979 resultados para Antigenic typing


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The merozoite surface protein-2 (MSP-2) of Plasmodium falciparum comprises repeats flanked by dimorphic domains defining the allelic families FC27 and IC1. Here, we examined sequence diversity at the msp-2 locus in Brazil and its impact on MSP-2 antibody recognition by local patients. Only 25 unique partial sequences of msp-2 were found in 61 isolates examined. The finding of identical msp-2 sequences in unrelated parasites, collected 6-13 years apart, suggests that no major directional selection is exerted by variant-specific immunity in this malaria-endemic area. To examine antibody cross-reactivity, recombinant polypeptides derived from locally prevalent and foreign MSP-2 variants were used in ELISA. Foreign IC1-type variants, such as 3D7 (currently tested for human vaccination), were less frequently recognized than FC27-type and local IC1-type variants. Antibodies discriminated between local and foreign IC1-type variants, but cross-recognized structurally different local IC1-type variants. The use of evolutionary models of MSP-2 is suggested to design vaccines that minimize differences between local parasites and vaccine antigens. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Stingrays are elasmobranchs found along the seacoast and in some rivers of Brazil. Pain is the most conspicuous symptom observed in patients wounded by the bilaterally retroserrate stingers located in the tail, which are covered by glandular and integument tissues. In addition, cutaneous necrosis is commonly observed in injuries caused by freshwater stingrays. The aim of this work was to characterize and compare certain properties of tissue extracts obtained from the glandular tissues covering the stinger apparatus of Potamotrygon falkneri and Dasyatis guttata stingrays. By sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), tissue extracts have similar bands above 80kDa, but most differences were observed below this molecular mass. Lethal, dermonecrotic and myotoxic activities were detected only in P. falkneri tissue extract. Edematogenic activity was similar and dose dependent in both tissue extracts. Nociceptive activity was verified in both tissue extracts, but P. falkneri presented a two-fold higher activity than D. guttata tissue extract. No direct hemolysis, phospholipase A(2) and coagulant activities were observed in both tissue extracts. Antigenic cross-reactivity was noticed by ELISA and Western blotting, using antisera raised in rabbits. Species-specific sera reacted with several components of both tissue extracts, noticeably above 22 kDa. Both tissue extracts presented gelatinolytic, caseinolytic and fibrinogenolytic activities, which were not caused by the action of metalloproteinases. Hyaluronidase activity was detected only in P. falkneri tissue extract. Our experimental observations suggest that P. falkneri tissue extract is more toxic than D. guttata tissue extract. These results may explain why injuries caused by freshwater stingrays are more severe in human accidents. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) are applied in stem cell labeling because of their high magnetic susceptibility as compared with ordinary paramagnetic species, their low toxicity, and their ease of magnetic manipulation. The present work is the study of CD133(+) stem cell labeling by SPIONs coupled to a specific antibody (AC133), resulting in the antigenic labeling of the CD133+ stem cell, and a method was developed for the quantification of the SPION content per cell, necessary for molecular imaging optimization. Flow cytometry analysis established the efficiency of the selection process and helped determine that the CD133 cells selected by chromatographic affinity express the transmembrane glycoprotein CD133. The presence of antibodies coupled to the SPION, expressed in the cell membrane, was observed by transmission electron microscopy. Quantification of the SPION concentration in the marked cells using the ferromagnetic resonance technique resulted in a value of 1.70 x 10 (13) mol iron (9.5 pg) or 7.0 x 10 (6) nanoparticles per cell ( the measurement was carried out in a volume of 2 mu L containing about 6.16 x 10 5 pg iron, equivalent to 4.5 x 10 (11) SPIONs). (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) catalyzes the phosphorolysis of the N-ribosidic bonds of purine nucleosides and deoxynucleosides. PNP is a target for inhibitor development aiming at T-cell immune response modulation. This work reports on the crystallographic study of the complex of human PNP-immucillin-H (HsPNP-ImmH) solved at 2.6 Angstrom resolution using synchrotron radiation. Immucillin-H (ImmH) inhibits the growth of malignant T-cell lines in the presence of deoxyguanosine without affecting non-T-cell tumor lines. ImmH inhibits activated normal human T cells after antigenic stimulation in vitro. These biological effects of ImmH suggest that this agent may have utility in the treatment of certain human diseases characterized by abnormal T-cell growth or activation. This is the first structural report of human PNP complexed with immucillin-H. The comparison of the complex HsPNP-ImmH with recent crystallographic structures of human PNP explains the high specificity of immucillin-H for human PNP. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The 3'-terminal 853 nt (and the putative 283 aa) sequence of the VP2-encoding gene from 29 field strains of porcine parvovirus (PPV) were determined and compared both to each other and with other published sequences. Sequences were examined using maximum-parsimony and statistical analyses for nucleotide diversity and sequence variability. Among the nucleotide sequences of the PPV field strains, 26 polymorphic sites were encountered; 22 polymorphic sites were detected in the putative amino acid sequence. Mapping polymorphic sites of protein data onto the three-dimensional (3D) structure of PPV VP2 revealed that almost all substitutions were located on the external surface of the viral capsid. Mapping amino acid substitutions to the alignment between PPV VP2 sequences and the 3D structure of canine parvovirus (CPV) capsid, many PPV substitutions were observed to map to regions of recognized antigenicity and/or to contain phenotypically important residues for CPV and other parvoviruses. In spite of the high sequence similarity, genetic analysis has shown the existence of at least two virus lineages among the samples. In conclusion, these results highlight the need for close surveillance on PPV genetic drift, with an assessment of its potential ability to modify the antigenic make-up of the virus.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A possible correlation between the presence of discontinuous fringes and high virulence has been previously suggested. The aim of this study was to compare the pathogenicity of Candida albicans and Candida dubliniensis with continuous and discontinuous fringes morphotypes on mice. For C. albicans, two discontinuous fringe morphotype isolates (PN 69, PN 74), two continuous fringe morphotype isolates (N 60, N 33) and one reference strain were used. For C. dubliniensis, three discontinuous fringe morphotype isolates (97487, 97464, 97519), two continuous fringe morphotype isolates (97040, 98026) and one reference strain were used. Swiss male mice were inoculated with a standardised suspension of the microorganisms and observed for 35 days. The pathogenicity of the isolates was analysed according to parameters proposed previously. Three isolates were considered pathogenic: PN 74, N 60 and 98026. Strain N 60 killed the highest amount of mice (80%). Animals inoculated with C. albicans did not show differences on survival estimate. Candida dubliniensis 98026 was more pathogenic than samples 97464 and 97519. on the other hand, the sample 97487 showed a higher pathogenicity when compared with 97040 (Kaplan-Meier test, P = 0.008). Strains with continuous fringe morphotypes were also associated with Candida sp. virulence in vivo.


