972 resultados para Artemisia genus
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Os animais silvestres estão expostos a inúmeros patógenos,dentre eles estão os hemoparasitas. Podem-se destacar espécies do gênero Trypanosoma e do grupo das hemogregarinas,que ocorrem com freqüência parasitando anuros (rãs, pererecas e sapos). Normalmente, a descrição destes hemoparasitas é feita através da morfologia dos estágios observados nosangue periférico do hospedeiro e as pesquisas sobre o ciclobiológico desses hemoparasitas são escassas. Os objetivos dopresente estudo foram avaliar a presença de hemogregarinas eTrypanosoma spp. em anuros capturados nos Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso do Sul e fazer a caracterização morfológica e morfométrica dos seus hemoparasitas. As espécies deanuros examinadas foram: Dendropsophus nanus, D. minutus, Leptodactylus chaquensis, L. podicipinus, L. labyrinthicus, L. fuscus, Bufo granulosus, B. schneideri, Phyllomedusahypocondrialis, Trachicephalus venulosus, Scinax fuscovarius e Hypsiboas albopunctatus. Dos 40 animais estudados, foramencontrados quatro (10%) positivos para hemogregarinas e oito(20%) positivos para Trypanosoma spp. Foram observadosgamontes de hemogregarinas com morfologia variável e, alémdas formas intraeritrocíticas, também foram observados gamontes fora das hemácias. As formas de Trypanosoma encontradas eram muito polimórficas, conforme é descrito na literatura, sendo na sua maioria, larga e oval.
A comparison of the cheliped's weight in two species of the genus Callinectes was accomplished. The species C. danae e C. ornatus were collected by two otter trawl in Ubatuba bay (23 degrees 26' S and 45 degrees 02' W). The allometric constants obtained from the regression adjusted to a power function (Y = aX(b)) were analyzed. These species presented different allometry degrees for each sex considered. The relation Pe x PC presented positive allometry for sex of both species, but male presented higher positive allometry than female. C. danae presented higher positive allometry for chelipeds than C. ornatus. We suggest here that C. danae could be indicated to be submitted to grow out in ponds since it reaches higher size and bigger chelipeds.
This study describes the first zoeal stage of Cronius ruber and Cronius tumidulus. The zoeae can be distinguished using the setation of the cephalic appendages and the lateral process on the abdominal somite.
A new genus and species of cricket belonging to the Hapithinae: Neomorphini (Podoscirtidae) is described from the forests of the Iguacu National Park, State of Parana, Brazil. The new genus is thoroughly compared with Neomorpha Desutter, 1987, the only other member of the Neomorphini described so far.
Cytogenetic investigations based on conventional and differential staining analysis (C-and replication R-banding and Ag-staining) were carried out on eight specimens of Phyllopezus periosus, 17 of P. pollicaris pollicaris, and one of P. pollicaris przewalskii collected from different localities of Brazil. P. periosus and P. p. pollicaris share the same diploid number of 2n = 40 chromosomes, and their karyotypes are very distinctive regarding to the number of biarmed and uniarmed chromosomes. After careful side-by-side comparison of R-banded chromosomes in both taxa, pronounced homology between, at least, eight pairs was revealed. The R-banding patterns allowed us to postulate that karyotype differentiation could be due to pericentric inversion events. P. p. przewalskii (2n = 38) exhibited a very similar karyotype to that found in P. p. pollicaris, except for the presence of one metacentric pair, which probably resulted from a Robertsonian rearrangement. Single and multiple pairs of NOR-bearing chromosomes, showing variation in number and location, were detected among the three forms of Phyllopezus. Similar C-banding patterns were found in P. periosus and P. p. pollicaris. Sex chromosomes were not positively identified.
Megalogryllus clamosus, uma nova espécie de grilo do estado de São Paulo, é descrita. As fotografias do holótipo (macho) e do parátipo (fêmea) são apresentadas, assim como o desenho do tégmen direito do macho e a estrutura fálica. As fotografias da pars stridens para mostrar a estrutura dos dentes e o sonograma do canto de chamado do macho são também apresentados.
