914 resultados para Bartholdi-Walther
von Carl Peters
von Scharlach
von Otto Arendt
von Frieda von Bülow
von Carl Peters
von Hermann Bibo
dargest. von Wilhelm Vallentin
Wie Walther von Stolzing, so wird es gelingen.
Wie Walther von Stolzing, so wir es gelingen.
"Randphänomene der Gesellschaft", Seminar Wintersemester 1959/60, Friedrich Pollock: eigenhändige Notizen zum Seminar, 12 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: 1 Briefentwurf und Brief an den Chefarzt des Psychiatrischen Krankenhauses Haina, Frankfurt, 21.12.1959, 2 Blatt; Max Horkheimer: 1 Briefentwurf an Hoff,..., Universitätsklinik Wien, o.O., o.D., 1 Blatt; Referate und Protokolle zum Seminar (Walther, ...; Kuhn, Hans; Rebenau, K.H.v.; Grün, Richard), Typoskripte, 25 Blatt; Zeitungsausschnitte über Kriminalität und Strafvollzug; "Was ist der Mensch?", Proseminar Wintersemester 1960/61, eigenhändige Notizen zum Proseminar, 2 Blatt; Programm und Liste der Referate, 1 Blatt; "Zur Idee der Freiheit", Vorlesung Sommersemester 1961, Max Horkheimer: eigenhändige Notizen, 1 Heft, 16 Blatt, davon 9 leer und 7 zusätzliche Blätter; Hilmar Tillack: Ausgearbeitete Nachschrift der Vorlesung Max Horkheimers, Typoskript, 64 Blatt;
In the present study, proxy data concerning changes in atmospheric CO2 and climatic conditions from the Late Eocene to the Early Miocene were acquired by applying palaeobotanical methods. Fossil floras from 10 well-documented locations in Saxony, Germany, were investigated with respect to (1) stomatal density/index of fossil leaves from three different taxa (Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis, Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps and Laurophyllum acutimontanum), (2) the coexistence approach (CA) based on nearest living relatives (NLR) and (3) leaf margin analysis (LMA). Whereas the results of approach (1) indicate changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration, approaches (2) and (3) provide climate data. The results of the analysis of stomatal parameters indicate that the atmospheric CO2 concentration was higher during the Late Eocene than during the Early Oligocene and increased towards the Late Oligocene. A lower atmospheric pCO2 level after the Late Eocene is also suggested by an increase in marine palaeoproductivity at this time. From the Late Oligocene onwards, no changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration can be detected with the present data. For the considered sites, the results of the coexistence approach and of the leaf margin analysis document a significant cooling event from the Late Eocene to the Early Oligocene. The pCO2 decrease from the Late Eocene to the Early Oligocene indicated by the stomatal data raised in this study was thus coupled to a temperature decrease which is reflected by the present datasets. From the Early Oligocene onwards, however, no further fundamental climate change can be inferred for the considered locations. The pCO2 increase from the Early Oligocene to the Late Oligocene, which is indicated by the present data, is thus not accompanied by a climate change at the considered sites. A warming event during the Late Oligocene is, however, recorded by marine climate archives. According to the present data, no change in pCO2 occurred during the cooling event at the Oligocene/Miocene boundary, which is also indicated by marine data. The quality and validity of stomatal parameters as sensors for atmospheric CO2 concentration are discussed.
La alimentación ocupa un rol importante en el desarrollo de todo ser humano. Conocer el estado nutricional y hábitos alimentarios de los estudiantes es una necesidad, ya que impacta en forma directa en la calidad de vida y salud de los mismos. Objetivos: · Analizar los hábitos alimentarios de los estudiantes del nivel Superior. · Relacionar la alimentación con factores socio económicos que influyen directa o indirectamente sobre los hábitos alimentarios. · Determinar las posibles acciones que permitan lograr un cambio cultural en los hábitos alimentarios de los estudiantes y que se transformen merced a su futura profesión, en agentes de este cambio en la población. Métodos: se ha utilizado metodología cuantitativo-descriptiva, mediante análisis de encuestas realizadas a un grupo de estudiantes de las diferentes carreras que se desarrollan en el Instituto PT-071 Cruz Roja Argentina. Resultados: La mayoría de los estudiantes universitarios de la Cruz Roja Argentina no llegan a cubrir las necesidades nutritivas de las dietas diarias. Saltean algunas de las comidas por no disponer de tiempo suficiente y en general consumen grandes cantidades de azúcares y lípidos que forman parte de dietas hipercalóricas, que conducen a enfermedades como sobrepeso y obesidad, hipertensión arterial y diabetes, entre otras.