951 resultados para Bajorrelieve romano
Background: The rising temperature of the world’s oceans has become a major threat to coral reefs globally as the severity and frequency of mass coral bleaching and mortality events increase. In 2005, high ocean temperatures in the tropical Atlantic and Caribbean resulted in the most severe bleaching event ever recorded in the basin. Methodology/Principal Findings: Satellite-based tools provided warnings for coral reef managers and scientists, guiding both the timing and location of researchers’ field observations as anomalously warm conditions developed and spread across the greater Caribbean region from June to October 2005. Field surveys of bleaching and mortality exceeded prior efforts in detail and extent, and provided a new standard for documenting the effects of bleaching and for testing nowcast and forecast products. Collaborators from 22 countries undertook the most comprehensive documentation of basin-scale bleaching to date and found that over 80% of corals bleached and over 40% died at many sites. The most severe bleaching coincided with waters nearest a western Atlantic warm pool that was centered off the northern end of the Lesser Antilles. Conclusions/Significance: Thermal stress during the 2005 event exceeded any observed from the Caribbean in the prior 20 years, and regionally-averaged temperatures were the warmest in over 150 years. Comparison of satellite data against field surveys demonstrated a significant predictive relationship between accumulated heat stress (measured using NOAA Coral Reef Watch’s Degree Heating Weeks) and bleaching intensity. This severe, widespread bleaching and mortality will undoubtedly have long-term consequences for reef ecosystems and suggests a troubled future for tropical marine ecosystems under a warming climate
Na trajetória de desenvolvimento do português, observa-se a forte presença do movimento cristão contribuindo diretamente no seu processo de transformação. Desde o fim do Império Romano até a legitimação da língua no século XVI, o português experimentou uma forte interferência do Cristianismo, seja na criação de um vocabulário próprio ou na significação de usos vocabulares que não pertencem diretamente ao movimento cristão. A partir da seleção vocabular presente nos Sermões de Padre Antônio Vieira, é possível identificar na língua portuguesa do século XVII a presença de um léxico cristão estabelecido desde a formação da língua no século XIII. Com as transformações sociais ocorridas a partir do surgimento de inúmeras vertentes do Cristianismo, outras influências foram percebidas, demonstrando que a deriva em um idioma é algo constante e dinâmico. O acompanhamento das mudanças lexicais a partir do latim cristão até o português do século XVII demonstra a riqueza na transformação da língua ainda nos dias atuais
A competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) was developed by using a whole-cell antigen from a marine Brucella sp. isolated from a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). The assay was designed to screen sera from multiple marine mammal species for the presence of antibodies against marine-origin Brucella. Based on comparisons with culture-confirmed cases, specificity and sensitivity for cetacean samples tested were 73% and 100%, respectively. For pinniped samples, specificity and sensitivity values were 77% and 67%, respectively. Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi; n = 28) and bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus; n = 48) serum samples were tested, and the results were compared with several other assays designed to detect Brucella abortus antibodies. The comparison testing revealed the marine-origin cELISA to be more sensitive than the B. abortus tests by the detection of additional positive serum samples. The newly developed cELISA is an effective serologic method for detection of the presence of antibodies against marine-origin Brucella sp. in marine mammals.
Indoly-benzlfulgimide belongs to the photochromic fulgide family and follows photochemical first order kinetics. Its bleaching kinetics is investigated at 633 nm and 640 nm by spectroscopy, by the time dependence of transmission and of diffraction from holographically induced gratings. The non-exponential decay law resulting for diffraction experiments with a Gaussian beam profile is calculated and verified experimentally. For a quasi-homogeneous beam profile the time constant determined from diffraction decay is half the one for absorbance decay. The photochemical reaction rate of indoly-benzylfulgimide in PMMA is (3.9 +/- 0.3) cm(2)/J at 650 nm. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Often it is assumed that absorbance decays in photochromic materials with the time dependence of the photochemical kinetics, i.e. exponentially for first order kinetics. Although this may hold in the limiting case of vanishing absorbance, deviations are to be expected for realistic samples, because the local photochemical kinetics slows down with increasing initial absorption and penetration depth of the radiation. We discuss the theory of the kinetics of initially homogeneous photochromic samples and derive analytical solutions. In extension of Tomlinson's theory we find an analytical solution that holds with good approximation even for samples that exhibit a small residual absorption in the saturation limit. The theoretical time dependence of the absorbance originating from photochemical first order kinetics of dye-doped systems is compared with experimental data published by Lafond et al. for fulgides doped in different polymer matrices. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Anisotropic gratings are recorded on bacteriorhodopsin films by two parallelly polarized beams, and the effect of the polarization orientation of the reconstructing beam on the diffraction efficiency kinetics is studied. A theoretical model for the diffraction efficiency kinetics of the anisotropic grating is developed by combining Jones-matrix and photochromic two-state theory. It is found that the polarization azimuth of the reconstructing beam produces a cosine modulation on the kinetics of the diffraction efficiency, being positive at the peak efficiency and negative for steady state. By adding auxiliary violet light during grating formation, the saturation of the grating can be restrained. As a result, the negative cosine modulation for the steady-state diffraction efficiency changes to a positive one. In addition, the steady-state diffraction efficiency is increased appreciably for all reconstructing polarization orientations. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
在2 7Al+ 2 7Al(Elab≈ 1 2 0MeV)耗散反应激发函数涨落的实验研究中 ,首次在较大的角度范围内获得截面涨落的角度关联系数和角度关联函数 .实验结果表明 ,角度关联函数的形状呈现明显的非对称性 ,角度相干宽度至少为 4 0°;截面涨落在前后角区表现出明显不同的角度相关性 .
