998 resultados para Augusto
Purpose: To describe spontaneous blink kinematics in Graves` upper eyelid retraction (UER). Methods: The magnetic search coil technique was used to record spontaneous blinks of 15 healthy subjects (aged 23-56 years, 15 eyelids) and 15 patients with Graves` UER (aged 22-62 years, 15 eyelids) during a 5-min period of video observation, and the signals were digitized at 200 Hz (12 bits). Overall, a total of 2,798 blinks were recorded for the controls and 1,860 for the patients. The distance between pupil center and upper eyelid margin in the primary position of gaze (MRD) was measured with the Image J software. Results: The blinking rate of patients was lower than that of control subjects, with a mean (+/-SEM) blinking rate (blinks/min) of 13.0 +/- 1.7 for patients and of 20.0 +/- 2.1 for the controls (t = 2.58, P = 0.016). There were no statistically significant differences in blink amplitude between controls (22.7 +/- 3.1 degrees) and Graves` patients (24.7 +/- 3.3 degrees). However, while only 22% of the blinks performed by controls were smaller than MRD, this rate was 78% for patients. In addition, in blinks larger than 25, patients showed lower down-phase velocity than controls. Conclusions: Patients with Graves` UER show reduced blinks rates and abnormal blink kinematics, which might be related to the development of exposure keratitis in this disease.
Saccades are part of the electrooculography tests battery. The cerebellum has important connections with the brainstem and thalamic structures involved in the generation of saccades. Aim: to study saccadic movements in subjects with cerebellar disorders. Study Method: Prospective clinical study. Materials and Methods: 11 subjects with cerebellar disorders were selected, together with a control group with 27 normal subjects. The patients of both groups had their saccadic movements registered (fixed and randomized). We compared and quantitatively analyzed the responses from both groups. Results: We did not find any differences among the quantitative parameters between the two. Age and gender did not influence these values. Despite these findings, the morphologies of the saccadic curves were very different between the two groups. Conclusion: Quantitative parameters of horizontal saccades from individuals with cerebellar diseases do not differ from those presented by normal subjects. Gender and age also did not influence these parameters.
PURPOSE. To establish the relationship between upper eyelid saccades and upper eyelid pursuit movements. METHODS. Upper eyelid saccades and periodic sinusoidal upper eyelid pursuit movements were recorded in a sample of controls and patients with Graves upper eyelid retraction. A video-computerized system was used to register both types of movements that accompanied 60 of eye rotation across the upper and lower hemifields. The forced harmonic oscillator model was used to fit saccadic and pursuit movements. RESULTS. Mean mid-pupil eyelid distance for the Graves patients (6.6 +/- 1.1 mm) was significantly higher than for the controls (4.6 +/- 0.8 mm; t = 7.18; P < 0.00001). Despite the difference in the upper eyelid resting position, saccades and pursuit eyelid movements of both groups were extremely well fitted by underdamped solutions and steady forced solutions of the harmonic oscillator model, respectively. For the controls, the amplitude of the pursuit movements was well correlated with the upward and downward saccades. The amplitude of the eyelid movements of the Graves patients (saccades and pursuit) was significantly reduced compared with that of the controls. CONCLUSIONS. Saccadic and pursuit movements of the upper eyelid can be described by the harmonic oscillator model. In healthy subjects and Graves patients, the amplitude of pursuit lid movements is correlated to the saccade amplitude. Pursuit eyelid movements are more difficult to register than saccades, and their measurements do not allow clear separation of the relaxation and contraction properties of the upper eyelid retractors.
A 22-year-old woman was examined for a complaint of bilateral progressive enophthalmos that had begun after the cerebrospinal fluid shunting procedure 9 years ago. Photographs and CT scans taken before surgery proved that the position of her eyes was normal before surgery. The enophthalmos was so severe that it induced a poor eyelid-globe apposition with trichiasis and superficial keratopathy. CT of the orbits showed that both orbital roofs were arched and displaced toward the anterior cranial fossa. The placement of porous polyethylene sheets on the orbital roofs through a coronal approach corrected the eye position. A literature review indicated that cerebrospinal shuntings are plagued by a variety of complications including bone changes and craniosynostosis. We believe that enophthalmos associated with cerebrospinal fluid shunting results from a rare acquired bony orbital anomaly.
