636 resultados para Agistemus floridanus
Calcareous nannofossils were studied in 574 Neogene samples recovered from eight sites drilled in block-faulted basins on the continental margin of Oman. This portion of the Arabian Sea experiences seasonal upwelling associated with the southwest monsoon. Not surprisingly, some of the more typical Neogene warm-water nannoplankton are either missing entirely or are extremely rare in these sediments. Coccolithus pelagicus, a typical cold-water indicator, is extremely abundant in many samples of late Pliocene to early Pleistocene age. These intervals correspond to periods of Northern Hemisphere glaciation. Reworked Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic nannofossils are found in a majority of the samples. They were probably carried from the Arabian Peninsula or the continent of Africa on strong southwest summer winds. Ages for the various nannofossil events were calculated by projecting the nannofossil datums onto the magnetostratigraphic scale for Sites 724, 727, and 728. These are the first ages for the various nannofossil datums derived from Oman Margin sediments. The following ages have been calculated for these nannofossil events: FAD Emiliania huxleyi, 0.23 Ma; LAD Pseudoemiliania lacunosa, 0.38 Ma; FAD Helicosphaera inversa, 0.42 Ma; top of acme of Reticulofenestra sp. A, 0.70 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsaparallela, 0.85 Ma; LAD Gephyrocapsa spp. (large), 1.07 Ma; LAD Helicosphaera sellii, 1.34 Ma; LAD Calcidiscus macintyrei, 1.47 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsa oceanica, 1.53 Ma; FAD Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica, 1.80 Ma; LAD Discoaster brouweri, 2.03 Ma; LAD Discoasterpentaradiatus, 2.31 Ma; LAD Discoaster surculus, 2.42; LAD Discoaster tamalis, 2.77 Ma; LAD Sphenolithus abies, 3.44 Ma; and LAD Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica, 3.44 Ma.
A total of 21 calcareous nannofossil datums was found in the upper Pliocene and Quaternary sediments recovered from the ocean floor of the North Atlantic during DSDP Leg 94. These datums were correlated to magnetostratigraphy, and ages were estimated by interpolation between magnetic reversals. Calcareous nannofossil assemblages from 549 samples recovered during ODP Leg 117 were studied in order to estimate the age of the sediments of Sites 720, 721, 722, and 731 drilled at the Indus Fan and the Owen Ridge in the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean. We also showed that the datums above mentioned can be traced into the Indian Ocean. Two new species, namely Helicosphaera omanica and Reticulofenestra ampla, are described.
A total of 53 calcareous nannofossil datums were detected in Quaternary and Neogene sections recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 165 in the Caribbean Sea. Most of the low-latitude nannofossil zonal markers of Okada and Bukry could be determined at all of the sites. Additionally, size distribution patterns of specimens of Reticulofenestra, a common genus in Neogene and Quaternary sediments, were examined to interpret the biostratigraphic utility of changes in size.
DSDP North Atlantic Site 608 yielded an excellent Miocene pelagic section which affords a further opportunity for elucidating the chronology of the calcareous nannofossil succession in the framework of magnetostratigraphic control. Most of the conventional (zonal) markers have been documented for this site and some of the earlier results are confirmed and refined. In addition several unconventional and less known markers have been added. The first two are the highest (last) occurrence of Sphenolithus delphix and Sphenolithus capricornutus at 23.6 Ma, which is immediately above the Oligocene-Miocene boundary as identified by the last occurrence of Reticulofenestra bisecta at 23.7 Ma. The next unconventional datum is the highest (last) occurrence of Ilselithina fusa at 22.8 Ma, which is also the highest (last) occurrence of Helicosphaera recta. Calcidiscus tropicus' lowest (first) occurrence is at 19.5 Ma, which is also the lowest occurrence of Sphenolithus belemnos, and Calcidiscus leptoporus' lowest (first) occurrence coincides with that of Sphenolithus heteromorphus at 18.5 Ma. Sphenolithus dissimilis' highest (last) occurrence is at 18.2 Ma and the Calcidiscus premacintyrei lowest (first) and highest (last) occurrences are, respectively, at 17.7 and 11.7 Ma. Discoaster braarudii occurs from 11.6 to 11.3 Ma and its highest (last) occurrence corresponds to that of Cyclicargolithus floridanus. Minylitha convallis occurs from 9.0 to 6.9 Ma. Within the range of Minylitha, at 8.0 Ma, a major shift occurs in reticulofenestrid placoliths from dominantly large (Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus) and medium size (Reticulofenestra minutula) species below to significant numbers of very small species (Dictyococcites productus and Gephyrocapsa) above. This is interpreted to be a major, though perhaps seasonal, change of productivity of the North Atlantic at Site 608. A new genus and species Cryptococcolithus takayamae, is described and a variety, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus var. amplus is identified.