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The patterns of genetic variation of samples of Candida spp. isolated from patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in Vitória, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil, were examined. Thirty-seven strains were isolated from different anatomical sites obtained from different infection episodes of 11 patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). These samples were subjected to randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis using 9 different primers. Reproducible and complex DNA banding patterns were obtained. The experiments indicated evidence of dynamic process of yeast colonization in HIV-infected patients, and also that certain primers are efficient in the identification of species of the Candida genus. Thus, we conclude that RAPD analysis may be useful in providing genotypic characters for Candida species typing in epidemiological investigations, and also for the rapid identification of pathogenic fungi.


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A crude antigenic preparation of Babesia bigemina was used to develop an ELISA for the detection of IgM antibodies. Optimal dilutions of the antigen, using positive and negative reference sera, were determined by checkerboard titrations. Negative sera from cattle imported from tick-free areas, serum samples collected from infected B. bigemina cattle were used to validate the test. The specificity was 94% and sensitivity of the Elisa 87.5%. Sera from 385 cattle deriving from areas free from tick-borne diseases, which were submitted to a preimmunization process, were screened by this technique. The Elisa detected seroconversion on the 14th day post-inoculation in animals either infested with Boophilus microplus ticks (infected with B. bigemina), or inoculated with B. bigemina infected blood. Antibody titers decreased after day 33; however, all animals remained positive until the end of the experiment (124 days). The ELISA described may prove to be an appropriate serological test for the detection of IgM antibodies against B. bigemina.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os tempos de geração e digitação de laudos radiológicos entre um sistema eletrônico baseado na tecnologia de voz sobre o protocolo de internet (VoIP) e o sistema tradicional, em que o radiologista escreve o laudo à mão. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi necessário modelar, construir e implantar o sistema eletrônico proposto, capaz de gravar o laudo em formato de áudio digital, e compará-lo com o tradicional já existente. Por meio de formulários, radiologistas e digitadores anotaram os tempos de geração e digitação dos laudos nos dois sistemas. RESULTADOS: Comparadas as médias dos tempos entre os sistemas, o eletrônico apresentou redução de 20% (p = 0,0410) do tempo médio de geração do laudo em comparação com o sistema tradicional. O tradicional foi mais eficiente em relação ao tempo de digitação, uma vez que a média de tempo do eletrônico foi três vezes maior (p < 0,0001). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostraram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os sistemas comparados, sendo que o eletrônico foi mais eficiente do que o tradicional em relação ao tempo de geração dos laudos, porém, em relação ao tempo de digitação, o tradicional apresentou melhores resultados.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Apresenta-se um sistema computacional, denominado ICADPLUS, desenvolvido para elaboração de banco de dados, tabulação de dados, cálculo do índice CPO e análise estatística para estimação de intervalos de confiança e comparação de resultados de duas populações.Tem como objetivo apresentar método simplificado para atender necessidades de serviços de saúde na área de odontologia processando fichas utilizadas por cirurgiões dentistas em levantamentos epidemiológicos de cárie dentária. A característica principal do sistema é a dispensa de profissional especializado na área de odontologia e computação, exigindo o conhecimento mínimo de digitação por parte do usuário, pois apresenta menus simples e claros como também relatórios padronizados, sem possibilidade de erro. Possui opções para fichas de CPO segundo Klein e Palmer, CPO proposto pela OMS, CPOS segundo Klein, Palmer e Knutson, e ceo. A validação do sistema foi feita por comparação com outros métodos, permitindo recomendar sua adoção.


