943 resultados para Bacterial Protein Secretion


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Salmonella typhimurium can colonize the gut, invade intestinal tissues, and cause enterocolitis. In vitro studies suggest different mechanisms leading to mucosal inflammation, including 1) direct modulation of proinflammatory signaling by bacterial type III effector proteins and 2) disruption or penetration of the intestinal epithelium so that penetrating bacteria or bacterial products can trigger innate immunity (i.e., TLR signaling). We studied these mechanisms in vivo using streptomycin-pretreated wild-type and knockout mice including MyD88(-/-) animals lacking an adaptor molecule required for signaling via most TLRs. The Salmonella SPI-1 and the SPI-2 type III secretion systems (TTSS) contributed to inflammation. Mutants that retain only a functional SPI-1 (M556; sseD::aphT) or a SPI-2 TTSS (SB161; DeltainvG) caused attenuated colitis, which reflected distinct aspects of the colitis caused by wild-type S. typhimurium: M556 caused diffuse cecal inflammation that did not require MyD88 signaling. In contrast, SB161 induced focal mucosal inflammation requiring MyD88. M556 but not SB161 was found in intestinal epithelial cells. In the lamina propria, M556 and SB161 appeared to reside in different leukocyte cell populations as indicated by differential CD11c staining. Only the SPI-2-dependent inflammatory pathway required aroA-dependent intracellular growth. Thus, S. typhimurium can use two independent mechanisms to elicit colitis in vivo: SPI-1-dependent and MyD88-independent signaling to epithelial cells and SPI-2-dependent intracellular proliferation in the lamina propria triggering MyD88-dependent innate immune responses.


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That gene transfer to plant cells is a temperature-sensitive process has been known for more than 50 years. Previous work indicated that this sensitivity results from the inability to assemble a functional T pilus required for T-DNA and protein transfer to recipient cells. The studies reported here extend these observations and more clearly define the molecular basis of this assembly and transfer defect. T-pilus assembly and virulence protein accumulation were monitored in Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58 at different temperatures ranging from 20 degrees C to growth-inhibitory 37 degrees C. Incubation at 28 degrees C but not at 26 degrees C strongly inhibited extracellular assembly of the major T-pilus component VirB2 as well as of pilus-associated protein VirB5, and the highest amounts of T pili were detected at 20 degrees C. Analysis of temperature effects on the cell-bound virulence machinery revealed three classes of virulence proteins. Whereas class I proteins (VirB2, VirB7, VirB9, and VirB10) were readily detected at 28 degrees C, class II proteins (VirB1, VirB4, VirB5, VirB6, VirB8, VirB11, VirD2, and VirE2) were only detected after cell growth below 26 degrees C. Significant levels of class III proteins (VirB3 and VirD4) were only detected at 20 degrees C and not at higher temperatures. Shift of virulence-induced agrobacteria from 20 to 28 or 37 degrees C had no immediate effect on cell-bound T pili or on stability of most virulence proteins. However, the temperature shift caused a rapid decrease in the amount of cell-bound VirB3 and VirD4, and VirB4 and VirB11 levels decreased next. To assess whether destabilization of virulence proteins constitutes a general phenomenon, levels of virulence proteins and of extracellular T pili were monitored in different A. tumefaciens and Agrobacterium vitis strains grown at 20 and 28 degrees C. Levels of many virulence proteins were strongly reduced at 28 degrees C compared to 20 degrees C, and T-pilus assembly did not occur in all strains except "temperature-resistant" Ach5 and Chry5. Virulence protein levels correlated well with bacterial virulence at elevated temperature, suggesting that degradation of a limited set of virulence proteins accounts for the temperature sensitivity of gene transfer to plants.


