981 resultados para Adenocarcinoma, Mucinous


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As doenças de chinchilas foram estudadas através da avaliação de laudos de necropsia entre janeiro de 1997 e dezembro de 2011. Em 202 chinchilas necropsiadas, 189 (93,5%) tiveram o diagnóstico determinado, e 13 (6,5%) tiveram diagnóstico inconclusivo, por ausência de lesões ou autólise acentuada. Dentre as 202 chinchilas computadas, 162 eram fêmeas (80%), 37 eram machos (18%), e em quatro chinchilas (2%) o sexo não foi anotado. As chinchilas tinham entre um dia a 12 anos de idade. As doenças foram agrupadas nas seguintes categorias: doenças inflamatórias, doenças causadas por intoxicações, doenças causadas por agentes físicos, doenças metabólicas, doenças parasitárias, doenças degenerativas, distúrbios circulatórios, neoplasmas, distúrbios do desenvolvimento e "outros distúrbios". As doenças inflamatórias foram as mais prevalentes (52 casos [25,7%]) e foram representadas por casos de gastrite (10 casos), listeriose (5 casos), septicemia (5 casos), broncopneumonia bacteriana (4 casos), enterite necrosante (4 casos), piometra (4 casos), diarreia com isolamento de Proteus sp. (3 casos), abscessos subcutâneos e em linfonodos (2 casos), endometrite (2 casos), otite (2 casos), pielonefrite (2 casos), abscesso do ligamento redondo do fígado (1 caso), pneumonia fibrinosa (1 caso), pneumonia intersticial (1 caso), hepatite e colecistite com isolamento de Salmonella sp. (1 caso), histiocitose pulmonar (1 caso), miosite linfo-histiocítica (1 caso) e um caso de dermatofitose (Trichopyton metagrophytes). O segundo grupo de doenças mais prevalentes foram as intoxicações (22,3%), representado por 45 casos de intoxicação por salinomicina. As doenças causadas por agentes físicos (21 casos [10,4%]) incluíam casos de traumas causados por outros animais (8 casos), automutilação após injeção intramuscular (8 casos), prolapso de reto (3 casos) e parto distócico (2 casos). A categoria de doenças metabólicas foi representada por 16 casos (7,9%) de lipidose hepática. As doenças parasitárias (8 casos [4%]) consistiram em infestação por pulga (4 casos), piolho (3 casos) e giardíase (1 caso). Doenças degenerativas (4 casos [2,5%]) incluíam insuficiência renal crônica (2 casos), necrose aleatória de hepatócitos (1 caso) e necrose muscular de origem desconhecida (1 caso). Os distúrbios circulatórios incluíram dois casos (0,99%) de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva. Neoplasmas foram representados por dois casos (0,99%) de adenocarcinoma gástrico. Um caso de atresia ani, associado a ausência do trato reprodutor, intestino grosso e rins policíticos representou a categoria de distúrbios do desenvolvimento (0,5%). Algumas doenças não se enquadraram nas categorias acima e foram enquadradas em "outros distúrbios" (38 casos [18,8%]). Nesta categoria, doenças dentárias foi o distúrbio mais comum, diagnosticado em 9% (18 de 202) de todas as chinchilas examinadas. Seguido por casos de hipertermia (14 casos), dois casos de anemia, dois casos de metaplasia de células adiposas do córtex da adrenal, e dois casos de mucometra.