Five sites were drilled on the Iberia Abyssal Plain, west of the Iberian Peninsula. Four holes (897C, 897D, 899B, and 900A) yielded Eocene sediments that consist of turbidites and contourites. The Eocene section above the continental crust at Site 900 is continuous (from nannofossil Zones NP10 to NP20) and considerably expanded because of the site's relatively shallow depth, which remained consistently above the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Sites 897 and 898, situated in deeper water above the ocean/continent transition, on the other hand, have noncontinuous, relatively short Eocene sections (from Zones NP14 to NP20 at Site 897 and from Zones NP19 to NP20 at Site 899). Nannofossils are abundant, diverse, and moderately to poorly preserved; they provide the primary means of dating the Eocene sediments recovered during Leg 149.
Variation in physical gradients and production along estuaries can alter species compositions. Spatiotemporal variation in abundance and distribution of palaemonid shrimp species was investigated in relation to seasonal freshwater inputs and salinity in the Shark River Estuary, Everglades National Park, Florida, USA. Using trapping techniques, multiple sites were sampled repeatedly extending from the headwaters to the Gulf of Mexico. Stable isotope analyses were also performed on a subset of samples. Five palaemonid species occurred in the samples: Palaemonetes paludosus (Gibbes, 1850), Palaemonetes pugio (Holthuis, 1949), Palaemonetes intermedius (Holthuis, 1949), Palaemon floridanus (Chace, 1942), and Leander paulensis(Ortmann, 1897). Overall, shrimp catches in traps doubled in the dry season. Catches in the upper estuary were dominated by P.paludosus, particularly in the wet season, while catch per unit effort at the most downstream and highest salinity sites were dominated by P. floridanus. At mid-estuary, several species co-occurred. δ15n analyses revealed that most species filled similar roles in the community, with the exception of P. paludosus, which shifted from enrichment in the dry season to depletion in the wet season as it expanded downstream in the estuary. Palaemonid δ13C values varied between sites and seasons, with shrimp in upstream sites being more depleted. These data suggest that changes in salinity regimes resulting from Everglades restoration efforts may result in species replacement, with potential implications for trophic dynamics.
In aquatic systems refuge habitats increase resistance to drying events and are necessary for maintaining populations in disturbed environments. However, reduced water availability and altered flow regimes threaten the existence and function of these habitats. To test refuge function I conducted a capture-mark-recapture (CMR) study, integrating citizen science angler sampling into fisheries-independent methods. The objectives of this study were twofold: 1) To determine the contribution of citizen science anglers to improving CMR research, and 2.) to quantify apparent survival of Florida Largemouth Bass, Micropterus salmoides floridanus, in a coastal refuge habitat across multiple years of drying severity. The inclusion of angler sampling was determined to be an effective and feasible method for increasing capture probability. Apparent survival of Florida Bass varied among hydrologic periods with lowest survival when marshes functionally dried (< 10 cm). Overall mortality from drying events increased with the duration of marsh drying upstream.
Grasslands are often grazed by cattle and many grassland birds nest on the ground, potentially exposing nests to trampling. We tested for trampling risk introduced by cattle to nests of endangered Florida Grasshopper Sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum floridanus) using experimentally paired grids of artificial nests (i.e., clay targets) similar in size to nests of Florida Grasshopper Sparrows and counted the number of clay targets that were broken in paired grazed and ungrazed enclosures. Clay targets in grazed grids were trampled 3.9% more often than their respective ungrazed grids, and measurements of cattle presence or density were correlated with the number of broken clay targets, suggesting that excluding cattle during breeding is an important management recommendation for the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow. Trampling rates within grazed enclosures were spatially homogeneous with respect to cattle infrastructure such as supplemental feeding troughs and fences, and forests and stocking density were poor predictors of trampling rates when excluding ungrazed grids. We used population viability analysis to compare quasi-extinction rates, intrinsic growth rates, and median abundance in grazed and ungrazed Florida Grasshopper Sparrow aggregations to further understand the biological significance of management aimed at reducing trampling rates during the breeding season. Simulations indicated that trampling from grazing increased quasi-extinction rates by 41% while reducing intrinsic growth rates by 0.048, and reducing median abundance by an average of 214 singing males after 50 years. Management should avoid grazing enclosures occupied by Florida Grasshopper Sparrows during the nesting season to minimize trampling rates. Our methods that combine trampling experiments with population viability analysis provide a framework for testing effects from trampling on other grassland ground-nesting birds, and can directly inform conservation and management of the Florida Grasshopper Sparrow.