900 resultados para Buildings -- Repair an reconstruction -- Contests
Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus belonging to a basal lineage of the Ascomycotina, the Taphrinomycotina subphylum. It is a parasite specific to humans that dwells primarily in the lung and can cause severe pneumonia in individuals with debilitated immune system. Despite its clinical importance, many aspects of its biology remain poorly understood, at least in part because of the lack of a continuous in vitro cultivation system. The present thesis consists in the genome reconstruction and comparative genomics of P. jirovecii. It is made of three parts: (i) the de novo sequencing of P. jirovecii genome starting from a single broncho- alveolar lavage fluid of a single patient (ii) the de novo sequencing of the genome of the plant pathogen Taphrina deformans, a fungus closely related to P. jirovecii, and (iii) the genome scale comparison of P. jirovecii to other Taphrinomycotina members. Enrichment in P. jirovecii cells by immuno-precipitation, whole DNA random amplification, two complementary high throughput DNA sequencing methods, and in silico sorting and assembly of sequences were used for the de novo reconstruction of P. jirovecii genome from the microbiota of a single clinical specimen. An iterative ad hoc pipeline as well as numerical simulations was used to recover P. jirovecii sequences while purging out contaminants and assembly or amplification chimeras. This strategy produced a 8.1 Mb assembly, which encodes 3,898 genes. Homology searches, mapping on biochemical pathways atlases, and manual validations revealed that this genome lacks (i) most of the enzymes dedicated to the amino acids biosyntheses, and (ii) most virulence factors observed in other fungi, e.g. the glyoxylate shunt pathway and specific peptidases involved in the degradation of the host cell membrane. The same analyses applied to the available genomic sequences from Pneumocystis carinii the species infecting rats and Pneumocystis murina the species infecting mice revealed the same deficiencies. The genome sequencing of T. deformans yielded a 13 Mb assembly, which encodes 5,735 genes. T. deformans possesses enzymes involved plant cell wall degradation, secondary metabolism, the glyoxylate cycle, detoxification, sterol biosynthesis, as well as the biosyntheses of plant hormones such as abscisic acid or indole-3-acetic acid. T. deformans also harbors gene subsets that have counterparts in plant saprophytes or pathogens, which is consistent with its alternate saprophytic and pathogenic lifestyles. Mating genes were also identified. The homothallism of this fungus suggests a mating-type switching mechanism. Comparative analyses indicated that 81% of P. jirovecii genes are shared with eight other Taphrinomycotina members, including T. deformans, P. carinii and P. murina. These genes are mostly involved in housekeeping activities. The genes specific to the Pneumocystis genus represent 8%, and are involved in RNA metabolism and signaling. The signaling is known to be crucial for interaction of Pneumocystis spp with their environment. Eleven percent are unique to P. jirovecii and encode mostly proteins of unknown function. These genes in conjunction with other ones (e.g. the major surface glycoproteins) might govern the interaction of P. jirovecii with its human host cells, and potentially be responsible of the host specificity. P. jirovecii exhibits a reduced genome in size with a low GC content, and most probably scavenges vital compounds such as amino acids and cholesterol from human lungs. Consistently, its genome encodes a large set of transporters (ca. 22% of its genes), which may play a pivotal role in the acquisition of these compounds. All these features are generally observed in obligate parasite of various kingdoms (bacteria, protozoa, fungi). Moreover, epidemiological studies failed to evidence a free-living form of the fungus and Pneumocystis spp were shown to co-evolved with their hosts. Given also the lack of virulence factors, our observations strongly suggest that P. jirovecii is an obligate parasite specialized in the colonization of human lungs, and which causes disease only in individuals with compromised immune system. The same conclusion is most likely true for all other Pneumocystis spp in their respective mammalian