981 resultados para Burn, Ian
BACKGROUND: Truth-telling is a complex task requiring multiple skills in communication, understanding, and empathy. Its application in the context of breaking bad news (BBN) is distressing and problematic if conducted with insufficient skills. PURPOSE: We investigated the long-term influence of a simulated patient-based teaching intervention integrating the learning of communication skills within an ethical reflection on students' ethical attitudes towards truth-telling, perceived competence and comfort in BBN. METHODS: We followed two cohorts of medical students from the preclinical third year to their clinical rotations (fifth year). We analysed their ethical attitudes and level of comfort and competence in BBN before, after the intervention, and during clinical rotations. RESULTS: Students' ethical attitudes towards truth-telling remained stable. Students feeling uncomfortable or incompetent improved their level of perceived comfort or competence after the intervention, but those feeling comfortable or competent became more aware of the difficulty of the situation, and consequently decreased their level of comfort and competence. CONCLUSIONS: Confronting students with a realistic situation and integrating the practice of communication skills within an ethical reflection may be effective in maintaining ethical attitudes towards truth-telling, in developing new skills and increasing awareness about the difficulty and challenges of a BBN situation.
Amana Farms is using an anaerobic digestion, which is a two-stage digester that converts manure and other organic wastes into three valuable by-products: 1) Biogas – to fuel an engine/generator set to create electricity; 2) Biosolids - used as a livestock bedding material or as a soil amendment; 3) Liquid stream - will be applied as a low-odor fertilizer to growing crops. (see Business Plan appendix H) The methane biogas will be collected from the two stages of the anaerobic digestion vessel and used for fuel in the combined heat and power engine/generator sets. The engine/generator sets are natural gasfueled reciprocating engines modified to burn biogas. The electricity produced by the engine/generator sets will be used to offset on-farm power consumption and the excess power will be sold directly to Amana Society Service Company as a source of green power. The waste heat, in the form of hot water, will be collected from both the engine jacket liquid cooling system and from the engine exhaust (air) system. Approximately 30 to 60% of this waste heat will be used to heat the digester. The remaining waste heat will be used to heat other farm buildings and may provide heat for future use for drying corn or biosolids. The digester effluent will be pumped from the effluent pit at the end of the anaerobic digestion vessel to a manure solids separator. The mechanical manure separator will separate the effluent digested waste stream into solid and liquid fractions. The solids will be dewatered to approximately a 35% solid material. Some of the separated solids will be used by the farm for a livestock bedding replacement. The remaining separated solids may be sold to other farms for livestock bedding purposes or sold to after-markets, such as nurseries and composters for soil amendment material. The liquid from the manure separator, now with the majority of the large solids removed, will be pumped into the farm’s storage lagoon. A significant advantage of the effluent from the anaerobic digestion treatment process is that the viscosity of the effluent is such that the liquid effluent can now be pumped through an irrigation nozzle for field spreading.
A medida que va transcurriendo nuestra vida, nos vamos encontrando con situaciones en la vida personal y laboral en las que, muchas veces no sabemos qué hacer y también se van dando situaciones difíciles unas detrás de otras que llega un momento que nos podemos sentir de muchas formas. Por ejemplo: podemos sentir ira o miedo por no saber afrontar determinadas situaciones, o podemos sentir confianza en que vamos a poder resolver todas ellas.En las empresas, como en la vida privada, las personas, tienen emociones, tanto positivas como negativas, que tarde o temprano se ponen de manifiesto. La proporción y la intensidad de estas emociones, influirán de manera determinante en la creación de personalidades únicas, dando lugar a diez emociones positivas y diez emociones negativas.El agitado ritmo de vida ha contribuido al desarrollo de problemas psíquicos relacionados con el trabajo y que suponen una combinación de las emociones negativas.
