863 resultados para Apo, Satu: Viinan voima
Analizar las interrelaciones entre profesorado, reforma y calidad de la enseñanza en la Región de Murcia, siendo el profesorado el tema central de la investigación y la reforma y la calidad de la enseñanza, el marco donde se encuadra el estudio. Universo: conjunto del profesorado no universitario de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (15.114) con una muestra compuesta por 643 profesores pertenecientes a 83 centros educativos de la región, además de 29 informantes-tipo, grupo formado por profesores y maestros. En la investigación se realiza una primera evaluación de la reforma LOGSE recurriendo para ello al análisis de sus documentos oficiales y a los resultados de las evaluaciones realizadas por el INCE (Instituto Nacional de Calidad y Evaluación) abordando la comparación entre el funcionamiento del viejo y el nuevo sistema educativo realizando para ello un estudio de los flujos en ambos, teniendo en cuenta el éxito escolar, la repetición y los años necesarios para titular a los alumnos (16-18 años). A esto hay que unir un doble planteamiento metodológico cuantitativo (encuesta) y cualitativo (entrevistas en profundidad) que conforman la parte experimental de la investigación. Cuestionario de elaboración propia dirigido al profesorado (maestros y profesores de medias) que intenta aproximarse al ethos del profesor entendido como sistema de hábitos producto de unas condiciones objetivas: formación inicial y permanente, consideración social de la profesión, trayectorias educativas, área curricular que imparte, estrategias docentes, todo ello ligado a la variable sexo. El segundo instrumento de recogida de información son las entrevistas cualitativas en profundidad, no dirigidas y enfocadas. Codificación de la información contenida en los cuestionarios en forma numérica y elaboración de una base de datos sometida a un análisis con el programa SPSS, vers. 7 y 8. En algunos casos se exportaron tablas cruzadas de dos o más variables para realizar otros tipos de análisis estadístico, en este caso con el programa GLIM ver. 3.77. Las técnicas cualitativas utilizadas están basadas en historias de vida múltiples y paralelas recogiendo un número suficientemente amplio de sujetos que viven la misma realidad social. La herramienta informática utilizada para realizar el análisis de contenido es el programa Win-Max. Las mejoras educativas perseguidas en la LOGSE han creado nuevos retos y dificultades en el profesorado. A pesar de los departamentos de orientación y de los profesionales de apoyo, los profesores tienen grandes dificultades para dar respuesta a las necesidades de integración y diversidad del alumnado. La satisfacción profesional del profesorado de la región es bastante alta y los aspectos peor valorados son el salario, el reconocimiento social y el tiempo libre. La valoración global que hace el profesorado de la formación impartida por la red de CPRs en una escala de 1 a 10 es de 5.8, a pesar de lo cual la formación permanente es mejor valorada que la inicial. La feminización del profesorado no sólo tienen efectos sobre sobre la valoración social de la profesión sino que configura modelos de actuación docente diferentes.
YcdB is a periplasmic haem-containing protein from Escherichia coli that has a potential role in iron transport. It is currently the only reported haem-containing Tat-secreted substrate. Here, the overexpression, purification, crystallization and structure determination at 2.0 angstrom resolution are reported for the apo form of the protein. The apo-YcdB structure resembles those of members of the haem-dependent peroxidase family and thus confirms that YcdB is also a member of this family. Haem-soaking experiments with preformed apo-YcdB crystals have been optimized to successfully generate haem-containing YcdB crystals that diffract to 2.9 angstrom. Completion of model building and structure refinement are under way.
