921 resultados para Age factors in disease.


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Synthetic corticosteroids are used widely for the treatment of a variety of diseases of the mouth. However, little is known as to whether the oral mucosa is able to modulate the local concentration of active corticosteroids or to produce steroids de novo. This has important clinical implications, because tissue-specific regulation of glucocorticoids is a key determinant of the clinical efficacy of these drugs. In the present study, we show that oral fibroblasts and keratinocytes expressed ACTH receptor (MC2R), glucocorticoid receptor (GR), and 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases (11 beta-HSDs). Unlike keratinocytes, fibroblasts lacked 11 beta-HSD2 and could not effectively deactivate exogenously administered cortisol. However, both cell types were able not only to activate cortisone into the active form cortisol, but also to synthesize cortisol de novo following stimulation with ACTH. 11 beta-HSD2, the enzyme controlling cortisol deactivation, exhibited different patterns of expression in normal (squamous epithelium and salivary glands) and diseased oral mucosa (squamous cell carcinoma and mucoepidermoid carcinoma). Blocking of endogenous cortisol catabolism in keratinocytes with the 11 beta-HSD2 inhibitor 18 beta-glycyrrhetinic acid mimicked the effect of exogenous administration of hydrocortisone and partially prevented the detrimental effects induced by pemphigus vulgaris sera. Analysis of the data demonstrates that a novel, non-adrenal glucocorticoid system is present in the oral mucosa that may play an important role in disease.


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The aim of the present study was to analyse the influence of stress on pregnant rats, particularly in terms of maternal, placental and fetal weight, placental morphology and placental gene expression of the angiogenic factors Vegfa and Pgf and their receptors. The parameters were evaluated on gestation Day 20. Maternal, fetal and placental weights were statistically lower in stressed animals than controls, suggesting abnormalities in gestational physiology. Morphologically the placentas of rats subjected to stress were reduced in size and weight, with few glycogen cells and a significant increase in the number of apoptotic cells. Stress caused an increase in placental gene expression of Vegfa (P < 0.05) and a reduction in Pgf, Flt1 and Kdr expression (P < 0.05). It has been suggested that increased VEGF is associated with vasodilatation and hypotension, but in this model persistent hypertension was present. This study suggests that the limited hypotensive Vegfa response to stress-induced hypertension could result from reduced expression of Flt1/Kdr disrupting specific VEGF pathways. These findings may elucidate one of the multiple possible factors underlying how stress modulates placental physiology, and could aid the understanding of stress-induced gestational disorders.


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It was verified to what extent cognitive and affective/emotional variables could distinguish caregivers accused of committing physical abuse (G1) from those without physical abuse records (G2). The Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAP), which is an instrument designed to assess psychological risk factors in caregivers, was used. A questionnaire on socio-demographic characterization and another on economic classification were also employed to equate the groups. G1 presented a greater potential risk than G2, higher levels of Distress, Rigidity, Problems with the Child and with Themselves, Problems with Others, and a lower level of Ego Strength. These variables contribute with the composition of physical abuse risk, since, in agreement with the Social Information Processing Model, they would be related to cognitive and affective basic processes which are veiled to the perceptions and evaluation/interpretations, associated to abusive parental behavior.


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Objective To analyze the possible association between dental caries, fluorosis and the need for treatment in 12 year-old schoolchildren and the socioeconomic conditions of parents/guardians in the city of Franca, in the state of São Paulo. Methods A random sample of schoolchildren aged 12 was obtained from the school records in Franca, using a systematic random technique. The epidemiological survey was carried out by a single calibrated examiner, on 258 public and private schoolchildren in order to obtain the prevalence of dental caries, the need for treatment and the severity of dental fluorosis. Parents/guardians were also interviewed to assess their socioeconomic conditions (education and per capita income). We used multiple correlation analysis to investigate associations between category variables. Results It was possible to identify two distinct groups, with associations between the variables: the first group, represented by schoolchildren with average prevalence of caries, need for treatment, low level of parental education and income; and a second group represented by schoolchildren with low prevalence of caries, no need for treatment, high parental education and income. The two dimensions explained approximately 35% of total inertia. The factors within each group are related. Conclusion High income and parental education are associated with the low prevalence of dental caries but there is no association with dental fluorosis.


