969 resultados para Beauvoir, Simone de, 1908-1986 -- Criticism and interpretation


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Large data sets of radiocarbon dates are becoming a more common feature of archaeological research. The sheer numbers of radiocarbon dates produced, however, raise issues of representation and interpretation. This paper presents a methodology which both reduces the visible impact of dating fluctuations, but also takes into consideration the influence of the underlying radiocarbon calibration curve. By doing so, it may be possible to distinguish between periods of human activity in early medieval Ireland and the statistical tails produced by radiocarbon calibration.


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Purpose: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs of ~18-22 nucleotides in length that regulate gene expression. They are widely expressed in the retina, being both required for its normal development and perturbed in disease. The aim of this study was to apply new high-throughput sequencing techniques to more fully characterise the microRNAs and other small RNAs expressed in the retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)/choroid of the mouse.

Methods: Retina and RPE/choroid were dissected from eyes of 3 month-old C57BL/6J mice. Small RNA libraries were prepared and deep sequencing performed on a Genome Analyzer (Illumina). Reads were annotated by alignment to miRBase, other non-coding RNA databases and the mouse genome.

Results: Annotation of 9 million reads to 320 microRNAs in retina and 340 in RPE/choroid provides the most comprehensive profiling of microRNAs to date. Two novel microRNAs were identified in retina. Members of the sensory organ specific miR-183,-182,-96 cluster were amongst the most highly expressed, retina-enriched microRNAs. Remarkably, microRNA 'isomiRs', which vary slightly in length and are differentially detected by Taqman RT-PCR assays, existed for all the microRNAs identified in both tissues. More variation occurred at the 3' ends, including non-templated additions of T and A. Drosha-independent mirtron microRNAs and other small RNAs derived from snoRNAs were also detected.

Conclusions: Deep sequencing has revealed the complexity of small RNA expression in the mouse retina and RPE/choroid. This knowledge will improve the design and interpretation of future functional studies of the role of microRNAs and other small RNAs in retinal disease.


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Associations between the consumption of particular foods and health outcomes may be indicated by observational studies. However, intervention trials that evaluate the health benefits of foods provide the strongest evidence to support dietary recommendations for health. Thus, it is important that these trials are carried out safely, and to high scientific standards. Accepted standards for the reporting of the health benefits of pharmaceutical and other medical interventions have been provided by the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement. However, there are no generally accepted standards for trials to evaluate the health benefits of foods. Trials with foods differ from medical trials in issues related to safety, ethics, research governance and practical implementation. Furthermore, these important issues can deter the conduct of both medical and nutrition trials in infants, children and adolescents. This paper provides standards for the planning, design, conduct, statistical analysis and interpretation of human intervention trials to evaluate the health benefits of foods that are based on the CONSORT guidelines, and outlines the key issues that need to be addressed in trials in participants in the paediatric age range.


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This case describes a qualitative social science research project that was conducted in 2009 and that examined the experiences of recent migrants to Northern Ireland. While background to the research and key findings are presented, the topic forms a backdrop to the case. The following aspects of the study are presented: the theoretical context; formulating the research question, design and methodology; key methodological issues; data collection and analysis; project dissemination; and research funding and reporting. The case pays particular attention to the needs and impact of different groups including the researcher, the funding body, the researcher’s employer and the researched. The significance of access, language and ethics to this study are examined. Finally, the way in which the research unfolded in an often-unpredictable way throughout the implementation process is highlighted in the narrative.


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Analysis of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) tissue for KRAS codon 12 or 13 mutations to guide use of anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapy is now considered mandatory in the UK. The scope of this practice has been recently extended because of data indicating that NRAS mutations and additional KRAS mutations also predict for poor response to anti-EGFR therapy. The following document provides guidance on RAS (i.e., KRAS and NRAS) testing of CRC tissue in the setting of personalised medicine within the UK and particularly within the NHS. This guidance covers issues related to case selection, preanalytical aspects, analysis and interpretation of such RAS testing.


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Contested understandings about the past continue to reify the divided character of post-Troubles Northern Ireland. In particular, the unresolved legacies of the extension of English control over Ireland in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries through warfare and plantation continue to structure daily lives in the province. Yet the archaeological record of this period complicates the accepted dichotomous narratives through highlighting complexity. These nuances, however, have been lost in recent decades as an overly simplistic model of colonizer versus colonized has emerged as the dominant political paradigm. The management and presentation of sites associated with the process of plantation can arguably create the space necessary to bridge the divide, and to challenge accepted understandings. Cross-community engagement in the process of archaeological discovery and interpretation on plantation-period sites in Northern Ireland highlights the critical role archaeology can play in peace and reconciliation in post-conflict societies.


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OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate how individual participant data (IPD) meta-analyses have impacted directly on the design and conduct of trials and highlight other advantages IPD might offer.

STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Potential examples of the impact of IPD meta-analyses on trials were identified at an international workshop, attended by individuals with experience in the conduct of IPD meta-analyses and knowledge of trials in their respective clinical areas. Experts in the field who did not attend were asked to provide any further examples. We then examined relevant trial protocols, publications, and Web sites to verify the impacts of the IPD meta-analyses. A subgroup of workshop attendees sought further examples and identified other aspects of trial design and conduct that may inform IPD meta-analyses.