Background: Prolonged and exaggerated postprandial plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations are considered as an independent risk factor for coronary artery disease. Western populations eat many meals at regular intervals, and can be in a postprandial state for at least 17h of a 24h period. After consuming 2 meals an early plasma TAG peak has been observed after the second meal, the origin of which is unclear. Aim of the study: To test the hypothesis that the early TAG peak observed following sequential meals was of intestinal origin and represented fat derived from the previous meal. Methods: Postprandial plasma lipaemic responses of 17 healthy postmenopausal women were studied by giving a test breakfast followed by a lunch. Watermiscible retinyl palmitate (RP) was added to the breakfast, but not the lunch test meal. Plasma TAG, retinyl esters (RE) and apo B-48 were determined for a 10h period following breakfast. Results: In response to the test meals, RE, apo B-48 and TAG showed multiple peaks. Despite omission of RP from the lunch, RE showed an early peak response after ingestion of lunch in 15 of 17 subjects. The peak response after lunch of all three markers appeared significantly earlier compared with their respective peak responses after the breakfast (P < 0.0001). The area of RE response after lunch was significantly correlated with the RE lipaemic response to the breakfast (r = 0.67; P < 0.004) and to the fasting TAG concentration (r = 0.48; P < 0.05). Conclusions: Since the lunch did not contain RP, the distinctive second influx of RE after lunch was believed to have originated from the breakfast. This, together with the fact that all three markers showed an earlier response to the lunch than the breakfast, supports the view that ingestion of a second meal provokes entry of fat from the previous meal, from an as yet unidentified site (gut, enterocytes, lymph). The results indicate that the degree of TAG "storage" from previous meals might be a function of TAG tolerance and provide a possible site of regulation of the entry of fat into the systemic circulation.
This study evaluated the effects of substituting dietary saturated fatty acids (SFAs) with monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) on postprandial chylomicron (triacylglycerol (TAG), apolipoprotein B-48 (apo B-48) and retinyl ester (RE)), chylomicron particle size and factor VII (FVII) response when subjects were given a standard meal. In a controlled sequential design, 51 healthy young subjects followed an SFA-rich diet (Reference diet) for 8 weeks after which half of the subjects followed a moderate MUFA diet (n = 25) and half followed a high MUFA diet (n = 26) for 16 weeks. Fasting lipoprotein and lipid measurements were evaluated at baseline and at 8-week intervals during the Reference and MUFA diets. In 25 of the subjects (n = 12 moderate MUFA, n = 13 high MUFA), postprandial responses to a standard test meal containing RE and 13 C-tripalmitin were investigated at the end of the Reference and the MUFA diet periods. Although there were no differences in the postprandial lipid markers (TAG, RE, C-13-TAG) on the two diets, the postprandial apo B-48 response (incremental area under the curve (IAUC) was reduced by 21% on the moderate MUFA diet (NS) and by 54% on the high MUFA diet (P < 0.01). The postprandial peak concentrations of apo B-48 were reduced by 33% on the moderate MUFA diet (P < 0.01) and 48% on the high MUFA diet (P < 0.001). Fasting values for factor VII activity (FVIIc), activated factor VII (FVIIa) or factor VII antigen (FVIIag) did not differ significantly when subjects were transferred from Reference to MUFA diets. However, the postprandial increases in coagulation FVII activity (FVIIc) were 18% lower and of activated FVII (FVIIa) were 17% lower on the moderate MUFA diet (NS). Postprandial increases in FVIIc and FVIIa were 50% (P < 0.05) and 29% (P < 0.07) lower on the high MUFA diet and the area under the postprandial FVIIc response curve (AUC) was also lower on the high MUFA diet (P < 0.05). Significantly higher ratios of RE:apo B-48 (P < 0.001) and 13 C-palmitic acid:apo B-48 (P < 0.01) during both MUFA diets suggest that the CMs formed carry larger amounts of dietary lipids per particle, reflecting an adaptation to form larger lipid droplets in the enterocyte when increased amounts of dietary MUFAs are fed. Smaller numbers of larger chylomicrons may explain attenuated activation of factor VII during the postprandial state when the background diet is rich in MUFA. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Previous studies comparing the biokinetics of deuterated natural (RRR) and synthetic (all-rac) α-tocopherol (vitamin E) used a simultaneous ingestion or competitive uptake approach and reported relative bioavailability ratios close to 2:1, higher than the accepted biopotency ratio of 1.36:1. The aim of the current study was to compare the biokinetics of deuterated natural and synthetic vitamin E using a noncompetitive uptake model both before and after vitamin E supplementation in a distinct population. Healthy men (n = 10) carrying the apolipoprotein (apo)E4 genotype completed a randomized crossover study, comprised of two 4-wk treatments with 400 mg/d (RRR-α-tocopheryl and all-rac-α-tocopheryl acetate) with a 12-wk washout period between treatments. Before and after each treatment period, the subjects consumed a capsule containing 150 mg deuterated α-tocopheryl acetate in either the PRR or all-rac form depending on their treatment regimen. Blood was obtained up to 48 h after ingestion, and tocopherols analyzed by LC/MS. After deuterated all-rac administration, plasma deuterated tocopherol maximum concentrations and area under the concentration vs. time curves (AUC) were lower than those following RRR administration. The RRR:all-rac ratios determined from the deuterated biokinetic profiles (maximum concentration; C-max) and AUCs were 1.35:1 &PLUSMN; 0.17 and 1.33:1 &PLUSMN; 0.18, respectively. The 4-wk supplementation with either PRR or all-rac significantly increased plasma a-tocopherol concentrations (P < 0.001), but decreased the plasma response to newly absorbed deuterated RRR or all-rac α-tocopherol. Using a noncompetitive uptake approach, the relative bioavailability of natural to synthetic vitamin E in apoE4 males was close to the currently accepted biopotency ratio of 1.36:1.
