977 resultados para Candida, invasive candidiasis, sepsis,nosocomial infection, candidemia
The course of in vivo infection of five isolates of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was followed for three weeks in Swiss mice. The strains were isolated from diarrheic and normal feces and mesenteric lymph nodes of healthy and sick stock animals. Four strains of serogroup O:3 and one of serogroup O:1a, with and without the virulence plasmid, were inoculated intragastrically and intravenously in the mice. Groups of five animals were sacrificed at 6 h and 3, 6, 10, 15, and 21 days after inoculation, and organs and tissues were checked for possible macroscopic alterations. Development of infection was monitored at these times by performing viable bacterial counts in homogenates of selected tissues. The animals were cheked daily for clinical alterations. The results of the study showed that strains with the virulence plasmid infected organs and tissues at various times and at varying intensity by both routes of infection, the strain of type O:1a being the most invasive. Moreover, clinical and pathological alterations occurred only in animals inoculated with bacteria carrying the virulence plasmid, regardless of the route of infection.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The association of paracoccidioidomycosis with AIDS is apparently less frequent than expected. The authors present an unusual case of paracoccidioidomycosis in a 13-year-old female student which was later found to be the first opportunistic infection in the course of the patient's HIV-infection. The clinical presentation followed an accidental incised wound on the palmar region initially described as a 'sporotrichotic-chancre'. After good response under sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprin, the patient relapsed and presented an associated oral candidiasis. HIV-infection was documented and additional investigation showed CD4(+) T-cells=22/mm(3), CD8(+)=280 cell/mm(3) and viral load=4,043 log. This case report presents an uncommon dermatological-clinical picture in the youngest patient in which such association has been reported to date.
At present, few data are available on the prevalence and antifungal susceptibility of Candida parapsilosis complex isolates from HIV-infected individuals. The C. parapsilosis complex comprises three species, C. parapsilosis sensu stricto, C. metapsilosis and C. orthopsilosis. Fifteen of 318 Candida isolates were identified as members of the C. parapsilosis complex by PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The prevalence of C. parapsilosis complex isolates was 4.7 %, 2.2 % being identified as C. parapsilosis sensu stricto and 2.5% as C. metapsilosis, while no C. orthopsilosis was isolated. This is believed to be the first study that has identified isolates of C. metapsilosis obtained from the oral cavity of HIV-infected individuals. Antifungal susceptibility tests indicated that all the isolates were susceptible to amphotericin B (AMB), fluconazole (FLC), ketoconazole (KTC), itraconazole (ITC), voriconazole (VRC) and caspofungin (CASPO). Although isolates of C. parapsilosis sensu stricto and C. metapsilosis were susceptible to FLC, isolates of C. metapsilosis showed a tendency for higher MICs (>= 1.0 mu g ml(-1)). Based upon the frequency of candidiasis and the fact that certain isolates of the C. parapsilosis complex respond differently to FLC therapy, our data may be of therapeutic relevance with respect to susceptibility and potential resistance to specific antifungal agents. Our data suggest that C. metapsilosis can be a human commensal; its importance as a pathogen has yet to be confirmed.
The transmission of influenza in health care settings is a major threat to patients, especially those with severe diseases. The attitude of health care workers (HCWs) may influence the transmission of countless infections. The current study aimed to quantify knowledge and identify attitudes of HCWs involved in intensive care units (ICUs) regarding the risk of nosocomial influenza transmission. A questionnaire was applied through interviews to HCWs who worked in one of the five ICUs from a teaching hospital. Questions about influenza were deliberately dispersed among others that assessed several infectious agents. Forty-two HCWs were interviewed: nine physicians, ten nurses and 23 nursing technicians or auxiliaries. Among the 42 HCWs, 98% were aware of the potential transmission of influenza virus in the ICUs, but only 31% would indicate droplet precautions for patients with suspected infection. Moreover, only 31% of them had been vaccinated against influenza in the last campaign (2008). Nursing technicians or auxiliaries were more likely to have been vaccinated, both by univariate and multivariable analysis. When asked about absenteeism, only 10% of the study subjects stated that they would not go to work if they had an influenza-like illness. Those findings suggest that, in non-pandemic periods, influenza control in hospitals requires strategies that combine continuous education with changes in organizational culture.
