994 resultados para Apolipoprotéine AI
A grande diversidade de organismos marinhos e o seu potencial biotecnológico têm despertado a atenção e o interesse de cientistas das diversas áreas da biotecnologia. Como é do conhecimento geral, os produtos naturais são fontes potencialmente importantes para a descoberta de novos compostos nutricionalmente benéficos e farmacologicamente ativos. A descoberta de novas substâncias naturais e biologicamente ativas tem vindo a ser uma das apostas das indústrias farmacêutica, cosmética e alimentar, com o principal objetivo comum da descoberta de novas substâncias menos tóxicas e mais benéficas para a saúde humana, bem como da procura de novos alimentos funcionais. Além disto, existe um crescente interesse da ciência dos alimentos, pelos chamados grupos de alimentos funcionais, entre os quais estão as algas marinhas, que têm merecido especial reconhecimento por serem um grupo de alimentos capaz de proporcionar benefícios fisiológicos e nutricionais adicionais, em virtude da sua diversa e equilibrada composição química. As algas são organismos autotróficos e fotossintetizantes que pertencem a uma multiplicidade de nichos ecológicos e estão sujeitas às mais variadas condições ambientais, por vezes extremas. Esta situação tem como consequência a biossíntese de metabolitos secundários, sendo alguns deles compostos ativos com propriedades benéficas para a saúde, pelo que a sua utilização como ingredientes funcionais abre novas possibilidades no processamento de alimentos. […].
As macroalgas marinhas têm uma grande diversidade de aplicações. Nos Açores, várias espécies têm sido usadas tradicionalmente para alimentação humana e para extração de agar, um ficocolóide aplicado na indústria alimentar e farmacêutica. As exigências no controlo da qualidade das matérias-primas e as práticas atuais de colheita de macroalgas marinhas selvagens na Europa exigem uma gestão eficaz deste recurso natural e, simultaneamente, tornam premente a necessidade de se implementarem métodos de produção de biomassa controlados, nomeadamente, práticas de cultivo. Apesar da importância reconhecida da exploração sustentável dos recursos marinhos existentes nos Açores, não existe qualquer informação sobre a viabilidade do cultivo de macroalgas marinhas no Arquipélago. O objetivo principal do presente projeto é avaliar o potencial de cultivo de espécies de macroalgas marinhas selecionadas, bem como identificar as melhores práticas de recolha desse recurso natural.
As microalgas nativas estão bem adaptadas aos fatores abióticos e bióticos locais predominantes e quando cultivadas localmente é fundamental a seleção de estirpes com potencial biotecnológico. Duas estirpes locais de H. pluvialis foram identificadas e isoladas de poças de água doce em locais distintos. Foram cultivadas por um período de 60 dias em meio de cultura MES esterilizado em câmara de cultura. Medições periódicas foram realizadas para avaliar a produção de biomassa e acumulação de astaxantina. As estirpes locais apresentaram no geral a maior e menor produção de biomassa e acumulação de astaxantina o que demonstra a variabilidade entre estirpes da mesma espécie. Por conseguinte, estirpes locais devem ser avaliadas quando se considera uma exploração em grande escala.
Copyright © Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2014.
Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copyright © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg and AWI 2014.
Throughout the world, epidemiological studies were established to examine the relationship between air pollution and mortality rates and adverse respiratory health effects. However, despite the years of discussion the correlation between adverse health effects and atmospheric pollution remains controversial, partly because these studies are frequently restricted to small and well-monitored areas. Monitoring air pollution is complex due to the large spatial and temporal variations of pollution phenomena, the high costs of recording instruments, and the low sampling density of a purely instrumental approach. Therefore, together with the traditional instrumental monitoring, bioindication techniques allow for the mapping of pollution effects over wide areas with a high sampling density. In this study, instrumental and biomonitoring techniques were integrated to support an epidemiological study that will be developed in an industrial area located in Gijon in the coastal of central Asturias, Spain. Three main objectives were proposed to (i) analyze temporal patterns of PM10 concentrations in order to apportion emissions sources, (ii) investigate spatial patterns of lichen conductivity to identify the impact of the studied industrial area in air quality, and (iii) establish relationships amongst lichen conductivity with some site-specific characteristics. Samples of the epiphytic lichen Parmelia sulcata were transplanted in a grid of 18 by 20 km with an industrial area in the center. Lichens were exposed for a 5-mo period starting in April 2010. After exposure, lichen samples were soaked in 18-MΩ water aimed at determination of water electrical conductivity and, consequently, lichen vitality and cell damage. A marked decreasing gradient of lichens conductivity relative to distance from the emitting sources was observed. Transplants from a sampling site proximal to the industrial area reached values 10-fold higher than levels far from it. This finding showed that lichens reacted physiologically in the polluted industrial area as evidenced by increased conductivity correlated to contamination level. The integration of temporal PM10 measurements and analysis of wind direction corroborated the importance of this industrialized region for air quality measurements and identified the relevance of traffic for the urban area.
