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FGFRL1 is a novel member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) family. To investigate its expression during mammalian embryonic development, we have used the mouse system. Expression of Fgfrl1 is very low in mouse embryos of day 6 but steadily increases until birth. As demonstrated by in situ hybridization of 16-day-old embryos, the Fgfrl1 mRNA occurs in cartilaginous structures such as the primordia of bones and the permanent cartilage of the trachea, the ribs and the nose. In addition, some muscle types, including the muscles of the tongue and the diaphragm, express Fgfrl1 at relatively high level. In contrast, the heart and the skeletal muscles of the limbs, as well as many other organs (brain, lung, liver, kidney, gut) express Fgfrl1 only at basal level. It is conceivable that Fgfrl1 interacts with other Fgfrs, which are expressed in cartilage and muscle, to modulate FGF signaling.


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OBJECTIVE: To measure maximum binding capacity (B(max)) and levels of mRNA expression for alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor (AR) subtypes in ileal and colonic muscle layers of healthy dairy cows. SAMPLE POPULATION: Ileal and colonic muscle specimens from 6 freshly slaughtered cows. PROCEDURES: Ileal and colonic muscle layers were obtained by scraping the mucosa and submucosa from full-thickness tissue specimens. Level of mRNA expression for alpha(2)-AR subtypes was measured by real-time reverse transcriptase-PCR analysis and expressed relative to the mean mRNA expression of glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase, ubiquitin, and 18S ribosomal RNA. Binding studies were performed with tritiated RX821002 ((3)H-RX821002) and subtype-selective ligands as competitors. RESULTS: mRNA expression for alpha(2AD)-, alpha(2B)-, and alpha(2C)-AR subtypes was similar in ileal and colonic muscle layers. The mRNA expression for alpha(2AD)-AR was significantly greater than that for alpha(2B)- and alpha(2C)-AR subtypes, representing 92%, 6%, and 2%, respectively, of the total mRNA. Binding competition of (3)H-RX821002 with BRL44408, imiloxan, and MK-912 was best fitted by a 1-site model. The B(max) of alpha(2AD)- and alpha(2C)-AR sub-types was greater than that of alpha(2B)-AR. The B(max) and level of mRNA expression were only correlated (r = 0.8) for alpha(2AD)-AR. Ratio of B(max) to mRNA expression for alpha(2C)-AR was similar to that for alpha(2B)-AR, but significantly greater than for alpha(2AD)-AR. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Subtypes of alpha(2)-AR in bovine intestinal muscle layers are represented by a mixture of alpha(2AD)- and alpha(2C)-ARs and of alpha(2B)-AR at a lower density. Information provided here may help in clarification of the role of AR subtypes in alpha(2)-adrenergic mechanisms regulating bovine intestinal motility.


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It has been proposed that gonadotropins and/or gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) could be involved in the pathophysiology of the side effects after spaying in bitches, such as urinary incontinence and an increased production of a woolly undercoat. In order to provide tools to investigate the role of these hormones in dogs we developed immunohistochemical techniques and real-time RT-PCR to study whether GnRH-, LH-, and FSH-receptors exist in canine skin and urinary bladder. Tissue samples from the skin of the flank region and the ventral midline of the urinary bladder from euthanised dogs were examined. We were able to quantify mRNA expression of GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors in canine skin and bladder biopsies with a high primer efficacy. Immunohistochemical studies showed that GnRH-, FSH-, and LH-receptors are expressed in vessel walls, the epidermis, the hair follicle and in sebaceous and sweat glands in canine skin and in transitional epithelium, and smooth muscle tissue in the urinary bladder. Our data provide the fundamentals to examine the distribution of FSH-, LH-, and GnRH-receptors in canine skin and urinary bladder and to assess gene activity at the transcriptional level by real-time RT-PCR.


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Normal placentation involves the development of an utero-placental circulation following the migration of the extravillous cytotrophoblasts into the decidua and invasion of the spiral arteries, which are thereby transformed into large vessels of low resistance. Given the documented role of the receptor tyrosine kinase EphB4 and its ligand ephrin-B2 in the establishment of the embryonal vascular network, we hypothesized that these molecules are also instrumental in the development of the human placenta. Monitoring the expression during placental development revealed that in first trimester and term placentae both molecules are equally expressed at the RNA level. In contrast, the protein levels were significantly reduced during gestation. Immunohistochemistry revealed a distinct localization of the EphB4 and ephrin-B2 proteins. EphB4 was predominantly expressed in the villous syncytial trophoblast layer and in a subset of intravillous capillaries. Prominent expression was also observed in the extravillous cytotrophoblast giant cells. In contrast, ephrin-B2 expression was detected in the villous cytotrophoblast and syncytial trophoblast cell layers, as well as initially in all intravillous capillaries. Strong expression was also observed in extravillous anchoring cytotrophoblast cells. Hypoxia is a major inducer of placental development. In vitro studies employing trophoblast-derived cell lines revealed that predominantly ephrin-B2 expression is induced by hypoxia, however, in an Hif-1alpha independent manner. These experiments suggest that EphB4 and ephrin-B2 are instrumental in the establishment of a functional placental structure and of the utero-placental circulation.