Purpose: To determine the prevalence of trachoma in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira (SGC), the only urban community of the upper Rio Negro Basin of the Amazon state in Brazil, near the Colombian border, and to investigate the risk factors associated with the active forms of the disease. Methods: A total of 1702 people (440 children up to 9 years and 1069 adults aged 15 years and above) were examined. The sample was selected from a probabilistic household sampling procedure based on census data and a previous study of trachoma prevalence in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira. A two-stage probabilistic household cluster sample was drawn. Household units were randomly selected within each cluster. A variety of socioeconomic and hygiene variables were studied in order to determine the risk factors for active trachoma in a household. Results: The total prevalence of trachoma was 8.9%. Prevalence of active trachoma (TF and/or TI) in children aged 1-9 years was 11.1% and trachomatous trichiasis in adults aged 15 years and above was 0.19%. Trachomatous scarring reached a peak of 22.4% for subjects between 50 to 60 years of age. Corneal opacity occurred in subjects aged 50 years and older with a prevalence of 2.0%. No sex effect was found on the overall prevalence of trachoma in SGC. Risk factors associated with active trachoma were mainly related to poor socioeconomic indicators. Conclusions: Despite the ubiquitous presence of water, the analysis of the risk factors associated with the active forms of the disease supports the idea that a low personal standard of hygiene and not water availability per se, is the key factor associated with trachoma.
Purposes: There is evidence that the risk of colon cancer is reduced by appropriate levels of physical exercise. Nevertheless, the mechanisms involved in this protective effect of exercise remain largely unknown. Inflammation is emerging as a unifying link between a range of environment exposures and neoplastic risk. The carcinogen dimethyl-hydrazine (DMH) induces an increase in epithelial cell proliferation and in the expression of the inflammation-related enzyme cyclooxigenase-2 (COX-2) in the colon of rats. Our aim was to verify whether these events could be attenuated by exercise. Methods: Four groups of eight Wistar rats were used in the experiment. The groups G1 and G3 were sedentary (controls), and the groups G2 and G4 were submitted to 8 wk of swimming training, 5 d wk(-1). The groups G3 and G4 were given subcutaneous injections of DMH immediately after the exercise protocols. Fifteen days after the neoplasic induction, the rats were sacrificed and the colon was processed for histological examination and immunohistochemistry staining of proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and COX-2. Results: We found a significant increase in the PCNA-labeling index in both DMH-treated groups of rats. However, this increase was significantly attenuated in the training group G4 (P < 0.01). Similar results were observed in relation to the COX-2 expression. Conclusions: From our findings, we conclude that exercise training exerts remarkable antiproliferative and antiinflammatory effects in the rat colonic mucosa, suggesting that this may be an important mechanism to explain how exercise protects against colonic cancer.
Topoisomerases are ubiquitous nuclear enzymes that regulate DNA structure in eukaryotic cells. The role of topoisomerase III beta, the newest member of the topoisomerase family, in the clinical outcome of breast cancer is still poorly understood. This study aims to investigate the immunoexpression of topoisomerase III beta in breast cancer and its relationships with clinicopathologic features and immunohistochemical markers of prognostic significance in breast pathology. Using tissue microarrays containing 171 cases of primary invasive breast cancer, we analyzed the immunoexpression of topoisomerase III beta, estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, HER-2, BRCA-1, p53, and Ki67. Immunostaining for topoisomerase III beta was found in 33.9% of breast carcinomas, and immunopositivity was correlated with distant metastasis (P = .036) and death (P = .006). Decreased expression of topoisomerase III beta correlated with low expression of Ki67 (P < .001) and negativity for HER-2 (P < .001), BRCA-1 (P = .001), and p53 (P < .001). In the multivariate analysis, topoisomerase Hip expression was a significant predictor of survival (hazard ratio, 3.006 [95% confidence interval, 1.582-5.715]; P = .001). In conclusion, topoisomerase III beta expression can be a useful marker in assessing the prognosis of patients with breast cancer and is an independent predictor of survival. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Birth weight is positively associated with adult bone mass. However, it is not clear if its effect is already evident in early adulthood. Objective: To investigate the association between birth weight, adult body size, the interaction between them and bone mass in young adults. Methods: Bone densitometry by DXA was performed on 496 individuals (240 men) aged 23-24 years from the 1978/79 Ribeirao Preto (southern Brazil) birth cohort, who were born and still residing in the city in 2002. Birth weight and length as well as adult weight and height were directly measured and converted to z-scores. The influence of birth weight and length, and adult weight and height on bone area (BA), bone mineral content (BMC) and bone mineral density (BMD) at the lumbar spine, proximal femur and femoral neck were investigated through simple and multiple linear regression models. Adjustments were made for sex, skin color, gestational age, physical activity level, smoking status and dietary consumption of protein, calcium and alcohol. Interaction terms between birth weight and adult weight, and birth length and adult height were tested. Results: Men in the highest fertile of birth weight distribution had greater BA and BMC at all three bone sites when compared with their counterparts in the lowest tertiles (p<0.008). For BMD, this trend was observed only in the lumbar spine. Adult weight and height were positively associated with BA and BMC at all three bone sites (p<0.05). For BMD, these associations were seen for adult weight, but for adult height an association was observed only in the lumbar spine. Birth weight retained positive associations with proximal femur BA and BMC after adjustments for current weight and height. No interaction was observed between variables measuring prenatal growth and adult body size. Conclusion: Birth weight and postnatal growth are independent determinants of adult bone mass in a sample of Brazilian adults. This effect is already evident in early adulthood. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the rise in multiple births and its influence on trends of low birth weight (LBW) rates in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Methods: This is a registry-based study of live births from 1994 to 2005 obtained from the national live birth information system. Chi-square tests for trends were assessed for LBW and multiple birth rates. The impact of multiple births on LBW trends was assessed by sequential modelling, including year and further adjustment for multiple births. Risk factors for multiple births were assessed using the Poisson regression. Results: A total of 263 252 live births were studied. The LBW rate increased from 9.70% to 9.88% (p < 0.001) and the multiple birth rate rose from 1.95% to 2.53% (p < 0.001). LBW rate increased among twins, from 57.14% to 63.46% (p = 0.001). The twin birth rate rose by 24.7%, while the rate of triplets or higher-order increased by 150%. Multiple births may be responsible for 23.9% of the increase in the LBW rate over the period. Mothers with higher levels of schooling, older mothers and mothers delivering in private hospitals were more likely to deliver multiple births. Conclusions: It seems that both the increase in multiple births and in the LBW among multiple births contributed to this rise in overall LBW rate.
Background. Respiratory symptoms associated with smoking habit seem to be age dependent. However, there are few reports about the effect of tobacco in young populations. The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of smoking on respiratory symptoms and lung function in 23- to 25-year-old adults in Brazil. This study had a cross-sectional design and included 2063 young people in the city of Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo State. Methods: Subjects completed a questionnaire used by the European Community Respiratory Health Survey and underwent spirometry and bronchial challenge test with methacholine. Multiple logistic regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were carried out to assess the association between smoking and respiratory symptoms, bronchial hyperresponsiveness, forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and forced vital capacity (FVC), adjusted for confounding variables. Results: Prevalence of smoking habit was 17.2% with consumption (median) of 10 cigarettes per day (interquartile range 3-20). There was a significant association between smoking and respiratory symptoms. Smoking was associated to wheezing with odds ratio (95%Cl) of 6.11 (4.03-9.28) among those smoking :10 cigarettes per day and 3.36 (2.11-5.37) among those smoking <10 cigarettes per day. Associations were found for other respiratory symptoms. Smoking was associated with lower FEV1/FVC ratio. No association was detected between smoking and FEV1 or bronchial hyperresponsiveness. Conclusions: These findings highlight the early health consequences of smoking among young adults. These results prompt the necessity to elaborate urgent programs to reduce tobacco habit in young populations.
Objective: Meningococcal disease continues to be a serious public health concern, being associated with high morbidity and mortality rates in many countries from Latin America. In addition to discussing recent changes in the epidemiology of meningococcal disease in the region, we also analyse the development and potential impact of new vaccines on the prevention of meningococcal disease. Methods: MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS and websites of the national Ministries of Health databases were searched using the terms meningococcal disease, meningococcal epidemiology, Neisseria meningitidis, meningococcal vaccines and the name of Latin America countries, from 1998 to 2008, with emphasis on review articles, clinical trials and epidemiological studies. Results: Epidemiology of meningococcal disease in Latin America is characterized by marked differences from country to country. The overall incidence of meningococcal disease per year varied from less than 0.1 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in countries like Mexico to two cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Brazil. The highest age-specific incidence of meningococcal disease occurred in infants less than 1 year of age. Serogroups B and C were responsible for the majority of cases reported, but the emergence of serogroups W135 and Y was reported in some countries. Serogroup A disease is now rare in Latin America. Discussion: Although a few countries have established meningitis surveillance programs, the information is not uniform, and the quality of the reported data is poor in the majority of the region. The availability of new effective meningococcal conjugate vaccines and promising protein-based vaccine candidates against meningococcus B highlights the importance of a better understanding of the true burden of meningococcal disease in Latin America and also the need for cost-effectiveness studies before incorporating the new meningococcal vaccines to national immunization programs.