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Utilizou-se o modelo experimental de paracoccidioidomicose, em camundongos, induzida pela inoculação endovenosa de suspensão de formas cerebriformes do P. brasiliensis (cepa Bt2; 1x10(6) formas viáveis/animal), para avaliar, após 2, 4, 8, 16 e 20 semanas: 1. A presença de imunoglobulinas e C3 nos granulomas pulmonares, por imunofluorescência direta; 2. A resposta imune humoral (imunodifusão) e celular (teste do coxim plantar), e 3. A histopatologia das lesões. Os camundongos apresentaram resposta imunocelular positiva desde a 2a. semana, com depressão transitória na 16a. semana, e anticorpos desde a 4a. semana, com pico na 16a. semana. Os granulomas pulmonares foram epitelióides, com numerosos fungos e microabscesses; a extensão das lesões foi progressiva até a 16a. semana, com regressão discreta na 20a. semana. Desde a 2a. semana, houve deposição de IgG e C3 na parede dos fungos no interior dos granulomas e a presença de células IgG positivas no halo linfomononuclear periférico; estes achados foram máximos entre a 4a. e 16a. semanas. Não se detectou depósito de IgG e C3 no interstício dos granulomas. IgG e C3 parecem exercer papel precoce e importante na defesa do hospedeiro contra o P. brasiliensis, contribuindo possivelmente para a destruição dos fungos e bloqueando a difusão de antígenos para fora dos granulomas.


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Recentemente, foco de leishmaniose visceral canina (CVL) foi descrito na região noroeste do Estado de São Paulo - Brasil. O Hospital Veterinário - UNESP - Araçatuba, no ano de 2.000, desenvolveu 60 testes citopatológicos de casos suspeitos de leishmaniose usando aspirado por agulha fina (FNA). Os esfregaços de linfonodo foram corados pelo método de Romanowsky (Diff-Quik®) e observados em microscopia de luz. Os casos positivos mostraram formas amastigotas típicas de Leishmania livres ou em vacúolos de macrófagos. Sinais citopatológicos de reatividade do sistema linfo-histiocitário com ausência de parasitos foram também observados. Com o objetivo de implementar o diagnóstico da CVL, detectando parasitos e material antigênico nos esfregaços, aplicou-se a reação de imunofluorescência direta (IFD) usando anticorpo policlonal anti-Leishmania produzido em camundongo. Comparamos o método de IFD com a pesquisa direta do parasito em esfregaços corados pelo método de Romanowsky. Dos 60 cães com sinais clínicos da doença, o exame direto foi positivo em 50% (n=30), duvidoso em 36,7% (n=22) e negativo com reatividade do linfonodo em 13,3% (n=8). Quando os linfonodos foram submetidos a reação de IFD observamos reação positiva em 93,3% (n=56) e reação negativa em 6,7% (n=4). Nossos resultados mostraram que a reação de IFD apresentou alta sensibilidade quando comparada a pesquisa direta do parasito pela coloração de Romanowsky. A reação de IFD pode ser um método útil para confirmar os casos duvidosos da doença, onde as formas amastigotas não são identificadas com facilidade.