977 resultados para CCD(Charge Coupled Device)


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By employing X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), we have been able to establish the occurrence of charge-transfer doping in few-layer graphene covered with electron acceptor (TCNE) and donor (TTF) molecules. We have performed quantitative estimates of the extent of charge transfer in these complexes and elucidated the origin of unusual shifts of their Raman G-bands and explained the differences in the dependence of conductivity on n- and p-doping. The study unravels the cause of the apparent difference between the charge-transfer doping and electrochemical doping. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The magnetically induced currents in organic monoring and multiring molecules, in Möbius shaped molecules and in inorganic all-metal molecules have been investigated by means of the Gauge-including magnetically induced currents (GIMIC) method. With the GIMIC method, the ring-current strengths and the ring-current density distributions can be calculated. For open-shell molecules, also the spin current can be obtained. The ring-current pathways and ring-current strengths can be used to understand the magnetic resonance properties of the molecules, to indirectly identify the effect of non-bonded interactions on NMR chemical shifts, to design new molecules with tailored properties and to discuss molecular aromaticity. In the thesis, the magnetic criterion for aromaticity has been adopted. According to this, a molecule which has a net diatropic ring current might be aromatic. Similarly, a molecule which has a net paratropic current might be antiaromatic. If the net current is zero, the molecule is nonaromatic. The electronic structure of the investigated molecules has been resolved by quantum chemical methods. The magnetically induced currents have been calculated with the GIMIC method at the density-functional theory (DFT) level, as well as at the self-consistent field Hartree-Fock (SCF-HF), at the Møller-Plesset perturbation theory of the second order (MP2) and at the coupled-cluster singles and doubles (CCSD) levels of theory. For closed-shell molecules, accurate ring-current strengths can be obtained with a reasonable computational cost at the DFT level and with rather small basis sets. For open-shell molecules, it is shown that correlated methods such as MP2 and CCSD might be needed to obtain reliable charge and spin currents. The basis set convergence has to be checked for open-shell molecules by performing calculations with large enough basis sets. The results discussed in the thesis have been published in eight papers. In addition, some previously unpublished results on the ring currents in the endohedral fullerene Sc3C2@C80 and in coronene are presented. It is shown that dynamical effects should be taken into account when modelling magnetic resonance parameters of endohedral metallofullerenes such as Sc3C2@C80. The ring-current strengths in a series of nano-sized hydrocarbon rings are related to static polarizabilities and to H-1 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shieldings. In a case study on the possible aromaticity of a Möbius-shaped [16]annulene we found that, according to the magnetic criterion, the molecule is nonaromatic. The applicability of the GIMIC method to assign the aromatic character of molecules was confirmed in a study on the ring currents in simple monocylic aromatic, homoaromatic, antiaromatic, and nonaromatic hydrocarbons. Case studies on nanorings, hexaphyrins and [n]cycloparaphenylenes show that explicit calculations are needed to unravel the ring-current delocalization pathways in complex multiring molecules. The open-shell implementation of GIMIC was applied in studies on the charge currents and the spin currents in single-ring and bi-ring molecules with open shells. The aromaticity predictions that are made based on the GIMIC results are compared to other aromaticity criteria such as H-1 NMR shieldings and shifts, electric polarizabilities, bond-length alternation, as well as to predictions provided by the traditional Hückel (4n+2) rule and its more recent extensions that account for Möbius twisted molecules and for molecules with open shells.


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The design and analysis of a coplanar capacitive fed microstrip antenna suspended above the ground plane is presented. It is demonstrated that the proposed approach can be used for designing antennas with impedance bandwidth of about 50% and a good gain to operate in various microwave bands. The model of the antenna incorporates the capacitive feed strip which is fed by a coaxial probe using equivalent circuit approach, and matches simulation and experimental results. The capacitive feed strip used here is basically a rectangular microstrip capacitor formed from a truncated microstrip transmission line and all its open ends are represented by terminal or edge capacitances. The error analysis was carried out for validity of the model for different design parameters. The antenna configuration can be used where unidirectional radiation patterns are required over a wide bandwidth.


