968 resultados para Bridges, Iron and steel
This thesis investigates the role of accounting in planning and control in the Egyptian Iron and Steel Company "Hadisolb". The hypothesis is that there should be planning and control at appropriate levels, with a significant accounting involvement, In an organisation such as the Egyptian Iron and Steel Company "Hadisolb" . Part One of the thesis explains the role of accounting in planning and control, with special emphasis on its role in long-range corporate planning and control. Parts Two and Three review the history of the Egyptian Iron and Steel Company "Hadisolb", its organisation and structure, also the role of accounting in its planning and control arrangements, together with comments and criticisms concerning this. Part Four is mainly recommendations for alterations or improvements in planning and control in Hadisolb. This includes a suggested planning and organisation structure, physical and cost control reporting structures.
"Exihibit B. Plans of employmee representation in effect at the plants of respondent, Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corporation"--Cover.
This paper sheds light on the iron and steel (IS) scrap trade to examine how economic development affects the quality demanded of recyclable resource. A simple model is presented that show a mechanism of how scrap quality impacts the direction of trade due to comparative advantage. We find that economic development in both importing and exporting countries has a positive effect on the quality of traded recyclables. Developed countries that intend to improve the domestic recovery of recyclables should raise the quality of separating recyclables while developing countries should tighten environmental regulations to help decrease the import of recyclables that cause pollution.
"July 1986."
From the New York "Iron age."
"July 2000."
Mode of access: Internet.
Girona és famosa entre d’altres coses pels seus ponts sobre el riu Onyar.El nou pont que es vol projectar es vol situar entre el carrer del Carme i el carrer Emili Grahit de Girona al principi on la llera del riu Onyar comença a ser transitable. El projecte té com a objectiu la projecció (disseny, càlcul i construcció) d’unapassarel•la d’acer sobre el riu Onyar a Girona al seu començament de la zonatransitable a la llera del riu, que permeti el pas de vianants i vehicles rodats nomotoritzats, incloent cadires de rodes, bicicletes, carros de la compra i cotxets d’uncostat a l’altre del riu. Per aconseguir un disseny òptim sense necessitar d’utilitzar mésmaterial del necessari es decideix realitzar una passarel•la amb forma corba i un estudide la biga principal aplicant el mètode dels elements finits a través d’un programacomercial.L’abast del projecte és la de projectar una passarel•la metàl•lica de uns 50 metres dellarg i 4 metres d’amplada. Amb una estructura el mes apurada possible per tal de noutilitzar més material del compte i així poder abaratir costos. El material també ha deser un material bo i resistent a les inclemències meteorològiques per tal de tenir elmenor manteniment possible. A més ha de complir totes les normatives vigents deseguretat
There are hundreds of structurally deficient or functionally obsolete bridges in the state of Iowa. With the majority of these bridges located on rural county roads where there is limited funding available to replace the bridges, diagnostic load testing can be utilized to determine the actual load carrying capacity of the bridge. One particular family or fleet of bridges that has been determined to be desirable for load testing consists of single-span bridges with non-composite, cast-in-place concrete decks, steel stringers, and timber substructures. Six bridges with poor performing superstructure and substructure from the aforementioned family of bridges were selected to be load tested. The six bridges were located on rural roads in five different counties in Iowa: Boone, Carroll, Humboldt, Mahaska, and Marshall. Volume I of this report focuses on evaluating the superstructure for this family of bridges. This volume discusses the behavior characteristics that influence the load carrying capacity of this fleet of bridges. In particular, the live load distribution, partial composite action, and bearing restraint were investigated as potential factors that could influence the bridge ratings. Implementing fleet management practices, the bridges were analyzed to determine if the load test results could be predicted to better analyze previously untested bridges. For this family of bridges it was found that the ratings increased as a result of the load testing demonstrating a greater capacity than determined analytically. Volume II of this report focuses on evaluating the timber substructure for this family of bridges. In this volume, procedures for detecting pile internal decay using nondestructive ultrasonic stress wave techniques, correlating nondestructive ultrasonic stress wave techniques to axial compression tests to estimate deteriorated pile residual strength, and evaluating load distribution through poor performing timber substructure elements by instrumenting and load testing the abutments of the six selected bridges are discussed. Also, in this volume pile repair methods for restoring axial and bending capacities of pile are developed and evaluated.
Problems with unknown bridge foundations in Iowa are often associated with timber substructures. Timber piles are subject to biological and physical deterioration, which makes quantifying in-service pile capacity difficult. Currently there are no reliable means to estimate the residual carrying capacity of an in-service deteriorated pile; and thus, the overall safety of the bridge cannot be determined. The lack of reliable evaluation methods can lead to conservative and costly maintenance practices. This research study was undertaken to investigate procedures for assessing bridge substructures, and evaluating procedures for rehabilitating/strengthening/replacing inadequate substructure components. The report includes an extensive literature review, a field reconnaissance study of 49 bridges, a survey of substructure problems from the perspective of County Engineers, a laboratory study aiming to correlate nondestructive tests to residual pile strength and stiffness values, nondestructive and destructive load tests for 6 bridges with poor substructures, and finally a laboratory study evaluating selected repair methods.