879 resultados para Bus contention
El presente trabajo investigativo se concentra en analizar la propuesta escénica de tres grupos artísticos de la capital, quienes pensaron que subirse a un bus era la mejor apuesta contra la rutina y el espacio preciso para dar rienda suelta a la creatividad sin pagar pasaje. Se plantea, entonces, una reflexión acerca de su narrativa y apuesta estética en un espacio privado que usa las vías públicas y en el que se genera varias tensiones, pero que se disipan mientras los actores se bajan por la puerta de atrás. El presente estudio permite reflexionar sobre el espacio público, el espacio privado, sobre la ciudad y el arte que se apropia ‐sin permiso‐ de las calles, esquinas, plazas y parques. Vivir la ciudad, habitar sus lugares, demandan una serie de actos que transgredan la cotidianidad de la gente, con el fin de sacarlos de su confort citadino. Vale preguntarse, entonces, ¿cuáles son las alternativas para apropiarse del espacio público y proponer alternativas de socialización que no sean impuestas? El trabajo de estos grupos nos da una pauta por donde transitan las ideas sin el visto bueno de los burócratas de ocasión. El bus rueda en el imaginario de los quiteños como un verdugo al que se lo necesita por obligación. Por lo tanto, esta investigación nos llevará por distintas “paradas” que el chofer que escribe debe respetar: contando, sistematizando y dialogando con autores y artistas que hagan del viaje de ida una aventura reflexiva y placentera. Pasajes a la mano.
Las redes sociales virtuales se han convertido en una parte indispensable de la vida cotidiana, especialmente de los jóvenes. Estas redes son la plataforma ideal para que personas del mundo entero se mantengan comunicadas, compartan ideas, gustos, pasatiempos, conocimientos, etc. Contenidos científicos, artísticos, familiares llegan a ser conocidos por inmensas cantidades de personas a través de las redes virtuales. Gracias a ellas es posible crear comunidades virtuales entre quienes comparten los mismos intereses. Enchufe TV vio en estas características de las redes sociales el mejor espacio para dar a conocer sus trabajos; desde su primera aparición, en noviembre del 2011, sus videos cortos de estilo cómico han alcanzado gran popularidad, no sólo en Ecuador sino en toda América Latina, ganando miles de seguidores y logrando millones de visualizaciones. Los videos de Enchufe TV narran situaciones que jóvenes ecuatorianos viven diariamente: un viaje en bus para rendir un examen; hacer la tesis; ir al gimnasio; sus relaciones amorosas y filiales; todas abordadas desde el humor. Mediante la exageración, la repetición, la sorpresa y otros recursos, las situaciones cotidianas son convertidas en escenas cómicas y burlescas. En esta tesis se analiza el discurso creado por Enchufe TV sobre el mundo juvenil y el ser joven en contraposición con el mundo adulto. Los sentidos creados –convertidos en referentes para muchos jóvenes ecuatorianos- se sustentan en estereotipos que -como se demostrará en este trabajo-, provienen principalmente del mundo adulto al que pretenden cuestionar.
La presente tesis investigativa: “Diseño de un Modelo de Gestión del Capital Intangible en Empresas del Sector Turístico. Caso: Quindetour” se encuentra compuesta de tres capítulos: 1.- El capital intangible, 2.- El modelo de negocio y su relación con el capital intangible y 3.- Diseño del modelo de gestión del capital intangible. El primer capítulo contiene el marco teórico, donde se realiza una descripción y análisis de los principales conceptos sobre el capital intangible en las empresas, sus diferentes dimensiones y métodos de evaluación. En el segundo capítulo se presenta un estudio sobre el modelo de gestión y la estrategia del negocio y su relación con el capital intangible. Por último, en el tercer capítulo se detalla el diseño del modelo de gestión del capital intangible para la empresa Quindetour. El método de investigación es de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo; se identifica y analiza el capital humano, el capital estructural y el capital relacional. Se determinan las acciones que debe implementar la empresa Quindetour en su modelo actual de gestión del capital intangible. Quindetour Cía. Ltda., se constituyó en el año 2011 como una empresa operadora turística del “Quito Tour Bus”. Su operación se realiza mediante el sistema “Hop On – Hop Off” lo que le permite al pasajero subir y bajar en 12 paradas establecidas a lo largo de la ciudad de Quito y recibir información sobre los atractivos turísticos del lugar.
This paper explores the role of local government in urban regeneration in England. The first part describes local-central government relations during recent decades. It concludes that 'actually occurring' regeneration fuses top-down and bottom-up priorities and preferences, as well as path dependencies created by past decisions and local relations. The second part illustrates this contention by examining the regeneration of inner-city Salford over a 25-year period. It describes Salford City Council's approach in achieving the redevelopment of the former Salford Docks and how this created the confidence for the council to embark on further regeneration projects. Yet the top-down decision-making model has failed to satisfy local expectations, creating apathy which threatens the Labour government's desire for active citizens in regeneration projects.