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Resumo: Numa pesquisa em abatedouros a procura de lesões em bovinos, realizada de janeiro de 2011 a julho de 2014, 544 foram encontradas, das quais 65 eram neoplasmas. Quarenta e dois porcento desses tumores eram de origem mesenquimal; 37% eram epiteliais; 14,5% eram derivados da crista neural; 5% eram tumores do cordão sexual; e 1,5 eram tumores originários do sistema nervoso periférico. O tumor mais frequentemente encontrado foi o linfoma (28% de todos os tumores), a maioria dos casos como parte do complexo leucose bovina enzoótica. O carcinoma de células escamosas foi o segundo tumor mais frequente (15% de todos os tumores). É chamada a atenção para a frequência desses tumores e para a sua importância no diagnóstico diferencial no abatedouro frigorífico entre eles e outras lesões importantes, incluindo as lesões granulomatosas da tuberculose. Houve uma ocorrência significativa do feocromocitoma adrenal (13% de todos os tumores). Papilomatose representou apenas 3% de todos os tumores. Como papilomas são comuns em bovinos, seu baixo número nesse estudo pode ser explicado pelo fato de que eles não são usualmente diagnosticados no exame post mortem (quando o couro já foi retirado da carcaça), mas sim no exame ante mortem, como ocorreu na maioria dos casos deste estudo. Tumores encontrados com menor frequência (cada um perfazendo entre 1.5 e 3% de todos os tumores) incluíram adenocarcinoma apócrino misto da cauda, adenocarcinoma mamário, adenocarcinoma uterino, carcinoma de células renais, fibroma interdigital, hemangiossarcoma, leiomioma uterino, lipoma, lipossarcoma, mesotelioma, neurofibroma, tumor de células da granulosa, tumor estromal gastrointestinal, tumores hepáticos, tumores melanocíticos, e tumores pulmonares primários. Pretende-se que os resultados dessa pesquisa possam ajudar na identificação das lesões na inspeção oficial em matadouros frigoríficos.


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Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are involved in the development and homeostasis of the prostate and other reproductive organs. FGF signaling is altered in prostate cancer. Fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) is a mitogenic growth factor and its expression is elevated in prostate cancer and in premalignant prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) lesions. FGF8b is the most transforming isoform of FGF8. Experimental models show that FGF8b promotes several phases of prostate tumorigenesis - including cancer initiation, tumor growth, angiogenesis, invasion and development of bone metastasis. The mechanisms activated by FGF8b in the prostate are unclear. In the present study, to examine the tumorigenic effects of FGF8b on the prostate and other FGF8b expressing organs, an FGF8b transgenic (TG) mouse model was generated. The effect of estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) deficiency on FGF8binduced prostate tumorigenesis was studied by breeding FGF8b-TG mice with ERβ knockout mice (BERKOFVB). Overexpression of FGF8b caused progressive histological and morphological changes in the prostate, epididymis and testis of FGF8b-TG-mice. In the prostate, hyperplastic, preneoplastic and neoplastic changes, including mouse PIN (mPIN) lesions, adenocarcinomas, sarcomas and carcinosarcomas were present in the epithelium and stroma. In the epididymis, a highly cancer-resistant tissue, the epithelium contained dysplasias and the stroma had neoplasias and hyperplasias with atypical cells. Besides similar histological changes in the prostate and epididymis, overexpression of FGF8b induced similar changes in the expression of genes such as osteopontin (Spp1), connective tissue growth factor (Ctgf) and FGF receptors (Fgfrs) in these two tissues. In the testes of the FGF8b-TG mice, the seminiferous epithelium was frequently degenerative and the number of spermatids was decreased. A portion of the FGF8b-TG male mice was infertile. Deficiency of ERβ did not accelerate prostate tumorigenesis in the FGF8b-TG mice, but increased significantly the frequency of mucinous metaplasia and slightly the frequency of inflammation in the prostate. This suggests putative differentiation promoting and anti-inflammatory roles for ERβ. In summary, these results underscore the importance of FGF signaling in male reproductive organs and provide novel evidence for a role of FGF8b in stromal activation and prostate tumorigenesis.


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An anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibody (mAb 6D1.1) was evaluated in vitro and in vivo to determine its suitability as a tracer for immunoscintigraphy of colorectal carcinomas. Determination of mAb affinity for CEA showed a constant of association of 0.63 ± 0.11 x 109 M-1. Binding of technetium-99m (99mTc)-6D1.1, labeled by a direct method, to human cultured lineages was highly specific. Binding to only CEA-positive LS-174T cells resulted in a saturable curve inhibited by pre-incubation with unlabeled mAb. No binding at all was observed for the human lineages MeWo (melanoma) or ZR75-30 (breast carcinoma), neither of them expressing CEA cells. Intravenous injection of 99mTc-6D1.1 into nude mice xenografted with human LS-174T tumors resulted in planar images of excellent quality. Localization of an irrelevant mAb labeled with either 99mTc or iodine-125 was never observed in tumor masses. Biodistribution studies on excised tumoral tissue showed retention of 28.48% of the injected dose per gram of LS-174T tumor. The tumor-to-blood ratio was 3.46. The same analysis performed on the other three human xenografted tumors studied demonstrated that only the CEA-producing HT-29 (colorectal adenocarcinoma) retained 99mTc-6D1.1 while the other two (ZR75-30 and MeWo) did not. These data demonstrate that this mAb is an adequate tool for targeting CEA-expressing tumors in experimental models.