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VirB6 from Agrobacterium tumefaciens is an essential component of the type IV secretion machinery for T pilus formation and genetic transformation of plants. Due to its predicted topology as a polytopic inner membrane protein, it was proposed to form the transport pore for cell-to-cell transfer of genetic material and proteinaceous virulence factors. Here, we show that the absence of VirB6 leads to reduced cellular levels of VirB5 and VirB3, which were proposed to assist T pilus formation as minor component(s) or assembly factor(s), respectively. Overexpression of virB6 in trans restored levels of cell-bound and T pilus-associated VirB5 to wild type but did not restore VirB3 levels. Thus, VirB6 has a stabilizing effect on VirB5 accumulation, thereby regulating T pilus assembly. In the absence of VirB6, cell-bound VirB7 monomers and VirB7-VirB9 heterodimers were reduced and VirB7 homodimer formation was abolished. This effect could not be restored by expression of VirB6 in trans. Expression of TraD, a component of the transfer machinery of the IncN plasmid pKM101, with significant sequence similarity to VirB6, restored neither protein levels nor bacterial virulence but partly permitted T pilus formation in a virB6 deletion strain. VirB6 may therefore regulate T pilus formation by direct interaction with VirB5, and wild-type levels of VirB3 and VirB7 homodimers are not required.


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Intestinal helminths are potent regulators of their host's immune system and can ameliorate inflammatory diseases such as allergic asthma. In the present study we have assessed whether this anti-inflammatory activity was purely intrinsic to helminths, or whether it also involved crosstalk with the local microbiota. We report that chronic infection with the murine helminth Heligmosomoides polygyrus bakeri (Hpb) altered the intestinal habitat, allowing increased short chain fatty acid (SCFA) production. Transfer of the Hpb-modified microbiota alone was sufficient to mediate protection against allergic asthma. The helminth-induced anti-inflammatory cytokine secretion and regulatory T cell suppressor activity that mediated the protection required the G protein-coupled receptor (GPR)-41. A similar alteration in the metabolic potential of intestinal bacterial communities was observed with diverse parasitic and host species, suggesting that this represents an evolutionary conserved mechanism of host-microbe-helminth interactions.


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The coding sequence of the wild-type, cys-sensitive, cysE gene from Escherichia coli, which encodes an enzyme of the cysteine biosynthetic pathway, namely serine acetyltransferase (SAT, EC, was introduced into the genome of potato plants under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. In order to target the protein into the chloroplast, cysE was translationally fused to the 5′-signal sequence of rbcS from Arabidopsis thaliana. Transgenic plants showed a high accumulation of the cysE mRNA. The chloroplastic localisation of the E. coli SAT protein was demonstrated by determination of enzymatic activities in enriched organelle fractions. Crude leaf extracts of these plants exhibited up to 20-fold higher SAT activity than those prepared from wild-type plants. The transgenic potato plants expressing the E. coli gene showed not only increased levels of enzyme activity but also exhibited elevated levels of cysteine and glutathione in leaves. Both were up to twofold higher than in control plants. However, the thiol content in tubers of transgenic lines was unaffected. The alterations observed in leaf tissue had no effect on the expression of O-acetylserine(thiol)-lyase, the enzyme which converts O-acetylserine, the product of SAT, to cysteine. Only a minor effect on its enzymatic activity was observed. In conclusion, the results presented here demonstrate the importance of SAT in plant cysteine biosynthesis and show that production of cysteine and related sulfur-containing compounds can be enhanced by metabolic engineering.


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The p67 sporozoite antigen of Theileria parva has been fused to the C-terminal secretion signal of Escherichia coli hemolysin and expressed in secreted form by attenuated Salmonella dublin aroA strain SL5631. The recombinant p67 antigen was detected in the supernatant of transformed bacterial cultures. Immunization trials in cattle revealed that SL5631 secreting the antigen provoked a 10-fold-higher antibody response to p67 than recombinant SL5631 expressing but not secreting p67. Immunized calves were challenged with a 80% lethal dose of T. parva sporozoites and monitored for the development of infection. Two of three calves immunized intramuscularly with the p67-secreting SL5631 strain were found to be protected, whereas only one of three animals immunized with the nonsecreting p67-expressing SL5631 strain was protected. This is the first demonstration that complete eukaryotic antigens fused to the C-terminal portion of E. coli hemolysin can be exported from attenuated Salmonella strains and that such exported antigens can protect cattle against subsequent parasite challenge.