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Promethazine picrate (C23H23N5O7S) crystallises in the triclinic space group P[unk] with a = 8.137(1), b = 8.144(3), c = 19.224(6) Å, α = 87.78(3), β = 79.97(2), γ = 70.57(2)° and two molecules per unit cell. The structure was solved by direct methods (MULTAN 80) using 2438 observed reflections [I > 2.5 σ(I)]. Refinement was carried out by block-diagonal least-squares methods to a final R = 0.052. The picrate group is planar and is almost perpendicular to the promethazine plane. The two groups are joined by a hydrogen bond. The pairs of molecules related by a centre of symmetry make a molecular arrangement where promethazine and picrate groups are packed in sheets in three dimensions.


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The ion energy distribution of inductively coupled plasma ion source for focused ion beam application is measured using a four grid retarding field energy analyzer. Without using any Faraday shield, ion energy spread is found to be 50 eV or more. Moreover, the ion energy distribution is found to have double peaks showing that the power coupling to the plasma is not purely inductive, but a strong parasitic capacitive coupling is also present. By optimizing the various source parameters and Faraday shield, ion energy distribution having a single peak, well separated from zero energy and with ion energy spread of 4 eV is achieved. A novel plasma chamber, with proper Faraday shield is designed to ignite the plasma at low RF powers which otherwise would require 300-400 W of RF power. Optimization of various parameters of the ion source to achieve ions with very low energy spread and the experimental results are presented in this article. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics of poly(3-methylthiophene) devices show a negative differential resistance (NDR) at room temperature with a large peak to valley current ratio (similar to 507). This NDR can be tuned by two orders of magnitude by controlling the carrier density due to the variation of the space-charge region in the device. The temperature and scan rate dependent J-V measurements infer that the NDR is mainly driven by the trapping and de-trapping of carriers. The photo-generation of carriers is observed to reduce the NDR effect.


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The active structural component of a capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) is the top plate which vibrates under the influence of a time-varying electrostatic force thereby producing ultrasound waves of the desired frequency in the surrounding medium. Analysis of MEMS devices which rely on electrostatic actuation is complicated due to the fact that the structural deformations alter the electrostatic forces, which redistribute and modify the applied loads. Hence, it becomes imperative to consider the electrostatics-structure coupling aspect in the design of these devices. This paper presents an approximate analytical solution for the static deflection of a thin, clamped circular plate caused by electrostatic forces which are inherently nonlinear. Traditionally, finite element simulations using some commercial software such as ANSYS are employed to determine the structural deflections caused by electrostatic forces. Since the structural deformation alters the electrostatic field, a coupled-field simulation is required wherein the electrostatic mesh is continuously updated to coincide with the deflection of the structure. Such simulations are extremely time consuming, in addition to being nontransparent and somewhat hard to implement. We employ the classical thin-plate theory which is adequate when the ratio of the diameter to thickness of the plate is very large, a situation commonly prevalent in many MEMS devices, especially the CMUTs. We solve the thin-plate electrostatic-elastic equation using the Galerkin-weighted residual technique, under the assumption that the deflections are small in comparison to the thickness of the plate. The evaluation of the electrostatic force between the two plates is simplified due to the fact that the electrostatic gap is much smaller than the lateral dimensions of the device. The results obtained are compared to those found from ANSYS simulations and an excellent agreement is observed between the two. The pull-in voltage predicted by our model is close to the value predicted by ANSYS simulations.


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The role of convergence feedback on the stability of a coupled ocean‐atmosphere system is studied using model III of Hirst (1986). It is shown that the unstable coupled mode found by Hirst is greatly modified by the convergence feedback. If the convergence feedback strength exceeds a critical value, several new unstable intraseasonal modes are also introduced. These modes have very weak dependence on the wave number. These results may explain the behaviour of some coupled models and to some extent provide a mechanism for the observed aperiodicity of the El‐Nino and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events.


