981 resultados para CR superconducting magnet
In situ fusion on the boat-type graphite platform has been used as a sample pretreatment for the direct determination of Co, Cr and Mn in Portland cement by solid sampling graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (SS-GF AAS). The 3-field Zeeman technique was adopted for background correction to decrease the sensitivity during measurements. This strategy allowed working with up to 200 mu g of sample. The in situ fusion was accomplished using 10 mu L of a flux mixture 4.0% m/v Na(2)CO(3) + 4.0% m/v ZnO + 0.1% m/v Triton (R) X-100 added over the cement sample and heated at 800 degrees C for 20 s. The resulting mould was completely dissolved with 10 mu L of 0.1% m/v HNO(3). Limits of detection were 0.11 mu g g(-1) for Co, 1.1 mu g g(-1) for Cr and 1.9 mu g g(-1) for Mn. The accuracy of the proposed method has been evaluated by the analysis of certified reference materials. The values found presented no statistically significant differences compared to the certified values (Student`s t-test, p<0.05). In general, the relative standard deviation was lower than 12% (n = 5). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Durante sua utilização, tubos que operam na pirólise de substâncias orgânicas sofrem degradação estrutural resultante dos mecanismos de carburização que, em geral, levam à falha dos tubos. A carburização decorre da quantidade de carbono disponível na pirólise, que chega a formar uma camada intensa de coque no interior dos tubos. Para a retirada do coque, é introduzido vapor no intuito de queimá-lo que, adicionalmente, deixa carbono na superfície para a carburização. Este trabalho analisa os aspectos metalúrgicos envolvidos no ataque das liga Fe-Cr- Ni através da carburização, onde falhas catastróficas podem ocorrer devido às tensões térmicas geradas nas paradas de retirada do coque formado. Os tubos usados são fabricados com as ligas HP40 e HPX. Ligas ricas em cromo e níquel são utilizados; no caso do níquel a estabilização da estrutura austenítica e do cromo pela formação de uma camada protetora de óxido. No entanto, tempos prolongados de emprego da liga pode gerar quebra da barreira protetora e, então, proporcionar a difusão do carbono para o material, causando mudanças microestuturais que irão afetar as propriedades metalúrgicas Neste trabalho foram analisadas microestruturas de ligas com 25% Cr e 35% Ni que operaram por 20.000 e 37.000 horas, bem como a realização de uma série de tratamentos térmicos com ligas 25% Cr 35% Ni e 35% Cr 45% Ni sem uso, a fim de se estabelecer à relação existente entre a difusão do carbono e a microestrutura resultante. De posse destes dados, foram realizadas análises em microscopia, ensaios mecânicos, dilatometria e modelamento das tensões térmicas geradas nas paradas de decoking. Foi, também, desenvolvido uma metodologia capaz de relacionar a espessura da camada difundida de carbono com o magnetismo existente na superfície interna causada pela formação de precipitados magnéticos.
O presente trabalho desenvolve a análise qualitativa de carbonetos existentes em um tubo de aço 1,25Cr-0,5Mo envelhecido em condições de fluência em um reformador. A análise é feita mediante difração de raios X utilizando a técnica de pós, XRPD. Para a separação dos precipitados da amostra do aço, recorre-se a um método de dissolução ácida da matriz ferrítica. O método de dissolução ácida permitiu a separação do carboneto M2C da matriz ferrítica, o mesmo foi identificado por difração de raios X. Adicionalmente, comparam-se os dados obtidos experimentalmente com os resultados dos cálculos teóricos de equilíbrio termodinâmico realizados com o aplicativo MT-DATA. É de se esperar que no aço estudado a condição equilíbrio termodinâmico à temperatura de operação do reformador (500-550 °C) tenha sido alcançada, devido a que este permaneceu nesta situação por um período de aproximadamente 34 anos. Os resultados do modelamento termodinâmico realizado com o aplicativo MT-DATA indicam que para a faixa de temperaturas de 500-550ºC as fases em equilíbrio deveriam ser ferrita e o carboneto M23C6. No entanto, a análise experimental por XRPD demonstrou que o carboneto M2C é o único carboneto existente no aço estudado.