host. - Pneumocystis jirovecii est un champignon appartenant à ine branche basale des Ascomycotina, le sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. C'est un parasite spécifique aux humains qui réside principalement dans les poumons, et qui peut causer des pneumonies sévères chez des individus ayant un système immunitaire déficient. En dépit de son importance clinique, de nombreux aspects de sa biologie demeurent,largement méconnus, au moins en partie à cause de l'absence d'un système de culture in vitro continu. Cette thèse traite de la reconstruction du génome et de la génomique comparative de P. jirovecii. Elle comporte trois parties: (i) le séquençage de novo du génome de P. jirovecii à partir d'un lavage broncho-alvéolaire provenant d'un seul patient, (ii) le séquençage de novo du génome d'un champignon pathogène de plante Taphrina deformans qui est phylogénétiquement proche de P. jirovecii, et (iii) la comparaison du génome de P. jirovecii à celui d'autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Un enrichissement en cellules de P. jirovecii par immuno-précipitation, une amplification aléatoire des molécules d'ADN, deux méthodes complémentaires de séquençage à haut débit, un tri in silico et un assemblage des séquences ont été utilisés pour reconstruire de novo le génome de P. jirovecii à partir du microbiote d'un seul échantillon clinique. Un pipeline spécifique ainsi que des simulations numériques ont été utilisés pour récupérer les séquences de P. jirovecii tout en éliminant les séquences contaminants et les chimères d'amplification ou d'assemblage. Cette stratégie a produit un assemblage de 8.1 Mb, qui contient 3898 gènes. Les recherches d'homologies, de cartographie des voies métaboliques et des validations manuelles ont révélé que ce génome est dépourvu (i) de la plupart des enzymes dédiées à la biosynthèse des acides aminés, et (ii) de la plupart des facteurs de virulence observés chez d'autres champignons, par exemple, le cycle du glyoxylate ainsi que des peptidases spécifiques impliquées dans la dégradation de la membrane de la cellule hôte. Les analyses appliquées aux données génomiques disponibles de Pneumocystis carinii, l'espèce infectant les rats, et de Pneumocystis murina, l'espèce infectant les souris, ont révélé les mêmes déficiences. Le séquençage du génome de T. deformans a généré un assemblage de 13.3 Mb qui contient 5735 gènes. T. deformans possède les gènes codant pour les enzymes impliquées dans la dégradation des parois cellulaires des plantes, le métabolisme secondaire, le cycle du glyoxylate, la détoxification, la biosynthèse des stérols ainsi que la biosynthèse d'hormones de plantes telles que l'acide abscissique ou l'acide indole 3-acétique. T. deformans possède également des sous-ensembles de gènes présents exclusivement chez des saprophytes ou des pathogènes de plantes, ce qui est consistent avec son mode de vie alternatif saprophyte et pathogène. Des gènes impliqués dans la conjugaison ont été identifiés. L'homothallisme de ce champignon suggère mécanisme de permutation du type conjuguant. Les analyses comparatives ont démontré que 81% des gènes de P. jirovecii sont présent chez les autres membres du sous-embranchement des Taphrinomycotina. Ces gènes sont essentiellement impliqués dans le métabolisme basai. Les gènes spécifiques au genre Pneumocystis représentent 8%, et sont impliqués dans le métabolisme de l'ARN et la signalisation. La signalisation est connue pour être cruciale pour l'interaction des espèces de Pneumocystis avec leur environnement. Les gènes propres à P. jirovecii représentent 11% et codent en majorité pour des protéines dont la fonction est inconnue. Ces gènes en conjonction avec d'autres (par exemple, les glycoprotéines de surface), pourraient être déterminants dans l'interaction de P. jirovecii avec les cellules de l'hôte humain, et être potentiellement responsable de la spécificité d'hôte. P. jirovecii possède un génome de taille réduite à faible pourcentage en GC et récupère très probablement des composés vitaux comme les acides aminés et le cholestérol à partir des poumons humains. De manière consistante, son génome code pour de nombreux transporteurs (22% de ses gènes), qui pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel dans l'acquisition de ces composés. Ces caractéristiques sont généralement observées chez les parasites obligatoires de plusieurs règnes (bactéries, protozoaires, champignons). De plus, les études épidémiologiques n'ont pas réussi à prouver l'existence d'ime forme vivant librement du champignon. Etant donné également l'absence de facteurs de virulence, nos observations suggèrent que P. jirovecii est un parasite obligatoire spécialisé dans la colonisation des poumons humains, ne causant une maladie que chez des individus ayant un système immunitaire compromis. La même conclusion est très probablement applicable à toutes les autres espèces de Pneumocystis dans leur hôte mammifère respectif.