161, which expresses a rare arginine tRNA. The peptide was readily isolated in high yield from the insoluble fraction of the Escherichia coil extract. The purified peptide was shown to have an identical molecular weight to the native peptide by mass spectroscopy indicating that the N-terminal methionine had been cleaved. Analysis by NMR spectroscopy indicated that the refolded recombinant peptide had a similar overall three-dimensional structure to that of the native peptide. The peptide inhibited the growth of phytopathogenic fungi in vitro in a similar manner to the native peptide. To our knowledge, MiAMP1 is the first antimicrobial peptide from plants to be functionally expressed in E. coil. This will permit a detailed structure-function analysis of the peptide and studies of its mode of action on phytopathogens. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
Rapid and sensitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods ape described for determination of the two 16 S rDNA subgroups of Ralstonia solanacearum, the causal agent of bacterial wilt. A third subgroup consisting of Indonesian R. solanacearum isolates belonging to Division II, the blood disease bacterium and Pseudomonas syzygii can also be identified. Primers were designed to sequences within R, solanacearum 16 S rDNA (equivalent to Escherichia coli 16 S rDNA positions 74-97, 455-475, 1454-1474), and the internal transcribed spacer region between the 16 S and 23 S rDNA genes. Different combinations of forward and reverse primers allowed selective PCR amplification of (a) R. solanacearum Division I (biovars 3, 4 and 5), (b) Division TI (biovars 1, N2, and 2) including the blood disease bacterium and P. syzygii, or (c) amplification of Division II only except for five biovar 1, 2 or N2 isolates of R. solanacearum from Indonesia, P. syzygii and the BDB. A total of 104 R. solanacearum, 14 blood disease bacterium and 10 P. syzygii isolates were tested. Simultaneous detection of species and subdivision was achieved by designing a multiplex PCR test in which a 288-base pair (bp) band is produced by all R. solanacearum isolates, and an additional 409-bp band in Division I strains.
Four different promoters (35S and enhanced 35S of the cauliflower mosaic virus, polyubiquitin of maize and actin1 of rice) were compared in a transient assay using maize leaves and particle bombardment. A gene encoding the jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) driven by the 358 promoter was used as an internal standard to monitor the effectiveness of each bombardment. Normalisation of the transient expression assay using the GFP reference significantly reduced the variability between separate bombardments and allowed for a rapid and accurate evaluation of different promoters in microprojectile-bombarded leaves.
Objective: To determine beliefs and behaviours of Australian doctors regarding Helicobacter pylori. Design: Anonymous reply-paid postal survey mailed in December 1995 and again in March 1996. Subjects: All members on the mailing lists of the Gastroenterological Society of Australia Endoscopy Section (n = 397) and the Australian Society of Infectious Diseases (n = 264; those without medical qualifications were asked not to reply), and 400 general practitioners (GPs) randomly selected from the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Main outcome measures: Differences between specialist groups in belief in a causative association between H. pylori and peptic disease and in use of eradication therapy and pre- and post-treatment testing for H. pylori. Results: 92.6% of doctors believed H. pylori causes duodenal ulcer, with GPs significantly less likely to believe than gastroenterologists (odds ratio [OR], 0.22; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.00-0.81). In duodenal ulcer, 93.4% of doctors believed H. pylori eradication therapy should be given, but fewer (83.4%) claimed to give it always or mostly, with GPs less likely to report giving it than gastroenterologists (OR, 0.06; 95% CI, 0.02-0.19). For non-ulcer dyspepsia, gastrointestinal surgeons were more likely than gastroenterologists to believe in a causative link with H. pylori (OR, 5.6; 95% CI, 3.0-10.7) and in a need for eradication therapy (OR, 3.6; 95% CI, 1.7-7.7). Most doctors (79.3%) believed in confirming the presence of H. pylori before eradication therapy in duodenal ulcer. Only 51.6% believed post-eradication testing necessary (45.5%), yet 79.1% reported performing it. Conclusions: Significant differences exist between specialist groups in beliefs and self-reported behaviours regarding H. pylori.
Cat-scratch disease is the most common cause of benign lymphadenopathy in children and young adults. A 21-year-old patient presented with a 14-day history of asymptomatic left submental swelling. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed no dental cause. An enlarged, firm nodule was excised. The histopathologic appearance was consistent with cat-scratch disease. This article summarizes the relevant literature and discusses diagnosis and treatment of cat-scratch disease.