628 resultados para Algorismes paral·lels


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Malware is a foundational component of cyber crime that enables an attacker to modify the normal operation of a computer or access sensitive, digital information. Despite the extensive research performed to identify such programs, existing schemes fail to detect evasive malware, an increasingly popular class of malware that can alter its behavior at run-time, making it difficult to detect using today’s state of the art malware analysis systems. In this thesis, we present DVasion, a comprehensive strategy that exposes such evasive behavior through a multi-execution technique. DVasion successfully detects behavior that would have been missed by traditional, single-execution approaches, while addressing the limitations of previously proposed multi-execution systems. We demonstrate the accuracy of our system through strong parallels with existing work on evasive malware, as well as uncover the hidden behavior within 167 of 1,000 samples.


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Scale 1:500,000; 1 in. equals approx. 8 miles.


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Scale 1:500,000; 1 in. equals approx. 8 miles.


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Scale 1:500,000; 1 in. equals approx. 8 miles.


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Es bien conocido que los primeros tribunales de la nueva Inquisición fueron establecidos por Fernando e Isabel en Andalucía, tanto en Sevilla como en Córdoba. Su introducción fue, por supuesto, el resultado de un claro propósito de lograr la ortodoxia religiosa entre los cristianos de origen judío los llamados «cristianos nuevos» o conversos. Pero el contexto político también influyó en la nueva institución porque contribuyó a asegurar el régimen de Isabel tras la amenaza que había representado su rival Juana “La- Beltraneja” y su marido portugués, al tiempo que podía servir para controlar mejor los conflictos entre «bandos», especialmente en Andalucía. Con todo, no debería pensarse que la Inquisición y sus horrores fueron una cuestión solamente atribuible a España. Por el contrario, tuvo sus precedentes y paralelos en otros países europeos, entre ellos Francia, Italia e Inglaterra.


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Aquesta presentació resumeix les tècniques computacionals existents que aborden l'estudi dels fenòmens naturals i prososa una aproximació basada en funcions.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Biologia Celular, Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2016.


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Metallic glasses (MGs) are a relatively new class of materials discovered in 1960 and lauded for its high strengths and superior elastic properties. Three major obstacles prevent their widespread use as engineering materials for nanotechnology and industry: 1) their lack of plasticity mechanisms for deformation beyond the elastic limit, 2) their disordered atomic structure, which prevents effective study of their structure-to-property relationships, and 3) their poor glass forming ability, which limits bulk metallic glasses to sizes on the order of centimeters. We focused on understanding the first two major challenges by observing the mechanical properties of nanoscale metallic glasses in order to gain insight into its atomic-level structure and deformation mechanisms. We found that anomalous stable plastic flow emerges in room-temperature MGs at the nanoscale in wires as little as ~100 nanometers wide regardless of fabrication route (ion-irradiated or not). To circumvent experimental challenges in characterizing the atomic-level structure, extensive molecular dynamics simulations were conducted using approximated (embedded atom method) potentials to probe the underlying processes that give rise to plasticity in nanowires. Simulated results showed that mechanisms of relaxation via the sample free surfaces contribute to tensile ductility in these nanowires. Continuing with characterizing nanoscale properties, we studied the fracture properties of nano-notched MGnanowires and the compressive response of MG nanolattices at cryogenic (~130 K) temperatures. We learned from these experiments that nanowires are sensitive to flaws when the (amorphous) microstructure does not contribute stress concentrations, and that nano-architected structures with MG nanoribbons are brittle at low temperatures except when elastic shell buckling mechanisms dominate at low ribbon thicknesses (~20 nm), which instead gives rise to fully recoverable nanostructures regardless of temperature. Finally, motivated by understanding structure-to-property relationships in MGs, we studied the disordered atomic structure using a combination of in-situ X-ray tomography and X-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell and molecular dynamics simulations. Synchrotron X-ray experiments showed the progression of the atomic-level structure (in momentum space) and macroscale volume under increasing hydrostatic pressures. Corresponding simulations provided information on the real space structure, and we found that the samples displayed fractal scaling (rd ∝ V, d < 3) at short length scales (< ~8 Å), and exhibited a crossover to a homogeneous scaling (d = 3) at long length scales. We examined this underlying fractal structure of MGs with parallels to percolation clusters and discuss the implications of this structural analogy to MG properties and the glass transition phenomenon.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Centro de Excelência em Turismo, Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Turismo, 2016.


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The purpose of this thesis is two-fold. It presents six original pieces composed and arranged by the author, and it provides a thorough analysis of each. The compositions draw from many different musical genres: contemporary jazz, swing, funk, fusion, soul, neo-soul, and rhythm and blues. The applications of melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic techniques derived from these genres can be found in these original compositions. These compositions are inspired by -- and attempt to narrate --life experiences. Parallels between life and music are drawn and explained. By way of introduction, some information is given regarding the ensemble that first performed these original compositions. The ensemble comprised trumpet, tenor saxophone, keyboards, piano, electric bass, upright acoustic bass, drums, and percussion.