The complex of Brookhart Ni(α-diimine)Cl2 (1) (α-diimine = 1,4-bis(2,6- diisopropylphenyl)-acenaphthenediimine) has been characterized after impregnation on silica (S1) and MAO-modified silicas (4.0, 8.0 and 23.0 wts.% Al/SiO2 called S2, S3 and S4, respectively). The treatment of these heterogeneous systems with MAO produces some active catalysts for the polymerization of the ethylene. A high catalytic activity has been gotten while using the system supported 1/S3 (196 kg of PE/mol[Ni].h.atm; toluene, Al/Ni = 1000, 30ºC, 60 min and atmospheric pressure of ethylene). The effects of polymerization conditions have been tested with the catalyst supported in S2 and the best catalytic activity has been gotten with solvent hexane, MAO as cocatalyst, molar ratio Al/Ni of 1000 and to the temperature of 30°C (285 kg of PE/mol[Ni].h.atm). When the reaction has been driven according to the in situ methodology, the activity practically doubled and polymers showed some similar properties. Polymers products by the supported catalysts showed the absence of melting fusion, results similar to those gotten with the homogeneous systems by DSC analysis. But then, polymers gotten with the transplanted system present according to the GPC’s curves the polydispersity (MwD) varies between 1.7 and 7.0. A polyethylene blend (BPE/LPE) was prepared using the complex Ni(α-diimine)Cl2 (1) (α-diimine = 1,4-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)-acenaphthenediimine) and {TpMs*}TiCl3 (2) (TpMs* = hydridobis(3-mesitylpyrazol-1-yl)(5-mesitylpyrazol-1-yl)) supported in situ on MAO-modified silica (4.0 wts. -% Al/SiO2, S2). Reactions of polymerization of ethylene have been executed in the toluene in two different temperatures (0 and 30°C), varying the molars fraction of nickel (xNi), and using MAO as external cocatalyst. To all temperatures, the activities show a linear variation tendency with xNi and indicate the absence of the effect synergic between the species of nickel and the titanium. The maximum of activity have been found at 0°C. The melting temperature for the blends of polyethylene produced at 0 °C decrease whereas xNi increases indicating a good compatibility between phases of the polyethylene gotten with the two catalysts. The melting temperature for the blends of polyethylene showed be depend on the order according to which catalysts have been supported on the MAO-modified silica. The initial immobilization of 1 on the support (2/1/S2) product of polymers with a melting temperature (Tm) lower to the one of the polymer gotten when the titanium has been supported inicially (1/2/S2). The observation of polyethylenes gotten with the two systems (2/1/S2 and 1/2/S2) by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed the spherical polymer formation showing that the spherical morphology of the support to been reproduced. Are described the synthesis, the characterization and the catalytic properties for the oligomerization of the ethylene of four organometallics compounds of CrIII with ligands ([bis[2-(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)ethyl]amine] chromium (III) chloride (3a), [bis[2-(3,5- dimethyl-l-pyrazolyl)ethyl]benzylamine] chromium (III) chloride (3b), [bis[2-(3,5-dimethyl-lpyrazolyl) ethyl]ether] chromiun(III)chloride (3c), [bis[2-(3-phenyl-lpyrazolyl) ethyl]ether]chromiun(III)chloride (3d)). In relation of the oligomerization, at exception made of the compounds 3a, all complex of the chromium showed be active after activation with MAO and the TOF gotten have one effect differentiated to those formed with CrCl3(thf)3. The coordination of a tridentate ligand on the metallic center doesn't provoke any considerable changes on the formation of the C4 and C6, but the amount of C8 are decrease and the C10 and C12+ have increased. The Polymers produced by the catalyst 3a to 3 and 20 bar of ethylene have, according to analyses by DSC, the temperatures of fusion of 133,8 and 136ºC respectively. It indicates that in the two cases the production of high density polyethylene. The molar mass, gotten by GPC, is 46647 g/mols with MwD = 2,4 (3 bar). The system 3c/MAO showed values of TOF, activity and selectivity to different α-olefins according to the pressure of ethylene uses. Himself that shown a big sensibility to the concentration of ethylene solubilized.