884 resultados para Attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity


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This study investigated the efficacy of Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (GCBT) in the treatment of heterogeneous anxiety disorders in children. A partially nonconcurrent multiple baseline across groups design was used to assess the effects of the treatment on 12 clinically referred children and adolescents between 6 and 16 years of age who met DSM-IV criteria for an anxiety disorder. Targeted diagnoses included Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Simple Phobia, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, with three of the children also presenting with school refusal behavior. Duration of baseline for each of the three groups varied and ran for one, two, or three weeks. Dependent measures included diagnostic status, child and parent-completed reports, and daily child and parent ratings of child anxiety severity. Results indicated that GCBT was efficacious in reducing anxious symptoms in children and adolescents treated in diagnostically heterogeneous groups, and that gains were generally maintained at 6 and 12 month follow-ups. Findings are discussed in terms of their theoretical and practical implications for the efficient treatment of children and adolescents with anxiety disorders. ^


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Marine phytoplankton can evolve rapidly when confronted with aspects of climate change because of their large population sizes and fast generation times. Despite this, the importance of environment fluctuations, a key feature of climate change, has received little attention-selection experiments with marine phytoplankton are usually carried out in stable environments and use single or few representatives of a species, genus or functional group. Here we investigate whether and by how much environmental fluctuations contribute to changes in ecologically important phytoplankton traits such as C:N ratios and cell size, and test the variability of changes in these traits within the globally distributed species Ostreococcus. We have evolved 16 physiologically distinct lineages of Ostreococcus at stable high CO2 (1031±87?µatm CO2, SH) and fluctuating high CO2 (1012±244?µatm CO2, FH) for 400 generations. We find that although both fluctuation and high CO2 drive evolution, FH-evolved lineages are smaller, have reduced C:N ratios and respond more strongly to further increases in CO2 than do SH-evolved lineages. This indicates that environmental fluctuations are an important factor to consider when predicting how the characteristics of future phytoplankton populations will have an impact on biogeochemical cycles and higher trophic levels in marine food webs.


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The environment in which we live in, we constantly deal with a huge amount of dynamic information, thus, attention is an indispensable cognitive resource that allows an effective selection of stimuli for our survival. From this, investigating how we process our encouragement in movements and how the attention spreads into a space to serve more than one stimuli simultanously is something very important. The behavioural urgence hipothesis suggests that the encouragement in a movement of approaching shows a certain priority in the process related to objects which are in a movement away, but there are researches that point out that it might not happen in an attentive phase, but instead as a priorization of motor response. There are also many controversies found in researches about attentive focalization, in which some studies suggest that the focus of attention would work in a similar manner to a zoom lens, while some searches indicate that the focus of attention could be shared to answer some stimuli in non contiguous regions. This study tried to investigate through two experiments the effect of attentive priorization by encouragement in movements and how the attention is spread with distractors stimuli. The first experiment investigated if the amount of moving flows really influenced in the process of information. The results indicate an effect of priorization of the flows guided in relation to aleatory ones and also from the unique flow due to dual flow. The second experiment investigated how the distribution of attention is in a space with the use of flows as an exogenous cue. The results indicate that the focus of attention works as the one suggested in the zoom lens model.


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Sex differences occur in most non-communicable diseases, including metabolic diseases, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, psychiatric and neurological disorders and cancer. In many cases, the susceptibility to these diseases begins early in development. The observed differences between the sexes may result from genetic and hormonal differences and from differences in responses to and interactions with environmental factors, including infection, diet, drugs and stress. The placenta plays a key role in fetal growth and development and, as such, affects the fetal programming underlying subsequent adult health and accounts, in part for the developmental origin of health and disease (DOHaD). There is accumulating evidence to demonstrate the sex-specific relationships between diverse environmental influences on placental functions and the risk of disease later in life. As one of the few tissues easily collectable in humans, this organ may therefore be seen as an ideal system for studying how male and female placenta sense nutritional and other stresses, such as endocrine disruptors. Sex-specific regulatory pathways controlling sexually dimorphic characteristics in the various organs and the consequences of lifelong differences in sex hormone expression largely account for such responses. However, sex-specific changes in epigenetic marks are generated early after fertilization, thus before adrenal and gonad differentiation in the absence of sex hormones and in response to environmental conditions. Given the abundance of X-linked genes involved in placentogenesis, and the early unequal gene expression by the sex chromosomes between males and females, the role of X- and Y-chromosome-linked genes, and especially those involved in the peculiar placenta-specific epigenetics processes, giving rise to the unusual placenta epigenetic landscapes deserve particular attention. However, even with recent developments in this field, we still know little about the mechanisms underlying the early sex-specific epigenetic marks resulting in sex-biased gene expression of pathways and networks. As a critical messenger between the maternal environment and the fetus, the placenta may play a key role not only in buffering environmental effects transmitted by the mother but also in expressing and modulating effects due to preconceptional exposure of both the mother and the father to stressful conditions.


