994 resultados para BIOMEMBRANE-LIKE FILMS
OBJECTIVE: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is an important regulator of fetal growth and its bioavailability depends on insulin-like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBPs). Genes coding for IGF-I and IGFBP3 are polymorphic. We hypothesized that either amniotic fluid protein concentration at the beginning of the second trimester or genotype of one of these two genes could be predictive of abnormal fetal growth. STUDY DESIGN: Amniotic fluid samples (14-18 weeks of pregnancy) from 123 patients with appropriate for gestational age (AGA) fetuses, 39 patients with small for gestational age (SGA) fetuses and 34 patients with large for gestational age (LGA) were analyzed. Protein concentrations were evaluated by ELISA and gene polymorphisms by PCR. RESULTS: Amniotic fluid IGFBP3 concentrations were significantly higher in SGA compared to AGA group (P=0.030), and this was even more significant when adjusted to gestational age at the time of amniocentesis and other covariates (ANCOVA analysis: P=0.009). Genotypic distribution of IGF-I variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) polymorphism was significantly different in SGA compared to AGA group (P=0.029). 19CA/20CA genotype frequency was threefold decreased in SGA compared to AGA group and the risk of SGA occurrence of this genotype was decreased accordingly: OR=0.289, 95%CI=0.1-0.9, P=0.032. Genotype distribution of IGFBP3(A-202C) polymorphism was similar in all three groups. CONCLUSIONS: High IGFBP3 concentrations in amniotic fluid at the beginning of the second trimester are associated with increased risks of SGA while 19CA/20CA genotype at IGF-I VNTR polymorphism is associated with reduced risks of SGA. Neither IGFBP3 concentrations, nor IGF-I/IGFBP3 polymorphisms are associated with modified risks of LGA.
El treball de recerca té com a principal objectiu l'estudi del cinema documental rus contemporani a través de l'obra cinematogràfica d'Alexander Sokurov, Sergei Dvortsevoi, Sergei Loznitsa i Victor Kossakovski. En un primer moment la investigació s'havia encaminat en un estudi comparatiu sobre les noves tendències del documental i els models de realisme proposats des de la Rússia post-comunista. El treball s'ha realitzat a partir de tres vies d'investigació. La primera ha consistit en una exhaustiva recerca bibliogràfica sobre cinema documental i cinema soviètic. La segona s'ha plantejat a partir d'un anàlisi acurat de les diverses pel•lícules. Finalment, la tercera via s'ha desenvolupat a partir d'un treball de camp realitzat durant una estada a Rússia, un període en el qual va ser possible entrevistar dos dels cineastes protagonistes de l'estudi, Sergei Dvortsevoi i Victor Kossakovski, així com el crític de cinema Andrei Xemijakin. També va ser fonamental l'assistència a la taula rodona i la master class impartida per Sergei Loznitsa en el marc del desè aniversari del Màster en Teoria i Pràctica de Documental Creatiu de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Tot i que es poden traçar vincles entre el treball dels quatre cineastes escollits i algunes de les pràctiques contemporànies en l'àmbit de la no-ficció, com pot ser l'experiència de Sergei Loznitsa en el terreny del found-footage, o els documentals experimentals de caràcter assagístic d'Alexander Sokurov, així com la tendència observacional i el pas al cinema de ficció de Segei Dvortsevoi, o l'ús de la tecnologia digital en les últimes pel•lícules de Victor Kossakovski. Tot i aquestes aproximacions, es pot afirmar que el model de realisme proposat per aquests cineastes troba el seu autèntic llegat en el cinema soviètic. Una herència que comença amb el cinema de Dziga Vertov –pioner del documental artístic i revolucionari- i acaba en el d'Artavadz Pelechian –cineasta armeni i un dels màxims representatnts del documental poètic-. El treball de recerca ha estat presentat en forma de comunicació en el congrés internacional “IMAGEing Reality: Representing the Real in Film, Television and New Media”, celebrat a Pamplona el mes d'Octubre de 2009. La comunicació s'ha redactat en format article i està pendent de publicació.