Background - Being patient centered is a core value for nursing. Patient centered-care has been related to patient and health provider satisfaction, better health outcomes, higher quality of care and more efficient health care delivery. Objectives - The purpose was to assess the orientation adopted by nurses and students in patient care, using The Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale, as well as to compare the results between resident nurses and students from different academic years. Settings - Public School of Nursing and a Central Hospital, in Lisbon (Portugal). Participants - Students in the first, second and fourth year of nursing school and nurses participated in the study. Methods - For data collection, we used The Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (European Portuguese version), an instrument designed to measure individual preferences toward the dimension of caring a sharing in health professional-patient relationship. Students and nurses also filled out two additional questions about their perception of competence in technical and communication skills. Additional demographic information was also collected, including gender, age, academic year and length of professional experience. Results - A total of 525 students (84.7% female) and 108 nurses (77.8% female) participated in this study. In general, caring sub-scores, measuring the preference of about attending to patient emotional aspects, were higher than sharing sub-scores, measuring beliefs about giving information and perceiving patient as a member of the health team. Students were significantly more patient-centered throughout their nursing education (p<0.001). Comparing to students in the second and fourth academic years (p<0.001) nurses' scores were significantly lower both in total PPOS and in caring and sharing subscales. Conclusions - These results reinforce the idea that patient centeredness may be developed in academic context. The scores obtained highlight the importance of studies that aim to identify factors that may explain the decrease of patient centeredness in professional practice.
Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Morphological and anatomical characters used for segregating species within the genus Corallina (Corallinaceae, Rhodophyta) have been compiled and evaluated in 120 specimens collected in the Azores. The morphological, anatomical and statistical evaluation of the thirty four segregating characters for the genus Corallina performed in the present study revealed no species segregation, either showing no differences across the whole lot of specimens or being highly variable within sets of plants. This suggests that all studied material belongs to one species, so far Ellisolandia elongata (formely Corallina elongata), thus reinforcing old proposed synonyms. A morphological and anatomical account is provided for this species, considering the whole set of studied specimens.
The importance of disturbance and the subsequent rate and pattern of recovery has been long recognised as an important driver of community structure. Community recovery is affected by processes operating at local and regional scales yet the examination of community level responses to a standardised disturbance at regional scales (i.e. among regions under different environmental conditions) has seldom been attempted. Here, we mechanically disturbed rocky intertidal lower shore algal dominated assemblages at three locations within each of three different regions within the Lusitanian biogeographical province (Azores, northern Portugal and the Canary Islands). All organisms were cleared from experimental plots and succession followed over a period of 12 months at which time we formally compared the assemblage structure to that of unmanipulated controls. Early patterns of recovery of disturbed communities varied among regions and was positively influenced by temperature, but not by regional species richness. Different components of the assemblage responded differently to disturbance. Regional differences in the relative abundance and identity of species had a key influence on the overall assemblage recovery. This study highlights how regional-scales differences in environmental conditions and species pool are important determinants of recovery of disturbed communities.
The Late Miocene Malbusca outcrop is located in the southeastern coast of Santa Maria Island (Azores, NE Atlantic), interspersed in volcanic formations. At ~20 meters above present sea level, a prominent discontinuous layer of rhodoliths seizes with an extension of ~250 meters. This paper presents the first taxonomic record of fossil rhodolith forming coralline algae for the Miocene of the Azores. The preserved taxonomic features used were the following: (1) arrangement of basal filaments, (2) epithallial cells (when observable), (3) presence of cell fusions, (4) conceptacle type, (5) number of cells layers which conceptacle chamber floors are situated below the surrounding thallus surface and (6) for the sporangial pores, the orientation of the filaments around the conceptacle pores. Based on these characters, six taxa were identified encompassing three Corallinaceae (Lithophyllum prototypum, Lithophyllum sp., Spongites sp., Hydrolithon sp.) and one Hapalidaceae (Phymatolithon calcareum and cf. Phymatolithon sp.). An unidentified coaxial thallus was also present, the coaxial construction ascribing the specimens to the genus Mesophyllum or Neogoniolithon. Taxonomic accounts for the identified taxa are described, illustrated and an identification key is provided. The report of L prototypum represents the first Miocene record and the preservation of the specimens is very good. Miocene coralline algae seem very consistent among deposits but some species are relevant for particular areas, like in the Azores.
Ocean Science Meeting. Hawaii Convention Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 23-28 de Fevereiro.
IV Congress of Marine Sciences. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, June 11th to 13th 2014.
XVIII Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina (SIEBM), Gijón (Asturias), 2 al 5 de septiembre de 2014.