908 resultados para Boy scouts.


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No contexto brasileiro, a investigação acerca das necessidades educacionais especiais concentra-se no estudo das dificuldades e possibilidades de inclusão desses alunos em classes regulares de ensino, enfatizando os processos de ensino e aprendizagem. Poucos estudos, no Brasil, admitem a família como objeto de análise, embora não se questione a sua importância para o desenvolvimento infantil. Dessa forma, com base no modelo bioecológico e na teoria estrutural sistêmica, admitindo-se a família como um campo de desenvolvimento comum a todos os membros faz-se necessário conhecer o modo como ela se estrutura para atender as demandas decorrentes da necessidade especial de seu filho e os efeitos dessa dinâmica nos demais membros. A partir disso objetivou-se descrever, a estrutura e a dinâmica de famílias de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais, além de: analisar as interações e relações estabelecidas dentro de cada subsistema (conjugal, fraternal, parental) e entre eles, assim como identificar a organização familiar, a partir dos mecanismos de coesão e hierarquia de acordo com o modelo estrutural sistêmico. Como estratégia de pesquisa utilizou-se o estudo de casos múltiplos, com duas famílias de crianças com necessidades educacionais especiais, sendo uma menina surda, de dez anos, e um menino, de doze anos, com dificuldades de aprendizagem. Os instrumentos e técnicas aplicados foram: Roteiro de Entrevista Semi-Estruturado, Inventário de Rotina (IR), Observação Sistemática, Diário de Campo, Family System Test (FAST) e Genograma. Os escores de proximidade obtidos no FAST foram coerentes com os resultados do IR, demonstrando maior coesão na díade mãe-filho que na díade pai-filho, nas duas famílias; quanto à flexibilidade das fronteiras, em geral, a percepção das famílias foi de fronteiras rígidas, nos sistemas, familiar, parental e fraternal, sendo que, a distribuição de hierarquia foi percebida pela díade parental, nas duas famílias, como sinal de prediletância, para o subsistema fraternal, e dominação, para o parental, o que interferiu nas estruturas relacionais desses subsistemas percebidas pelos membros. Na avaliação do subsistema fraternal, a ausência de poder, representada pelos pais e a representação dessa variável pelas crianças resultou em diferenças de percepção, no grupo. Portanto, esse estudo permitiu, por meio da identificação das relações e percepções dos membros das famílias, a compreensão de sua dinâmica e a influência desta, na trajetória desenvolvimental das crianças e do grupo, a partir, das demandas decorrentes do diagnóstico e das estratégias peculiares a cada família para enfrentar as necessidades especiais de suas crianças. Percebe-se que a família, sendo a principal parceira da escola na educação, precisa ser olhada como um sistema cujas estratégias relacionais são fundamentais para que a criança tenha suas habilidades estimuladas podendo, assim, superar suas dificuldades.