Dans cet ouvrage, l'auteur propose une conceptualisation théorique de la coprésence en un même film de mondes multiples en abordant différents paramètres (hétérogénéité de la facture de l'image, pratiques du montage alterné, typologie des enchâssements, expansion sérielle, etc.) sur la base d'un corpus de films de fiction récents qui appartiennent pour la plupart au genre de la science-fiction (Matrix, Dark City, Avalon, Resident Evil, Avatar,...). Issue de la filmologie, la notion de « diégèse » y est développée à la fois dans le potentiel d'autonomisation dont témoigne la conception mondaine qui semble dominer aujourd'hui à l'ère des jeux vidéo, dans ses liens avec le récit et dans une perspective intermédiale. Les films discutés ont la particularité de mettre en scène des machines permettant aux personnages de passer d'un monde à l'autre : les modes de figuration de ces technologies sont investigués en lien avec les imaginaires du dispositif cinématographique et les potentialité du montage. La comparaison entre les films (Tron et son récent sequel, Totall Recall et son remake) et entre des oeuvres filmiques et littéraires (en particulier les nouvelles de Philip K. Dick et Simlacron 3 de Galouye) constitue un outil d'analyse permettant de saisir la contemporanéité de cette problématique, envisagée sur le plan esthétique dans le contexte de l'imagerie numérique.
Serine repeat antigen 5 (SERA5) is an abundant antigen of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum and is the most strongly expressed member of the nine-gene SERA family. It appears to be essential for the maintenance of the erythrocytic cycle, unlike a number of other members of this family, and has been implicated in parasite egress and/or erythrocyte invasion. All SERA proteins possess a central domain that has homology to papain except in the case of SERA5 (and some other SERAs), where the active site cysteine has been replaced with a serine. To investigate if this domain retains catalytic activity, we expressed, purified, and refolded a recombinant form of the SERA5 enzyme domain. This protein possessed chymotrypsin-like proteolytic activity as it processed substrates downstream of aromatic residues, and its activity was reversed by the serine protease inhibitor 3,4-diisocoumarin. Although all Plasmodium SERA enzyme domain sequences share considerable homology, phylogenetic studies revealed two distinct clusters across the genus, separated according to whether they possess an active site serine or cysteine. All Plasmodia appear to have at least one member of each group. Consistent with separate biological roles for members of these two clusters, molecular modeling studies revealed that SERA5 and SERA6 enzyme domains have dramatically different surface properties, although both have a characteristic papain-like fold, catalytic cleft, and an appropriately positioned catalytic triad. This study provides impetus for the examination of SERA5 as a target for antimalarial drug design.
A suite of deeper-water hiatal (DWH) stromatolites has been identified in the phosphatic and glauconitic sediments of Aptian to Cenomanian age in the alpine Helvetic thrust-and-fold belt, which represents the former northern Tethyan margin. The most important occurrences date from the latest Early to Late Aptian, the late Early to early middle Albian, and the Early Cenomanian. They are invariably associated with condensed phosphatic beds and occur preferentially on top of hardgrounds or on reworked pebbles and fossils. The zone of optimal stromatolite growth and preservation coincides with the zone of maximal sedimentary condensation, in the deeper parts of phosphogenic areas. The DWH stromatolites show variable morphologies, ranging from isolated laminae ("films") to internally laminated columns and crusts. They reach thicknesses of maximal 10 cm and are either preserved in phosphate or micrite. In the latter case, they may show peripheral impregnations of phosphate or iron oxyhydroxides. The quasi-complete lack of macroscopic sessile organisms suggests that the DWH stromatolites grew close to the upper boundary of an oxygen-minimum zone. Electron-scanning microscopic images show that the Early Cenomanian examples preserved in micrite consist of filamentous structures, which form spaghetti-like assemblages. They are. interpreted as the remains of poikiloaerobic, heterotrophic microbes. Coeval DWH stromatolites are known from the entire European segment of the northern Tethyan margin, and shallow-water counterparts are commonplace on Tethyan carbonate platforms. This indicates that, in general, paleoceanographic and paleoenvironmental conditions were appropriate for stromatolite growth and preservation. The here-described DWH stromatolites proliferated especially in time windows, which followed upon the oceanic anoxic periods OAE la (Early Aptian), lb (latest Aptian and earliest Albian), and Id (latest Albian). They may represent pioneer ecosystems, which thrived during the recovery phases following the "mid"-Cretaceous OAEs.