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In both humans and birds, urate is an important antioxidant when maintained at normal plasma concentrations. Though human kidneys primarily reabsorb filtered urate, while those of birds perform mostly secretion, both maintain urate levels at ~300microM. The importance of maintaining urate levels within the homeostatic range was observed when the study of several prominent diseases revealed an association with hyperuricemia. This study examined the effect of elevated zinc concentration on avian urate secretion. Here, acute exposure of chicken proximal tubule epithelial cells (cPTCs) to zinc stress had no effect on urate secretion, but prolonged zinc-induced cellular stress inhibited active transepithelial urate secretion with no change in Mrp4 expression, glucose transport, or transepithelial resistance. Moreover, zinc had no effect on urate transport by isolated brush border membrane vesicles, suggesting involvement of a more complex cellular stress adaptation. Previous work has demonstrated that AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a critical metabolic regulator, conserves energy during cellular stress by shutting down ATP-utilizing processes and activating ATP-generating processes. Pharmacological activation of AMPK by AICAR produced decreased urate secretion by cPTCs similar to the effect seen with prolonged exposure to zinc, while the AMPK inhibitor Compound C prevented both AICAR and zinc inhibition of urate secretion, suggesting a stress induced mechanism of regulation. Supported by NSF. IACUC #A08-046.


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Nitric oxide (NO) transduces most of its biological effects through activation of the heterodimeric enzyme, soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC). Activation of sGC results in the production of 3′,5 ′-cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) from 5′ -guanosine triphosphate (GTP). In this thesis, we demonstrate a novel protein interaction between CCT (chaperonin containing t-complex polypeptide) subunit η and the α1β1 isoform of sGC. Using the yeast-two-hybrid system, CCTη was found to interact with the N-terminal portion of β1 subunit of sGC. This interaction was then confirmed in vitro with a co-immunoprecipitation from mouse brain. The interaction between these two proteins was further supported by a co-localization of the proteins within rat brain. Using the yeast-two-hybrid system, CCTη was found to bind to the N-terminal portion of sGC. In vitro assays with purified CCTη and Sf9 lysate expressing sGC resulted in a 33% inhibition of sodium nitroprusside (SNP)-stimulated sGC activity. The same assays were then performed using BAY41-2272, an NO-independent allosteric sGC activator, and CCTη had no effect on this activity. Furthermore, CCTη had no effect on the activity of αβCys105 sGC a constitutively active mutant that lacks a heme group. Of note is the fact that the full-length CCTη-expressing bacterial lysate inhibited the activity of sGC-expressing Sf9 lysate by 48% compared with GST alone. This indicates that the amino terminal 94 amino acids of CCTη are important to the inhibition of sGC activity. Lastly, a 45% inhibition of sGC activity by CCTη was seen in vivo in BE2 cells stably transfected with CCTη and treated with SNP. The fact that the inhibition of sGC was more pronounced with bacterial lysate expressing CCTη versus the purified CCTη implies that some factor in the bacterial lysate enhances the inhibitory effect of CCTη. Because the level of inhibition seen in bacterial lysate and in vivo experiments is similar, might imply that the factor that aids in CCTη effect on sGC is conserved. Together, these data suggest that CCTη is a novel type of sGC inhibitor that inhibits sGC by modifying the binding of NO to the heme group or the subsequent conformational changes induced by NO binding. ^


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Adenosine has been implicated in chronic lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. Most physiological actions of adenosine are mediated through G-protein coupled adenosine receptors. Four subtypes of adenosine receptors have been identified, A1, A2A, A2B, and A 3. However, the specific roles of the various adenosine receptors in processes central to asthma and COPD are not well understood in part due to the lack of adequate animal models that examine the effect of adenosine on the development of lung disease. In this study we have investigated the expression and function of the A3 adenosine receptor in pulmonary eosinophilia and mucus production/secretion in adenosine deaminase (ADA)-deficient mice in which adenosine levels are elevated. ADA-deficient mice develop features of asthma and COPD, including lung eosinophilia and mucus hyperplasia in association with elevated lung adenosine levels. The A3 receptor was found to be expressed in eosinophils and mucus producing cells in the airways of ADA-deficient. Disruption of A3 receptor signaling in ADA-deficient mice by genetic removal of the receptor or treatment with MRS 1523, a selective A3 adenosine receptor antagonist, prevented airway eosinophilia and mucus production. Although eosinophils were decreased in the airways of ADA-deficient mice with disrupted A3 receptor signaling, elevations in circulating and lung interstitial eosinophils persisted, suggesting signaling through the A3 receptor is needed for the migration of eosinophils into the airways. Further examination of the role of the A3 receptor in mucus biology demonstrated that the A3 receptor is neither required nor is overexpression of the receptor in clara cells sufficient for mucus production in naive mice. Transgenic overexpression of the A3 receptor did elucidate a role for the A3 receptor in the secretion of mucus into the airways of ovalbumin challenged mice. These findings identify an important role for the A3 adenosine receptor in regulating lung eosinophilia and mucus secretion in inflammatory lung diseases. Therefore, the A3 adenosine receptor may represent a novel therapeutic target for the treatment and prevention of asthma. ^


