959 resultados para CV-6690
Silicon particle detectors are used in several applications and will clearly require better hardness against particle radiation in the future large scale experiments than can be provided today. To achieve this goal, more irradiation studies with defect generating bombarding particles are needed. Protons can be considered as important bombarding species, although neutrons and electrons are perhaps the most widely used particles in such irradiation studies. Protons provide unique possibilities, as their defect production rates are clearly higher than those of neutrons and electrons, and, their damage creation in silicon is most similar to the that of pions. This thesis explores the development and testing of an irradiation facility that provides the cooling of the detector and on-line electrical characterisation, such as current-voltage (IV) and capacitance-voltage (CV) measurements. This irradiation facility, which employs a 5-MV tandem accelerator, appears to function well, but some disadvantageous limitations are related to MeV-proton irradiation of silicon particle detectors. Typically, detectors are in non-operational mode during irradiation (i.e., without the applied bias voltage). However, in real experiments the detectors are biased; the ionising proton generates electron-hole pairs, and a rise in rate of proton flux may cause the detector to breakdown. This limits the proton flux for the irradiation of biased detectors. In this work, it is shown that, if detectors are irradiated and kept operational, the electric field decreases the introduction rate of negative space-charges and current-related damage. The effects of various particles with different energies are scaled to each others by the non-ionising energy loss (NIEL) hypothesis. The type of defects induced by irradiation depends on the energy used, and this thesis also discusses the minimum proton energy required at which the NIEL-scaling is valid.
The optical properties of Bi(2)V(1-x)MnxO(5.5-x) (x=0.05, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 at.%) thin films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition on platinized Silicon Substrates were Studied in UV-visible spectral region (1.51-4.17 CV) using spectroscopic ellipsometry. The optical constants and thicknesses of these films have been obtained by fitting the ellipsometric data (Psi and Delta) using a multilayer four-phase model system and a relaxed Lorentz oscillator dispersion relation. The surface roughness and film thickness obtained by spectroscopic ellipsometry were found to be consistent with the results obtained by atomic force and scanning electron microscopy. The refractive index measured at 650 nm does not show any marginal increase with Mn content. Further, the extinction coefficient does not show much decrease with increasing Mn content. An increase in optical band gap energy from 2.52 to 2.77 eV with increasing Mn Content from x = 0.05 to 0.15 was attributed to the increase in oxygen ion vacancy disorder. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The model of developmental origins of health and disease proposes that organisms during fetal period utilize cues that enable their adaptation in the postnatal environment they are likely to live, having short-term advantages when trying to survive in environment but simultaneously in the long run have costs for health. A large body of epidemiological research has found that low birth weight, a marker of intrauterine conditions, is associated with cardiovascular (CV) disease. Since the reported associations of birth weight with normal variation in the resting blood pressure (BP), a major predictor of CV disease risk, have been modest, a key candidate mediating the link has been CV and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axes (HPAA) reactivity to stress. In addition, not only weight at birth but also gestational age and early postnatal growth may have independent associations to stress reactivity. The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether pre- and postnatal growth and gestational age are associated with CV and HPAA activity before, during and after stress in childhood and in late adulthood. Altogether 287 men and women aged 60-70 and 299 boys and girls aged 7-9 underwent Trier Social Stress Test. Several indices of HPAA and CV were measured and birth size and gestational age were obtained from birth records. Results showed that low birth weight was associated with low HPAA activity during psychosocial stress, and rapid gain in BMI during years 7-11 was related to heightened stress reactivity to psychosocial stress. Size at birth in children and gestational age and early postnatal (0-2 years) gain in height in adults were associated with CV stress responses; however, in a sex-specific manner. Given that CV stress responses and HPAA activity are markers of CV disease vulnerability, our results may partly explain the associations between early environment and later CV disease.