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As mucopolissacaridoses (MPS) são doenças genéticas raras causadas pela deficiência de enzimas lisossômicas específicas que afetam o catabolismo de glicosaminoglicanos (GAG). O acúmulo de GAG em vários órgãos e tecidos nos pacientes afetados pelas MPS resulta em uma série de sinais e sintomas, integrantes de um quadro clínico multissistêmico que compromete ossos e articulações, vias respiratórias, sistema cardiovascular e muitos outros órgãos e tecidos, incluindo, em alguns casos, as funções cognitivas. Já foram identificados 11 defeitos enzimáticos que causam sete tipos diferentes de MPS. Antes do advento de terapias dirigidas para a restauração da atividade da enzima deficiente, o tratamento das MPS tinha como principal foco a prevenção e o cuidado das complicações, aspecto ainda bastante importante no manejo desses pacientes. Na década de 80 foi proposto o tratamento das MPS com transplante de medula óssea/transplante de células tronco hematopoiéticas (TMO/TCTH) e na década de 90 começou o desenvolvimento da Terapia de Reposição Enzimática (TRE), que se tornou uma realidade aprovada para uso clínico nas MPS I, II e VI na primeira década do século 21. Os autores deste trabalho têm a convicção de que um melhor futuro para os pacientes afetados pelas MPS depende da identificação, compreensão e manejo adequado das manifestações multissistêmicas dessas doenças, incluindo medidas de suporte (que devem fazer parte da assistência multidisciplinar regular destes pacientes) e terapias específicas. Embora a inibição da síntese de GAG e o resgate da atividade enzimática com moléculas pequenas também possam vir a ter um papel no manejo das MPS, o grande avanço disponível no momento é a TRE intravenosa. A TRE permitiu modificar radicalmente o panorama do tratamento das mucopolissacaridoses I, II e VI na última década, sendo que ainda pode estender seus benefícios em breve para a MPS IV A (cuja TRE já está em desenvolvimento clínico), com perspectivas para o tratamento da MPS III A e do déficit cognitivo na MPS II através de administração da enzima diretamente no sistema nervoso central (SNC). Um grande número de centros brasileiros, incluindo serviços de todas as regiões do país, já têm experiência com TRE para MPS I, II e VI. Essa experiência foi adquirida não só com o tratamento de pacientes como também com a participação de alguns grupos em ensaios clínicos envolvendo TRE para essas condições. Somados os três tipos de MPS, mais de 250 pacientes já foram tratados com TRE em nosso país. A experiência dos profissionais brasileiros, somada aos dados disponíveis na literatura internacional, permitiu elaborar este documento, produzido com o objetivo de reunir e harmonizar as informações disponíveis sobre o tratamento destas doenças graves e progressivas, mas que, felizmente, são hoje tratáveis, uma realidade que traz novas perspectivas para os pacientes brasileiros afetados por essas condições.


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Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are rare genetic diseases caused by the deficiency of one of the lysosomal enzymes involved in the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) breakdown pathway. This metabolic block leads to the accumulation of GAG in various organs and tissues of the affected patients, resulting in a multisystemic clinical picture, sometimes including cognitive impairment. Until the beginning of the XXI century, treatment was mainly supportive. Bone marrow transplantation improved the natural course of the disease in some types of MPS, but the morbidity and mortality restricted its use to selected cases. The identification of the genes involved, the new molecular biology tools and the availability of animal models made it possible to develop specific enzyme replacement therapies (ERT) for these diseases. At present, a great number of Brazilian medical centers from all regions of the country have experience with ERT for MPS I, II, and VI, acquired not only through patient treatment but also in clinical trials. Taking the three types of MPS together, over 200 patients have been treated with ERT in our country. This document summarizes the experience of the professionals involved, along with the data available in the international literature, bringing together and harmonizing the information available on the management of these severe and progressive diseases, thus disclosing new prospects for Brazilian patients affected by these conditions.


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Todos sabemos, por observação ou por própria experiência, que é um mito considerar a infância como um tempo de plena harmonia, como se a felicidade fosse condição obrigatória no cotidiano dos pequenos; todos sabemos quão intensa pode ser a dor no horizonte restrito da dependência. Neste artigo, pretende-se traçar um paralelo entre o modo como duas crianças, diferentes, mas em certo sentido bem próximas, uma menina e um menino, vivenciam e enfrentam a experiência da morte. A análise focará o comportamento dos narradores em “Manuela em dia de chuva”, de Autran Dourado, e “Campo geral”, de Guimarães Rosa, em especial no momento em que se apresenta o confronto com a perda irreparável do irmão, que protegia e orientava. Experiência da dor, fonte de aprendizado, passagem da infância à maturidade.Tristeza e alento, formas de narrar a solidão e o desamparo, mas também de celebrar, no Mutum ou na casa da família, a força da vida, que continua.