Ticks deposit saliva at the site of their attachment to a host in order to inhibit haemostasis, inflammation and innate and adaptive immune responses. The anti-haemostatic properties of tick saliva have been described by many studies, but few show that tick infestations or its anti-haemostatic components exert systemic effects in vivo. In the present study, we extended these observations and show that, compared with normal skin, bovine hosts that are genetically susceptible to tick infestations present an increase in the clotting time of blood collected from the immediate vicinity of haemorrhagic feeding pools in skin infested with different developmental stages of Rhipicepahlus microplus; conversely, we determined that clotting time of tick-infested skin from genetically resistant bovines was shorter than that of normal skin. Coagulation and inflammation have many components in common and we determined that in resistant bovines, eosinophils and basophils, which are known to contain tissue factor, are recruited in greater numbers to the inflammatory site of tick bites than in susceptible hosts. Finally, we correlated the observed differences in clotting times with the expression profiles of transcripts for putative anti-haemostatic proteins in different developmental stages of R. microplus fed on genetically susceptible and resistant hosts: we determined that transcripts coding for proteins similar to these molecules are overrepresented in salivary glands from nymphs and males fed on susceptible bovines. Our data indicate that ticks are able to modulate their host`s local haemostatic reactions. In the resistant phenotype, larger amounts of inflammatory cells are recruited and expression of anti-coagulant molecules is decreased tick salivary glands, features that can hamper the tick`s blood meal. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
There is virtually no literature on the effect of correction of syndromal faciocraniosynostosis with monobloc advancement on the palpebral fissure shape. Using image processing software, we measured the effect of monobloc advancement on the position of the upper and lower eyelids as well as the palpebral fissure slant in a series of 18 patients with syndromal faciocraniosynostosis who had undergone surgery for correction of orbital and midface hypoplasia. For both eyed of each patient, 3 variables were measured on the pre- and postoperative photographs: the linear distances between the upper and lower eyelid margins, the pupil center and the angle between the inner and outer canthi. The globe protrusion was also measured on axial computed tomography scans before and after surgery. The results indicate that the exorbitism reduction induced by monobloc advancement is accompanied by a diminution of the distance between both eyelids and the pupil center. However, the downward slant of the palpebral fissure is increased after surgery. The data suggest that the lower and upper eyelid retraction seen preoperatively in the majority of patients with faciocraniosynostosis tend to be corrected when the frontofacial region is advanced by the monobloc. On the other hand, the surgery tends to lower the outer canthus, increasing the negative slant of the fissure. The postoperative changes induced by the frontofacial monobloc advancement need to be taken into account when the surgery is going to be performed.
Background: Twenty-three patients (median age 23 months) who underwent Fallot`s tetralogy repair were investigated prospectively to detect a possible association between histopathologic myocardial remodeling and echocardiographic findings of systolic or diastolic ventricular dysfunction. Methods: Intraoperatively resected infundibular bands and subendocardial biopsy samples from the right ventricle (RV) and left ventricle were obtained for histopathologic evaluation. Tissue Doppler echocardiographic interrogation of the ventricles was performed before surgery and in the postoperative period. Results: Histopathologic data revealed hypertrophy of the RV cardiomyocytes and increased interstitial collagen in both ventricles. Mean values of RV isovolumic acceleration decreased significantly at the third evaluation compared with the preoperative values (P = .006). RV myocardial fibrosis greater than 8.3% was associated with a probability of altered E` of at least 0.7 (odds ratio = 2.31). Conclusion: Preoperative histologic myocardial remodeling influenced the postoperative RV function in this group of patients with late repair. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the myocardium in younger patients and to define its influence in the long-term follow-up. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2010;23:912-8.)
The superior cervical ganglion (SCG) in mammals varies in structure according to developmental age, body size, gender, lateral asymmetry, the size and nuclear content of neurons and the complexity and synaptic coverage of their dendritic trees. In small and medium-sized mammals, neuron number and size increase from birth to adulthood and, in phylogenetic studies, vary with body size. However, recent studies on larger animals suggest that body weight does not, in general, accurately predict neuron number. We have applied design-based stereological tools at the light-microscopic level to assess the volumetric composition of ganglia and to estimate the numbers and sizes of neurons in SCGs from rats, capybaras and horses. Using transmission electron microscopy, we have obtained design-based estimates of the surface coverage of dendrites by postsynaptic apposition zones and model-based estimates of the numbers and sizes of synaptophysin-labelled axo-dendritic synaptic disks. Linear regression analysis of log-transformed data has been undertaken in order to establish the nature of the relationships between numbers and SCG volume (V(scg)). For SCGs (five per species), the allometric relationship for neuron number (N) is N=35,067xV (scg) (0.781) and that for synapses is N=20,095,000xV (scg) (1.328) , the former being a good predictor and the latter a poor predictor of synapse number. Our findings thus reveal the nature of SCG growth in terms of its main ingredients (neurons, neuropil, blood vessels) and show that larger mammals have SCG neurons exhibiting more complex arborizations and greater numbers of axo-dendritic synapses.