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and subjective outcomes after arthroscopic-assisted double-bundle posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) reconstruction. METHODS: A series of 15 patients with grade III isolated chronic PCL tears underwent double-bundle PCL reconstruction. Of these patients, 8 (53%) had simultaneous fractures. The mean time from accident to surgery was 10.8 months (range, 8 to 15 months). The mean age at the time of surgery was 28.2 years (range, 17 to 43 years). All of the patients reported knee insecurity during activities of daily living or light sporting activities, with associated anterior knee pain in 5 patients. Preoperatively, posterolateral or posteromedial corner injuries were ruled out through accurate clinical examination. The knees were assessed before surgery and at a mean follow-up of 3.2 years (range, 2 to 5 years) with a physical examination, 4 different rating scales, and stress radiographs obtained with a Telos device (Telos, Marburg, Germany). RESULTS: Postoperative physical examination revealed a reduction of the posterior drawer and tibial step-off in all cases, although the posterior laxity was not completely normalized. Nevertheless, the patients were subjectively better after surgery. The subjective International Knee Documentation Committee score was significantly ameliorated. With regard to the objective International Knee Documentation Committee score, 6 knees (40%) were graded as abnormal because of posterior displacement of 6 mm or greater on follow-up stress radiographs with the Telos device. On the Lysholm knee scoring scale, the score was excellent in 13% of patients and good in 87%. The mean score on the Hospital for Special Surgery knee ligament rating scale was 85.8. The Tegner activity score showed an amelioration after surgery, but no patient resumed his or her preinjury level of activities. The postoperative stress radiographs revealed an improvement in posterior instability of 50% or more in all but 3 knees (20%). CONCLUSIONS: Our technique of double-bundle PCL reconstruction produced a significant reduction in knee symptoms and allowed the patients to return to moderate or strenuous activity, although the posterior tibial translation was not completely normalized and our results appear to be no better than the results of single-bundle PCL reconstruction. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level IV, therapeutic case series.
Genetic diversity is essential for population survival and adaptation to changing environments. Demographic processes (e.g., bottleneck and expansion) and spatial structure (e.g., migration, number, and size of populations) are known to shape the patterns of the genetic diversity of populations. However, the impact of temporal changes in migration on genetic diversity has seldom been considered, although such events might be the norm. Indeed, during the millions of years of a species' lifetime, repeated isolation and reconnection of populations occur. Geological and climatic events alternately isolate and reconnect habitats. We analytically document the dynamics of genetic diversity after an abrupt change in migration given the mutation rate and the number and sizes of the populations. We demonstrate that during transient dynamics, genetic diversity can reach unexpectedly high values that can be maintained over thousands of generations. We discuss the consequences of such processes for the evolution of species based on standing genetic variation and how they can affect the reconstruction of a population's demographic and evolutionary history from genetic data. Our results also provide guidelines for the use of genetic data for the conservation of natural populations.