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Uca populations have an important functional and structural role in many estuarine ecosystems. These crabs exhibit distinct physiological tolerance to salinity gradients, which may partially explain their heterogeneous distribution. In order to investigate the population structure and distribution of Uca spp. in a tropical estuary, we sampled Uca crabs in replicated 0.75 m2 quadrats at six muddy plain areas during monthly intervals between July and November 2012 in spring tidal conditions. Environmental factors including water temperature, salinity, sediment total organic matter, chlorophyll-a, and granulometry were analyzed. We sampled a total of 2919 individuals distributed in three Uca species (U. uruguayensis, U. thayeri and U. maracoani), from which U. uruguayensis was dominant. The density and biomass of individuals were spatially and temporally heterogeneous. During October and November we found higher Uca spp. densities (71.3 ± 47.3 to 77.6 ± 44,5 ind. 0.75 m-²) and biomass (1.8 ± 1.1 to 2.1 ± 1.0 g 0.75 m-2 AFDW) if compared to the previous months, density (July 55,5± 44,1 August 52,5± 34,9 and September 47,7 ± 25,6 ind. 0,75m-²) and biomass in others months (July 1,0± 0,94 August 1,1 ± 0,72 and September 1,3±0,93 g 0.75 m-2 AFDW ). The same pattern was found for other variables, such as salinity (32 and 34), organic matter (30 and 67%) and chlorophyll-a (89 and 46 μg g-1). In two study areas we found this pattern which suggests that higher Uca productivity and food availability are related. A principal component analysis (PCA) suggests that salinity and granulometry (silt) can influence (60% correspondence) the distribution of U. maracoani. For U. uruguayensis and U. thayeri the PCA suggests chlorophyll-a was important, which is a good indicator for labile organic matter. Our study suggests that the population structure and distribution of Uca species may be regulated by food availability, supporting their utility as biological models for ecosystem monitoring.


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[EN] Increased skeletal muscle capillary density would be a logical adaptive mechanism to chronic hypoxic exposure. However, animal studies have yielded conflicting results, and human studies are sparse. Neoformation of capillaries is dependent on endothelial growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a known target gene for hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF-1). We hypothesised that prolonged exposure to high altitude increases muscle capillary density and that this can be explained by an enhanced HIF-1alpha expression inducing an increase in VEGF expression. We measured mRNA levels and capillary density in muscle biopsies from vastus lateralis obtained in sea level residents (SLR; N=8) before and after 2 and 8 weeks of exposure to 4100 m altitude and in Bolivian Aymara high-altitude natives exposed to approximately 4100 m altitude (HAN; N=7). The expression of HIF-1alpha or VEGF mRNA was not changed with prolonged hypoxic exposure in SLR, and both genes were similarly expressed in SLR and HAN. In SLR, whole body mass, mean muscle fibre area and capillary to muscle fibre ratio remained unchanged during acclimatization. The capillary to fibre ratio was lower in HAN than in SLR (2.4+/-0.1 vs 3.6+/-0.2; P<0.05). In conclusion, human muscle VEGF mRNA expression and capillary density are not significantly increased by 8 weeks of exposure to high altitude and are not increased in Aymara high-altitude natives compared with sea level residents.


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The purpose of the work is: define and calculate a factor of collapse related to traditional method to design sheet pile walls. Furthermore, we tried to find the parameters that most influence a finite element model representative of this problem. The text is structured in this way: from chapter 1 to 5, we analyzed a series of arguments which are usefull to understanding the problem, while the considerations mainly related to the purpose of the text are reported in the chapters from 6 to 10. In the first part of the document the following arguments are shown: what is a sheet pile wall, what are the codes to be followed for the design of these structures and what they say, how can be formulated a mathematical model of the soil, some fundamentals of finite element analysis, and finally, what are the traditional methods that support the design of sheet pile walls. In the chapter 6 we performed a parametric analysis, giving an answer to the second part of the purpose of the work. Comparing the results from a laboratory test for a cantilever sheet pile wall in a sandy soil, with those provided by a finite element model of the same problem, we concluded that:in modelling a sandy soil we should pay attention to the value of cohesion that we insert in the model (some programs, like Abaqus, don’t accept a null value for this parameter), friction angle and elastic modulus of the soil, they influence significantly the behavior of the system (structure-soil), others parameters, like the dilatancy angle or the Poisson’s ratio, they don’t seem influence it. The logical path that we followed in the second part of the text is reported here. We analyzed two different structures, the first is able to support an excavation of 4 m, while the second an excavation of 7 m. Both structures are first designed by using the traditional method, then these structures are implemented in a finite element program (Abaqus), and they are pushed to collapse by decreasing the friction angle of the soil. The factor of collapse is the ratio between tangents of the initial friction angle and of the friction angle at collapse. At the end, we performed a more detailed analysis of the first structure, observing that, the value of the factor of collapse is influenced by a wide range of parameters including: the value of the coefficients assumed in the traditional method and by the relative stiffness of the structure-soil system. In the majority of cases, we found that the value of the factor of collapse is between and 1.25 and 2. With some considerations, reported in the text, we can compare the values so far found, with the value of the safety factor proposed by the code (linked to the friction angle of the soil).