Theoretical expressions for stresses and displacements have been derived for bending under a ring load of a free shell, a shell embedded in a soft medium, and a shell containing a soft core. Numerical work has been done for typical cases with an Elliot 803 Digital Computer and influence lines are drawn therefrom.
The problem of a two-layer circular cylindrical shell subjected to radial ring loading has been solved theoretically. The solution is developed by uniting the elasticity solution through Love function approach for the inner thick shell with the Flügge shell theory for the thin outer shell. Numerical work has been done with a digital computer for different values of shell geometry parameters and material constants. The general behaviour of the composite shell has been studied in the light of these numerical results.
A semi-experimental approach to solve two-dimensional problems in elasticity is given. The method has been applied to two problems, (i) a square deep beam, and (ii) a bridge pier with a sloping boundary. For the first problem sufficient analytical results are available and hence the accuracy of the method can be verified. Then the method has been extended to the second problem for which sufficient results are not available.
The problem of a long, thin circular cylindrical shell enclosed in an elastic casing and subjected to a ring of radial load on the inner rim is solved using the Love function for the casing in conjunction with Flügge shell theory. Numerical work has been done with a digital computer and the results for stress and displacement fields are given for various values of the shell geometry parameters and material constants.
The problem is solved using the Love function and Flügge shell theory. Numerical work has been done with a computer for various values of shell geometry parameters and elastic constants.
Suurin ongelma syöpätautien lääkehoidossa on sen aiheuttamat toksiset sivuvaikutukset. Tyypillisesti vain noin 1 % elimistöön annostellusta lääkeaineesta saavuttaa hoitoa tarvitsevat syöpäsolut, loppuosa lääkeaineesta jää vahingoittamaan elimistön terveitä soluja. Toksiset sivuvaikutukset rajoittavat lääkehoidon annoksen nostamista elimistössä riittävälle pitoisuudelle, mikä johtaa usein sairauden ennenaikaiseen pahenemiseen ja mahdollisen lääkeaineresistenssin kehittymiseen. Liposomien välittämä lääkeaineen kohdentaminen voidaan jakaa kahteen eri menetelmään: passiiviseen ja aktiiviseen kohdentamiseen. Liposomien passiivisen kohdentamisen tarkoituksena on lisätä sytotoksisen lääkeaineen paikallistumista pelkästään kasvainkudokseen. Passiivinen kohdentaminen perustuu liposomien kulkeutumiseen verenkierron mukana, jolloin liposomit kerääntyvät epänormaalisti muodostuneeseen kasvainkudokseen. Liposomien aktiivisella kohdentamisella pyritään parantamaan passiivisesti kohdentuvien liposomien terapeuttista tehokkuutta kohdentamalla lääkeaineen vaikutus pelkästään syöpäsoluihin. Aktiivisessa kohdennuksessa liposomin pintaan kiinnitetään ligandi, joka spesifisesti tunnistaa kohdesolun. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman kirjallisen osion tarkoituksena oli tutustua syöpäkudokseen kohdennettujen liposomien ominaisuuksiin tehokkaan soluunoton ja sytotoksisuuden saavuttamiseksi. Kokeellisessa osiossa tutkittiin kohdennettujen liposomien soluunottoa ja sytotoksista vaikutusta ihmisen munasarjasta eristetyillä adenokarsinoomasoluilla (SKOV-3). Liposomit kohdennettiin setuksimabi (C225, Erbitux®) vasta-aineella, jonka on todettu olevan tietyissä syöpätyypeissä (mm. keuhko- ja kolorektaalisyövissä, pään ja kaulan syövissä sekä rinta-, munuais-, eturauhas-, haima- ja munasarjasyövissä) yli-ilmentyneen epidermaalisen kasvutekijäreseptoriperheen HER1-proteiinin (ErbB-1, EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor) spesifinen ja selektiivinen inhibiittori. Afrikan viherapinan munuaisista lähtöisin olevaa CV-1 solulinjaa käytettiin kontrollina kuvaamaan elimistön normaaleja soluja. Kohdennettujen liposomien soluunottoa tutkittiin soluunottokokeilla, joissa käytettiin kontrollina kohdentamattomia pegyloituja liposomeja. Setuksimabi-vasta-aineen