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The aim of this study was to use systematic teaching in a clinical setting using software to teach reading and writing in one boy with learning difficulties and obtain accurate performance in dictation. In the pre-test, the student showed good performance in matching-to-sample tasks (96% in matching printed words to dictated words; 88% in matching pictures to dictated words), although he obtained a low percentage of correct answers in the dictation of constructed responses (52%) and manuscripts (24%). The teaching strengthened the selection of printed words matched to dictated words and copying words. The student obtained 100% correct answers in the teaching tasks. In post-tests of dictation, he obtained 100% correct answers in constructed response and 96% correct answers in manuscripts. The results indicate that carefully teaching copying may promote accuracy in the performance of responding to minimal units in dictation tasks.


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Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) of the jaws represents a localized and benign neoplastic lesion sometimes characterized by aggressive osteolytic proliferation. The World Health Organization defines it as an intraosseous lesion composed of cellular and dense connective tissues that contain multiple hemorrhagic foci, an aggregation of multinucleated giant cells, and occasional bone tissue trabeculae. The origin of this lesion is uncertain; however, factors such as local trauma, inflammation, intraosseous hemorrhage, and genetic abnormalities have been identified as possible causes. CGCG generally affects those younger than 30 years and occurs more frequently in women (2: 1). This lesion corresponds to approximately 7% of all benign tumors of the jaws, with prevalence in the anterior region of the jaw. Aggressive lesions are characterized by symptoms, such as pain, numbness, rapid growth, cortical perforation, root resorption, and a high recurrence rate after curettage. In contrast, nonaggressive CGCGs have a slow rate of growth, may contain sparse trabeculation, and are less likely to move teeth or cause root resorption or cortical perforation. Nonaggressive CGCGs are generally asymptomatic lesions and thus are frequently found on routine dental radiographs. Radiographically, the 2 forms of CGCG present as radiolucent, expansive, unilocular or multilocular masses with well-defined margins. The histopathology of CGCG is characterized by multinucleated giant cells, surrounded by round, oval, and spindle-shaped mononuclear cells, scattered in dense connective tissue with hemorrhagic and abundant vascularization foci. The final diagnosis is determined by histopathologic analysis of the biopsy specimen. The preferred treatment for CGCG consists of excisional biopsy, curettage with a safety margin, and partial or total resection of the affected bone. Conservative treatments include local injections of steroids, calcitonin, and antiangiogenic therapy. Drug treatment using antibiotics, painkillers, and corticosteroids and clinical and radiographic monitoring are necessary for approximately 10 days after surgery. There are only a few cases of spontaneous CGCG regression described in the literature; therefore, a detailed case report of CGCG regression in a 12-yearold boy with a 4-year follow-up is presented and compared with previous studies. (c) 2014 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons


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Our intention was to describe the case of a six-year-old boy, carrier of a language disturbance associated to neurological disorders, in language therapy. Our goal was to build instruments for the diagnosis of similar cases. Relating the patient's psychopathological characteristics with a neurological disease, we understood that both results in manifestations of verbal and physical aggressiveness as well as in the severe disturbance of the language. We hope we have contributed to the understanding of the disturbances of communication associated to psychogenic symptoms and of neurological disorders.


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Central giant cell granuloma (CGCG) is an intraosseous lesion consisting of fibrous cellular tissue that contains multiple foci of hemorrhage, multinucleated giant cells, and occasional trabeculae of woven bone. An 8-year-old boy presented himself complaining of a painless swelling in the left maxilla that had started 1 year. Computed tomography (CT) scan confirmed a poorly defined multilocular radiolucent lesion in the left maxilla crossing the midline. The patient underwent enucleation through an intraoral approach of the lesion. The biopsy revealed multinucleated giant cells in a fibrous stroma. A CT was taken approximately 1 year postoperatively. There was no clinical or radiographic evidence of recurrence. Therefore, surgical treatment of CGCG can be performed, trying to preserve the surrounding anatomic structures, which can be maintained in case the lesion does not show an aggressive clinical behavior, avoiding large surgical defects which are undesirable in children.