A massive and homogeneous amount of amastigote-like forms was detected in the stomodeal valve (SV) and the thoracic mid-gut (TMG) of Leishmania major-infected Phlebotomus papatasi, which received a second blood meal 13 to 21 days post-infection on healthy anaesthetized hamsters. After re-feeding, the infected sand flies were dissected out to examine the morphology of the parasite in SV, TMG and the abdominal mid-gut (AMG). Different promastigote forms were seen in the infected flies. Among these included typical promastigotes (nectomonads and haptomonads), paramastigotes, metacyclic promastigotes and, in some samples, the here-reported amastigote-like forms. The Leishmania amastigote-like forms were detected in the SV of sand flies with 14, 18 and 21 days of infection as well as in the TMG at 13 and 18 days post-infection. However, the amastigote-like forms were not detected in the AMG. Factors such as the acidic pH predominating the TMG and the SV, as well as the temperature of the ingested blood, among others, are suggested as contributing to the transformation of the typical promastigotes into the amastigote-like forms. The significance of this finding is discussed and the possible biological advantage for transmission of Leishmania is considered.
The serological cross-reactivity between different recently described Chlamydia-related organisms was determined. Mouse sera exhibited a strong reactivity against autologous antigen and closely related heterologous antigen but no cross-reactivity with distantly related species. These results are important to better interpret serological studies and assess the pathogenic role of these obligate intracellular bacteria.
Protein tyrosine kinases are pivotal in central nervous tissue development and maintenance. Here we focus on the expression of Ehk-1, a novel Elk-related receptor tyrosine kinase. Ehk-1 gene expression is observed in the developing and adult central nervous system and is highly regulated throughout development at both the messenger RNA and protein levels. Three messenger RNA transcripts of 8.5, 5.9 and 5.1 kb are detectable in the rat brain and a variety of splice possibilities have been identified. However, a major protein species of around M(r) 120,000 predominates throughout development. Ehk-1 messenger RNA and protein levels are highest in the first postnatal week. By in situ messenger RNA hybridization the gene is expressed by all neurons of the adult brain, but mostly in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex and large neurons of the deep cerebellar nuclei, as well as the Purkinje and granular cells of the cerebellum. At earlier stages of development, transcripts are most prominent in the periventricular germinal layers of the brain. Immunohistochemistry reveals a pronounced membrane associated protein expression in immature neurons. In the adult animal, peak reactivity was found in the neuropil with sparing of most perikarya. The spatial and temporal pattern of ehk-1 gene expression suggests a role in both the development and maintenance of differentiated neurons of the central nervous system.
This poster highlights to pregnant women and new mothers the benefits of breatsfeeding for their baby.
This poster promotes cycling as a form of health-enhancing physical activity.