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The LISP-I human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line was isolated from a hepatic metastasis at the Ludwig Institute, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. The objective of the present study was to isolate morphologically different subpopulations within the LISP-I cell line, and characterize some of their behavioral aspects such as adhesion to and migration towards extracellular matrix components, expression of intercellular adhesion molecules and tumorigenicity in vitro. Once isolated, the subpopulations were submitted to adhesion and migration assays on laminin and fibronectin (crucial proteins to invasion and metastasis), as well as to anchorage-independent growth. Two morphologically different subpopulations were isolated: LISP-A10 and LISP-E11. LISP-A10 presents a differentiated epithelial pattern, and LISP-E11 is fibroblastoid, suggesting a poorly differentiated pattern. LISP-A10 expressed the two intercellular adhesion molecules tested, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and desmoglein, while LISP-E11 expressed only low amounts of CEA. On the other hand, adhesion to laminin and fibronectin as well as migration towards these extracellular matrix proteins were higher in LISP-E11, as expected from its poorly differentiated phenotype. Both subpopulations showed anchorage-independent growth on a semi-solid substrate. These results raise the possibility that the heterogeneity found in the LISP-I cell line, which might have contributed to its ability to metastasize, was due to at least two different subpopulations herein identified.


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The human androgen receptor (AR) gene promoter lies in a GC-rich region containing two principal sites of transcription initiation and a putative Sp1 protein-binding site, without typical "TATA" and "CAAT" boxes. It has been suggested that mutations within the 5'untranslated region (5'UTR) may contribute to the development of prostate cancer by changing the rates of gene transcription and/or translation. In order to investigate this question, the aim of the present study was to search for the presence of mutations or polymorphisms at the AR-5'UTR in 92 prostate cancer patients, where histological diagnosis of adenocarcinoma was established in specimens obtained from transurethral resection or after prostatectomy. The AR-5'UTR was amplified by PCR from genomic DNA samples of the patients and of 100 healthy male blood donors, included as controls. Conformation-sensitive gel electrophoresis was used for DNA sequence alteration screening. Only one band shift was detected in one individual from the blood donor group. Sequencing revealed a new single nucleotide deletion (T) in the most conserved portion of the promoter region at position +36 downstream from the transcription initiation site I. Although the effect of this specific mutation remains unknown, its rarity reveals the high degree of sequence conservation of the human androgen promoter region. Moreover, the absence of detectable variation within the critical 5'UTR in prostate cancer patients indicates a low probability of its involvement in prostate cancer etiology.


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Gastric cancer is the second most frequent type of neoplasia and also the second most important cause of death in the world. Virtually all the established cell lines of gastric neoplasia were developed in Asian countries, and western countries have contributed very little to this area. In the present study we describe the establishment of the cell line ACP01 and characterize it cytogenetically by means of in vitro immortalization. Cells were transformed from an intestinal-type gastric adenocarcinoma (T4N2M0) originating from a 48-year-old male patient. This is the first gastric adenocarcinoma cell line established in Brazil. The most powerful application of the cell line ACP01 is in the assessment of cytotoxicity. Solid tumor cell lines from different origins have been treated with several conventional and investigational anticancer drugs. The ACP01 cell line is triploid, grows as a single, non-organized layer, similar to fibroblasts, with focus formation, heterogeneous division, and a cell cycle of approximately 40 h. Chromosome 8 trisomy, present in 60% of the cells, was the most frequent cytogenetic alteration. These data lead us to propose a multifactorial triggering of gastric cancer which evolves over multiple stages involving progressive genetic changes and clonal expansion.