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Many endocrine-disrupting chemicals act via estrogen receptor (ER) or aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). To investigate the interference between ER and AhR, we studied the effects of 17beta-estradiol (E2) and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on the expression of zebra fish cyp19a (zfcyp19a) and cyp19b (zfcyp19b) genes, encoding aromatase P450, an important steroidogenic enzyme. In vivo (mRNA quantification in exposed zebra fish larvae) and in vitro (activity of zfcyp19-luciferase reporter genes in cell cultures in response to chemicals and zebra fish transcription factors) assays were used. None of the treatments affected zfcyp19a, excluding the slight upregulation by E2 observed in vitro. Strong upregulation of zfcyp19b by E2 in both assays was downregulated by TCDD. This effect could be rescued by the addition of an AhR antagonist. Antiestrogenic effect of TCDD on the zfcyp19b expression in the brain was also observed on the protein level, assessed by immunohistochemistry. TCDD alone did not affect zfcyp19b expression in vivo or promoter activity in the presence of zebra fish AhR2 and AhR nuclear translocator 2b (ARNT2b) in vitro. However, in the presence of zebra fish ERalpha, AhR2, and ARNT2b, TCDD led to a slight upregulation of promoter activity, which was eliminated by either an ER or AhR antagonist. Studies with mutated reporter gene constructs indicated that both mechanisms of TCDD action in vitro were independent of dioxin-responsive elements (DREs) predicted in the promoter. This study shows the usefulness of in vivo zebra fish larvae and in vitro zfcyp19b reporter gene assays for evaluation of estrogenic chemical actions, provides data on the functionality of DREs predicted in zfcyp19 promoters and shows the effects of cross talk between ER and AhR on zfcyp19b expression. The antiestrogenic effect of TCDD demonstrated raises further concerns about the neuroendocrine effects of AhR ligands.


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Adenosine A2A receptors are present on enkephalinergic medium sized striatal neurons in the rat and have an important function in the modulation of striatal output. In order to establish more accurately whether adenosine transmission is a generalized phenomenon in mammalian striatum we compared the A2A R expression in the mouse, rat, cat and human striatum. Secondly we compared the modulation of enkephalin gene expression and A2A receptor gene expression in rat striatal neurons after 6-OH-dopamine lesion of the substantia nigra. Hybridization histochemistry was performed with a 35S-labelled radioactive oligonucleotide probe. The results showed high expression of A2A adenosine receptor genes only in the medium-sized cells of the striatum in all examined species. In the rat striatum, expression of A2A receptors was not significantly altered after lesion of the dopaminergic pathways with 6-OH-dopamine even though enkephalin gene expression was up-regulated. The absence of a change in A2A receptor gene expression after 6-OH-dopamine treatment speaks against a dependency on dopaminergic innervation. The maintained inhibitory function of A2A R on motor activity in spite of dopamine depletion could be partly responsible for the depression of locomotor activity observed in basal ganglia disorders such as Parkinson's disease.


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The adenosine A2a receptors (A2aR) play an important role in the purinergic mediated neuromodulation. The presence of A2aR in the brain is well established. In contrast, little is known about their expression in the periphery. The purpose of this study was to investigate the expression of A2aR gene in the autonomic (otic, sphenopalatine, ciliary, cervical superior ganglia and carotid body) and in the dorsal root ganglia of normal rat. Hybridization histochemistry with S35-labelled radioactive oligonucleotide probes was used. An expression of A2aR gene was found in the large neuronal cells of the rat dorsal root ganglia. The satellite cells showed no expression of A2aR gene. In the superior cervical ganglion, isolated ganglion cells expressed A2aR. In the carotid body clusters of cells with a strong A2aR gene expression were found. In contrast, the ciliary and otic ganglia did not expressed A2aR gene, and only few small sized A2aR expressing cells were demonstrated in the sphenopalatine ganglion. The discrete distribution of A2aR gene expression in the peripheral nervous system speaks for a role of this receptor in the purinergic modulation of sensory information as well as in the sympathetic nervous system.