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Stroke is a prevalent disorder with immense socioeconomic impact. A variety of chronic neurological deficits result from stroke. In particular, sensorimotor deficits are a significant barrier to achieving post-stroke independence. Unfortunately, the majority of pre-clinical studies that show improved outcomes in animal stroke models have failed in clinical trials. Pre-clinical studies using non-human primate (NHP) stroke models prior to initiating human trials are a potential step to improving translation from animal studies to clinical trials. Robotic assessment tools represent a quantitative, reliable, and reproducible means to assess reaching behaviour following stroke in both humans and NHPs. We investigated the use of robotic technology to assess sensorimotor impairments in NHPs following middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). Two cynomolgus macaques underwent transient MCAO for 90 minutes. Approximately 1.5 years following the procedure these NHPs and two non-stroke control monkeys were trained in a reaching task with both arms in the KINARM exoskeleton. This robot permits elbow and shoulder movements in the horizontal plane. The task required NHPs to make reaching movements from a centrally positioned start target to 1 of 8 peripheral targets uniformly distributed around the first target. We analyzed four movement parameters: reaction time, movement time (MT), initial direction error (IDE), and number of speed maxima to characterize sensorimotor deficiencies. We hypothesized reduced performance in these attributes during a neurobehavioural task with the paretic limb of NHPs following MCAO compared to controls. Reaching movements in the non-affected limbs of control and experimental NHPs showed bell-shaped velocity profiles. In contrast, the reaching movements with the affected limbs were highly variable. We found distinctive patterns in MT, IDE, and number of speed peaks between control and experimental monkeys and between limbs of NHPs with MCAO. NHPs with MCAO demonstrated more speed peaks, longer MTs, and greater IDE in their paretic limb compared to controls. These initial results qualitatively match human stroke subjects’ performance, suggesting that robotic neurobehavioural assessment in NHPs with stroke is feasible and could have translational relevance in subsequent human studies. Further studies will be necessary to replicate and expand on these preliminary findings.


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This paper introduces the case of a woman with breast cancer who had developed a mixed depressive-anxiety disorder with avoidance behaviors. The patient presented depressive symptoms like listlessness, insomnia, weeping, food disorders and hopelessness though. Also, she exhibited physiological arousal and restlessness feelings. Additionally, the patient had an avoidance patron behavior in relation with all stimulus she believed could hurt her. Based on the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) the intervention planted the following objectives: the patient will learn to accept her illness and the emotional distress that she was experiencing, also, the patient will recover the other areas of her life that she had abandoned. The treatment was developed in 14 sessions. The therapist used these techniques: creative hopelessness, disabling verbal functions, values clarification and loss of control over private events. In the results, it was observed a positive change in the behavior of the patient as well as a decrease in emotional distress that was his reason for initial consultation