This study aimed to determine the frequency of Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infection among high risk Brazilian women and evaluate its association with vaginal flora patterns.This was a cross-sectional study, performed in an outpatient clinic of Bauru State Hospital, So Paulo, Brazil. A total of 142 women were included from 2006 to 2008. Inclusion criteria was dyspareunia, pain during bimanual exam, presence of excessive cervical mucus, cervical ectopy or with three or more episodes of abnormal vaginal flora (AVF) in the previous year before enrollment. Endocervical CT testing was performed by PCR. Vaginal swabs were collected for microscopic assessment of the microbial flora pattern. Gram-stained smears were classified in normal, intermediate or bacterial vaginosis (BV), and recognition of Candida sp. morphotypes. Wet mount smears were used for detection of Trichomonas vaginalis and aerobic vaginitis (AV).Thirty-four of 142 women (23.9%) tested positive for CT. AVF was found in 50 (35.2%) cases. The most frequent type of AVF was BV (17.6%). CT was strongly associated with the presence of AV (n = 7, 4.9%, P = 0.018), but not BV (n = 25, 17.6%, P = 0.80) or intermediate flora (n = 18, 12.7%, P = 0.28).A high rate of chlamydial infection was found in this population. Chlamydia infection is associated with aerobic vaginitis.
Context.-The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous microorganism strongly associated with lymphoproliferative disorders and a large number of human neoplasms, mainly undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Burkitt lymphoma. The viral DNA has been detected in other tumors, such as carcinomas from tonsil, salivary glands, and thymus, and malignancies of the female genital tract. Some authors have proposed that EBV could play a role in the carcinogenesis of cervical tumors; however, other studies do not support this hypothesis.Objective.-To assess whether EBV is associated with female genital tract neoplasms.Design.-Sixty-five biopsy specimens (5 in situ carcinomas, 24 invasive squamous cell carcinomas, 6 lymphoepithelioma-like carcinomas, and 30 endocervical adenocarcinomas) were used to perform EBV detection through RNA in situ hybridization.Results.-None of the cervical carcinoma cases studied was positive for EBV infection.Conclusions.-The results suggest that it is still premature to incriminate EBV in the carcinogenesis of cervical carcinoma.
Este estudo prospectivo avaliou os métodos semiquantitativo e qualitativo de cultura de cateter para o diagnóstico de infecção relacionada a cateter (IRC) em recém-nascidos (RN). Foram incluídas pontas de cateteres provenientes de recém-nascidos internados na Unidade Neonatal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, UNESP. Foram utilizadas as técnicas semiquantitativa e qualitativa de cultura de cateter. Para o diagnóstico de IRC, os microrganismos isolados das culturas de cateteres e de hemoculturas periféricas foram identificados e submetidos ao teste de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos. O padrão ouro correspondeu ao diagnóstico de certeza de IRC, com o isolamento do mesmo microrganismo (espécie e perfil de sensibilidade a antimicrobianos) isolado em hemocultura periférica. Foram estudados 85 cateteres provenientes de 63 RN. A cultura semiquantitativa, embora tenha apresentado menor sensibilidade (90%), apresentou uma maior especificidade (71%) em comparação à sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 60% encontradas na cultura qualitativa. Através da identificação dos microrganismos obtidos nas culturas de cateteres, observou-se uma predominância de espécies de Estafilococos coagulase-negativa (ECN). A espécie Staphylococcus epidermidis foi a prevalente (77,5%) nos cateteres com culturas semiquantitativas positivas. Dos 11 episódios de IRC diagnosticados, 8 (72,7%) foram associados a espécies de ECN, dos quais 6 eram da espécie S. epidermidis. Também foram detectados dois casos de IRC por S. aureus e um caso por Candida parapsilosis. O método de cultura semiquantitativo cateter apresentou vantagens para o diagnóstico de IRC em RN quando comparado com o método qualitativo tradicional.