Aim Recently developed parametric methods in historical biogeography allow researchers to integrate temporal and palaeogeographical information into the reconstruction of biogeographical scenarios, thus overcoming a known bias of parsimony-based approaches. Here, we compare a parametric method, dispersal-extinction-cladogenesis (DEC), against a parsimony-based method, dispersal-vicariance analysis (DIVA), which does not incorporate branch lengths but accounts for phylogenetic uncertainty through a Bayesian empirical approach (Bayes-DIVA). We analyse the benefits and limitations of each method using the cosmopolitan plant family Sapindaceae as a case study.Location World-wide.Methods Phylogenetic relationships were estimated by Bayesian inference on a large dataset representing generic diversity within Sapindaceae. Lineage divergence times were estimated by penalized likelihood over a sample of trees from the posterior distribution of the phylogeny to account for dating uncertainty in biogeographical reconstructions. We compared biogeographical scenarios between Bayes-DIVA and two different DEC models: one with no geological constraints and another that employed a stratified palaeogeographical model in which dispersal rates were scaled according to area connectivity across four time slices, reflecting the changing continental configuration over the last 110 million years.Results Despite differences in the underlying biogeographical model, Bayes-DIVA and DEC inferred similar biogeographical scenarios. The main differences were: (1) in the timing of dispersal events - which in Bayes-DIVA sometimes conflicts with palaeogeographical information, and (2) in the lower frequency of terminal dispersal events inferred by DEC. Uncertainty in divergence time estimations influenced both the inference of ancestral ranges and the decisiveness with which an area can be assigned to a node.Main conclusions By considering lineage divergence times, the DEC method gives more accurate reconstructions that are in agreement with palaeogeographical evidence. In contrast, Bayes-DIVA showed the highest decisiveness in unequivocally reconstructing ancestral ranges, probably reflecting its ability to integrate phylogenetic uncertainty. Care should be taken in defining the palaeogeographical model in DEC because of the possibility of overestimating the frequency of extinction events, or of inferring ancestral ranges that are outside the extant species ranges, owing to dispersal constraints enforced by the model. The wide-spanning spatial and temporal model proposed here could prove useful for testing large-scale biogeographical patterns in plants.
Introduction: Enchondromas are among the most current benign bone tumours. Malignant degeneration is extremely rare (<1%) and generally presents as a low grade chondrosarcoma. For localized grade 1 lesions, the treatment of choice is curettage. Wide excision and reconstruction is generally not necessary, unless locally advanced or more aggressive behaviour is suspected at presentation. Case report: A healthy 72 yo male presented with pain and recurrent knee joint effusion. X-rays show a classical central distal metaphyseal enchondroma of the femur associated with subtle osteolysis of the lateral condyle. MRI confirms the presence of a locally aggressive chondromatous lesion based in a classical enchondroma. Core needle biopsy revealed a grade 1 chondrosarcoma, which was in contrast to the radiological aggressiveness of the lesion. Total body CT-scan did not reveal metastatic disease. A wide resection was planned, as a high-grade lesion and joint contamination was suspected. We performed an extra-articular knee resection and reconstruction with a hinged modular total knee megaprosthesis. The definitive histology was grade 1 chondrosarcoma, the surgical margins were wide. The evolution was favourable and the patient was able to perform all his activities of daily living independently without pain at 6 weeks postop. Knee flexion reached 90°. The oncologic screening at 18 months did not show local or distant recurrence. Conclusion: Joints near a benign tumour that suddenly become symptomatic or present an effusion might indicate a malignant transformation. Wide resection and prosthetic reconstruction remains an effective treatment option even in low grade cartilaginous lesions if (1) the adjacent joint is contaminated, or (2) joint-sparing surgery would result in a severe functional impairment of the limb.
