764 resultados para Amphetamine psychosis
The purpose of the present study was to demonstrate a physiological response to TA2005, a potent β2-adrenoceptor (β2-AR) selective agonist, in right atria isolated from stressed female rats under the influence of the estrous cycle. We obtained concentration-response curves to the agonist in the presence and in the absence of selective antagonists in right atria isolated from female rats submitted to three daily foot-shock sessions (30 min duration, 120 pulses of 1.0 mA, 1.0 s, applied at random intervals of 5- 25 s) and sacrificed at estrus or diestrus. Our results showed that the pD2 values of TA2005 were not influenced by estrous cycle phase or foot-shock stress. However, in right atria from stressed rats sacrificed during diestins, the concentration-response curve to TA2005 was biphasic, with a response being obtained at concentrations of 0.1 nM, whereas during estrus no response was observed at doses lower than 3 nM. ICI118,551, a β2-AR antagonist, abolished the response to nanomolar concentrations of TA2005 in right atria from stressed rats at diestrus, with no changes in agonist pD2 values in right atria from control rats (7.47 ± 0.09, p > 0.05) but a 3-fold decrease in pD2 values of TA2005 in right atria from foot shock stressed rats (7.90 ± 0.07, p ≤ 0.05). Concentration-response curves to TA2005 in the presence of ICI118,551 were best fitted by a one-site model equation. The β1-AR antagonist, CGP20712A, shifted to the right only the second part of the concentration-response curves to the agonist, unmasking the putative β2-AR-mediated response to the agonist in tissues isolated from stressed rats at diestrus. Under this condition, concentration-response curves to the agonist were best fitted by a two-site model equation, pD2 and maximum response of TA2005 interaction with β1- and putative β2-adrenoceptor components were calculated. Schild analyses gave a pK(B) value for CGP20712A that was typical for the interaction with β1-AR in each experimental group, pK(B) values for ICI118,551 could not be obtained in stressed rats sacrificed at diestins since Schild plot slopes were lower than 1.0. In right atria from control rats, ICI118,551 pK(B) values were similar to reported values for the interaction of the antagonist with β1-AR. These results confirm that a heterogenous β1-AR population mediating the chronotropic response to catecholamines can be demonstrated in right atria from foot shock stressed female rats sacrificed at diestins. The stress-induced response seems to be mediated by the β2-AR subtype. Right atria from rats sacrificed during estrus are protected against stress-induced alterations on the homogeneity of β-AR population.
To quantify psychoactive drug use and investigate use-related variables among students of Assis, Brazil, a questionnaire was administered to collect sociodemographic data and identify the pattern of non-medical use of psychoactive drugs in 20% of public and private school students. The largest consumption indexes for lifetime use were seen for alcohol (68.9%) and tobacco (22.7%). Drugs most often used were: solvents (10.0%); marijuana (6.6%); benzodiazepines (3.8%); amphetamines (2.6%); cocaine (1.6%); and anticholinergics (1.0%).
Neuropsychiatric syndromes are highly prevalent in Alzheimer's disease (AD), but their neurobiology is not completely understood. New methods in functional magnetic resonance imaging, such as intrinsic functional connectivity or resting-state analysis, may help to clarify this issue. Using such approaches, alterations in the default-mode and salience networks (SNs) have been described in Alzheimer's, although their relationship with specific symptoms remains unclear. We therefore carried out resting-state functional connectivity analysis with 20 patients with mild to moderate AD, and correlated their scores on neuropsychiatric inventory syndromes (apathy, hyperactivity, affective syndrome, and psychosis) with maps of connectivity in the default mode network and SN. In addition, we compared network connectivity in these patients with that in 17 healthy elderly control subjects. All analyses were controlled for gray matter density and other potential confounds. Alzheimer's patients showed increased functional connectivity within the SN compared with controls (right anterior cingulate cortex and left medial frontal gyrus), along with reduced functional connectivity in the default-mode network (bilateral precuneus). A correlation between increased connectivity in anterior cingulate cortex and right insula areas of the SN and hyperactivity syndrome (agitation, irritability, aberrant motor behavior, euphoria, and disinhibition) was found. These findings demonstrate an association between specific network changes in AD and particular neuropsychiatric symptom types. This underlines the potential clinical significance of resting state alterations in future diagnosis and therapy. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Geral e Aplicada - IBB
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Biologia Celular e Molecular) - IBRC
A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de discutir a relação entre um dos novos serviços de intervenção e cuidados sobre a loucura, o Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS), e o olhar psiquiátrico que se construiu ao longo do século XIX. O CAPS, amparado pelos preceitos da Reforma Psiquiátrica Brasileira, visa, tal como outros dispositivos, combater o modelo asilar de assistência à loucura que se deu ao longo dos séculos, sobretudo sustentado, a partir do período moderno, no discurso psiquiátrico que tomou a loucura como objeto de seu saber, transformando-a em doença mental. O método utilizado para investigação foi a observação participante que se deu através da presença direta da pesquisadora no campo de estudo, descrevendo os elementos que circunscreveram o objeto de pesquisa, tais como: oficinas terapêuticas, grupos de psicologia e de família, acolhimento, assembleias e demais atividades, coletivas ou individuais, que fazem parte da dinâmica própria do serviço investigado. Inicia com a descrição do objeto, CAPS II: Santa Izabel, desde sua implantação no município de Santa Izabel do Pará, em 2001, até