Infections remain the leading cause of death after major burns. Trace elements are involved in immunity and burn patients suffer acute trace element depletion after injury. In a previous nonrandomized study, trace element supplementation was associated with increased leukocyte counts and shortened hospital stays. This randomized, placebo-controlled trial studied clinical and immune effects of trace element supplements. Twenty patients, aged 40 +/- 16 y (mean +/- SD), burned on 48 +/- 17% of their body surfaces, were studied for 30 d after injury. They consumed either standard trace element intakes plus supplements (40.4 micromol Cu, 2.9 micromol Se, and 406 micromol Zn; group TE) or standard trace element intakes plus placebo (20 micromol Cu, 0.4 micromol Se, and 100 micromol Zn; group C) for 8 d. Demographic data were similar for both groups. Mean plasma copper and zinc concentrations were below normal until days 20 and 15, respectively (NS). Plasma selenium remained normal for group TE but decreased for group C (P < 0.05 on days 1 and 5). Total leukocyte counts tended to be higher in group TE because of higher neutrophil counts. Proliferation to mitogens was depressed compared with healthy control subjects (NS). The number of infections per patient was significantly (P < 0.05) lower in group TE (1.9 +/- 0.9) than in group C (3.1 +/- 1.1) because of fewer pulmonary infections. Early trace element supplementation appears beneficial after major burns; it was associated with a significant decrease in the number of bronchopneumonia infections and with a shorter hospital stay when data were normalized for burn size.
L'épreuve « factuelle » et physique de la brûlure grave des grands brûlés de la face fait l'objet d'une analyse sociologique systématique : alors qu'un accident peut, en quelques secondes, provoquer une véritable rupture biographique, l'acceptation du nouveau statut et la « reconstruction » d'un rapport à soi et aux autres prend beaucoup de temps. Les modalités de cette reconstruction et les tentatives pour retrouver une impossible « apparence normale » dans la vie publique sont ici analysées. Tout en étant attentive aux modalités de l'interaction, la présente étude relève d'une démarche sociologique compréhensive menée à partir d'observations et d'entretiens conduits avec ces personnes, amenant dans le giron de la sociologie une expérience éprouvanteencore peu connue, celle des grands brûlés de la face. Le registre discursif adossé à cette dernière vient compléter certaines représentations véhiculées par les médias, les fictions et qui influent sur la perception et la visibilité de ceux-ci. A l'aune du concept d'épreuve issu de la « sociologie pragmatique », le parcours du grand brûlé peut être examiné en prêtant une attention particulière au moment initial du parcours post¬brûlure : l'accident. La mise en récit de cette première épreuve est révélatrice des tentatives pour le grand brûlé de maintenir un lien entre un avant et un après l'accident. S'ensuit un continuum d'épreuves intervenant dès le moment où les grands brûlés se présentent physiquement face à autrui dans l'espace public suscitant des réactions de gêne et de malaise. Dans le prolongement des travaux d'Erving Goffman, on peut les concevoir comme des motifs d'« inconfort interactionnel ». Cette mise en évidence de l'inconfort interactionnel montre la nécessité de ne pas se limiter à une sociologie de la brûlure grave qui s'attarderait seulement sur les ajustements des interactions. A partir des travaux d'Axel Honneth sur la reconnaissance, il est possible de lire cette gestion des situations d'interaction dans une autre optique, celle qui, pour le grand brûlé, consiste à se préserver du mépris. Ce travail met l'accent sur des habiletés interactionnelles, des compétences qui fonctionnent comme des ressorts et permettent au grand brûlé de gérer des situations susceptibles de conduire au mépris. En s'appuyant sur des situations d'interaction racontées, deux formes de lutte individuelle, de quête de reconnaissance, peuvent être dégagées : d'une part, la « lutte contre » la trop grande visibilité et contre la prégnance de certains préjugés et, d'autre part, la « lutte pour » faire connaître des aspects invisibles ou moins visibles de la brûlure grave. - This thesis analyzes the "factual" and physical ordeal of a severe burn as experienced by victims of severe facial burns. In a few seconds, an accident provokes a biographical rupture and persons involved need time to integrate their new status. This thesis concentrates on the "reconstruction" modes of the relationship with oneself and with others, and on attempts to find an impossible "normal appearance" in public life. While being attentive to the modalities of interaction, the study uses comprehensive sociology based on observations and interviews. This thesis brings into sociology litde known views of those suffering severe facial burns. These views supplement certain media representations that influence perceptions and visibility of the people involved. Applying the concept of test, a key concept of pragmatic sociology, the progression of a severely burned person can be described by focusing on the initial moment: the accident. The recounting of this first challenge reveals the severely burned person's efforts to link the "before" and "after" the accident. A continuum of challenges follows. These tests occur when the severely burned person physically faces others in a public space and when visible discomfort and embarrassment show, reactions which we consider, following Erving Goffman's works, as situations of "interactional discomfort." Emphasis on interactional discomfort shows the necessity of expanding the sociology of severe burns to more than just adjustments to interactions. Based on Axel Honneth's works, we can read the management of interactions from another point of view, in which the severely burned person tries to avoid contempt. This work emphasizes interactional aptitudes, skills that act like rebounding springs, and allow the severely burned person to manage situations that might lead to contempt. Starting with descriptions of interactions, we have determined two forms of individual struggle that appear to be a search for recognition: on one hand, the "struggle against" too much visibility and against the strength of certain prejudices, and, on the other hand, a "struggle for" making known rtain invisible or less visible aspects of a severe burn.
