999 resultados para Alimentação Coletiva
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA
This work aimed to evaluate the attractiveness, non-preference for feeding and antibiosis in straight and runner growth habit peanut cultivars to Stegasta bosquella (Chambers). Eight cultivars were evaluated, four of straight growth habit (IAC Tatu, IAC 22, IAC 8112 and IAC 5) and four of runner growth habit (IAC Runner 886, IAC 147, IAC 125 and IAC 503). Free-choice and no-choice feeding tests were performed, using pairs of overlapped leaf discs with 1.0 cm diameter, which were placed in Petri dishes where third instar larvae of S. bosquella were released. The attractiveness to the larvae was assessed in predetermined times, in addition to the dry mass consumed. In the antibiosis assay, the biological parameters were evaluated: period and viability of larvae, pre-pupae, pupae, and total, weight of larvae and pupae, sex ratio and longevity. None of the runner growth habit cultivars exhibited non-preference for feeding-type resistance. Among the straight growth habit cultivars, IAC 5 and IAC 22 were the least attractive and consumed in the free-choice feeding test, and IAC 5 and IAC 8112 were the least attractive in the no-choice test. The runner growth habit cultivars IAC 147 and IAC Runner 886 affected the larval survival of S. bosquella, exhibiting antibiosis-type resistance. For the straight growth habit cultivars, IAC 22 and IAC 8112 affected the larval viability, presenting antibiosis-type resistance. The straight and runner growth habit cultivars did not influence the biological parameters of weight of pupae, sex ratio and longevity of S. bosquella.
Aiming qualitative improvements in the mass rearing of Cotesia flavipes (Cameron, 1891) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in laboratory, tests were conducted with adults feed before parasitism on Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) larvae, using 14 artificial diets based on sucrose, brewer yeast and honey. The design was completely randomized with 15 treatments and five replications. The biological parameters evaluated in F1 and F2 generations were: number of adults emerged; sex ratio; adult emergence percentage; weight of pupae mass; and male and female longevity. The highest average of emerged adults were 85 in diet with sucrose 5% for F1 generation, and 91 in diet with sucrose 5% + yeast brewer 2,5% for F2; the smaller average of adult emergency were 63.60 in diet with honey 5% + yeast brewer 2.5 % for F1 generation and 66.80 in diet with honey 5% for F2. Diets that produced more females were honey 5% + yeast brewer 2.5%, showing the sex ratio of 0.82 for F1 generation, and sucrose 10% + 2.5% yeast brewer 2.5% (0.75) for F2, while sucrose 10% + yeast brewer 2.5% (0.60 for F1) and honey 2.5% (0.59) provided fewer females for F2 generation. The highest percentage of adult emergence were 93.90% with the diet containing sucrose 2.5% + yeast brewer 2.5%) and 93.89 % with honey 5% + yeast brewer 2.5%, and the lowest 81.71% (honey 5% + yeast brewer 2.5%) for F1 and 78.96 % (honey 5%) to F1 and F2, respectively. The diet with Mel 2.5% produced greater weight of pupae mass. The adult longevity did not differ significantly for all diets in F1 and F2 generations. Diets containing 5% or 10% of sucrose or honey provide, in general, improve the qualitative development of C. flavipes in mass rearing.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
A grande diversidade das atividades industriais ocasiona durante o processo produtivo a geração de resíduos sólidos, líquidos e gasosos, que podem poluir e/ou contaminar o solo, a água e o ar. Embora existam regulamentos para o descarte desses resíduos, a inobservância às regras, a ineficiência dos tratamentos despoluentes e a inoperância de órgãos fiscalizadores permitem que, ainda hoje, sejam lançados ao ambiente grandes cargas de poluentes. Isso se aplica às indústrias de alimentos de origem animal. Felizmente, a visão dos empresários do setor vem mudando, na medida em que a imagem de uma empresa que conta com produtos e processos ambientalmente responsáveis representa parte das estratégias competitivas atuais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar como um efluente industrial pode ser transformado em matéria prima para a obtenção de um produto com valor comercial, utilizando tecnologias reconhecidas pela indústria e a atividade microbiana. O efluente foi obtido em indústria de abate e processamento de tilápias, apresentado (valores médios) pH = 9,4, DQO = 1.127 mg/L, óleos e graxas = 1.166 mg/L, nitrogênio total = 813 mg/L, coliformes a 30–35o C = 1,0x105 NMP/mL, coliformes a 45o C = 0,41 NMP/mL, bolores e leveduras = 4,6x103 UFC/mL e, ocasionalmente, contendo Salmonella sp e Aeromonas sp. Os tratamentos físicos aplicados ao efluente incluíram gradeamento, filtração (50µm) e pasteurização (65o C/30 min). O cultivo de Rubrivivax gelatinosus foi realizado sob anaerobiose em reatores de vidro durante 7 dias, em temperatura ambiente (30±5o C) e 2.000±500 lux. A recuperação da biomassa foi feita por filtração tangencial (0,2 µm; 1,5 bar), centrifugação (3.400 g/30 min; 5o C) e liofilização (-40o C) e a pulverização foi realizada manualmente. A produção de massa celular atingiu 0,18 g/L, com produtividade de 0,0634 g/L.dia. O processo promoveu redução de 52% na DQO, 48% em óleos e graxas e 22% no nitrogênio total, gerando um resíduo com pH 7,9, livre de bactérias patogênicas e, portanto, apto ao descarte. O produto obtido apresentou cor vermelho escuro (L = 22,42; C = 14,22; h = 25,48), 4,55% de umidade, 57,39% de proteína, 11,08% de extrato etéreo, 4,05% de matéria mineral, 3,03 mg/g de oxicarotenóides, 20,27 NMP/g de coliformes a 30–35o C, <1,0 NMP/g de coliformes a 45o C, 1,2x103 UFC/g de bolores e leveduras e ausência de microrganismos patogênicos. Essas características apontam para um potencial pigmentante e nutricional positivo no produto, que pode encontrar aplicação na produção animal, com segurança microbiológica. Dessa forma, fecha-se um ciclo autosustentável que pode ser adotado na própria fonte geradora do resíduo industrial, permitindo a reversão de gastos com tratamento despoluente em receitas advindas da comercialização de um novo produto.