This paper uses a simplified model of the aid 'chain' to explore some causes and consequences of breakdown in communication. Although the rhetoric of Northern-based donors is awash with words such as 'partnership' and 'inclusion' when dealing with their Southern-based partners, the situation in practice is different. Unequal power relationships sometimes result in donor imposition of Perspectives and values. It is our contention, based on a collective experience of fifty-four years in a Nigerian-based non-governmental development organization (NGDO), the Diocesan Development Services (DDS), that much of the driving force behind the successes and problems faced by the institution was founded on relationships that evolved between individuals. In order to understand why things happened the way they did it is necessary to begin with the human element that cannot be condensed into objects or categories. While injudicious donor interference bad damaging repercussions, our experience suggests that care and consideration flow throughout the aid chain and actions are not malevolent. Breakdowns can be attributed to a number of factors, with the over-riding one being pressures operating at the personal level that emanate from within the institution itself and the larger community. The paper analyses three experiences using institutional ethnography theory and methodologies as a basis. Examples taken address the influence key donor personnel had in the function of DDS, and how these changed with time. The mission, policies and even procedures of the donor did not change markedly over thirty-two years, but each changing desk officer had their own philosophy and approach and a different interpretation of their own institutional policies. Hence while the 'macro' has an influence it is mediated via individual interpretation. In our view, the importance of people-people relationships is particularly understated in development literature where emphasis gravitates towards the aggregate and global.
The Military Intelligence (Research) Department of the British War Office was tasked in 1940 with encouraging and supporting armed resistance in occupied Europe and the Axis-controlled Middle East. The major contention of this paper is that, in doing so, MI(R) performed a key role in British strategy in 1940-42 and in the development of what are now known as covert operations. MI(R) developed an organic, but coherent doctrine for such activity which was influential upon the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and its own sub-branch, G(R), which applied this doctrine in practice in East Africa and the Middle East in 1940-41. It was also here that a number of key figures in the development of covert operations and special forces first cut their teeth, the most notable being Major Generals Colin Gubbins and Orde Wingate.
Recent reform of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has led to a further decoupling of farm support. The EU believes that the new Single Payment Scheme, which replaces the former system of area and headage payments to farmers, tied to production, will qualify for green-box status in the WTO. We examine this contention, particularly in light of the recent WTO panel report on upland cotton.
The 5' terminus of picornavirus genomic RNA is covalently linked to the virus-encoded peptide 313 (VTg). Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) is unique in encoding and using 3 distinct forms of this peptide. These peptides each act as primers for RNA synthesis by the virus-encoded RNA polymerase 3D(pol). To act as the primer for positive-strand RNA synthesis, the 3B peptides have to be uridylylated to form VPgpU(pU). For certain picornaviruses, it has been shown that this reaction is achieved by the 3D(pol) in the presence of the 3CD precursor plus an internal RNA sequence termed a cis-acting replication element (cre). The FMDV ere has been identified previously to be within the 5' untranslated region, whereas all other picornavirus cre structures are within the viral coding region. The requirements for the in vitro uridylylation of each of the FMDV 313 peptides has now been determined, and the role of the FMDV ere (also known as the 3B-uridylylation site, or bus) in this reaction has been analyzed. The poly(A) tail does not act as a significant template for FMDV 3B uridylylation.
Current recipes for learning across business sectors too often fail to recognize the embedded and contextual nature of management practice. The existing literature gives little emphasis to the symbiotic relationship between supply chain management and the broader dynamics of context. The aerospace and construction sectors are selected for comparison on the basis that they are so different. The UK aerospace sector has undergone extensive consolidation as a result of the imperatives of global competitive pressures. In contrast, the construction industry has experienced decades of fragmentation and remains highly localized. An increasing proportion of output in the aerospace sector occurs within a small number of large, globally orientated firms. In contrast, construction output is dominated by a plethora of small firms with high levels of subcontracting and a widespread reliance on self-employment. These differences have fundamental implications for the way that supply chain management is understood and implemented in the two sectors. Semi-structured interviews with practitioners from both sectors support the contention that supply chain management is more established in aerospace than construction. The introduction of prime contracting and the increasing use of framework agreements within the construction sector potentially provide a much more supportive climate for supply chain management than has traditionally prevailed. However, progress depends upon an improved continuity of workload under such arrangements.