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Different tools have been used to set up and adopt the model for the fulfillment of the objective of this research. 1. The Model The base model that has been used is the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) adapted with the aim to perform a Benefit Cost Analysis. The AHP developed by Thomas Saaty is a multicriteria decision - making technique which decomposes a complex problem into a hierarchy. It is used to derive ratio scales from both discreet and continuous paired comparisons in multilevel hierarchic structures. These comparisons may be taken from actual measurements or from a fundamental scale that reflects the relative strength of preferences and feelings. 2. Tools and methods 2.1. The Expert Choice Software The software Expert Choice is a tool that allows each operator to easily implement the AHP model in every stage of the problem. 2.2. Personal Interviews to the farms For this research, the farms of the region Emilia Romagna certified EMAS have been detected. Information has been given by EMAS center in Wien. Personal interviews have been carried out to each farm in order to have a complete and realistic judgment of each criteria of the hierarchy. 2.3. Questionnaire A supporting questionnaire has also been delivered and used for the interviews . 3. Elaboration of the data After data collection, the data elaboration has taken place. The software support Expert Choice has been used . 4. Results of the Analysis The result of the figures above (vedere altro documento) gives a series of numbers which are fractions of the unit. This has to be interpreted as the relative contribution of each element to the fulfillment of the relative objective. So calculating the Benefits/costs ratio for each alternative the following will be obtained: Alternative One: Implement EMAS Benefits ratio: 0, 877 Costs ratio: 0, 815 Benfit/Cost ratio: 0,877/0,815=1,08 Alternative Two: Not Implement EMAS Benefits ratio: 0,123 Costs ration: 0,185 Benefit/Cost ratio: 0,123/0,185=0,66 As stated above, the alternative with the highest ratio will be the best solution for the organization. This means that the research carried out and the model implemented suggests that EMAS adoption in the agricultural sector is the best alternative. It has to be noted that the ratio is 1,08 which is a relatively low positive value. This shows the fragility of this conclusion and suggests a careful exam of the benefits and costs for each farm before adopting the scheme. On the other part, the result needs to be taken in consideration by the policy makers in order to enhance their intervention regarding the scheme adoption on the agricultural sector. According to the AHP elaboration of judgments we have the following main considerations on Benefits: - Legal compliance seems to be the most important benefit for the agricultural sector since its rank is 0,471 - The next two most important benefits are Improved internal organization (ranking 0,230) followed by Competitive advantage (ranking 0, 221) mostly due to the sub-element Improved image (ranking 0,743) Finally, even though Incentives are not ranked among the most important elements, the financial ones seem to have been decisive on the decision making process. According to the AHP elaboration of judgments we have the following main considerations on Costs: - External costs seem to be largely more important than the internal ones (ranking 0, 857 over 0,143) suggesting that Emas costs over consultancy and verification remain the biggest obstacle. - The implementation of the EMS is the most challenging element regarding the internal costs (ranking 0,750).