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC


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Difficulties with sleep are frequent in the pre-schooler children. The aim of this study was to present a case report of behavioural intervention by parental guidance to sleeping problems in a pre-schooler child. Participated in this study a four years old boy that had difficulties to sleep without the presence of his parents and his mother who was oriented through a parental program. The program of intervention was composed by five sessions in which the mother acquired education about the child’s sleep, received orientation about the establishment of time and routine to sleep and about the use of techniques (extinction and positive reinforcement) for the improvement of the sleep difficulties. The sleep and behaviour were evaluated in four periods (pre-treatment, post-treatment, one and six months follow up) according to the following instruments: 1) UNESP Scale of Habits and Hygiene of the Sleep – Children Version, 2) Scale of Sleep Disorders for Children and Teenagers, 3) Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 1,5-5) and 4) sleep diary. The results showed that after intervention the child developed independent sleep, reduced the bed resistance and showed improvement in daily behaviors. To conclude: a behavioral intervention by parental guidance was effective to sleep problems of the child.


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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The aim of this study was to describe the trajectory and the outcomes of speech-language therapy in Prader-Willi syndrome through a longitudinal study of the case of an 8 year-old boy, along four years of speech-language therapy follow-up. The therapy sessions were filmed and documental analysis of information from the child's records regarding anamnesis, evaluation and speech-language therapy reports and multidisciplinary evaluations were carried out. The child presented typical characteristics of Prader-Willi syndrome, such as obesity, hyperfagia, anxiety, behavioral problems and self aggression episodes. Speech-language pathology evaluation showed orofacial hypotony, sialorrhea, hypernasal voice, cognitive deficits, oral comprehension difficulties, communication using gestures and unintelligible isolated words. Initially, speech-language therapy had the aim to promote the language development emphasizing social interaction through recreational activities. With the evolution of the case, the main focus became the development of conversation and narrative abilities. It were observed improvements in attention, symbolic play, social contact and behavior. Moreover, there was an increase in vocabulary, and evolution in oral comprehension and the development of narrative abilities. Hence, speech-language pathology intervention in the case described was effective in different linguistic levels, regarding phonological, syntactic, lexical and pragmatic abilities.


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Condyloma acuminata caused by human papilloma viruses, (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) appearing most frequently as soft, pink cauliflower like growths in moist areas, such as the genitalia, mouth and other places. The disease is highly contagious, can appear singly or in groups, small or large. In children, the isolation of a sexually transmitted organism may be the first indication that an abuse has occurred. Although the presence of a sexually transmissible agent from a child beyond the neonatal period is suggestive of sexual abuse, exceptions do exist. The authors report the clinical case of a five-year-old Caucasian male with lesions located in the dorsal surfaces of the posterior tongue and palate. Both lesions had a firm consistency, reddish appearance and presence of whitish areas and regions of ulceration. During the interview, the mother reported that the boy had been sexually abused. Sexually transmitted disease may occur during sexual abuse. Dentists as well as pediatricians have a role to play in identifying and treating these children. The diagnosis is essentially clinical (anamnesis and physical examination), but also the use of cytology eventually resorts to biopsy of the suspicious lesions for histological examination. The therapeutic option was the excision of the lesions.


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The development of an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan can be a complex task, especially in cases of dentoalveolar trauma. The authors present a case report of crown-root fracture caused by trauma and highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach for the treatment. An eighteen year-old boy had a bicycle accident resulting in dental trauma. The upper right first molar showed a complicated crownroot fracture and the lower left second pre-molar showed an uncomplicated crown-root fracture. Endodontic treatment, controlled tooth extrusion, periodontal surgery for recovery of biological width, and porcelain crown and onlay restorations were performed. Esthetic and functional results were achieved. At the two-year follow-up it was observed that the tooth/onlay interface of the upper right first molar was stained and the onlay of the left lower second pre-molar was fractured. Therefore, the interface stained was repaired and a porcelain crown was made for the lower second premolar. The clinical case presented herein leads to the conclusion that a multidisciplinary treatment plan is extremely important for a proper resolution in cases of dentoalveolar trauma.