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma avaliação sobre a correlação entre os preços de açúcar crú e petróleo crú. Até poucos anos atrás, commodities agrícolas e energéticas possuíam uma baixa, ou até mesmo insignificante correlação entre as séries de preços. Este cenário vem se modificando nos últimos anos e este trabalho re-avalia a existência de correlação entre os mercados de açúcar crú e petróleo crú. Uma possível causa para este efeito é a utilização de commodities agrícolas na produção de combustíveis líquidos, como o etanol, sendo este o elo de conexão entre o mundo fossil e o mundo agrícola. Através de indices como o de correlação fica possível encontrar mecanismos de precificação e hedge em outros mercados mais líquidos e consequetemente mitigar o risco de comercialização de produtos como o açúcar e o etanol de origem de cana-de-açúcar. Em primeiro lugar procurou-se traçar um esboço das possíveis causas desta nova correlação entre commodities agrícolas e energéticas. Em seguida foram utilizados métodos estatísticos e econométricos para avaliar a existência de correlação significativa entre os preços das commodities escolhidas e como estas correlações tem se alterado ao longo do tempo. O modelo GARCH pode ser utilizado para descrever a volatilidade com menos parâmetros do que um modelo ARCH. Neste trabalho, foi selecionado primeiramente o melhor modelo GARCH para esta avaliação e, subsequentemente, este foi usado para avaliar a existência de alteração de correlação entre as variáveis escolhidas. Os resultados revelaram que o índice de correlação entre os preços do açúcar crú e do petróleo crú é estatisticamente diferente de zero e é crescente ao longo do período de tempo estudado. Contudo, apenas a variância condicional do preço do petróleo crú se alterou ao longo do tempo, não acontecendo o mesmo com o açúcar crú. Assim sendo, ainda não é possível afirmar que a correlação crescente observada entre os preços de açúcar crú e petróleo crú é decorrente da relação desses mercados com o mercado de biocombustíveis.
Inorganic pigment comprises a host lattice, which is part of the chromophore component (usually a transition metal cation) and possible components modifiers, which stabilize, add or restate the properties pigments. Among the materials with spinel, ferrites, and the chromite stand out, because they have broad technological importance in the area of materials, applicability, pigments, catalytic hydrogenation, thin film, ceramic tiles, among others. The present work, pigments containing CuFe2O4, CuCr2O4,e CuFeCrO4, were synthesized by a method that makes use of gelatin as organic precursor using their application to ceramic pigments. The pigments were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) spectroscopy in the UV-visible and Colorimetry. The results confirmed the feasibility of the synthetic route used, with respect to powders synthesized, there is the formation of spinel phase from 500°C, with an increase in crystallinity and the formation of other phases. The pigments were shown to be crystalline and the desired phases were obtained. The copper chromite have hues ranging from green to black according to the calcination temperature, while the copper chromite doped with iron had brownish. The ferrites showed copper color and darker brown to black, which may indicate an interesting factor because of the importance of black pigment
A frequently encountered difficulty in oral prosthetics is associated with the loss of metallic alloys during the melting stage of the production of metal-ceramic replacement systems. Remelting such materials could impar their use in oral rehabilitation due to loss in esthetics, as well as in the chemical, physical, electrochemical and mechanical properties. Nowadays, the Ni-Cr-Mo-Ti alloy is widely used in metal-ceramic systems. Manufacturers state that this material can be remelted without significant alterations in its behavior, however little has been established as to the changes in the performance of this alloy after successive remelting, which is common practice in oral prosthetics. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate possible changes in the esthetics and associated properties of metalceramic samples consisting of Ni-Cr-Mo-Ti and dental porcelain. Three to five remelting steps were carried out. The results revealed that Ni-Cr-Mo-Ti can be safely used even after three remelting steps. Further remelting significantly affect the characteristics of the alloys and should not be recommended for the manufacture of metal-ceramic systems
The partial fixed prosthodontics restoration is used to rehabilitate form and function of partial or total compromised teeth, having to remain permanently joined to remainder tooth. The most useful material on prosthodontics is the feldspar porcelain, commercialized as aluminosilicate powders. Dental porcelains are presented with limited mechanical properties to rehabilitate extensive spaces. The association with Ni-Cr metallic systems (metal-ceramic system) allows that the metallic substructure compensates the fragile porcelain nature, preserving the thermal insulation and aesthetics desirable, as well as reducing the possibility of cracking during matication efforts. Cohesive flaws by low mechanical strength connect the metallic substructure to the oral environment, characterized by a electrolytic solution (saliva), by aggressive temperature, pH cyclic changes and mechanical requests. This process results on ionic liberation that could promote allergic or inflammatory responses, and/or clinical degradation of ceramometal system. The aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of an intermediate titanium layer on the microscopic fracture behavior of porcelains