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The effect of dipolar cross correlation in 1H---1H nuclear Overhauser effect experiments is investigated by detailed calculation in an ABX spin system. It is found that in weakly coupled spin systems, the cross-correlation effects are limited to single-quantum transition probabilities and decrease in magnitude as ωτc increases. Strong coupling, however, mixes the states and the cross correlations affect the zero-quantum and double-quantum transition probabilities as well. The effect of cross correlation in steady-state and transient NOE experiments is studied as a function of strong coupling and ωτc. The results for steady-state NOE experiments are calculated analytically and those for transient NOE experiments are calculated numerically. The NOE values for the A and B spins have been calculated by assuming nonselective perturbation of all the transitions of the X spin. A significant effect of cross correlation is found in transient NOE experiments of weakly as well as strongly coupled spins when the multiplets are resolved. Cross correlation manifests itself largely as a multiplet effect in the transient NOE of weakly coupled spins for nonselective perturbation of all X transitions. This effect disappears for a measuring pulse of 90° or when the multiplets are not resolved. For steady-state experiments, the effect of cross correlation is analytically zero for weakly coupled spins and small for strongly coupled spins.


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Although it is believed that there is strong hybridization between the Cu(3d) and O(2p) orbitals in the layered cuprates and that the parent compounds such as La2CuO4 are charge-transfer gap insulators, very few models consider the Cu---O charge-transfer energy, Δ, or the hybridization strength, tpd, to be the important factors responsible for the superconductivity of these materials. Based on the crucial experimental observation that the relative intensity of the features in Cu(2p) photoemission of several families of cuprates varies systematically with the hole concentration, nh, we have been able to show that both these properties vary smoothly with Δ /tpd. More importantly, we show that the electronic polarizability of the CuO2 sheets, α , is sufficiently large to favour hole pairing and that the value α also depends on Δ/tpd. Both nh and α increase smoothly with decreasing Δ /tpd. Considering that the maximum Tc in the various cuprate families containing the same number of CuO2 sheets occurs around the same nh value (e.g., nh≈ 0.2 in cuprates with two CuO2 sheets). The present study demonstrates how Δ /tpd, α and such chemical bonding characteristics have an important bearing on the superconducting properties of the cuprates.


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The broadband behaviour of a three-layer electromagnetically coupled circular microstrip antenna is investigated experimentally. The effects of interlayer spacings and the thickness of the parasitic layers on the impedance bandwidth, 3 dB beamwidth and pattern shape, are studied. Experiments show that this structure can provide a frequency bandwidth as high as 20% with a low crosspolarisation level and a moderately high gain.


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The complex permittivity characteristics of epoxy nanocomposite systems were examined and an attempt has been made to understand the underlying physics governing some of the unique macroscopic dielectric behaviors. The experimental investigations were performed using two different nanocomposite systems with low filler concentrations over the frequency range of 10(-2)-400 Hz, but for some cases, the data has been reported upto 10(6) Hz for a better understanding of the behaviors. Results demonstrate that nanocomposites do possess unique permittivity behaviors as compared to those already known for unfilled polymer and microcomposite systems. The nanocomposite real permittivity and tan delta values are found to be lower than that of unfilled epoxy. In addition, results show that interfacial polarization and charge carrier mobilities are suppressed in epoxy nanocomposite systems. The complex permittivity spectra coupled with the ac conductivity characteristics with respect to frequency was found to be sufficient to identify several of the nanocomposite characteristics like the reduction in permittivity values, reduction in the interfacial polarization mechanisms and the electrical conduction behaviors. Analysis of the results are also performed using electric modulus formalisms and it has been seen that the nanocomposite dielectric behaviors at low frequencies can also be explained clearly using this formalism.


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MNDO geometry optimizations were carried out on a series of symmetrically and unsymmetrically coupled strained ring hydrocarbons, R1-R1 and R1–R2 (R1=methyl, cyclopropyl, 1-bicyclo[1.1.0]butyl, 1-bicyclo[1.1.1]pentyl, prismyl, cubyl, 6-tricyclo [,6]heptyl, and tetrahedryl groups; R2=methyl and cyclopropyl). The remarkable contraction of the C---C bond connecting the strained rings found experimentally in a few cases was reproduced correctly by the calculations. A linear correlation was found between the bond length shortening and the bond angle widening at the corresponding carbon atoms for all the structures considered. The reduction in C---C bond lengths due to various ring systems is additive. The additivity indicates that inter-ring interactions which effect the central bond length are absent and confirms the common electronic origin of bond contraction in these systems, viz. enhanced s-character in the exocyclic bonds of strained rings.