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Our research asked the following main questions: how the characteristics of professionals service firms allow them to successfully innovate in exploiting through exploring by combining internal and external factors of innovation and how these ambidextrous organisations perceive these factors; and how do successful innovators in professional service firms use corporate entrepreneurship models in their new service development processes? With a goal to shed light on innovation in professional knowledge intensive business service firms’ (PKIBS), we concluded a qualitative analysis of ten globally acting law firms, providing business legal services. We analyse the internal and factors of innovation that are critical for PKIBS’ innovation. We suggest how these firms become ambidextrous in changing environment. Our findings show that this kind of firms has particular type of ambidexterity due to their specific characteristics. As PKIBS are very dependant on its human capital, governance structure, and the high expectations of their clients, their ambidexterity is structural, but also contextual at the same time. In addition, we suggest 3 types of corporate entrepreneurship models that international PKIBS use to enhance innovation in turbulent environments. We looked at how law firms going through turbulent environments were using corporate entrepreneurship activities as a part of their strategies to be more innovative. Using visual mapping methodology, we developed three types of innovation patterns in the law firms. We suggest that corporate entrepreneurship models depend on successful application of mainly three elements: who participates in corporate entrepreneurship initiatives; what are the formal processes that enhances these initiatives; and what are the policies applied to this type of behaviour.


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The aim of this study is to investigate on some molecular mechanisms contributing to the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA) and in particular to the senescence of articular chondrocytes. It is focused on understanding molecular events downstream GSK3β inactivation or dependent on the activity of IKKα, a kinase that does not belong to the phenotype of healthy articular chondrocytes. Moreover, the potential of some nutraceuticals on scavenging ROS thus reducing oxidative stress, DNA damage, and chondrocyte senescence has been evaluated in vitro. The in vitro LiCl-mediated GSK3β inactivation resulted in increased mitochondrial ROS production, that impacted on cellular proliferation, with S-phase transient arrest, increased SA-β gal and PAS staining, cell size and granularity. ROS are also responsible for the of increased expression of two major oxidative lesions, i.e. 1) double strand breaks, tagged by γH2AX, that associates with activation of GADD45β and p21, and 2) 8-oxo-dG adducts, that associate with increased IKKα and MMP-10 expression. The pattern observed in vitro was confirmed on cartilage from OA patients. IKKa dramatically affects the intensity of the DNA damage response induced by oxidative stress (H2O2 exposure) in chondrocytes, as evidenced by silencing strategies. At early time point an higher percentage of γH2AX positive cells and more foci in IKKa-KD cells are observed, but IKKa KD cells proved to almost completely recover after 24 hours respect to their controls. Telomere attrition is also reduced in IKKaKD. Finally MSH6 and MLH1 genes are up-regulated in IKKαKD cells but not in control cells. Hydroxytyrosol and Spermidine have a great ROS scavenging capacity in vitro. Both treatments revert the H2O2 dependent increase of cell death and γH2AX-foci formation and senescence, suggesting the ability of increasing cell homeostasis. These data indicate that nutraceuticals represent a great challenge in OA management, for both therapeutical and preventive purposes.


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Rural tourism is relatively new product in the process of diversification of the rural economy in Republic of Macedonia. This study used desk research and life story interviews of rural tourism entrepreneurs as qualitative research method to identify prevalent success influential factors. Further quantitative analysis was applied in order to measure the strength of influence of identified success factors. The primary data for the quantitative research was gathered using telephone questionnaire composed of 37 questions with 5-points Likert scale. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) by SmartPLS 3.1.6. Results indicated that human capital, social capital, entrepreneurial personality and external business environment are predominant influential success factors. However, human capital has non-significant direct effect on success (p 0.493) nonetheless the effect was indirect with high level of partial mediation through entrepreneurial personality as mediator (VAF 73%). Personality of the entrepreneur, social capital and business environment have direct positive affect on entrepreneurial success (p 0.001, 0.003 and 0.045 respectably). Personality also mediates the positive effect of social capital on entrepreneurial success (VAF 28%). Opposite to the theory the data showed no interaction between social and human capital on the entrepreneurial success. This research suggests that rural tourism accommodation entrepreneurs could be more successful if there is increased support in development of social capital in form of conservation of cultural heritage and natural attractions. Priority should be finding the form to encourage and support the establishment of formal and informal associations of entrepreneurs in order to improve the conditions for management and marketing of the sector. Special support of family businesses in the early stages of the operation would have a particularly positive impact on the success of rural tourism. Local infrastructure, access to financial instruments, destination marketing and entrepreneurial personality have positive effect on success.


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Spontaneous vertebral artery dissection (sVADs) mainly cause cerebral ischemia, with or without associated local symptoms and signs (headache, neck pain, or cervical radiculopathy), or with local symptoms and signs only.