This report is a well illustrated and practical Guide intended to aid engineers and engineering technicians in monitoring, maintaining, and protecting bridge waterways so as to mitigate or prevent scour from adversely affecting the structural performance of bridge abutments, piers, and approach road embankments. Described and illustrated here are the scour processes affecting the stability of these components of bridge waterways. Also described and illustrated are methods for monitoring waterways, and the various methods for repairing scour damage and protecting bridge waterways against scour. The Guide focuses on smaller bridges, especially those in Iowa. Scour processes at small bridges are complicated by the close proximity of abutments, piers, and waterway banks, such that scour processes interact in ways difficult to predict and for which reliable design relationships do not exist. Additionally, blockage by woody debris or by ice, along with changes in approach channel alignment, can have greater effects on pier and abutment scour for smaller bridges. These considerations tend to cause greater reliance on monitoring for smaller bridges. The Guide is intended to augment and support, as a source of information, existing procedures for monitoring bridge waterways. It also may prompt some adjustments of existing forms and reports used for bridge monitoring. In accord with increasing emphasis on effective management of public facilities like bridges, the Guide ventures to include an example report format for quantitative risk assessment applied to bridge waterways. Quantitative risk assessment is useful when many bridges have to be evaluated for scour risk and damage, and priorities need to be determined for repair and protection work. Such risk assessment aids comparison of bridges at risk. It is expected that bridge inspectors will implement the Guide as a concise, handy reference available back at the office. The Guide also likely may be implemented as an educational primer for new inspectors who have yet to become acquainted with waterway scour. Additionally, the Guide may be implemented as a part of process to check whether existing bridge-inspection forms or reports adequately encompass bridge-waterway scour.
The repair of wounds is one of the most complex biological processes that occur during human life. After an injury, multiple biological pathways immediately become activated and are synchronized to respond. In human adults, the wound repair process commonly leads to a non-functioning mass of fibrotic tissue known as a scar. By contrast, early in gestation, injured fetal tissues can be completely recreated, without fibrosis, in a process resembling regeneration. Some organisms, however, retain the ability to regenerate tissue throughout adult life. Knowledge gained from studying such organisms might help to unlock latent regenerative pathways in humans, which would change medical practice as much as the introduction of antibiotics did in the twentieth century.
Context: In the past 50 years, the use of prosthetic mesh in surgery has dramatically¦changed the management of primary, as well as incisional hernias. Currently, there¦are a large number of different mesh brands and no consensus on the best material,¦nor the best mesh implantation technique to use. The purpose of this study is to¦illustrate the adverse effects of intraperitoneal onlay mesh used for incisional¦hernia repair encountered in patients treated at CHUV for complications after¦incisional hernia repair.¦Materials & Methods: This work is an observational retrospective study. A PubMed¦search and a systematic review of literature were performed. Thereafter, the medical¦records of 22 patients who presented with pain, abdominal discomfort, ileus, fistula,¦abscess, seroma, mesh infection or recurrent incisional hernia after a laparoscopic or¦open repair with intra-abdominal mesh were reviewed.¦Results: Twenty-two persons were reoperated for complications after incisional¦hernia repair with a prosthetic mesh. Ten were male and twelve female, with a¦median age of 58,6 years (range 24-82). Mesh placement was performed by a¦laparoscopic approach in nine patients and by open approach in thirteen others.¦Eight different mesh brands were found (Ultrapro®, Mersilene®, Parietex Composite®,¦Proceed®, DynaMesh®, Gore® DualMesh®, Permacol®, Titanium Metals UK Ltd®).¦Mean time from implantation and reoperation for complication was 34.2 months¦(range 1-147). In our sample of 22 patients, 21 (96%) presented mesh adhesion and¦15 (68%) presented hernia recurrence. Others complications like mesh shrinkage,¦mesh migration, nerve entrapment, seroma, fistula and abscess were also evaluated.¦Conclusion: The majority of articles deal with complications induced by¦intraperitoneal prosthetic mesh, but the effectiveness of mesh has been studied¦mostly on experimental models. Actually and as shown in the present study,¦intraperitoneal mesh placement was associated with severe complications witch may¦potentially be life threatening. In our opinion, intraperitoneal mesh placement should¦only be reserved in exceptional situations, when the modified Rives-Stoppa could not¦be achieved and when tissues covering the mesh are insufficient.