BACKGROUND: Hypercalcaemia has been shown to occur in about 20% of patients with major burns requiring prolonged intensive care unit (ICU) treatment, and it may be associated with renal failure. Having observed the early onset of hypercalcaemia, the study aimed to determine the frequency and timing of this condition in a European patient cohort. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study on a prospectively collected, computerised database of the 225 burn-injury ICU admissions between 2001 and 2007 was undertaken. The inclusion criteria included: burns >20% of the body surface area (BSA) or in-hospital stay >20 days. Hypercalcaemia was defined as an ionised plasma calcium (Ca(2+)) concentration >1.32 mmol l(-1) (or total corrected calcium=[Ca]c>2.55 mmol l(-1)). Four emblematic cases are reported in this article. RESULTS: A total of 73 patients met the inclusion criteria (age: 13-88 years, burns: 12-85% BSA): of these, 22 (30%) developed hypercalcaemia. The median time to the first hypercalcaemia value was 21 days. Only 11 patients had both high Ca(2+) and elevated [Ca]c (which remained normal in others). The risk factors of the disorder were burned surface (p=0.017) and immobilisation (fluidised bed use: p<0.05, duration: p=0.02) followed by burned BSA. Acute renal failure tended to be more frequent in hypercalcaemic patients (five (23%) vs. three (6%): p=0.11), while mortality was not increased. The disorder resolved with hydration and mobilisation in most cases: pamidronate was successful in three cases that were most severe. CONCLUSION: Hypercalcaemia and associated acute renal failure occur more frequently and earlier than previously reported. Determining the ionised Ca rather than the total Ca with albumin correction enables earlier detection of hypercalcaemia. Bisphosphonates are an effective treatment option in controlling severe hypercalcaemia and preventing bone loss.
É apresentado o resultado da primeira seleção de 25 clones de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Müell. Arg.), a maior parte constituída de introduções de diferentes origens. Após multiplicados, foram avaliados em experimentos do tipo pequena escala, obedecendo ao delineamento de blocos ao acaso, instalado na Estação Experimental de Votuporanga, SP. Os caracteres avaliados foram: produção de borracha seca, vigor expresso pelo perímetro do caule, espessura de casca e número de anéis de vasos laticíferos. Com relação à produção de borracha seca, destacaram-se os clones IAN 3156, IAC 40, 7/6, 3/5 e 3/1, produzindo 124%, 105%, 27%, 26% e 19% superiores em relação ao RRIM 600, recomendando-se seu plantio em pequena escala na região de Jaú. Caracteres secundários tais como o vigor, espessura de casca e número de anéis de vasos laticíferos dos clones testados são também discutidos. Sugere-se sua avaliação em experimentos do tipo grande escala com o objetivo de avaliar, além da produção, outros caracteres secundários para futuras recomendações no Estado de São Paulo.
Rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Müell. Arg.] budgrafts of seven clones were evaluated on five contrasting sites in the plateau region of the São Paulo State, Brazil. The objective of this work was to study the phenotypic stability for girth growth. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications and seven treatments. Analysis of variance of girth at six-year plant growth indicated a highly significant clone x site interaction. Only linear sites and clone x site components of clone x year interaction were significant, indicating that the performance of clones over sites for this trait could be predicted. The clones GT 1 and PB 235 showed the greatest stability in relation to girth growth, with foreseen responses to change, introduced in the sites. The clones PB 235 and IAN 873 showed significative difference in relation to regression coefficient, representing clones with specific adaptability on favorable and unfavorable sites respectively. The clone GT 1 became the most promissory one in the study of stability and adaptability even showing low girth growth. Expected genetic gains from planting sites, along with estimates of clonal variance and repeatability of clonal means are generally greatest or close to the greatest when selection is done at the same site.