We introduce transreal analysis as a generalisation of real analysis. We find that the generalisation of the real exponential and logarithmic functions is well defined for all transreal numbers. Hence, we derive well defined values of all transreal powers of all non-negative transreal numbers. In particular, we find a well defined value for zero to the power of zero. We also note that the computation of products via the transreal logarithm is identical to the transreal product, as expected. We then generalise all of the common, real, trigonometric functions to transreal functions and show that transreal (sin x)/x is well defined everywhere. This raises the possibility that transreal analysis is total, in other words, that every function and every limit is everywhere well defined. If so, transreal analysis should be an adequate mathematical basis for analysing the perspex machine - a theoretical, super-Turing machine that operates on a total geometry. We go on to dispel all of the standard counter "proofs" that purport to show that division by zero is impossible. This is done simply by carrying the proof through in transreal arithmetic or transreal analysis. We find that either the supposed counter proof has no content or else that it supports the contention that division by zero is possible. The supposed counter proofs rely on extending the standard systems in arbitrary and inconsistent ways and then showing, tautologously, that the chosen extensions are not consistent. This shows only that the chosen extensions are inconsistent and does not bear on the question of whether division by zero is logically possible. By contrast, transreal arithmetic is total and consistent so it defeats any possible "straw man" argument. Finally, we show how to arrange that a function has finite or else unmeasurable (nullity) values, but no infinite values. This arithmetical arrangement might prove useful in mathematical physics because it outlaws naked singularities in all equations.
A dual QPSK soft-demapper for ECMA-368 exploiting time-domain spreading and guard interval diversity
When considering the relative fast processing speed and low power requirements for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) and Wireless Universal Serial Bus (USB) consumer based products, then the efficiency and cost effectiveness of these products become paramount. This paper presents an improved soft-output QPSK demapper suitable for the products above that not only exploits time diversity and guard carrier diversity, but also merges the demapping and symbol combining functions together to minimize CPU cycles, or memory access dependant upon the chosen implementation architecture. The proposed demapper is presented in the context of Multiband OFDM version of UWB (ECMA-368) as the chosen physical implementation for high-rate Wireless USB.
When considering the relative fast processing speeds and low power requirements for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) including Wireless Universal Serial Bus (WUSB) consumer based products, then the efficiency and cost effectiveness of these products become paramount. This paper presents an improved soft-output QPSK demapper suitable for the products above that not only exploits time diversity and guard carrier diversity, but also merges the demapping and symbol combining functions together to minimize CPU cycles, or memory access dependant upon the chosen implementation architecture. The proposed demapper is presented in the context of Multiband OFDM version of Ultra Wideband (UWB) (ECMA-368) as the chosen physical implementation for high-rate Wireless US8(1).
Interior Life was curated by Tim Renshaw, Mary Maclean and Bernice Donszelmann who together form ‘Outside Architecture’. The aim of this project was to argue that interior space should not be negatively defined as a retreat from the public realm. Instead, following the thought of the philosopher Peter Slotterdijk, interior space was proposed as a human need. The five artists selected by ‘Outside Architecture’ each visualized this need differently. A contention here was that interiors give rise to a multiplicity of experiences that potentially change the way we dwell in contemporary man-made space. This contention was primarily figured in relation to the materiality of contemporary interiors. Each gave attention to the effects of contemporary materials and surfaces and each considered that these forms produce new modes of sensing and immersion in a place. The exhibition included two talks by the members of ‘Outside Architecture. The project was supported by an Arts Council of England grant of £6,323 www.ucreative.ac.uk/galleries
The aim of this book is to provide and introduction to microprocessor systems, their operation and design. It covers those topics needed by engineers and computer scientists who are interested in applying microprocessors in practical situations, namely computer hardware including logic and interfacing, software, in particular high level and assembly language programming, and the design and testing of such systems. The fundamental principles of micrprocessor systems are described and these are illustrated with reference to two microprocessors, the 32-bit MC68020 from Motorola and a single chip microcomputer, the 8051 from Intel; and in addition, interfacing to the general purpose STE bus is described. The details of the processors and the bus are concentrated in three chapters, thus allowing the presentation of the material to be independent of the microprocessors if that is desired, and permitting the specific details to be found easily.
This paper reviews and critiques the current practice of classifying building clients according to their 'type'. An alternative approach to understanding organisations is developed in accordance with the principles of naturalistic inquiry. It is contended that the complex pluralistic clients of the 1990s can only really be understood 'from the inside'. The concept of organisational metaphors is introduced as the basis for a more sophisticated way of thinking about organisations. The various strands of organisational theory are also analyzed in terms of their underlying metaphors. Different theories are seen to bring different insights. The implicit metaphors adopted by practitioners are held to be important in that they tend to dictate the adopted approach to client briefing. This contention is illustrated by analyzing three different characterisations of the briefing process in terms of their underlying metaphors. Finally, the discussion is placed in a contemporary UK context by comparing the dominant paradigm of practice during the 1980s to that of the 1990s.