999 resultados para Avaliacao de Programas e Projetos de Saude
La presente revisión tiene como objetivos analizar si dentro de los programas preventivos europeos de salud sexual y reproductiva existen barreras de acceso, identificar qué grupos son más vulnerables respecto a la prevención y conocer estrategias que permitan un mejor acceso a dichos programas. El método es una revisión de la bibliografía publicada en los últimos 10 años sobre iniciativas de prevención en salud sexual y reproductiva en Europa. Los resultados muestran la existencia de desigualdades en el acceso, y se identifican propuestas para contribuir a su disminución. La conclusión principal es que las mujeres con condiciones socioeconómicas desfavorables tendrán un mayor riesgo de exclusión si no se aplican medidas correctoras en el diseño de los programas.
The main objective of this paper is to analyze the operation, during the period 2007-2009, of the labor insertion pathway developed by Caritas Girona for recipients of the Catalan Minimum Insertion Income (RMI). This is an example of a guaranteed income program with aimed at the poorest sectors of society, training people at risk of social exclusion for employment
Podeu consultar el document complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/58585
Hacerse cargo del cuidado de un familiar dependiente puede afectar negativamente a la salud del cuidador/a en su vida afectiva y laboral. Las repercusiones del cuidado informal preocupan a las diferentes administraciones y también a los profesionales sanitarios, quienes se proponen ofrecer el soporte más adecuado a los cuidadores familiares, para que puedan seguir desempeñando las actividades derivadas del cuidado y a su vez minimicen el cansancio y la carga que supone cuidar. Desde hace una década se ha venido acrecentando el interés por planificar y desarrollar programas de soporte, desde la iniciativa pública y privada, dirigidos a cuidadores familiares. Los contenidos de estos programas son de diversa índole, y ofrecen asesoramiento e información, apoyo emocional, ayuda económica o descargas temporales del cuidado de las personas dependientes. La literatura científica revisada coincide en la importancia y la necesidad de coordinación y complementariedad que debe darse entre las redes informales y formales en el soporte a los cuidadores de las personas dependientes.
Propomos neste artigo uma reflexão sobre as possibilidades de uma educação pautada pelos princípios da interculturalidade, no sentido de uma cidadania ativa, crítica e participativa. Para tanto, discutimos as contribuições de duas pesquisas realizadas por investigadores vinculados ao Grupo de Investigación en Educación Intercultural (GREDI Universidade de Barcelona). Os critérios que orientaram tal escolha se pautaram: por oferecer um enfoque privilegiado na formação de professores para a cidadania intercultural; pelo desenvolvimento de um programa de formação para a cidadania intercultural; pelo contexto de execução da pesquisa marcado por características multiculturais e pela atualidade do trabalho. Para além das estratégias consagradas de coleta de dados na pesquisa em educação, comumente as pesquisas produzidas no âmbito do GREDI apresentam propostas de intervenção traduzidas em programas, projetos e ações que são acompanhadas, avaliadas, analisadas e problematizadas conforme preconizam os princípios da metodologia adotada como referência. Assim, nosso objetivo centra-se em compreender como se desencadeiam os processos de construção de cidadania intercultural nas práticas educativas propostas pelos pesquisadores em suas investigações.
A broad picture of the graduate programs in chemistry in Brazil is analyzed from the data collected during the period 1996/1997 for evaluation by CAPES. The results are compared with those from previous evaluations, indicating significant quantitative and qualitative progresses.
A tungsten coil atomizer was used to investigate the effect of heating programs with constant or variable drying temperatures on the atomization of Al, Cd, Cr and Pb. The variation of the surface temperature in the tungsten coil furnace can occur during each heating step due to the design of the power supply, that may apply constant voltages during a programmed time. For volatile elements (Cd), losses in sensitivity were observed when the program with a variable temperature was used. On the other hand, these effects are negligible for less volatile elements (Al and Cr) and any tested program, in different acidic media, could be used without appreciable changes in sensitivities. The results allow the establishment of proper heating programs for elements with different thermochemical behavior in the tungsten coil atomizer.
