1000 resultados para Cálculo mental


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This report first describes the prevalence of mental disorders among 5- to 16-year olds in 2004 and notes any changes since the previous survey in 1999. It then provides profiles of children in each of the main disorder categories (emotional, conduct, hyperkinetic and autistic spectrum disorders) and , where the sample size permits, profiles subgroups within these categories.


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Includes: supervised community treatment, professional roles, nearest relatives, definition of mental disorder, cirteria for detention, mental health review tribuneral, general information, implementing government policy, Bournewood safteguards


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This report has been produced by the London Health Observatory (LHO) for the London Development Centre to provide a London baseline for monitoring specific actions in the Delivering Race Equality (DRE) action plan. The report summarises the findings of an analysis of the information collected from all of London's nine Mental Health NHS providers, and 22 independent providers for the national census of inpatients in mental health hospitals and facilities in England and Wales on 31 March 2005 .


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Abstract This study investigated the difference between concurrent and simultaneous use of alcohol and non-medical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) in relation to mental, social, and health issues. The 544 study participants of the Swiss ongoing Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) had a combined use of alcohol with NMUPD during the previous 12 months. Alcohol-related problems (i.e., dependence and consequences), as well as mental, social, and health concerns (i.e., depression, general mental/physical health, and social/health consequences), were assessed. The simultaneous use of alcohol and NMUPD proved to be a greater risk factor for mental, social, and health issues than concurrent use. This study adds information regarding simultaneous polydrug use, which results in distinct effects compared to concurrent use, including important social, psychosocial, and health-related consequences.


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This report is the eigth in the series, "Indications of Public Health in the English Regions" commissioned by the Chief Medical Officer and has been produced jointly by the Association of Public Health Observatories (APHO) and the North East PHO. This report presents a wide range of data on the factors which can give rise to poor mental health, the mental health status of populations, provision of interventions of care for mental illness, service user experience and traditional outcomes such as suicide. In 2006, the United Kingdom rated third highest across 25 EU member states for the number of drinks consumed in one sitting. This Regional Indications report is produced alongside the new national strategy Safe. Sensible. Social: The next steps in the National Alcohol Strategy.


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A short report using the experiences of young suicidal men to inform mental health care services.�


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The posters highlight some signs and symptoms that indicate that something is having a negative effect on your mental health and promote the website www.mindingyourhead.info� as a source of help for anyone finding it difficult coping with their feelings.


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The Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Training Programme for Northern Ireland has been adapted from the original MHFA programme established in Australia by Betty Kitchener and Anthony Jorm. MHFA is the help provided to a person who is developing a mental health problem or who is currently in a mental health crisis. The first aid is given until professional help is available or until the crisis resolves. More than 4,500 people have attended MHFA training in Northern Ireland since it began in 2009 following a successful pilot in 2005. The aims of MHFA are to: preserve life where a person may be a danger to themselves or others; provide help to prevent the mental health problem becoming more serious; promote the recovery of good mental health; provide comfort to a person experiencing a mental health problem. MHFA teaches participants: how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems; how to provide initial help; how to go about guiding a person towards appropriate professional help. The training programme is available to people from all backgrounds and has proved successful with different professional groups. MHFA training involves teaching participants how to recognise the symptoms of mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and psychosis. Each course is delivered by two MHFA instructors, usually over two consecutive days and four sessions to a maximum of 20 delegates. The course can also be delivered one day a week for two weeks or in four three-hour sessions. To apply for the training programme, people should contact their local Health and Social care Trust. Each Trust runs MHFA training several times a year. Topics covered include: What is meant by mental health/mental ill health? Dealing with crisis situations such as suicidal behaviour, self-harm, panic attacks and acute psychotic behaviour. Recognising the signs and symptoms of common mental health problems including depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis and substance use disorders. Where and how to get help. Self help strategies.


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Aquest mètode permet calcular numèricament l¿espai necessari per crear zones lineals d¿aparcament d¿ n places sense haver de recórrer a la modelització gràfica. Està dissenyat especialment per trobar amb facilitat les característiques òptimes de zones d¿aparcament en vies amb limitacions d¿espai. Aquest estudi és una anàlisi trigonomètrica d¿una àrea d¿aparcament tenint en compte el comportament d¿un vehicle estàndard en la maniobra d¿estacionament.


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�This regional care pathway provides�guidance for all Health and Social Care (HSC) professionals who come into contact with pregnant women. In addition, each Trust has developed a local adaptation of this pathway for their population.�


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This leaflet lists the wide range of local support available in the Northern area to help improve mental health and emotional wellbeing and reduce the number of deaths by suicide. This leaflet is aimed at individuals and organisations to raise awareness of the support for individuals and communities.


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The overarching purpose of these guidelines is to ensure the safety and promote the protection of patients, staff and visitors by ensuring that dangerous items or hazardous substances are not brought into the in-patient setting, including illicit substances, prescribed / over the counter medications, dangerous items and alcohol or any other hazardous or potentially hazardous item or substance.


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This booklet is one in a series aimed at promoting health in the workplace. It outlines to employers the importance of employees' mental health, good practice to support positive mental health at work, the legal requirements with regard to working environments and mental health, and key steps for action.�


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The MHFA wallet card supplements the MHFA Northern Ireland Manual and is used by MHFA trainers and instructors.It has the five actions of the MHFA action plan on the back.


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This leaflet outlines the signs of poor mental health and suggests steps that people can take to promote good mental health