Most of diurnal time is spent in a postprandial state due to successive meal intakes during the day. As long as the meals contain enough fat, a transient increase in triacylglycerolaemia and a change in lipoprotein pattern occurs. The extent and kinetics of such postprandial changes are highly variable and are modulated by numerous factors. This review focuses on factors affecting postprandial lipoprotein metabolism and genes, their variability and their relationship with intermediate phenotypes and risk of CHD. Postprandial lipoprotein metabolism is modulated by background dietary pattern as well as meal composition (fat amount and type, carbohydrate, protein, fibre, alcohol) and several lifestyle conditions (physical activity, tobacco use), physiological factors (age, gender, menopausal status) and pathological conditions (obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus). The roles of many genes have been explored in order to establish the possible implications of their variability in lipid metabolism and CHD risk. The postprandial lipid response has been shown to be modified by polymorphisms within the genes for apo A-I, A-IV, AN, E, B, C-I and C-III, lipoprotein lipase, hepatic lipase, fatty acid binding and transport proteins, microsomal trigyceride transfer protein and scavenger receptor class B type I. Overall, the variability in postprandial response is important and complex, and the interactions between nutrients or dietary or meal compositions and gene variants need further investigation. The extent of present knowledge and needs for future studies are discussed in light of ongoing developments in nutrigenetics.
Aim: We examined the effect of meat fatty acids on lipid and apolipoprotein concentrations of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicron/chylomicron remnants in lipid fractions with a Svedberg flotation rate (S-f) 60-400 and S-f 20-60. Methods and results: Six healthy middle-aged men received in random order mixed meals enriched with saturated (SFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA) or monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids on 3 occasions. VLDL and chylomicron/chylomicron remnants in the lipid fractions were separated by immunoaffinity chromatography against apo B-100. In the S-f 60-400 chylomicron/chylomicron remnants, triacylglycerol and cholesterol concentrations were significantly tower following PUFA compared with SFA and MUFA (P <= 0.05). Apolipoprotein (apo) E responses were significantly higher after SFA in chylomicron/chylomicron remnants and VLDL compared with PUFA and MUFA (P < 0.007). However, apo B responses (particle number) were higher following MUFA than SFA (P = 0.039 for chylomicron/chylomicron remnants). Composition of the chylomicron/chylomicron remnants (expressed per particle) revealed differences in their triacylglycerol and apo E contents; in the Sf 60-400 fraction, SFA-rich chylomicron/chylomicron remnants contained significantly more triacylglycerol than MUFA (P = 0.028), more apo E than PUFA- and MUFA-rich particles (P < 0.05) and in the S-f 20-60 fraction, more apo E than MUFA (P = 0.009). Conclusion: There are specific differences in the composition of chylomicron/ chylomicron remnants formed after saturated compared with unsaturated fatty acid-rich meals which could determine their metabolic fate in the circulation and subsequent atherogenicity. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Raised levels of chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants, which circulate following a meal, have been implicated in the development of atherosclerosis. Apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 is exclusively associated with chylomicron particles and provides a specific direct measurement of the number of intestinally derived lipoproteins in the circulation. The quantification of apo B-48 in biological samples is difficult due to the very low concentration in plasma, structural similarity to the N-terminal 48% of apo B-100 and lack of an appropriate standard for apo B-48. Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), followed by coomassie blue staining, has been used for many years to measure apo B-48 levels in triacylglycerol (TAG)-rich lipoprotein samples. The raising of antiserum to apo B-48 has led to development of more sensitive and specific methods including immunoblotting and enzyme-linked immunosorbant assays (ELISAs). This has enabled direct measurement of apo B-48 in plasma without the need for separation into TAG-rich lipoproteins. A high degree of variability was observed in the apo B-48 concentrations reported in the literature both within and between the SDS-PAGE, immunoblotting and ELISA methods. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ability of human postprandial triacylglycerol-rich lipoproteins (TRLs), isolated after meals enriched in saturated fatty acids (SFAs), n-6 PUFAs, and MUFAs, to inhibit the uptake of I-125-labeled LDL by the LDL receptor was investigated in HepG2 cells. Addition of TRLs resulted in a dose-dependent inhibition of heparin-releasable binding, cell-associated radioactivity, and degradation products of I-125-labeled LDL (P < 0.001). SFA-rich Svedberg flotation rate (S-f) 60-400 resulted in significantly greater inhibition of cell-associated radioactivity than PUFA-rich particles (P = 0.016) and total uptake of I-125-labeled LDL compared with PUFA- and MUFA-rich particles (P = 0.02). Normalization of the apolipoprotein (apo)E but not apoC-III content of the TRLs removed the effect of meal fatty acid composition, and addition of an anti-apoE antibody reversed the inhibitory effect of TRLs on the total uptake of I-125-labeled LDL. Real time RT-PCR showed that the SFA-rich Sf 60-400 increased the expression of genes involved in hepatic lipid synthesis (P < 0.05) and decreased the expression of the LDL receptor-related protein 1 compared with MUFAs (P = 0.008). In conclusion, these findings suggest an alternative or additional mechanism whereby acute fat ingestion can influence LDL clearance via competitive apoE-dependent effects of TRL on the LDL receptor.-Jackson, K. G., V. Maitin, D. S. Leake, P. Yaqoob, and C. M. Williams. Saturated fat-induced changes in Sf 60 400 particle composition reduces uptake of LDL by HepG2 cells.
Background: The hypocholesterolemic effects of soy foods are well established, and it has been suggested that isoflavones are responsible for this effect. However, beneficial effects of isolated isoflavones on lipid biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk have not yet been shown. Objective: The objective was to investigate the effects of isolated soy isoflavones on metabolic biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk, including plasma total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol; triacylglycerols; lipoprotein(a); the percentage of small dense LDL; glucose; nonesterified fatty acids; insulin; and the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance. Differences with respect to single nucleotide polymorphisms in selected genes [ie, estrogen receptor a (Xbal and PvuII), estrogen receptor beta (AluI), and estrogen receptor beta(cx) (Tsp5091), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (Glu298Asp), apolipoprotein E (Apo E2, E3, and E4), cholesteryl ester transfer protein (TaqIB), and leptin receptor (Gln223Arg)] and with respect to equol production were investigated. Design: Healthy postmenopausal women (n = 117) participated in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover dietary intervention trial. Isoflavone-enriched (genistein-to-daidzein ratio of 2: 1; 50 mg/d) or placebo cereal bars were consumed for 8 wk, with a wash-out period of 8 wk before the crossover. Results: Isoflavones did not have a significant beneficial effect on plasma concentrations of lipids, glucose, or insulin. A significant difference between the responses of HDL cholesterol to isoflavones and to placebo was found with estrogen receptor 0(cx) Tsp5091 genotype AA, but not GG or GA. Conclusions: Isoflavone supplementation, when provided in the form and dose used in this study, had no effect on lipid or other metabolic biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women but may increase HDL cholesterol in an estrogen receptor P gene-polymorphic subgroup.