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Introdução: A Anorexia Nervosa (AN) é a perturbação do comportamento alimentar (PCA) com a maior taxa de mortalidade de todos os transtornos psiquiátricos. Carateriza-se pela recusa em manter um peso corporal normal mínimo, pela distorção da imagem corporal e por um obsessivo medo de ganhar peso. Os comportamentos patológicos a ela associados podem levar a uma semi-inanição que necessita de cuidados médicos pluridisciplinares, muitas vezes, em regime de internamento. Vários ensais clínicos avaliaram a eficácia da Terapia Cognitivo- Comportamental (TCC), indicando que ela favorece a remissão ou a diminuição da frequência de episódios de compulsão alimentar, dos comportamentos purgativos e da restrição alimentar. Objetivo: Combinar os resultados da melhor evidência científica de forma a avaliar a eficácia da TCC em comparação com outras terapias utilizadas no tratamento da AN. Métodos: A pesquisa realizou-se nas bases de dados eletrónicas da MEDLINE, Psyc-Info, Embase, CCTR e de forma manual, incluindo ensaios clínicos controlados randomizados que comparam a TCC com qualquer outro tipo de intervenção no tratamento da AN. Resultados: Foram incluídos 10 estudos que envolveram 957 pacientes: dos quais 571 (59,7%) foram submetidos a tratamento com Terapia cognitivo comportamental e 556 (49,3%) a outras terapias. Não se registaram diferenças significativas nos resultados obtidos em diversos outcomes, exceto nas subescalas Restrições (z=3,03; p=0,02), Preocupações alimentares (z=2,98; p=0,002) e Preocupações com a forma (z=1,71; p=0,09) do EDE e nos scores da escala GAF (z=1,87; p=0,06). Registaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas no número de episódios bulímicos (z=2,61; p=0,009), número de episódios de indução de vómito (z=2,11; p=0,03) e no número de episódios de uso indevido de laxantes (z=3,04; p=0,002). Conclusão: A utilização da Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental no tratamento de doentes com AN parece melhorar bastante os sintomas da doença, revelando-se particularmente eficaz nos resultados obtidos na Eating Disorder Examination Scale. A sua utilização parece levar a uma melhoria no scores da GAF, evidenciando uma melhoria geral do estado de saúde dos pacientes (redução dos episódios de vómito, bulimia e uso de laxantes). / Página | viii ABSTRACT Background: Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder with the highest mortality rate of all psychiatric disorders. It is characterized by refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight, the distortion of body image and obsessive fear of gaining weight. The pathological behaviors associated with it can lead to semi-starvation, requiring medical treatment and multidisciplinary inpatient care. Several clinical trials evaluated the efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in lead to remission or reduction of the frequency of bingue eating episodes, purgative behaviors and food restriction. Objective: Combining the results of the best scientific evidence to assess the efficacy of CBT in comparison with other therapies used in the treatment of AN. Methods: The research was carried out in electronic databases of MEDLINE, Psyc- Info, Embase, CCTR and manually, including randomized controlled trials that compared CBT with any other type of intervention in the treatment of AN. Results: Of which 571 (59.7%) were treated with cognitive behavioral therapy and 556 (49.3%) to other therapies: 10 studies involving 957 patients were included. No significant differences in the results obtained in different outcomes, except subscales Restrictions (z = 3.03, p = 0.02), Eating Concerns (z = 2.98, p = 0.002) and Shape Concerns (z = 1.71, p = 0.09) in the scores of EDE and the GAF scale (z = 1.87, p = 0.06). There were statistically significant differences in the number of bulimic episodes (z = 2.61, p = 0.009), number of episodes of induced vomiting (z = 2.11, p = 0.03) and the number of occurrences of use misuse of laxatives (z = 3.04, p = 0.002). Conclusion: The use of cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of patients with AN seems to greatly improve the symptoms of the disease, revealing particularly effective results in the Eating Disorder Examination Scale. Its use seems to lead to an improvement in the GAF scores, showing a general improvement of the health status of patients (reduction of episodes of vomiting, bulimia and laxative use).


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Subdural hematomas are a frequent and highly heterogeneous traumatic disorder, with significant clinical and socioeconomic consequences. In clinical and medicolegal practice, subdural hematomas are classified according to its apparent age, which significantly influences its intrinsic pathogenic behavior, forensic implications, clinical management, and outcome. Although practical, this empirical classification is somewhat arbitrary and scarcely informative, considering the remarkable heterogeneity of this entity. The current research project aims at implementing a comprehensive multifactorial classification of subdural hematomas, allowing a more standardized and coherent assessment and management of this condition. This new method of classification of subdural hematomas takes into account its intrinsic and extrinsic features, using imaging data and histopathological elements, to provide an easily apprehensible and intuitive nomenclature. The proposed classification unifies and organizes all relevant details concerning subdural hematomas, hopefully improving surgical care and forensic systematization.