RESULTS: We identified 52 examples of IPD meta-analyses thought to have had a direct impact on the design or conduct of trials. After screening relevant trial protocols and publications, we identified 28 instances where IPD meta-analyses had clearly impacted on trials. They have influenced the selection of comparators and participants, sample size calculations, analysis and interpretation of subsequent trials, and the conduct and analysis of ongoing trials, sometimes in ways that would not possible with systematic reviews of aggregate data. We identified additional potential ways that IPD meta-analyses could be used to influence trials.

CONCLUSIONS: IPD meta-analysis could be better used to inform the design, conduct, analysis, and interpretation of trials.


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Patients admitted to the intensive care unit with critical illness often experience significant physical impairments, which typically persist for many years following resolution of the original illness. Physical rehabilitation interventions that enhance restoration of physical function have been evaluated across the continuum of recovery following critical illness including within the intensive care unit, following discharge to the ward and beyond hospital discharge. Multiple systematic reviews have been published appraising the expanding evidence investigating these physical rehabilitation interventions, although there appears to be variability in review methodology and quality. We aim to conduct an overview of existing systematic reviews of physical rehabilitation interventions for adult intensive care patients across the continuum of recovery.

This protocol has been developed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Protocol (PRISMA-P) guidelines. We will search the Cochrane Systematic Review Database, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effectiveness, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, Excerpta Medica Database and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature databases. We will include systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials of adult patients, admitted to the intensive care unit and who have received physical rehabilitation interventions at any time point during their recovery. Data extraction will include systematic review aims and rationale, study types, populations, interventions, comparators, outcomes and quality appraisal method. Primary outcomes of interest will focus on findings reflecting recovery of physical function. Quality of reporting and methodological quality will be appraised using the PRISMA checklist and the Assessment of Multiple Systematic Reviews tool.

We anticipate the findings from this novel overview of systematic reviews will contribute to the synthesis and interpretation of existing evidence regarding physical rehabilitation interventions and physical recovery in post-critical illness patients across the continuum of recovery.


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To assess the methodologic quality of published studies of the surgical management of coexisting cataract and glaucoma.


Literature review and analysis.


We performed a systematic search of the literature to identify all English language articles pertaining to the surgical management of coexisting cataract and glaucoma in adults. Quality assessment was performed on all randomized controlled trials, nonrandomized controlled trials, and cohort studies. Overall quality scores and scores for individual methodologic domains were based on the evaluations of two experienced investigators who independently reviewed articles using an objective quality assessment form.


Quality in each of five domains (representativeness, bias and confounding, intervention description, outcomes and follow-up, and statistical quality and interpretation) measured as the percentage of methodologic criteria met by each study.


Thirty-six randomized controlled trials and 45 other studies were evaluated. The mean quality score for the randomized, controlled clinical trials was 63% (range, 11%-88%), and for the other studies the score was 45% (range, 3%-83%). The mean domain scores were 65% for description of therapy (range, 0%-100%), 62% for statistical analysis (range, 0%-100%), 58% for representativeness (range, 0%-94%), 49% for outcomes assessment (range, 0%-83%), and 30% for bias and confounding (range, 0%-83%). Twenty-five of the studies (31%) received a score of 0% in the bias and confounding domain for not randomizing patients, not masking the observers to treatment group, and not having equivalent groups at baseline.


Greater methodologic rigor and more detailed reporting of study results, particularly in the area of bias and confounding, could improve the quality of published clinical studies assessing the surgical management of coexisting cataract and glaucoma.


