687 resultados para Browne, Janet


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La diabetes es un trastorno que por su naturaleza crónica, acompaña a su portador a lo largo de toda la vida; es por esto que el paciente diabético requiere de una amplia gama de información que le permita tomar las riendas de su propio tratamiento, para así controlar en gran manera su futura evolución clínica. El presente estudio tiene como objetivos: determinar el conocimiento que tienen sobre su enfermedad los pacientes con diabetes tipo 2; identificar el conocimiento que tienen los pacientes con respecto a su tratamiento y evaluar el conocimiento que tienen los pacientes en relación a su autocuidado.


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At Site 585 in the East Mariana Basin, a 900-m section of Aptian-Albian to Recent sediments was recovered. The upper 590 m are pelagic components (carbonate, siliceous, and clay); small-scale graded sequences and laminations are common. The underlying sediments are volcaniclastic sandstones with a large proportion of shallow-water carbonate debris; sedimentary structures including complete Bouma sequences, cross-laminae, and scouring are common. These structures indicate that the entire section was deposited by turbidity currents. The change in lithology upward in the section reflects the evolution of the surrounding seamounts, from their growth stages during the middle of the Cretaceous to the later subsidence phases. Several black layers containing pyritized organic debris and associated turbidite structures were cored near the Cenomanian/Turonian boundary; this material has been transported from the flanks of the seamounts where it was deposited within a shallow anoxic zone. Seismic data extends the stratigraphy across the entire Basin, showing the reflectors onlapping the seamounts, and indicating at least 1200 m of sediment at Site 585. The crust is placed at 6900 m after correcting for sediment loading, and the subsidence curve indicates that the Basin has been deeper than 5500 m since before the Aptian.


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The sandstone succession in the lower 240 meters of DSDP Site 445, on the Daito Ridge, provided an opportunity to evaluate the effect of burial diagenesis of sandstones in a deep hole in a tectonic environment (remnant arc) characterized by a history of high heat flow. This report provides preliminary data concerning the petrology and diagenesis of these sandstones and records diagenetic changes which have occurred with increasing depth of burial. Methods used for this study included grain-size analysis (measured from thin sections using the method of Friedman, 1958), polarizing microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron microscopy. A JEOL scanning electron microscope fitted with an energydispersive- X-ray detector was used for obtaining qualitative chemical data on certain minerals to aid in identification.


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Interstitial waters were squeezed from strata recovered at Sites 637-641 of ODP Leg 103 on the Galicia margin, along the northwestern Iberian continental margin in the northeast Atlantic. Chemical profiles of Site 638 show the most complexity, which appears to be related to an unconformity in the strata between Cretaceous and Neogene sediments and to rapid deposition of Cretaceous syn-rift sediments upon pre-rift strata. Analyses of waters from all of the Leg 103 sites show generally antithetical trends for calcium and magnesium; calcium increases with depth as magnesium decreases. No calcium-magnesium 'crossover' profiles are observed in these data. Data from Site 637 show an unusual pattern; calcium increases with increasing depth, but magnesium remains relatively constant. Sulfate is either stable or shows an overall decrease with depth, and boron profiles show some structure. At all but one site (Site 638), strontium profiles do not show marked depth structure. The structure of alkalinity and silica profiles is highly site dependent. Bromide profiles are, in general, constant. In nearly every case, observed bromide concentrations are near average seawater values. Relatively low concentrations of iron and manganese are common within the upper 10 m of the sediment sequence and typically are near detection limits at deeper depths


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Leg 140 of the Ocean Drilling Program deepened Hole 504B to a total depth of 2000.4 m below seafloor (mbsf), making it the deepest hole drilled into ocean crust. Site 504, south of the Costa Rica Rift, is considered the most important in-situ reference section for the structure of shallow ocean crust. We present the results of studies of magnetic mineralogy and magnetic properties of Hole 504B upper crustal rocks recovered during Legs 137 and 140. Results from this sample set are consistent with those discussed in Pariso et al. (this volume) from Legs 111, 137, and 140. Coercivity (Hc) ranges from 5.3 to 27.7 mT (mean 12 mT), coercivity of remanence (HCR) ranges from 13.3 to 50.6 mT (mean 26 mT), and the ratio HCR/HC ranges from 1.6 to 3.19 (mean 2.13). Saturation magnetization (JS) ranges from 0.03 to 5.94 * 10**-6 Am**2, (mean 2.52 * 10**-6 Am**2), saturation remanence (JR) ranges from 0.01 to 0.58 * 10**-6 Am2 (mean 0.37 * 10**-6 Am**2), and the ratio JR/JS ranges from 0.08 to 0.29 (mean 0.16), consistent with pseudo-single-domain behavior. Natural remanent magnetization (NRM) intensity ranges from 0.029 to 7.18 A/m (mean 2.95 A/m), whereas RM10 intensity varies only from 0.006 to 4.8 A/m and has a mean of only 1.02 A/m. Anhysteretic remanent magnetization (ARM) intensity ranges from 0.04 to 6.0 A/m, with a mean of 2.46 A/m, and isothermal remanent magnetization (IRM) intensity ranges from 0.5 to 1683 A/m, with a mean of 430.7 A/m. Volume susceptibility ranges from 0.0003 to 0.043 SI (mean 0.011 SI). In all samples examined, high-temperature oxidation of primary titanomagnetite has produced lamellae or pods of magnetite and ilmenite. Hydrothermal alteration has further altered the minerals in some samples to a mixture of magnetite, ilmenite, titanite, and a high-titanium mineral (either rutile or anatase). Electron microprobe analyses show that magnetite lamellae are enriched in the trivalent oxides Cr2O3, Al2O3, and V2O5, whereas divalent oxides (MnO and MgO) are concentrated in ilmenite lamellae.


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