986 resultados para Adolescents -- Conducta sexual -- Catalunya -- Girona


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Aquest treball s'estructura en una primera part de fonamentació teòrica. El procediment que s'ha seguit ha estat la recerca bibliogràfica. Es basa en els aspectes tècnics a tenir en compte per la detecció de l' Abusos Sexuals Infantils (ASI), la ubicació dels Serveis Bàsics d'Atenció Social (SBAS) dins el sistema català de serveis socials, el marc jurídic dels drets i de la protecció a la infància i l'adolescència així com de qüestions relatives al tractament de dades, de la confidencialitat de les informacions de què disposem els/les professionals, l'obligació de secret, complementat amb la deontologia professional, que ens pot orientar a l'hora de prendre les decisions més adequades a la nostra praxi. La segona part del treball és empírica. El procediment ha estat portar a terme un grup de reflexió ètica amb professionals del Consorci de Benestar Social del Pla de l'Estany-Banyoles. Partint de casos pràctics de sospita d'ASI, les persones participants han concretat els principals problemes (alguns dels quals relacionats amb l'ètica aplicada) davant els quals s'han trobat a la fase de detecció/intervenció. Les aportacions extretes de les diferents sessions en les quals es van treballar part dels objectius d'aquesta recerca ens permeten concretar la realitat i una primera deliberació sobre quina podria ser la bona pràctica general. La tercera part utilitza la fonamentació teòrica i els material del treball de camp per presentar la reflexió final que pretén donar resposta als objectius plantejats en aquesta recerca


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Aquesta recerca aborda la interpretació de les relacions entre escolarització, immigració i gènere de forma complexa mitjançant la construcció d’una recerca visual narrativa i d’històries de vida amb el grup de noies/dones immigrades procedent dels països del sud d’Àsia que viuen i han estat escolaritzades –totalment o parcialment– a Catalunya. La investigació dóna visibilitat a les trajectòries d’èxit escolar de les noies/dones immigrades al seu pas per l’escola secundària, tot narrant: les seves expectatives i desitjos, els moments i canvis, les identitats i relacions, així com els aprenentatges assolits i les perspectives de futur. La recerca s’ha portat a terme a partir d’observar, entrevistar i conversar amb diversos grups de noies immigrades (principalment de la regió del Panjab de l’Índia i el Pakistan) en 4 centres educatius i 1 entitat, de l’àmbit de Barcelona i la seva àrea metropolitana. La investigació reconstrueix la trajectòria de 20 noies immigrades com a protagonistes. El treball de camp etnogràfic i la construcció de les històries visuals de vida culmina amb l’edició d’un documental audiovisual. De forma resumida, l’anàlisi de les dades realitzada a partir del treball de camp etnogràfic, de les entrevistes en profunditat i les converses en els cinc contextos presentats, s’organitza d’acord amb els següents eixos temàtics: 1. Migracions, espacialització i mobilitat en un context transnacional i local; 2. La construcció de les subjectivitats i del gènere de les adolescents/adultes immigrades; 3. Processos d’escolarització i formació a Catalunya de les noies/dones immigrades; i 4. Visibilitat, visualitat i representació en la recerca.