Background: Dietary isoflavones are thought to be cardioprotective because of their structural similarity to estrogen. The reduction of concentrations of circulating inflammatory markers by estrogen may be one of the mechanisms by which premenopausal women are protected against cardiovascular disease. Objective: Our aim was to investigate the effects of isolated soy isoflavones on inflammatory biomarkers [von Willebrand factor, intracellular adhesion molecule 1, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1), E-selectin, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1, C-reactive protein (CRP), and endothelin 1 concentrations]. Differences with respect to single-nucleotide polymorphisms in selected genes [estrogen receptor alpha (XbaI and PvuII), estrogen receptor beta [ER beta (AluI) and ER beta[cx] (Tsp5091), endothelial nitric oxide synthase (Glu298Asp), apolipoprotein E (Apo E2, E3, and E4), and cholesteryl ester transfer protein (TaqIB)] and equol production were investigated. Design: One hundred seventeen healthy European postmenopausal women participated in this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover dietary intervention trial. Isoflavone-enriched (genistein-to-daidzein ratio of 2:1;50 mg/d) or placebo cereal bars were consumed for 8 wk, with a washout period of 8 wk between the crossover. Plasma inflammatory factors were measured at 0 and 8 wk of each study arm. Results: Isoflavones improved CRP concentrations [odds ratio (95% Cl) for CRP values >1 mg/L for isoflavone compared with placebo: 0.43 (0.27, 0.69)]; no significant effects of isoflavone treatment on other plasma inflammatory markers were observed. No significant differences in the response to isoflavones were observed according to subgroups of equol production. Differences in the VCAM-1 response to isoflavones and to placebo were found with ER beta AluI genotypes. Conclusion: Isoflavones have beneficial effects on CRP concentrations, but not on other inflammatory biomarkers of cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women, and may improve VCAM-1 in an ER beta gene polymorphic subgroup.
High doses of n-3 PUFA found in fish oils can reduce the circulating concentration of triacylglycerol (TG), which may contribute to the positive impact of these fatty acids on the risk of CVD. The present study aimed to establish the differential impact of EPA and docosahexaenoic (DHA) on plasma lipids and apo in adults. Forty-two normolipidaemic adult subjects completed a double-blind placebo controlled parallel study, receiving an EPA-rich oil (4.8 g EPA/d), DHA-rich oil (4.9 g DHA/d) or olive oil as control, for a period of 4 weeks. No effects of treatment on total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol were evident. There was a significant 22% reduction in TG level relative to the control value following the DHA treatment (P=0.032), with the 15% decrease in the EPA group failing to reach significance (P=0-258). There were no significant inter-group differences in response to treatment for plasma apoA1, -C3 or -E levels, although a significant 15% within-group increase in apoE was evident in the EPA (P=0.006) and DHA (P=0.003) groups. In addition, a within-group decrease in the apoAI:HDL-cholesterol ratio was observed in the DHA group, suggesting a positive impact of DHA on HDL particle size. The DHA intervention resulted in a significant increase in the proportion of EPA P=0.000 and DHA P=0.000 in plasma phospholipids, whilst significant increases in EPA P=0.000 and docosapentacnoic acid P=0.002, but not DHA P=0.193, were evident following EPA supplementation (P<0.05). Our present results indicate that DHA may be more efficacious than EPA in improving the plasma lipid profile.
Objective The influences of genetic determinants on the magnitude of postprandial lipaemia are presently unclear. Here the impact of the common apolipoprotein (apo)E epsilon mutation on the postprandial triglyceride (TG) response is determined, along with an assessment of genotype penetrance according to age, body mass index and gender. Methods and results Healthy adults (n = 251) underwent a postprandial investigation, in which blood samples were taken at regular intervals after a test breakfast (0 min, 49 g fat) and lunch (330 min, 29 g fat) until 480 min after the test breakfast. There was a significant impact of apoE genotype on fasting total cholesterol (TC), (P = 0.027), LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), (P = 0.008), and %LDL3 (P = 0.001), with higher and lower levels in the E4 and E2 carriers respectively relative to the E3/E3 genotype. Reflective of a higher fasting TG (P = 0.001), a significantly higher area under the curve for the postprandial TG response (TG AUC) was evident in the E4 carriers relative to the E3/E3 group (P = 0.038). In the group as a whole, a significant age × genotype interaction was observed for fasting TC (P = 0.021). In the participants >50 years there was a significant impact of genotype on TC (P = 0.005), LDL-C (P = 0.001) and TAG AUC (P = 0.028). Conclusions It is possible that an exaggerated postprandial lipaemia contributes to the increased coronary heart disease risk associated with carriers of the E4 allele; an effect which is more evident in older adults.