Peptide signaling presumably occupies a central role in plant development, yet only few concrete examples of receptor-ligand pairs that act in the context of specific differentiation processes have been described. Here we report that second-site null mutations in the Arabidopsis leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase gene barely any meristem 3 (BAM3) perfectly suppress the postembryonic root meristem growth defect and the associated perturbed protophloem development of the brevis radix (brx) mutant. The roots of bam3 mutants specifically resist growth inhibition by the CLAVATA3/ENDOSPERM SURROUNDING REGION 45 (CLE45) peptide ligand. WT plants transformed with a construct for ectopic overexpression of CLE45 could not be recovered, with the exception of a single severely dwarfed and sterile plant that eventually died. By contrast, we obtained numerous transgenic bam3 mutants transformed with the same construct. These transgenic plants displayed a WT phenotype, however, supporting the notion that CLE45 is the likely BAM3 ligand. The results correlate with the observation that external CLE45 application represses protophloem differentiation in WT, but not in bam3 mutants. BAM3, BRX, and CLE45 are expressed in a similar spatiotemporal trend along the developing protophloem, up to the end of the transition zone. Induction of BAM3 expression upon CLE45 application, ectopic overexpression of BAM3 in brx root meristems, and laser ablation experiments suggest that intertwined regulatory activity of BRX, BAM3, and CLE45 could be involved in the proper transition of protophloem cells from proliferation to differentiation, thereby impinging on postembryonic growth capacity of the root meristem.
We report the result of an examination for blood and intestinal protozoa in 12 specimens of the red squirrel Sciurus spadiceus (Rodentia: Sciuridae) from Birroque, municipality of Plácido de Castro, state of Acre, Brazil. No parasites were detected in thin, Giemsa-stained blood films of the animals, but culture of the blood of three in Difco B45 medium blood-agar slants gave rise to isolates of epimastigotes. Inoculation of one isolate into laboratory mice resulted in the appearance of Trypanosoma cruzi-like trypomastigotes in their peripheral blood, and the other two isolates gave rise to transient infections with a T. lewisi-like parasite in inoculated mice and hamsters. The failure of the latter parasite to develop in the triatomine bug Rhodnius robustus suggests that it is probably not T. rangeli. This appears to be the first record of a T. lewisi-like trypanosome in neotropical squirrels. Oocysts of an Eimeria sp., were detected in the faeces of 10 animals (83.3%). The parasite develops in the epithelial cells of the intestine, where it may cause severe damage and sometimes results in death of the animal. No oocysts were detected in bile.
Astrocytes are the most abundant glial cell type in the brain. Although not apposite for long-range rapid electrical communication, astrocytes share with neurons the capacity of chemical signaling via Ca(2+)-dependent transmitter exocytosis. Despite this recent finding, little is known about the specific properties of regulated secretion and vesicle recycling in astrocytes. Important differences may exist with the neuronal exocytosis, starting from the fact that stimulus-secretion coupling in astrocytes is voltage independent, mediated by G-protein-coupled receptors and the release of Ca(2+) from internal stores. Elucidating the spatiotemporal properties of astrocytic exo-endocytosis is, therefore, of primary importance for understanding the mode of communication of these cells and their role in brain signaling. We here take advantage of fluorescent tools recently developed for studying recycling of glutamatergic vesicles at synapses (Voglmaier et al., 2006; Balaji and Ryan, 2007); we combine epifluorescence and total internal reflection fluorescence imaging to investigate with unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution, the stimulus-secretion coupling underlying exo-endocytosis of glutamatergic synaptic-like microvesicles (SLMVs) in astrocytes. Our main findings indicate that (1) exo-endocytosis in astrocytes proceeds with a time course on the millisecond time scale (tau(exocytosis) = 0.24 +/- 0.017 s; tau(endocytosis) = 0.26 +/- 0.03 s) and (2) exocytosis is controlled by local Ca(2+) microdomains. We identified submicrometer cytosolic compartments delimited by endoplasmic reticulum tubuli reaching beneath the plasma membrane and containing SLMVs at which fast (time-to-peak, approximately 50 ms) Ca(2+) events occurred in precise spatial-temporal correlation with exocytic fusion events. Overall, the above characteristics of transmitter exocytosis from astrocytes support a role of this process in fast synaptic modulation.