In this paper we review the basic techniques of performance analysis within the UNIX environment that are relevant in computational chemistry, with particular emphasis on the execution profile using the gprof tool. Two case studies (in ab initio and molecular dynamics calculations) are presented in order to illustrate how execution profiling can be used to effectively identify bottlenecks and to guide source code optimization. Using these profiling and optimization techniques it was possible to obtain significant speedups (of up to 30%) in both cases.
Values of repeatability (r) and reproducibility (R) are parameters of an analytical method. They are related to the maximum difference between two results of analysis (permissible range) and can be obtained by interlaboratorial comparisons. They represent great importance for the quality control of the results and decisions about the fitness-for-purpose of the method. Water determination in fuel oil samples were performed by 16 laboratories, using the Karl Fischer reaction, during the period from June 1997 to December 1999. Values of r and R were presented. Discussion is made in terms of the main factors that would be contribution to analytical method variabilities and uncertainties of final results.
[spa] El pasado 18 de mayo de 2007, tuvo lugar en Londres el último de los encuentros bienales del Proceso de Bolonia, en el que se reunieron los ministros responsables de la educación superior de los países participantes. En el consiguiente London Communiqué se resumieron las valoraciones de los ministros sobre el estado en el que dicho proceso se halla. Así, se pasó revista a los avances consolidados, a aquellas deficiencias que aún no han recibido la atención necesaria, y a las medidas y estrategias urgentes para su definitiva conclusión. El presente texto da noticia de todas estas cuestiones y, con motivo de ofrecer al lector referencias adicionales sobre el contexto general, incluye una breve síntesis de otros documentos directamente relacionados con los temas más destacados en Londres 2007: los programas de doctorado y la figura del doctorando.
The graduate programs in Chemistry were evaluated and classified from the data collected for the period 1998-2000 by CAPES, the Minister of Education agency that is responsible for the regulation and support of this level of human resources formation. The next classification will be made in 2004, from the data of the period 2001-2003. The years in between, like the present year, are used for an evaluation without classification, from what comments are emitted to the programs to know how their data are improving or not, before the new ranking reporting. The progresses in the area of chemistry in Brazil are analysed from the confrontation of the present data with that of all previous evaluations, since 1983. The results confirm that the research and graduate formation in the area of Chemistry is continuously improving in Brazil, particularly during the last seven years.
Interlaboratorial programs are conducted for a number of purposes: to identify problems related to the calibration of instruments, to assess the degree of equivalence of analytical results among several laboratories, to attribute quantity values and its uncertainties in the development of a certified reference material and to verify the performance of laboratories as in proficiency testing, a key quality assurance technique, which is sometimes used in conjunction with accreditation. Several statistics tools are employed to assess the analytical results of laboratories participating in an intercomparison program. Among them are the z-score technique, the elypse of confidence and the Grubbs and Cochran test. This work presents the experience in coordinating an intercomparison exercise in order to determine Ca, Al, Fe, Ti and Mn, as impurities in samples of silicon metal of chemical grade prepared as a candidate for reference material.
Programs evaluation is one of the models developed in the field of Psychological Assessment for determining how interventions or programmes aimed at promoting changes in the social context work. Drug preventive interventions have been the specific object of this type of evaluation. The present study describes stages involved in evaluating drug preventive programs and contemplates the main considerations to take into account to make this type of evaluation more effective in line with recommendations by the main programs evaluation guides
This paper aims to discuss and reflect about the use of computers in the teaching of Quantum Chemistry. A course on Computational Quantum Chemistry concentrating on Medicinal Chemistry projects was developed for undergraduate and graduate students. The results showed that students got more motivated and involved when there is an articulation between theory and practice. This work presents an alternative way to teach Theoretical Chemistry using projects.
El estudio se ha llevado a cabo de acuerdo con el Contrato de prestación de serviciosfirmado entre la Fundación ONCE y la Fundació Bosch i Gimpera (Universidadde Barcelona) con fecha 23 de julio de 2012. Este Contrato se enmarca en el ProgramaOperativo de “Lucha contra la Discriminación 2007-2013”, cofinanciado por elFondo Social Europeo (FSE).