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Objective: To analyze the social representation of adolescents about gynecological consultation and the influence of those in searching for consultations. Method: Qualitative descriptive study based on the Social Representations Theory, conducted with 50 adolescents in their last year of middle school. The data was collected between April and May of 2010 by Evocations and a Focal Group. The software EVOC and contextual analysis were used in the data treatment. Results: The elements fear and constraint, constant in the central nucleus, can justify the low frequency of adolescents in consultations. The term embarrassment in the peripheral system reinforce current sociocultural norms, while prevention, associated with learning about sex and clarifying doubts, allows to envision an educative function. Obtained testimonies in the focal groups exemplify and reinforce those findings. Conclusion: For an effective health education, professionals, including nurses, need to clarify the youth individually and collectively about their rights to privacy, secrecy, in addition to focus the gynecological consultation as a promotion measure to sexual and reproductive health.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to compare the frequency of risk behaviors and to measure the extent of co-occurrence of these behaviors in chronically ill and healthy adolescents. METHODS: Data were drawn from the 2002 Swiss Multicenter Adolescent Survey on Health database, a nationally representative survey of 7548 adolescents in postmandatory school aged 16 to 20 years. There were 760 subjects who reported a chronic illness and/or a disability. The comparison group consisted of 6493 subjects who answered negatively to both questions. We defined 8 risk behaviors: daily smoking, alcohol misuse, current cannabis use, current use of any other illegal drug, early sexual debut, eating disorder, violent acts, and antisocial acts. We analyzed each behavior and the sum of behaviors, controlling for age, gender, academic track, parents' education level, depression, and health status. Results are given as adjusted odds ratios using the comparison group as the reference category. RESULTS: Youth with a chronic condition were more likely to smoke daily, to be current cannabis users, and to have performed violent or antisocial acts. Youth with a chronic condition were also more likely to report 3 or >or=4 risk behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that having a chronic condition carries additional risks for engaging in health risk behaviors and emphasize the importance of health risk screening and preventive counseling for young people in general and among those suffering from chronic conditions in particular.


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Two decay rates are distinguished in the discharge hydrograph of the Onyar River, using Maillet's formula. In this way, we can know which Kina of influence is made by geomorphology and rainfall distribution on fluvial processes


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The Guilleries are a small and mountainous area located in the north-westem part of the Catalonian Coastal Ranges where metamorphic and igneous Paleozoic rocks are exposed. After the main hercynian folding this area was affected by a brittle deformation that is mainly manifested by the intrusion of a very large number of dykes of granodiorite and the development of a complex joint system. Trends of dykes indicate that their intrusion was related to a SE-NW extension, whose estimated value is 40% on an average. This extension seems to stand, although without any associated igneous event, with the development of NE-SW directed joints which make the main set. Five families more were developed later, onegently-dipping and fou upright; the latter trending roughly SE-NW, ENE-WSW, ESE-WNW and N-S. AU the joint sets appear in the metasedimentary Paleozoic rocks and in the hercynian intrusive bodies. Concerning the ages, joints that belong to the NE-SW and SE-NW directed sets and also those slightly dipping have been attributed to the late-hercynian times and all the other are considered to be later


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Descripció de les característiques geomorfològiques de La Pedralta, entre els municipis de Santa Cristina d'Aro i de Sant Feliu de Guíxols


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The Bac Grillera nappe (Prepirenean of Girona) shows a stratigraphic section composed of two unconformi ty-bounded units. The lower unit is composed by rethian (marly limestones) and liassic (brechoid marly limestones and limestones). The upper unit (sandstones and marly limestones) belongs to the upper Cretaceous (Campanian)


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In the present paper the granite landforms of the Les Gavarres and Begur massifs (Girona) are described. Also the relationship between this landforms and the lithology are analysed


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The results of the application of the geophysical electromagnetic prospection methods in the resolution of the problems of the spatial location of the travertine quaternary formations of the Banyoles depression are presented


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Pedralta is a very large rocking stone shaped in monzonitic granite. Its volume and weight are approximately 34 m3 and 90 Tm. The fall of such block has supposed the loss of a worthy geotipe


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ln this paper we describe a stratigraphic column of the Cretaceous of the Montgrí. This description is based on several partial stratigraphic cross sections as well as on the lithological characterof the different levels and their faunal content, specially megafossils


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The depth of the water table and the clay content are determinant factors for the exploitability of natural aggregates, such as the alluvial sands and gravels found on the fluvial domain of the Ter River. In this preliminary study, carried out in the Celri basin, we conclude that these variables can be determined by means of geophysical methods and recornmends the use of such methods in studies of regional character