This article analyses the allocation of prizes in contests. While existing models consider a single contest with an exogenously given set of players, in our model several contests compete for participants. As a consequence, prizes not only induce incentive effects but also participation effects. We show that contests that aim to maximize players aggregate effort will award their entire prize budget to the winner. In contrast, multiple prizes will be awarded in contests that aim to maximize participation and the share of the prize budget awarded to the winner increases in the contests randomness. We also provide empirical evidence for this relationship using data from professional road running. In addition, we show that prize structures might be used to screen between players of differing ability.
Abstract Purpose: To test the hypothesis that simultaneous closure of at least 2 independent vascular territories supplying the spinal cord and/or prolonged hypotension may be associated with symptomatic spinal cord ischemia (SCI) after thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). Methods: A pattern matching algorithm was used to develop a risk model for symptomatic SCI using a prospective 63-patient single-center cohort to test the positive predictive value (PPV) of prolonged intraoperative hypotension and/or simultaneous closure of at least 2 of 4 the vascular territories supplying the spinal cord (left subclavian, intercostal, lumbar, and hypogastric arteries). This risk model was then applied to data extracted from the multicenter European Registry on Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications (EuREC). Between 2002 and 2010, the 19 centers participating in EuREC reported 38 (1.7%) cases of symptomatic spinal cord ischemia among the 2235 patients in the database. Results: In the single-center cohort, direct correlations were seen between the occurrence of symptomatic SCI and both prolonged intraoperative hypotension (PPV 1.00, 95% CI 0.22 to 1.00, p = 0.04) and simultaneous closure of at least 2 independent spinal cord vascular territories (PPV 0.67, 95% CI 0.24 to 0.91, p = 0.005). Previous closure of a single vascular territory was not associated with an increased risk of symptomatic spinal cord ischemia (PPV 0.07, 95% CI 0.01 to 0.16, p = 0.56). The combination of prolonged hypotension and simultaneous closure of at least 2 territories exhibited the strongest association (PPV 0.75, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.75, p<0.0001). Applying the model to the entire EuREC cohort found an almost perfect agreement between the predicted and observed risk factors (kappa 0.77, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.90). Conclusion: Extensive coverage of intercostal arteries alone by a thoracic stent-graft is not associated with symptomatic SCI; however, simultaneous closure of at least 2 vascular territories supplying the spinal cord is highly relevant, especially in combination with prolonged intraoperative hypotension. As such, these results further emphasize the need to preserve the left subclavian artery during TEVAR.
Since 1998 the highly polluted Havana Bay ecosystem has been the subject of a mitigation program. In order to determine whether pollution-reduction strategies were effective, we have evaluated the historical trends of pollution recorded in sediments of the Bay. A sediment core was dated radiometrically using natural and artificial fallout radionuclides. An irregularity in the (210)Pb record was caused by an episode of accelerated sedimentation. This episode was dated to occur in 1982, a year coincident with the heaviest rains reported in Havana over the XX century. Peaks of mass accumulation rates (MAR) were associated with hurricanes and intensive rains. In the past 60 years, these maxima are related to strong El Niño periods, which are known to increase rainfall in the north Caribbean region. We observed a steady increase of pollution (mainly Pb, Zn, Sn, and Hg) since the beginning of the century to the mid 90s, with enrichment factors as high as 6. MAR and pollution decreased rapidly after the mid 90s, although some trace metal levels remain high. This reduction was due to the integrated coastal zone management program introduced in the late 90s, which dismissed catchment erosion and pollution.
Objective: Reconstruction of alar structures of the nose remains difficult. The result has to be not only functional but also aesthetic. Different solutions to reconstruct alar defects are feasible. A good result that meets the specific demands on stability, aesthetics, and stable architecture without shrinkage of the area is not easily achieved. Method: A perichondrial cutaneous graft (PCCG), a graft consisting of a perichondral layer, fatty tissue, and skin that is harvested retroauriculary, is combined with an attached cartilage strip. Case Result: A 72-year-old patient suffering from basal cell carcinoma of the ala of the nose underwent the reconstructive procedure with a good result in 1 year in terms of stability, color match, and graft take. Conclusion: First, a strip of cartilage had been included in a PCCG where tumor resection required sacrifice of more than 50% of the alar rim. The case shows that one can consider a cartilage strip-enhanced PCCG graft to reconstruct alar defects.