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Human peripheral blood monocytes (HPBM) were isolated by centrifugal elutriation from mononuclear cell enriched fractions after routine plateletapheresis and the relationship between maturation of HPBM to macrophage-like cells and activation for tumoricidal activity determined. HPBM were cultured for various times in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 5% pooled human AB serum and cytotoxicity to $\sp{125}$IUDR labeled A375M, a human melanoma cell line, and TNF-$\alpha$ release determined by cytolysis of actinomycin D treated L929 cells. Freshly isolated HPBM or those exposed to recombinant IFN-$\gamma$(1.0 U/ml) were not cytolytic and did not release TNF-$\alpha$ into culture supernatants. Exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS, 1.0 $\upsilon$g/ml) stimulated cytolytic activity and release of TNF-$\alpha$. Maximal release of TNF-$\alpha$ protein occurred at 8 hrs and returned to baseline by 72 hrs. Expression of TNF-$\alpha$ protein was determined by Western blotting. Neither freshly isolated nor IFN-$\gamma$ treated HPBM expressed TNF protein at any time during in vitro culture. LPS treated HPBM maximally expressed the 17KD TNF-$\alpha$ protein at 8 hrs, and protein was not detected after 36 hrs of in vitro culture. Expression of TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA was determined by Northern blotting. Freshly isolated HPBM express TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA which decays to basal levels by 6 hrs of in vitro culture. IFN-$\gamma$ treatment maintains TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA expression for up to 48 hrs of culture, after which it is undetectable. LPS induces TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA after 30 minutes of exposure with maximal accumulation occurring between 4 to 8 hrs. TNF mRNA was not detected in control HPBM at any time after 6 hrs or IFN-$\gamma$ treated HPBM after 48 hrs of in vitro culture. A pulse of LPS the last 24 hrs of in vitro culture induces the accumulation of TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA in HPBM cultured for 3, 5, and 7 days, with the magnitude of induction decreasing approximately 10 fold between 3 and 7 days. Induction of TNF-$\alpha$ mRNA occurred in the absence of detectable TNF-$\alpha$ protein or supernatant activity. Maturation of HPBM to macrophage-like cells controls competence for activation, magnitude and duration of the activation response. ^


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The HCMR_SES_LAGRANGIAN_GR2_ MICROBIAL PARAMETERS dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the North Aegean Sea during October 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column as influenced by the BSW. Bacterial production was estimated by the 3H-leucine method (Kirchman et al. 1986, Kirchman 1993). At each depth, duplicate samples and a control were incubated with 20 nM L-[4,5 3H]-leucine. Samples were incubated in the dark, at in situ temperature.


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The dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the Ionian, Libyan and Aegean Sea during March- April 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column. Bacterial production was estimated by the 3H-leucine method (Kirchman et al. 1986, Kirchman 1993). At each depth, duplicate samples and a control were incubated with 20 nM L-[4,5 3H]-leucine. Samples were incubated in the dark, at in situ temperature.


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The SES_GR2_MICROBIAL PARAMETERS dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the Ionian, Libyan and Aegean Sea during August-September 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column. Bacterial production was estimated by the 3H-leucine method (Kirchman et al. 1986, Kirchman 1993). At each depth, duplicate samples and a control were incubated with 20 nM L-[4,5 3H]-leucine. Samples were incubated in the dark, at in situ temperature.


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The HCMR_SES_LAGRANGIAN_GR1_ MICROBIAL PARAMETERS dataset is based on samples collected in the framework of the project SESAME, in the North Aegean Sea during April 2008. The objectives were to measure the standing stocks and calculate the production of the microbial compartment of the food web, describe the vertical distribution pattern and characterize its structure and function through the water column as influenced by the BSW. Bacterial production was estimated by the 3H-leucine method (Kirchman et al. 1986, Kirchman 1993). At each depth, duplicate samples and a control were incubated with 20 nM L-[4,5 3H]-leucine. Samples were incubated in the dark, at in situ temperature.