A expansão da heveicultura em regiões não tradicionais que apresentam condições edafoclimáticas diferentes do seu habitat natural, tem seu desempenho prejudicado pela carência de informações técnicas. No Estado de Minas Gerais, a falta de conhecimento dos fatores inerentes às relações solo-planta tem-se tornado uma séria limitação no processo de implantação e exploração de seringais. Neste trabalho foi estudado um transecto sob vegetação de seringueira, situada na fazenda experimental da Epamig no vale do Piranga, no município de Oratórios, MG. As caracterizações morfoestruturais revelaram forte diferenciação lateral dos solos na vertente, sendo os Latossolos predominantes no topo, e nas partes mais baixas, os Podzólicos, com presença de horizontes B texturais, maciços, coerentes, adensados e pouco porosos. Tais observações foram complementadas por determinações in situ, por meio de testes de infiltração de água e resistência à penetração. Os resultados de laboratório que abrangem as densidades (aparente e real), porosidade (macro e micro) através de curvas de retenção de água, assim como as análises físicas e químicas, confirmam as observações e determinações de campo. Os diferentes resultados foram relacionados com o desenvolvimento do clone de seringueiras IAN 873 (biomassa total, aérea e radicular) e mostram uma estreita dependência entre as características físicas dos solos e o desenvolvimento da seringueira. Foi observado um melhor comportamento do seringal nos Latossolos, quando comparados aos Podzólicos, que apresentam uma forte restrição mecânica à penetração das raízes, uma porosidade globalmente reduzida e uma drenagem interna muito deficiente.
INTRODUCTION: Inhalation injury is an important determinant of outcome in patients with major burns. However the diagnostic criteria remain imprecise, preventing objective comparisons of published data. The aims were to evaluate the utility of an inhalation score based on mucosal injury, while assessing separately the oro-pharyngeal sphere (ENT) and tracheobronchial tree (TB) in patients admitted to the ICU with a suspicion of inhalation injury. METHODS: Prospective observational study in 100 patients admitted with suspicion of inhalation injury among 168 consecutive burn admissions to the ICU of a university hospital. Inclusion criteria, endoscopic airway assessment during the first hours. ENT/TB lesion grading was 1: oedema, hyperemia, hypersecretion, 2: bullous mucosal detachment, erosion, exudates, 3: profound ulcers, necrosis. RESULTS: Of the 100 patients (age 42±17 years, burns 23±19%BSA), 79 presented an ENT inhalation injury ≥ENT1 (soot present in 24%): 36 had a tracheobronchial extension, 33 having a grade ≥TB1. Burned vibrissae: 10 patients "without" suffered ENT injury, while 6 patients "with" had no further lesions. Length of mechanical ventilation was strongly associated with the first 24 hrs' fluid resuscitation volume (p<0.0001) and the presence of inhalation injury (p=0.03), while the ICU length of stay was correlated with the %BSA. Soot was associated with prolonged mechanical ventilation (p=0.0115). There was no extubation failure. CONCLUSIONS: The developed inhalation score was simple to use, providing a unified language, and drawing attention to upper airway involvement. Burned vibrissae and suspected history proved to be insufficient diagnostic criteria. Further studies are required to validate the score in a larger population.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho produtivo e os aspectos econômicos de dez clones de seringueira [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. de Juss.) Muell. Arg.] em diferentes freqüências de sangria e com estimulação à base de ethefon. O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Indiana, no município de Indiana, SP, sob o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas. Os tratamentos principais foram os clones GT 1, RRIM 701, RRIM 600, PB 235, PR 261, PB 252, Fx 4098, Fx 2261, Fx 3864 e IAN 873, submetidos a três sistemas de sangria: 1/2S d/2 6d/7 (testemunha), 1/2S d/4 6d/7.10m/y. ET 5,0% Ba 10y e 1/2S d/6 6d/7.10m/y. ET 5,0% Ba 10/y. As variáveis estudadas foram: perímetro do caule, produção, secamento do painel e os aspectos econômicos. Os resultados mostraram superioridade no sistema 1/2S d/2 6d/7 na maioria dos clones, exceto o GT 1 e o PB 235, que no sistema 1/2S d/4 ET 5,0% apresentaram ganhos líquidos de 12,0% e 54,0%, respectivamente, acima do obtido no sistema testemunha. Somente os clones Fx 3864 e PB 235 apresentaram ganhos líquidos de 18,0% e 28,0% no sistema 1/2S d/6 ET 5% superiores em relação ao obtido no sistema testemunha. A maior porcentagem de secamento do painel foi observada no clone PB 235 no sistema 1/2S d/4 ET 5,0%.