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FGFRL1 is a novel member of the FGF receptor family. It is expressed at very low levels in a great variety of cell lines and at relatively high levels in SW1353 chondrosarcoma cells, MG63 osteosarcoma cells and A204 rhabdomyosarcoma cells. Screening of 241 different human tumors with the help of a cancer profiling array suggested major alterations in the relative expression of FGFRL1 in ovarian tumors. Five distinct ovary tumors were therefore analyzed by quantitative and competitive PCR. Several tumors were found to exhibit a significant decrease in the expression of FGFRL1 in the tumor tissue relative to the matched control tissue. One ovarian tumor showed a 25-fold increase in the relative expression. Since FGFRL1 appears to be involved in the control of cell proliferation and differentiation, its aberrant expression might contribute to the development and progression of ovarian tumors.


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Understanding the mechanisms of sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P)-induced cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 expression and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) formation in renal mesangial cells may provide potential therapeutic targets to treat inflammatory glomerular diseases. Thus, we evaluated the S1P-dependent signaling mechanisms which are responsible for enhanced COX-2 expression and PGE2 formation in rat mesangial cells under basal conditions. Furthermore, we investigated whether these mechanisms are operative in the presence of angiotensin II (Ang II) and of the pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1β). Treatment of rat and human mesangial cells with S1P led to concentration-dependent enhanced expression of COX-2. Pharmacological and molecular biology approaches revealed that the S1P-dependent increase of COX-2 mRNA and protein expression was mediated via activation of S1P receptor 2 (S1P2). Further, inhibition of Gi and p42/p44 MAPK signaling, both downstream of S1P2, abolished the S1P-induced COX-2 expression. In addition, S1P/S1P2-dependent upregulation of COX-2 led to significantly elevated PGE2 levels, which were further potentiated in the presence of Ang II and IL-1β. A functional consequence downstream of S1P/S1P2 signaling is mesangial cell migration that is stimulated by S1P. Interestingly, inhibition of COX-2 by celecoxib and SC-236 completely abolished the migratory response. Overall, our results demonstrate that extracellular S1P induces COX-2 expression via activation of S1P2 and subsequent Gi and p42/p44 MAPK-dependent signaling in renal mesangial cells leading to enhanced PGE2 formation and cell migration that essentially requires COX-2. Thus, targeting S1P/S1P2 signaling pathways might be a novel strategy to treat renal inflammatory diseases.


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The development of lymph nodes (LNs) and formation of LN stromal cell microenvironments is dependent on lymphotoxin-β receptor (LTβR) signaling. In particular, the LTβR-dependent crosstalk between mesenchymal lymphoid tissue organizer and hematopoietic lymphoid tissue inducer cells has been regarded as critical for these processes. Here, we assessed whether endothelial cell (EC)-restricted LTβR signaling impacts on LN development and the vascular LN microenvironment. Using EC-specific ablation of LTβR in mice, we found that conditionally LTβR-deficient animals failed to develop a significant proportion of their peripheral LNs. However, remnant LNs showed impaired formation of high endothelial venules (HEVs). Venules had lost their cuboidal shape, showed reduced segment length and branching points, and reduced adhesion molecule and constitutive chemokine expression. Due to the altered EC-lymphocyte interaction, homing of lymphocytes to peripheral LNs was significantly impaired. Thus, this study identifies ECs as an important LTβR-dependent lymphoid tissue organizer cell population and indicates that continuous triggering of the LTβR on LN ECs is critical for lymphocyte homeostasis.


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An exact knowledge of the kinetic nature of the interaction between the stimulatory G protein (G$\sb{\rm s}$) and the adenylyl cyclase catalytic unit (C) is essential for interpreting the effects of Gs mutations and expression levels on cellular response to a wide variety of hormones, drugs, and neurotransmitters. In particular, insight as to the association of these proteins could lead to progress in tumor biology where single spontaneous mutations in G proteins have been associated with the formation of tumors (118). The question this work attempts to answer is whether the adenylyl cyclase activation by epinephrine stimulated $\beta\sb2$-adrenergic receptors occurs via G$\sb{\rm s}$ proteins by a G$\sb{\rm s}$ to C shuttle or G$\sb{\rm s}$-C precoupled mechanism. The two forms of activation are distinguishable by the effect of G$\sb{\rm s}$ levels on epinephrine stimulated EC50 values for cyclase activation.^ We have made stable transfectants of S49 cyc$\sp-$ cells with the gene for the $\alpha$ protein of G$\sb{\rm s}$ $(\alpha\sb{\rm s})$ which is under the control of the mouse mammary tumor virus LTR promoter (110). Expression of G$\sb{\rm s}\alpha$ was then controlled by incubation of the cells for various times with 5 $\mu$M dexamethasone. Expression of G$\sb{\rm s}\alpha$ led to the appearance of GTP shifts in the competitive binding of epinephrine with $\sp{125}$ICYP to the $\beta$-adrenergic receptors and to agonist dependent adenylyl cyclase activity. High expression of G$\sb{\rm s}\alpha$ resulted in lower EC50's for the adenylyl cyclase activity in response to epinephrine than did low expression. By kinetic modelling, this result is consistent with the existence of a shuttle mechanism for adenylyl cyclase activation by hormones.^ One item of concern that remains to be addressed is the extent to which activation of adenylyl cyclase occurs by a "pure" shuttle mechanism. Kinetic and biochemical experiments by other investigators have revealed that adenylyl cyclase activation, by hormones, may occur via a Gs-C precoupled mechanism (80, 94, 97). Activation of adenylyl cyclase, therefore, probably does not occur by either a pure "'Shuttle" or "Gs-C Precoupled" mechanism, but rather by a "Hybrid" mechanism. The extent to which either the shuttle or precoupled mechanism contributes to hormone stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity is the subject of on-going research. ^