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The effectiveness of microwave disinfection of maxillary complete dentures on the treatment of Candida-related denture stomatitis was evaluated. Patients (n = 60) were randomly assigned to one of four treatment groups of 15 subjects each; Control group: patients performed the routine denture care; Mw group: patients had their upper denture microwaved (650 W per 6 min) three times per week for 30 days; group MwMz: patients received the treatment of Mw group in conjunction with topical application of miconazole three times per day for 30 days; group Mz: patients received the antifungal therapy of group MwMz. Cytological smears and mycological cultures were taken from the dentures and the palates of all patients before treatment at day 15 and 30 of treatment and at follow-up (days 60 and 90). The effectiveness of the treatments was evaluated by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests. Microbial and clinical analysis of the control group demonstrated no significant decrease in the candidal infection over the clinical trial. Smears and cultures of palates and dentures of the groups Mw and MwMz exhibited absence of Candida at day 15 and 30 of treatment. on day 60 and 90, few mycelial forms were observed on 11 denture smears (36.6%) from groups Mw and MwMz, but not on the palatal smears. Miconazole (group Mz) neither caused significant reduction of palatal inflammation nor eradicated Candida from the dentures and palates. Microwaving dentures was effective for the treatment of denture stomatitis. The recurrence of Candida on microwaved dentures at follow-up was dramatically reduced.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar quantitativamente os microrganismos, Streptococcus do grupo mutans e Candida sp, da cavidade bucal de pacientes com carcinoma de orofaringe antes, durante e após o tratamento com radioterapia e correlacionar fatores salivares como pH, capacidade tampão (CT) e fluxo salivar (FS). Amostras de saliva foram coletadas, diluídas e inoculadas em ágar SB-20 e ágar Sabouraud, respectivamente para Streptococcus do grupo mutans e Candida sp. Previamente à diluição, a saliva concentrada foi analisada, determinando-se os fatores salivares. Após crescimento das colônias, o número de microrganismos foi determinado em UFC/ml. A análise dos resultados permitiu concluir que houve correlação positiva entre os fatores salivares e a presença de microrganismos ilustrada pelo aumento no número de UFC/ml dos microrganismos analisados concomitantemente com a diminuição do fluxo salivar. Os efeitos da radiação comprometeram a homeostasia salivar e favoreceram o aumento das infecções por leveduras e bactérias durante o tratamento radioterápico.
O objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar a freqüência da infecção por Candida sp. em biópsias de lesões da mucosa bucal, assim como associar a presença de Candida sp. com lesões malignas e lesões com vários graus de displasia. Foram utilizadas 832 biópsias da mucosa bucal, previamente incluídas em parafinas, cujos blocos foram obtidos dos arquivos da Disciplina de Patologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara da UNESP, no período entre 1990-2001. Três cortes seqüenciais foram corados pelo ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). do total de biópsias 27,2% foram PAS positivas, dessas 83,25% eram provenientes de pacientes do sexo masculino. Houve associação positiva entre infecção com displasia epitelial leve, moderada, severa, carcinoma espinocelular e hiperqueratose (p < 0,05). Não houve associação entre hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória, líquen plano, granuloma piogênico (p < 0,05) com infecções fúngicas. A língua foi o sítio mais acometido por infecções em relação a outros sítios (p < 0,05). A partir dos dados quantitativos, concluiu-se que houve correlação positiva de infecção por fungos, lesões displásicas e carcinoma, sendo mais freqüente no sexo masculino. Estes dados não permitem inferir se o fungo causa displasia epitelial e carcinoma, mas confirmam a maior presença de Candida nessas lesões.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)