Passive monitoring of large sites typically requires coordination between multiple cameras, which in turn requires methods for automatically relating events between distributed cameras. This paper tackles the problem of self-calibration of multiple cameras which are very far apart, using feature correspondences to determine the camera geometry. The key problem is finding such correspondences. Since the camera geometry and photometric characteristics vary considerably between images, one cannot use brightness and/or proximity constraints. Instead we apply planar geometric constraints to moving objects in the scene in order to align the scene"s ground plane across multiple views. We do not assume synchronized cameras, and we show that enforcing geometric constraints enables us to align the tracking data in time. Once we have recovered the homography which aligns the planar structure in the scene, we can compute from the homography matrix the 3D position of the plane and the relative camera positions. This in turn enables us to recover a homography matrix which maps the images to an overhead view. We demonstrate this technique in two settings: a controlled lab setting where we test the effects of errors in internal camera calibration, and an uncontrolled, outdoor setting in which the full procedure is applied to external camera calibration and ground plane recovery. In spite of noise in the internal camera parameters and image data, the system successfully recovers both planar structure and relative camera positions in both settings.
Davies, Jeffrey. 'Land Use and Military Supply in the Highland Zone of Roman Britain', In: Artefacts and Archaeology. Aspects of the Celtic and Roman World (University of Wales Press, 2002), pp.44-61 RAE2008
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas
A fin de evaluar la posibilidad de reducir costos de alimentación en cultivo de Ramdia quelen, se realizaron dos ensayos experimentales. Uno orientado al cálculo de la digestibilidad in vivo de diferentes dietas con el fin de analizar como afecta el remplazo de la harina de pescado en su digestibilidad proteica. Por otro lado, un ensayo de crecimiento en jaulas para calcular su desempeño productivo. Ambas experiencias fueron realizadas en el Centro Nacional de Desarrollo Acuícola (provincia de Corrientes, 27°32´S,58°30´W) utilizando dos dietas experimentales (15 y 11 por ciento de harina de pescado) junto a un Control (20 por ciento). Para los estudios de digestibilidad se utilizó Cr2O3 como marcador inerte, recolectando las heces en tanques cilindro-cónicos de 150 L conectados a una columna de decantación. Sólo fueron observadas diferencias significativas utilizando p=0,1 (P = 0,0764) en los valores de CDA de la proteína obtenidos entre el Control y la D2, sin observarse diferencias entre estas y la D1. La experiencia en campo se desarrolló en jaulas de 1 m3, con peces de un Peso Inicial promedio aproximado de 28 g, a una densidad de 300 individuos/jaula,durante 197 días de cultivo. Los Pesos Finales promediaron 302,81; 287,07 y 273,39 g para las dietas Control, D1 y D2, respectivamente, observando diferencias significativas (P menor a 0.05) en el IPD, la TEP obtenida con la dieta Control superó a la de la D2 (P menor a 0.05) y no observándose diferencias significativas (P mayor a 0.05) en el FCR alcanzado con las diferentes dietas. Al analizarse los rendimientos obtenidos y los costos de las raciones suministradas, puede evidenciarse que si bien a medida que se reemplaza la proteína de origen animal, el precio por tonelada de dieta elaborada se reduce levemente,este se incrementa al analizar el costo del alimento por tonelada de pescado producido debido a un menor desempeño productivo de los peces.