Comparative cytogenetic analyses were carried out in six species of Brachycephalidae from southeastern Brazil. Barycholos ternetzi, Eleutherodactylus binotatus, Eleutherodactylus guentheri, Eleutherodactylus juipoca, Eleutherodactylus parvus and Eleutherodactylus sp. have 2n = 22 karyotypes with a marked variation in the morphology of chromosome pairs 8, 10 and 11, which are of telocentric or metacentric types, resulting in FN = 38, 40 and 44. Eleutherodactylus have a single chromosome pair bearing Ag-NOR, i.e. pair 1 in E. binotatus, pair 6 in E. guentheri and E. parvus, and pair 11 in E. juipoca and Eleutherodactylus sp. In contrast, B. ternetzi showed Ag-positive sites in the chromosome pairs 1, 4, 5, 9 and 11, and only one to three labelings per metdphase in each individual. Nevertheless, the main chromosome pair with Ag-NOR in the species seems to be the 11th, like in E. juipoca and Eleutherodactylus sp. The NOR site was confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique in E. binotatus and in B. ternetzi, bearing 1p1p and 9p11p11p Ag-NOR pattern, respectively. All the species exhibited predominantly centromeric C-banding pattern, but interstitial bands have also been observed in some cases. In E. binotatus, there is an indication of geographical difference in the distribution of the interstitial C-bands. The fluorochromes GC-specific chromomycin A(3) (CMA(3)) and AT-specific 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), with distamycin A (DA) counterstaining, provided the molecular content of some repetitive regions in the karyotypes of the species. One male of E. binotatus presented an extensive heteromorphism, involving at least five different pairs, probably as a consequence of multiple reciprocal translocations. Such rearrangements might be responsible for the multivalent chain seen in the meiosis of this specimen, as well as in another male, although not exhibiting chromosome heteromorphism. The remaining males and those belonging to the other species have always shown 11 bivalents in diplotene and metaphase I cells. In all male specimens, metaphases II presented 11 chromosomes. Despite the observed discrepancies, the five species of Eleutherodactylus have a great uniformity in the 2n = 22 karyotypes, suggesting an assemblage of species from southeastern and southern Brazil, in contrast to northern and northeastern assemblage which is characterized by higher diploid numbers. Undoubtedly, B. ternetzi could be included in that proposed assemblage, due to its karyotypic similarity with the Eleutherodactylus species, as evidenced in the present study. This fact strongly supports the close relationships of both genera, previously inferred on the basis of several characters shared by their species. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
All four species of the genus Dichromatos now cytologically analyzed, including D. montanus and D. comp (Cigliano 2007), studied in the present paper, are 2n = 21([male])/22([female]) (FN = 23/24) with a X1X2Y [male] / X1X1X2X2 [female] sex-determination mechanism. The possibility that this mechanism arose from a single ancestral species from which a rapid process of speciation and dispersion took place is discussed.
Genus Scytodes includes most species of the spider family Scytodidae. Until now, 187 species of the genus have been described. In spite of this great diversity, only three Scytodes species were karyotyped so far. The present paper provides for the first time karyotype analysis of two synanthropic species, Scytodes fusca and Scytodes itapevi. Furthermore, new data on karyotype of Scytodes globula are also provided using conventional and differential cytogenetical procedures. The diploid number in the genus Scytodes varied considerably, namely from 2n = 13 to 2n = 31. The diploid number found in S. globula (2n male = 13) is the lowest in haplogyne spiders with monocentric chromosomes. Except S. globula, this number has been found only in one haplogyne spider with monocentric chromosomes, namely Ochyrocera sp. (Ochyroceratidae). on the contrary, the diploid number of S. fusca (2n male = 31) is one of the highest diploid numbers recorded in haplogyne spiders. The degree of intrageneric variation found in the genus Scytodes is the highest recorded in araneomorph spiders with monocentric chromosomes so far. Some karyotype characteristics (diploid number, chromosome morphology, total chromosome length, and distribution of constitutive heterochromatin) allowed us to postulate a close relationship between S. globula and S. itapevi. According to the karyotype data, S. fusca is not closely related to these two species. This conclusion corroborates a recent taxonomic work that grouped S. globula, S. itapevi, and other four Scytodes species in the 'globula group'.