spesifinen sitoutuminen EGF-reseptoriin todettiin kilpailutuskokeilla. Doksorubisiinia sisältävien immunoliposomien sytotoksisuutta selvitettiin Alamar Blue™ -elävyystestillä. Lisäksi immunoliposomien säilyvyyttä seurattiin mittaamalla liposomien keskimääräinen halkaisija noin kahden viikon välein. Setuksimabi-vasta-aineella kohdennettujen liposomien soluunotto oli huomattavasti suurentunut SKOV-3 syöpäsoluissa ja doksorubisiinia sisältävät kohdennetut liposomit aiheuttivat voimakkaamman sytotoksisen vaikutuksen kuin kohdentamattomat liposomit. Kohdennettujen doksorubisiiniliposomien sytotoksisuus tuli kuitenkin esille viiveellä, mikä viittaa lääkeaineen hitaaseen vapautumiseen liposomista. Suurentunutta soluunottoa ja sytotoksista vaikutusta ei havaittu CV-1 solulinjassa. Kohdennettujen liposomien sovellusmahdollisuudet lääketieteessä ja syövän hoidossa ovat merkittävät. Tällä hetkellä liposomien kliininen käyttö rajoittuu passiivisesti kohdennettuihin liposomeihin (Doxil® (Am.),Caelyx® (Eur.)). Lupaavista solukokeista huolimatta kohdennettujen liposomien terapeuttinen käyttö tulevaisuudessa näyttää haasteelliselta.
A three-dimensional linear, small deformation theory of elasticity solution by the direct method is developed for the free vibration of simply-supported, homogeneous, isotropic, thick rectangular plates. The solution is exact and involves determining a triply infinite sequence of eigenvalues from a doubly infinite set of closed form transcendental equations. As no restrictions are placed on the thickness variation of stresses or displacements, this formulation yields a triply infinite spectrum of frequencies, instead of only one doubly infinite spectrum by thin plate theory and three doubly infinite spectra by Mindlin's thick plate theory. Further, the present analysis yields symmetric thickness modes which neither of the approximate theories can identify. Some numerical results from the two approximate theories are compared with those from the present solution and some important conclusions regarding the effect of the assumptions made in the approximate theories are drawn. The thickness variations of stresses and displacements are also discussed. The analysis is readily extended for laminated plates of isotropic materials. Numerical results are also given for three-ply laminates, and are used to assess the accuracy of thin plate theory predictions for laminates. Extension to general lateral surface conditions and forced vibrations is indicated.
An attempt has been made to review the literature that has accumulated during the last twelve years on the subject of paper chromatography of higher fatty acids. The various modifications that have been applied to the technique have been considered and their merits and limitations discussed. The important modifications are mainly concerned with the stationary and mobile phases and the use of different reagents for identification and estimation. This technique has also been successfully applied to the quantitative determination of the components of "critical pairs" of fatty acids in biological materials.
A detailed study of various reversed phase systems for the qualitative analysis of fatty acids has been made and it has been shown, among other things, that the liquid paraffin-aqueous methanol system is a most convenient one. The details of a fairly simple and rapid method for the quantitative estimation of higher fatty acids have also been discussed.
Salmonella typhimurium mutants affecting the plaque morphology of P22 and other phages have been isolated. Using one such bacterial mutant phage mutants making turbid plaques have been isolated.
A comparatively simple and rapid method for the identification, estimation and preparation of fatty acids has been developed, using reversed phase circular paper chromatography. The method is also suitable for the analysis of “Critical Pairs” of fatty acids and for the preparation of fatty acids. Further, when used at a higher temperature, the method is more sensitive in revealing the presence of even traces of higher fatty acids in the seeds of Adenanthera pavonina.