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Ce mémoire s’intéresse à l’emploi de l’érotisme et de l’amour comme outils littéraires dans deux romans de l’Antiquité. Le texte principal est un écrit dérivé de la Torah intitulé Joseph et Aséneth. Le second est le roman grec d’Héliodore d’Émèse, Les Éthiopiques. Puisque tout auteur, peu importe sa foi, avait une éducation hellénique semblable, on retrouve des motifs similaires dont les détails se distinguent et les buts sont aux antipodes dans ces textes. Dans le cas de cette recherche, il s’agit de deux oeuvres du genre romanesque écrites en grec qui emploient chacune une histoire romantique à des fins édifiantes. Les buts de cette analyse sont triples. Ce travail cherche à montrer que Joseph et Aseneth a droit au titre de « roman grec, » de qualifier les expériences religieuses présentées dans ces oeuvres et de participer au débat sur la datation de Joseph et Aseneth par une étude comparée. Cette recherche se divise en trois sections. D’abord, le topos bien connu des romans a été analysé : la maladie d’amour. Dans les deux cas, le coup de foudre et la maladie émotionnelle qui s’en suit ont été dévoilés comme moteur important de la trame narrative, ainsi qu’une manière d’introduire des thèmes religieux ou philosophiques. En second lieu, les paroles des personnages au sujet de l’amour et le mariage ont été considérées. Puisque les protagonistes refusent le mariage initialement, les raisons données pour ce refus ont été révélatrices encore une fois de soucis sociaux, soit religieux, soit politiques. En dernier lieu, la relation entre le couple romantique et les dieux présents dans ces récits a été analysée. Les deux romans témoignent de la croyance contemporaine du grand rôle des dieux dans la vie des humains. Cette implication divine dans la vie mortelle s’est manifestée de manières différentes, car elle relève des buts divergents des deux romans. Le parallèle qui se présente est un lien individuel avec les dieux qui est évident dans les romans d’amour.


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Interactive experiences are rapidly becoming popular via the surge of ‘escape rooms’; part game and part theatre, the ‘escape’ experience is exploding globally, having gone from zero offered at the outset of 2010 to at least 2800 different experiences available worldwide today. CrashEd is an interactive learning experience that parallels many of the attractions of an escape room – it incorporates a staged, realistic ‘crime scene’ and invites participants to work together to gather forensic evidence and question a witness in order to solve a crime, all whilst competing against a ticking clock. An animation can enhance reality and engage with cognitive processes to help learning; in CrashEd, it is the last piece of the jigsaw that consolidates the students’ incremental acquisition of knowledge to tie together the pieces of evidence, identify a suspect and ultimately solve the crime. This article presents the background to CrashEd and an overview of how a timely placed animation at the end of an educational experience can enhance learning. The lessons learned, from delivering bespoke versions of the experience to different demographic groups, are discussed. The article will consider the successes and challenges raised by the collaborative project, future developments and potential wider implications of the development of CrashEd.


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A Digital Scholarly Edition is a conceptually and structurally sophisticated entity. Throughout the centuries, diverse methodologies have been employed to reconstruct a text transmitted through one or multiple sources, resulting in various edition types. With the advent of digital technology in philology, these practices have undergone a significant transformation, compelling scholars to reconsider their approach in light of the web. In the digital age, philologists are expected to possess (too) advanced technical skills to prepare interactive and enriched editions, even though, in most cases, only mechanical or documentary editions are published online. The Śivadharma Database is a web Content Management System (CMS) designed to facilitate the preparation, publication, and updating of Digital Scholarly Editions. By providing scholars with a user-friendly CRUD web application to reconstruct and annotate a text, they can prepare their textus with additional components such as apparatus, notes, translations, citations, and parallels. It is possible by leveraging an annotation system based on HTML and graph data structure. This choice is made because the text entity is multidimensional and multifaceted, even if its sequential presentation constrains it. In particular, editions of South Asian texts of the Śivadharma corpus, the case study of this research, contain a series of phenomena that are difficult to manage formally, such as overlapping hierarchies. Hence, it becomes necessary to establish the data structure best suited to represent this complexity. In Śivadharma Database, the textus is an HTML file readily displayable. Textual fragments, annotated via an interface without requiring philologists to write code and saved in the backend, form the atomic unit of multiple relationships organised in a graph database. This approach enables the formal representation of complex and overlapping textual phenomena, allowing for good annotation expressiveness with minimal effort to learn the relevant technologies during the editing workflow.