on ceramometal systems. Plasma deposition of titanium films result in regular passivating oxide layers which act as barriers to protect the metallic substrate against the hazardous effects of corrosive saliva. Tribocorrosion tests were performed to simulate the oral environment and mechanical stress, making it possible the early detection of crack formation and growth on metal-ceramic systems, which estimate the adherence between the compounds of this system. Plain samples consisting of dental feldspar porcelain deposited either onto metallic substrates or titanium films were fired and characterized by scanning electron microscopy. The result showed that the titanium film improved the adherence of the system compared to conventional metal-ceramic interfaces, thus holding crack propagation
The produced water is a byproduct formed due to production of petroleum and carries with it a high amount of contaminants such as oil particles in suspension, organic compounds and metals. Thus, these latter pollutants are very difficult to treat because of its high solubility in water. The objective of this work is to use and evaluate a microemulsioned system to remove metals ( K , Mg , Ba , Ca , Cr , Mn , Li , Fe ) of synthetic produced water. For the extraction of metals, it was used a pseudoternary diagram containing the following phases: synthetic produced water as the aqueous phase (AP), hexane as organic phase (OP), and a cosurfactant/surfactant ratio equal to four (C/S = 4) as the third phase, where the OCS (saponified coconut oil) was used as surfactant and n-butanol as cosurfactant. The synthetic produced water was prepared in a bench scale and the region of interest in the diagram for the removal of metals was determined by experimental design called. Ten points located in the phase Winsor II were selected in an area with a large amount of water and small amounts of reagents. The samples were analyzed in atomic absorption spectrometer, and the results were evaluated through a statistical assesment, allowing the efficiency analysis of the effects and their interactions. The results showed percentages of extraction above 90% for the metals manganese, iron, chromium, calcium, barium and magnesium, and around 45% for metals lithium and potassium. The optimal point for the simultaneous removal of metals was calculated using statistical artifact multiple response function (MR). This calculation showed that the point of greatest extraction of metals occurs was the J point, with the composition [72% AP, 9% OP, 19% C/S], obtaining a global extraction percentage about 80%. Considering the aspects analyzed, the microemulsioned system has shown itself to be an effective alternative in the extraction of metals on synthetic produced water remediation
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Metal ceramic restorations matches aesthetic and strength, and in your making occurs an interface oxide layer, wetting resulting and atomic and ionic interactions resulting between metal, oxide and porcelain. However, frequent clinical fails occurs in this restoration type, because lost homogeneous deposition oxide layer and lost interface bond. Thus, in this study, thought depositate homogeneous oxide films above Ni-Cr samples surfaces polite previously, at plasma oxide environment. Six samples was oxided at 300 and 400ºC at one hour, and two samples was oxided in a comum chamber at 900ºC, and then were characterized: optical microscopic, electronic microscopic, micro hardness, and X ray difratometry. Colors stripes were observed at six samples plasma oxided and a grey surface those comum oxided, thus like: hardness increase, and several oxides from basic metals (Ni-Cr)
A resistência de genótipos de abobrinha italiana Cucurbita pepo L. à broca das cucurbitáceas Diaphania nitidalis Cr. foi avaliada a campo. O genótipo Duda apresentou o maior número de frutos produzidos (33 frutos/parcela), enquanto Lita-186 foi o mais preferido, com a maior percentagem de frutos broqueados (3,6%). Os genótipos AG-202, Lita-186 e Duda, mais o inseticida deltametrina 25 CE foram avaliados. Duda comportou-se novamente como mais produtivo (35 frutos/parcela) e menos danificado (0,35%), confirmando os resultados obtidos no primeiro ensaio; já os genótipos AG-202 e Lita-186 revelaram-se os mais preferidos por D. nitidalis, com maiores índices de frutos danificados (2,7 e 6,3%, respectivamente).
In this work results of two radon daughters survey in Brazil are presented and discussed. Some methodological problems concerning the first survey are pointed out which were corrected for the second survey in order to make a realistic long-term measurement of radon decay products in the air. The technique employed in both surveys was the alpha-spectroscopy using CR-39. The reliability of this technique as well as the results of the second survey are discussed, which indicate a poor correlation between radon and its decay products in the air at the researched dwellings. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.