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Este trabalho teve como objectivo caracterizar quimicamente a água da chuva recolhida na cidade de Aveiro, localizada a sudoeste da Europa, no período de Setembro de 2008 a Setembro de 2009. Para matrizes diluídas como a da água da chuva, as metodologias analíticas a utilizar para se conseguir uma rigorosa caracterização química são de grande importância e ainda não estão uniformizadas. Assim, para caracterizar a fracção orgânica, primeiramente foram comparadas duas metodologias de filtração (0.22 e 0.45 μm) e foram estudados dois procedimentos de preservação da água da chuva (refrigeração e congelação), utilizando a espectroscopia de fluorescência molecular. Além disso, foram comparados dois procedimentos de isolamento e extracção da matéria orgânica dissolvida (DOM) da água da chuva, baseados na sorção nos sorbentes DAX-8 e C-18, utilizando as espectroscopias de ultravioleta-visível e fluorescência molecular. Relativamente aos resultados das metodologias de filtração e preservação, é recomendada a filtração por 0.45 μm, assim como, as amostras de água da chuva deverão ser mantidas no escuro a 4ºC, no máximo até 4 dias, até às análises espectroscópicas. Relativamente à metodologia de isolamento e extracção da DOM, os resultados mostraram que o procedimento de isolamento baseado na C-18 extraiu a DOM que é representativa da matriz global, enquanto que o procedimento da DAX-8 extraiu preferencialmente a fracção do tipo húmico. Como no presente trabalho pretendíamos caracterizar a fracção do tipo húmico da DOM da água da chuva, foi escolhida a metodologia de isolamento e extracção baseada na sorção no sorvente DAX-8. Previamente ao isolamento e extracção da DOM da água da chuva, toda a fracção orgânica das amostras de água da chuva foi caracterizada pelas técnicas de ultravioleta-visível e de fluorescência molecular. As amostras mostraram características semelhantes às de outras águas naturais, e a água da chuva do Verão e Outono apresentou maior conteúdo da matéria orgânica dissolvida cromofórica que a do Inverno e Primavera. Posteriormente, a fracção do tipo húmico de algumas amostras de água da chuva, isolada e extraída pelo procedimento baseado na DAX-8, foi caracterizada utilizando as técnicas espectroscópicas de ultravioleta-visível, fluorescência molecular e ressonância magnética nuclear de protão. Todos os extractos continham uma mistura complexa de compostos hidroxilados e ácidos carboxílicos, com uma predominância da componente alifática e um baixo conteúdo da componente aromática. A fracção inorgânica da água da chuva foi caracterizada determinando a concentração das seguintes espécies iónicas: H+, NH4 +, Cl-, NO3 -, SO4 2-. Os resultados foram comparados com os obtidos na chuva colectada no mesmo local entre 1986-1989 e mostraram que de todos os iões determinados a concentração de NO3 - foi a única que aumentou (cerca do dobro) em 20 anos, tendo sido atribuído ao aumento de veículos e emissões industriais na área de amostragem. Durante o período de amostragem cerca de 80% da precipitação esteve associada a massas de ar oceânicas, enquanto a restante esteve relacionada com massas que tiveram uma influência antropogénica e terrestre. De um modo geral, para as fracções orgânica e inorgânica da água da chuva analisadas, o conteúdo químico foi menor para as amostras que estiveram associadas a massas de ar marítimas do que para as amostras que tiveram contribuições terrestres e antropogénicas.


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Intimate Ecologies considers the practice of exhibition-making over the past decade in formal museum and gallery spaces and its relationship to creating a concept of craft in contemporary Britain. Different forms of expression found in traditions of still life painting, film and moving image, poetic text and performance are examined to highlight the complex layers of language at play in exhibitions and within a concept of craft. The thesis presents arguments for understanding the value of embodied material knowledge to aesthetic experience in exhibitions, across a spectrum of human expression. These are supported by reference to exhibition case studies, critical and theoretical works from fields including social anthropology, architecture, art and design history and literary criticism and a range of individual, original works of art. Intimate Ecologies concludes that the museum exhibition, as a creative medium for understanding objects, becomes enriched by close study of material practice, and embodied knowledge that draws on a concept of craft. In turn a concept of craft is refreshed by the makers’ participation in shifting patterns of exhibition-making in cultural spaces that allow the layers of language embedded in complex objects to be experienced from different perspectives. Both art-making and the experience of objects are intimate, and infinitely varied: a vibrant ecology of exhibition-making gives space to this diversity.


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Ecological studies that examine species-environment relationships are often limited to several meteorological parameters, i.e. mean air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, vapour pressure deficit and solar radiation. The impact of local wind, its speed and direction are less commonly investigated in aerobiological surveys mainly due to difficulties related to the employment of specific analytical tools and interpretation of their outputs. Identification of inoculum sources of economically important plant pathogens, as well as highly allergenic bioaerosols like Cladosporium species, has not been yet explored with remote sensing data and atmospheric models such as Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT). We, therefore, performed an analysis of 24 h intra-diurnal cycle of Cladosporium spp. spores from an urban site in connection with both the local wind direction and overall air mass direction computed by HYSPLIT. The observational method was a volumetric air sampler of the Hirst design with 1 h time resolution and corresponding optical detection of fungal spores with light microscopy. The atmospheric modelling was done using the on-line data set from GDAS with 1° resolution and circular statistical methods. Our results showed stronger, statistically significant correlation (p ≤ 0.05) between high Cladosporium spp. spore concentration and air mass direction compared to the local wind direction. This suggested that a large fraction of the investigated fungal spores had a regional origin and must be located more than a few kilometers away from the sampling point.


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As academic disciplines, Physical Education and Sport History share interests in performance, participation, physique and the politics of corporeal praxis. Engendering unity between the two disciplines, however, has not been without concern. Scholars working within (and across) both fields have highlighted how the potential for shared knowledge production and meaning making has been, to a degree, stymied by epistemological and methodological criticism and trepidation. Issues over contextualization, rigour, narrative schemas, conceptualizations of the body, and notions of agency and power still, in particular, constrain our current educational and historical readings and renderings of physical culture(s). Scholarly schisms and methodological differences can be overcome, however, and need not prohibit disciplinary collaborations that might better address prevailing ethical questions and affect political cause; vis-à-vis the body, the physical and sport. This brief piece is, consequently, recourse to the scholarly symbiosis between Physical Education and Sport History and echoes the encouragement of our earlier colleagues to play, inquire, create and produce together.