The present study was designed to examine whether the type of fat ingested in an initial test meal influences the response and density distribution of dietary-derived lipoproteins in the Svedberg flotation rate (Sf)>400, Sf 60 - 400 and Sf 20 - 60 lipoprotein fractions. A single-blind randomized within-subject crossover design was used to study the effects of palm oil, safflower oil, a mixture of fish and safflower oil, and olive oil on postprandial apolipoprotein (apo) B-48, retinyl ester and triacylglycerol responses in each lipoprotein fraction following an initial test meal containing one of the oils and a second standardized test meal. For all dietary oils, late postprandial (300min) concentrations of triacylglycerol and apo B-48 were significantly higher in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02). Significantly greater apo B-48 incremental areas under the curve (IAUCs) were also observed in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction than in the Sf>400 fraction following palm oil, safflower oil and olive oil (P<0.04), with a similar non-significant trend for fish/safflower oil. Olive oil resulted in a significantly greater apo B-48 IAUC in the Sf>400 fraction (P<0.02) than did any of the other dietary oils, as well as a tendency for a higher IAUC in the Sf 60 - 400 fraction compared with the palm, safflower and fish/safflower oils. In conclusion, we have found that the majority of intestinally derived lipoproteins present in the circulation following meals enriched with saturated, polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids are of the density and size of small chylomicrons and chylomicron remnants. Olive oil resulted in a greater apo B-48 response compared with the other dietary oils following sequential test meals, suggesting the formation of a greater number of small (Sf 60 - 400) and large (Sf>400) apo B-48-containing lipoproteins in response to this dietary oil.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate relationships between body fat and its distribution and carbohydrate and lipid tolerance using statistical comparisons in post-menopausal women. DESIGN: Sequential meal, postprandial study (600 min) which included a mixed standard breakfast (30 g fat) and lunch (44 g fat) given at 0 and 270 min, respectively, after an overnight fast. SUBJECTS: Twenty-eight post-menopausal women with a diverse range of body weight (body mass index (BMI), mean 27.2, range 20.5-38.8 kg/m2) and abdominal fat deposition (waist, mean 86.4, range 63.5-124.0 cm). Women with BMI <18 or >37 kg/m2, age>80 y and taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) were excluded. MEASUREMENTS: Anthropometric measurements were performed to assess total and regional fat deposits. The concentrations of plasma total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triacylglycerol (TAG), glucose, insulin (ins), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 were analysed in plasma collected at baseline (fasted state) and at 13 postprandial time points for a 600 min period. RESULTS: Insulin concentrations in the fasted and fed state were significantly correlated with all measures of adiposity (BMI, waist, waist-hip ratio (W/H), waist-height ratio (W/Ht) and sum of skinfold thickness (SSk)). After controlling for BMI, waist remained significantly and positively associated with fasted insulin (r=0.559) with waist contributing 53% to the variability after multiple regression analysis. After controlling for waist, BMI remained significantly correlated with postprandial (IAUC) insulin (r=0.535) contributing 66% of the variability of this measurement. No association was found between any measures of adiposity and glucose concentrations, although insulin concentration in relation to glucose concentration (glucose-insulin ratio) was significantly negatively correlated with all measures of adiposity. A significant positive correlation was found between fasted TAG and BMI (r=0.416), waist (r=0.393) and Ssk (r=0.457) and postprandial (AUC) TAG with BMI (r=0.385) and Ssk (r=0.406). A significantly higher postprandial apolipoprotein (apo) B-48 response was observed in those women with high BMI (>27 kg/m2). Fasting levels of NEFA were significantly and positively correlated with all measures of adiposity (except W/H). No association was found between cholesterol containing particles and any measure of adiposity. CONCLUSION: Hyperinsulinaemia associated with increasing body fat and central fat distribution is associated with normal glucose but not TAG or NEFA concentrations in postmenopausal women.