suas configurações atuais. Em seguida fundamenta os preceitos da Reforma Psiquiátrica que regulamentam ideologicamente este serviço, situando as referências históricas que culminaram neste movimento reformista, a partir das contribuições teóricas foucaultianas sobre o poder psiquiátrico e transformação da loucura em doença, bem como referencia demais autores que se apropriaram desta temática no contexto europeu, brasileiro e paraense. A Psicanálise é tomada, nesta dissertação, como uma possibilidade de apostar no sujeito possível de advir e existir, destacando as contribuições de Freud e Lacan sobre a teoria psicanalítica da psicose. Finaliza com análise dos dados coletados, aproximados ao referencial bibliográfico, demonstrando que, apesar do CAPS propor a ruptura com o modelo asilar instituído pelo saber psiquiátrico, naquele século, várias ações que se sustentam nesse objetivo, atualizam práticas asilares que, ao invés de darem um novo lugar à loucura, reeditam o enclausuramento imposto aos sujeitos que vivenciavam tal experiência subjetiva. Conclui que o CAPS precisa problematizar e relativizar as exigências regulamentadas pela Reforma e por sua lei, para conseguir resistir ao saber medicalizante que se faz tanto presente quanto antes, e assim conseguir reinventar práticas, conceitos, e modos de existência à loucura.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Dapsona é uma sulfona sintética que é utilizada como um antibiótico em seres humanos e animais para prevenir e tratar doenças, incluindo hanseníase, tuberculose, malária, e pneumonia por Pneumocystis carinii e encefalites por Toxoplasma gondii em pacientes com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS), bem como em doenças anti-inflamatórias como dermatite herpetiforme. No entanto, este fármaco também está associado com vários efeitos adversos, incluindo a hemólise relacionada com a dose, metemoglobinemia, psicose, neuropatia periférica, agranulocitose, anemia aplástica, síndrome de hipersensibilidade, síndrome de sulfona, e outros. Destes efeitos, a metemoglobinemia é o mais comum efeito adverso da dapsona, que leva a anemia funcional e hipóxia celular com sintomas de cianose, dores de cabeça, fadiga, taquicardia, fraqueza e tonturas. Assim, esta revisão sumariza informações relevantes sobre a estrutura, mecanismo de ação, indicação clínica, e reações adversas de dapsona.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Iptakalim is a novel putative adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium (KATP) channel opener. In the brain, iptakalim is thought to act on the neuronal and astrocytic plasma membrane and/or mitochondrial KATP channels. Because iptakalim demonstrates an action on the regulation of dopamine and glutamate release in the forebrain regions, we examined its potential antipsychotic efficacy in several preclinical tests. First, we show that iptakalim is effective in reducing amphetamine- and phencyclidine-induced hyperlocomotion as well as selectively disrupting conditioned avoidance responding. Next, we show that combined iptakalim and amphetamine treatment produces a reduction on prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle and this combined drug effect is also found with haloperidol, but not with clozapine. Finally, we show that iptakalim and clozapine preferentially increase c-Fos expression in the medial prefrontal cortex, nucleus accumbens and lateral septal nucleus, whereas haloperidol induces a greater increase in the nucleus accumbens, the dorsolateral striatum and lateral septal nucleus. Collectively, our findings indicate that iptakalim is likely to be a potential antipsychotic drug with distinct mechanisms of action. This study also suggests that neuronal and astrocytic plasma membrane and/or mitochondrial KATP channels may be a novel target that deserves attention for antipsychotic drug development. Future research using other sensitive tests is needed to confirm this property of iptakalim.
Diethylpropion (DEP) is a stimulant drug widely used for weight control in Brazil and other American countries. However, its effects on behavior and addiction potential are not yet well known. Data suggest that sensitization resulting from pre-exposure to psychostimulants could be a possible risk factor in subsequent drug addiction. The purpose of this investigation was to verify whether pre-exposure to DEP would sensitize rats to the motor activating effect and to the rewarding value of DEP. Two experiments were conducted. In both experiments rats were pre-exposed to DEP (20 mg/kg) or vehicle for 7 consecutive days. The acute effect of DEP (0.0, 1.0, 2.5 or 5.0 mg/kg) on motor activity (Experiment 1) and induction of Conditioned Place Preference-CPP (Experiment 2) were then measured. Results from Experiment 1 showed that 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg DEP increased motor activity. Sensitization of this motor effect was observed. In Experiment 2, the doses of 2.5 and 5.0 mg/kg DEP induced CPP, indicating their rewarding value. However, no sensitization effect was observed. The results suggest that DEP at low doses has psychostimulant and rewarding properties. It is recommended that more effort should be dedicated to elucidating DEP abuse Potential. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of pregabalin on the behavior of rats under the influence of ketamine, an NMDA receptor antagonist that mimics the symptoms of schizophrenia. Methods: Rats were injected with saline or 25 mg/kg ketamine intraperitoneally. After that, behavior modifications were investigated by the evaluation of stereotypy and hyperlocomotion, after treating rats with pregabalin (at doses of 30 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg) or placebo (saline solution). Results: The administration of pregabalin reduced ketamine-induced hyperlocomotion. However, neither doses of pregabalin had a significant effect on ketamine-induced stereotypy. Conclusion: This is the first study to investigate the effects of pregabalin using an animal model of psychosis. Furthermore, our results indicate that behavioral changes induced by ketamine in rats can be reversed with the use of pregabalin, suggesting its potential to treat psychotic symptoms.