The guidelines of National Curriculum for Dental courses highlights the necessity in providing for the professional the ability to analyze and assess community’s problems and needs, and to create solutions for the society. The continuing education may be considered a useful tool for the teaching and learning because it favors the diversification of learning environments, which allows the insertion of undergraduate and graduate students into the real scenarios. This current study aimed to assess the Public Health projects and programs of the UNESP – Araçatuba Dental School, by describing the interaction experiences between faculty and health services in the professional career development. Historical, documentary and descriptive searches were performed based on the faculty archives such as official documents, reports, databases from the Pro-rector of continuing education and published papers in the period between 1964 and 2011. The following experiences were noted: the Extra-Muro Dental Service (SEMO), established in 1964, that focused in providing dental treatment to the rural population, highlighted the social inclusion of discriminated society groups since that time. In 1972, this service was expanded to several specific populations living in the urban areas. In the '60s, many educational campaigns were performed as homemade water filter and construction of wells and septic tanks which demonstrate the concern with the determinants of healthdisease process. At that time, the campaign of fluoridation of public water supplies in several counties started as Araçatuba, Birigui, Penápolis, Guararapes, Valparaíso and so on. The Campaign of “Good Teeth” from the '70s became wider over time and it was transformed in the "Oral Health Education Program" and it was continuously developed in all public schools of Araçatuba and some neighboring towns, benefiting children aged from 6 to 10 years-old. Several epidemiological studies of caries, periodontal diseases, malocclusion and fluorosis were conducted in cooperation with local governments, and counted with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students. Pereira Barreto – SP was the precursor city in Brazil to carry out fluorosis study. Currently, 12 projects of Public Health from the Institution of Higher Education in the Pro-rector of continuing education are being developed. The concern in qualifying the human resources in health is confirmed with the development of training courses and workshops for professionals, highlighting the training for people enrolled in the Family Health program; Community Health Agent training - Solidarity University, and Municipal Health Counselors training. The Graduate Program in Social and Preventive Dentistry, created in 1993, has an important role to train several professionals for the Unified Health System, and provides education to create researchers, professors and administrators, and enucleates research groups in several Brazilian states. In all activities showed herein, a dynamic participation of undergraduate and graduate students has been observed, and several books, guidelines, articles, brochures and booklets have been published as a result of the continuing education activities.. It was concluded that different projects and programs have been developed by the Public Health of UNESP –Araçatuba Dental School, which allow the exchange of experience between the university and health services, and benefit all participants enrolled in these activities.
In addition to understanding the distribution of the populations’ health-disease process, epidemiology has sought to study the causality associated with this process, which humanity developed over time, and to interpret the narrative of this field of knowledge. A solid review of the literature was done to emphasize the importance of using popular knowledge as a qualitative health-related investigation strategy and to demystify the use of social representations in the field of dentistry. By initiating the design of a new paradigm for understanding the oral health-disease process, which favors the idea that it is also the result of a sociocultural production, knowledge of the circumstances and context in which it is inserted becomes critical for health assessment actions. Although scientific dentistry has advanced the understanding of oral diseases, communication with popular knowledge leaves much to be desired, since most professionals find themselves trapped in a fragmented model of care. Reconstruction of the logic by which the representations of oral health were produced and socialized over time can be considered a relevant and productive purpose of the representations in the dental area.
Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the perception and attitudes about oral health of pregnant women recorded on SIS-Prenatal from Bilac city, São Paulo State. Method: the data collection was through interviews with pregnant women using a semi-structured questionnaire. Pregnant women that were not present on attendance with gynecologist and those whose children were born were excluded of sample. Result: Among the 20 interviewed pregnant women, 80% didn’t received any type of information about oral health during pregnancy, 45% of total didn’t know how to maintain baby’s oral health, 85% didn’t know the mean of carie disease. The majority of pregnant women (95%) interested to make part of projects about promotion of oral health. Conclusion: the future mothers showed little knowledge in relation to preventive proceedings in dentistry and about diseases that could involve their and baby’s oral health. It’s necessary to perform programs about oral health, pointing the cares for mother-baby
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)