Totally extraperitoneal laparoscopic hernia repair is an efficient but technically demanding procedure. As mechanisms of hernia recurrence may be related to these technical difficulties, we have modified a previously described double-mesh technique in an effort to simplify the procedure. Extraperitoneal laparoscopic hernia repairs were performed in 82 male and 17 female patients having inguinal, femoral, and recurrent bilateral hernias. A standard propylene mesh measuring 15 x 15 cm was cut into two pieces of 4 x 15 cm and 11 x 15 cm. The smaller mesh was placed over both inguinal rings without splitting. The larger mesh was then inserted over the first mesh and stapled to low-risk zones, reinforcing the large-vessel area and the nerve transition zone. The mean procedure duration was 60 minutes for unilateral and 100 minutes for bilateral hernia repair. Patients were discharged from the hospital within 48 hours. The mean postoperative follow-up was 22 months, with no recurrences, neuralgia, or bleeding complications. Over a 2-year period, this technique was found to be satisfactory without recurrences or significant complications. In our hands, this technique was easier to perform: it allows for a less than perfect positioning of the meshes and avoids most of the stapling to crucial zones.
AbstractBackground: Mucosal healing is becoming a major goal in the treatment of Crohn's disease. It has been previously reported that myeloid cells induce mucosal healing in a mouse model of acute colitis. The aim in this study is to investigate the pro-repair function of myeloid cells in healthy donors (HD) and Crohn's disease patients (CD).Methods: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from HD and CD patients were isolated from blood samples and tested either directly or after differentiation ex-vivo into macrophages (Μφ). Intestinal macrophages (IMACs) were isolated from the bowel mucosa of patients undergoing intestinal surgical resections. Through an in vitro wound healing assay the repairing ability of these various human myeloid cells and the mechanisms responsible of wound healing were evaluated.Results: PBMC and myeloid CD14+ cells from HD and CD were not able to repair at any tested cell concentration. Μφ from HD and ulcerative colitis (UC) patients were able to induce wound healing and this capacity was partially mediated by Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF). Remarkably, CD Μφ were unable to promote wound healing and produced lower levels of HGF as compared to Μφ from HD or UC patients. In particular, Μφ from CD in active phase (ACD) exhibited the weakest repair function, but this defect was rescued if rh- GM-CSF was added during the differentiation of PBMCs. Interestingly, IMACs from HD promoted wound healing and produced HGF.Conclusion: We demonstrated that CD Μφ, unlike HD or UC Μφ, were defective in promoting wound healing, in particular if coming from an ACD. This deficient pro-repair function was related to a lower production of HGF. IMACs from HD colonic mucosa induced wound healing, confirming the results obtained with Μφ. Our results are in keeping with the current theory of CD as an innate immunodeficiency. In this context, Μφ may be responsible for the mucosal repair defects observed in CD patients and for the subsequent chronic activation of the adaptive immune response.
We describe a novel repair of an anterior inflammatory tracheal defect with mediastinitis, which occurred after external tracheal suspension of localized intrathoracic tracheomalacia. The malacic tracheal segment of 4-cm length containing the inflammatory tracheal defect was noncircumferentially resected. A temporary endotracheal silicone stent was introduced, and the trachea was closed by a pedicled pectoralis muscle flap reinforced with an embedded rib segment. Retrieval of the stent 5 months postoperatively resulted in a re-epithelialized, persistently stable, noncollapsible tracheal segment that showed the same diameter and configuration as the nonreconstructed part of the trachea.