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The urokinase-type plasminogen activator receptor (u-PAR) promotes extracellular matrix degradation, invasion and metastasis. A first objective of this dissertation was to identify cis-elements and trans-acting factors activating u-PAR gene expression through a previously footprinted (–148/–124) promoter region. Mobility shifting experiments on nuclear extracts of a high u-PAR-expressing colon cancer cell line (RKO) indicated Sp1, Sp3 and a factor similar to, but distinct from, AP-2α bound to an oligonucleotide spanning –152/–135. Mutations preventing the binding of the AP-2α-related factor reduced u-PAR promoter activity. In RKO, the expression of a dominant negative AP-2 (AP-2αB) diminished u-PAR promoter activity, protein and u-PAR mediated laminin degradation. Conversely, u-PAR promoter activity in low u-PAR-expressing GEO cells was increased by AP-2αA expression. PMA treatment, which induces u-PAR expression, caused an increased amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex in GEO, and mutations preventing AP-2α-like and Sp1/Sp3 binding reduced the u-PAR promoter stimulation by PMA. In resected colon cancers, u-PAR protein amounts were related to the amount of the AP-2α-related factor-containing complex. In conclusion, constitutive and PMA- inducible u-PAR gene expression and -proteolysis are mediated partly through transactivation via a promoter sequence (–152/435) bound with an AP-2α-related factor and Sp1/Sp3. ^ A second interest of this dissertation was to determine if a constitutively active Src regulates the transcription of the u-PAR gene, since c-src expression increases invasion in colon cancer. Increased u-PAR protein and laminin degradation paralleling elevated Src activity was evident in SW480 colon cancer cells stably expressing a constitutively active Src (Y- c-src527F). Nuclear run-on experiments indicated that this was due largely to transcriptional activation. While transient transfection of SW480 cells with Y-c-src527F induced a u-PAR-CAT-reporter, mutations preventing Sp1-binding to promoter region –152/435 abolished this induction. Mobility shift assays revealed increased Sp1 binding to region –152/135 with nuclear extracts of Src-transfected SW480 cells. Finally, the amounts of endogenous u-PAR in resected colon cancers significantly correlated with Src-activity. These data suggest that u-PAR gene expression and proteolysis are regulated by Src, this requiring the promoter region (–152/–135) bound with Sp1, thus, demonstrating for the first time that transcription factor Sp1 is a downstream effector of Src. ^


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AIMS Tumour buds in colorectal cancer represent an aggressive subgroup of non-proliferating and non-apoptotic tumour cells. We hypothesize that the survival of tumour buds is dependent upon anoikis resistance. The role of tyrosine kinase receptor B (TrkB), a promoter of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and anoikis resistance, in facilitating budding was investigated. METHODS AND RESULTS Tyrosine kinase receptor B immunohistochemistry was performed on a multiple-punch tissue microarray of 211 colorectal cancer resections. Membranous/cytoplasmic and nuclear expression was evaluated in tumour and buds. Tumour budding was assessed on corresponding whole tissue slides. Relationship to Ki-67 and caspase-3 was investigated. Analysis of Kirsten Ras (KRAS), proto-oncogene B-RAF (BRAF) and cytosine-phosphate-guanosine island methylator phenotype (CIMP) was performed. Membranous/cytoplasmic and nuclear TrkB were strongly, inversely correlated (P < 0.0001; r = -0.41). Membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB was overexpressed in buds compared to the main tumour body (P < 0.0001), associated with larger tumours (P = 0.0236), high-grade budding (P = 0.0011) and KRAS mutation (P = 0.0008). Nuclear TrkB was absent in buds (P <0.0001) and in high-grade budding cancers (P =0.0073). Among patients with membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB-positive buds, high tumour membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB expression was a significant, independent adverse prognostic factor [P = 0.033; 1.79, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.05-3.05]. Inverse correlations between membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB and Ki-67 (r = -0.41; P < 0.0001) and caspase-3 (r =-0.19; P < 0.05) were observed. CONCLUSIONS Membranous/cytoplasmic TrkB may promote an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like phenotype with high-grade budding and maintain viability of buds themselves.