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Las personas con discapacidad intelectual son uno de los grupos sociales más desfavorecidos en los países europeos. Este estudio recoge y describe las principales líneas de apoyo al alumnado con discapacidad intelectual en Europa a través de una descripción de los tres países representativos (Finlandia, Francia y Alemania). Con el fin de hacer comparaciones entre los diferentes países, se identificaron varios elementos clave: evaluación de diagnóstico y elección del tipo de centro, tipos de escolarización, medidas de apoyo específico profesorado, evaluación y certificación. Finalmente, se concluye con una breve reflexión sobre el impacto de los diferentes tipos de apoyo en Europa, abordando las políticas específicas relacionadas con la atención educativa de los alumnos con discapacidad intelectual.


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O auto-criticismo é um traço de personalidade preditor de psicopatologia. Sabe-se que indivíduos com elevado auto-criticismo tendem a processar a compaixão como um estímulo ameaçador. Apesar destes dados, a literatura é escassa no que se refere à forma como os indivíduos com elevado auto-criticismo reagem perante emoções complexas, como o criticismo e a compaixão. Desta forma, no presente estudo foram utilizadas faces de compaixão, criticismo e neutras como estímulos distratores, em que o estímulo relevante consistiu na identificação de uma letra num conjunto delas. Os resultados mostraram que as pessoas com elevado auto-criticismo tenderam a errar mais e a ter maiores tempos de resposta na tarefa principal quando o estímulo distrator foi uma face de compaixão. Estes dados sugerem que a atenção automática de indivíduos com elevado auto-criticismo pode ser afetada perante estímulos faciais de compaixão.


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Dissertação de Mestrado/Relatório de Estágio - Especialização em Pré Escolar, apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti


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Dissertação submetida para satisfação parcial dos requisitos do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação — Especialização em Educação Especial


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Subdural hematomas are a frequent and highly heterogeneous traumatic disorder, with significant clinical and socioeconomic consequences. In clinical and medicolegal practice, subdural hematomas are classified according to its apparent age, which significantly influences its intrinsic pathogenic behavior, forensic implications, clinical management, and outcome. Although practical, this empirical classification is somewhat arbitrary and scarcely informative, considering the remarkable heterogeneity of this entity. The current research project aims at implementing a comprehensive multifactorial classification of subdural hematomas, allowing a more standardized and coherent assessment and management of this condition. This new method of classification of subdural hematomas takes into account its intrinsic and extrinsic features, using imaging data and histopathological elements, to provide an easily apprehensible and intuitive nomenclature. The proposed classification unifies and organizes all relevant details concerning subdural hematomas, hopefully improving surgical care and forensic systematization.


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Some of the biggest challenges for intermodal transport competitiveness are the extra handling costs and pre- and post-haulage costs. This paper investigates the use of Intermodal High Capacity Transport (IHCT) for the intermodal transport chain in general and to pre-and post-haulage in particular. The aim is not only to measure the cost reductions from using larger vehicles but to understand how better management of inbound flows through increased integration of logistics processes can increase the efficiency of the last mile. The paper analyses the haulage of two 40 foot containers simultaneously when part of an intermodal transport chain. Data were collected from a demonstration project in Sweden, where permission was obtained to use longer vehicles on an approved route to and from the nearest intermodal terminal. Results indicate substantial cost savings from using longer vehicles for pre- and post-haulage. In addition, the business model whereby the shipper purchased their own chassis and permission was obtained to access the terminal after hours for collecting pre-loaded chassis brought additional cost and planning benefits. The total cost saving was significant and potentially eliminates the cost deficit associated with the last mile.


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Some of the biggest challenges for intermodal transport competitiveness are the extra handling costs and pre- and post-haulage costs. This paper investigates the use of Intermodal High Capacity Transport (IHCT) for the intermodal transport chain in general and to pre-and post-haulage in particular. The aim is not only to measure the cost reductions from using larger vehicles but to understand how better management of inbound flows through increased integration of logistics processes can increase the efficiency of the last mile. The paper analyses the haulage of two 40 foot containers simultaneously when part of an intermodal transport chain. Data were collected from a demonstration project in Sweden, where permission was obtained to use longer vehicles on an approved route to and from the nearest intermodal terminal. Results indicate substantial cost savings from using longer vehicles for pre- and post-haulage. In addition, the business model whereby the shipper purchased their own chassis and permission was obtained to access the terminal after hours for collecting pre-loaded chassis brought additional cost and planning benefits. The total cost saving was significant and potentially eliminates the cost deficit associated with the last mile.