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The aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy of chemotherapy and support treatment in patients with advanced non-resectable gastric cancer in a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials that included a comparison of chemotherapy and support care treatment in patients diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma, regardless of their age, gender or place of treatment. The search strategy was based on the criteria of the Cochrane Base, using the following key words: 1) randomized clinical trials and antineoplastic combined therapy or gastrointestinal neoplasm, 2) stomach neoplasm and drug therapy, 3) clinical trial and multi-modality therapy, 4) stomach neoplasm and drug therapy or quality of life, 5) double-blind method or clinical trial. The search was carried out using the Cochrane, Medline and Lilacs databases. Five studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, for a total of 390 participants, 208 (53%) receiving chemotherapy, 182 (47%) receiving support care treatment and 6 losses (1.6%). The 1-year survival rate was 8% for support care and 20% for chemotherapy (RR = 2.14, 95% CI = 1.00-4.57, P = 0.05); 30% of the patients in the chemotherapy group and 12% in the support care group attained a 6-month symptom-free period (RR = 2.33, 95% CI = 1.41-3.87, P < 0.01). Quality of life evaluated after 4 months was significantly better for the chemotherapy patients (34%; RR = 2.07, 95% CI = 1.31-3.28, P < 0.01) with tumor mass reduction (RR = 3.32, 95% CI = 0.77-14.24, P = 0.1). Chemotherapy increased the 1-year survival rate of the patients and provided a longer symptom-free period of 6 months and an improvement in quality of life.


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Prostate cancer is relatively unique to man. There is no naturally occurring prostate cancer in the mouse. Pre-clinical studies involve the establishment of a genetically engineered mouse prostate cancer model with features close to those of the human situation. A new knock-in mouse adenocarcinoma prostate (KIMAP) model was established, which showed close-to-human kinetics of tumor development. In order to determine if the similar kinetics is associated with heterogeneous tumor architecture similar to the human situation, we utilized a new mouse histological grading system (Gleason analogous grading system) similar to the Gleason human grading system and flow cytometry DNA analysis to measure and compare the adenocarcinoma of the KIMAP model with human prostate cancer. Sixty KIMAP prostate cancer samples from 60 mice were measured and compared with human prostate cancer. Flow cytometry DNA analysis was performed on malignant prostate tissues obtained from KIMAP models. Mice with prostate cancer from KIMAP models showed a 53.3% compound histological score rate, which was close to the human clinical average (50%) and showed a significant correlation with age (P = 0.001). Flow cytometry analyses demonstrated that most KIMAP tumor tissues were diploid, analogous to the human situation. The similarities of the KIMAP mouse model with tumors of the human prostate suggest the use of this experimental model to complement studies of human prostate cancer.


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Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a disease of the colon and rectum characterized by a nonspecific chronic inflammation mediated by the concerted response of cellular and humoral events. Prostaglandins are synthesized by cyclooxygenase (COX)-1 and -2 and exhibit both pro- and anti-inflammatory activity. To evaluate COX-1 and COX-2 immunoexpression in 42 cases of UC and to correlate it with clinicopathological parameters, COX-1 and COX-2 expression was investigated by the immunohistochemistry method. Only patients with all pertinent clinical and evolutive data as well as with adequate biopsy material were included in the study. Fifteen samples of colorectal adenocarcinoma and 14 of large bowel with no histological changes were used for positive and negative controls, respectively. UC patients showed COX-1 immunoreactivity in epithelial cells in 29% of the cases and in inflammatory cells in 43%. COX-2 positivity in epithelial and inflammatory cells was found in 69% of the samples. The comparison between UC and the control groups revealed that the UC group had significantly more positive cases for COX-1 and COX-2 in inflammatory cells. Immunohistochemistry allowed the identification of COX-1 and COX-2 expression in epithelial and inflammatory cells in UC biopsies. No significant difference between COX-1 and COX-2 immunoreactivity in epithelial and inflammatory cells was observed regarding the clinicopathological parameters. COX-2 presented low expression in normal colon and high expression in colorectal adenocarcinoma. COX-2 might play a role in the pathophysiologic processes of inflammatory bowel disease and the development of neoplasia. Treatment with selective COX-2 inhibitors might be an additional option for therapy.


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Ampelozizyphus amazonicus Ducke is a tree commonly found in the Amazon region and an extract of its stem bark is popularly used as an antimalarial and anti-inflammatory agent and as an antidote to snake venom. Ursolic acid; five lupane type triterpenes: betulin, betulinic acid, lupenone, 3ß-hydroxylup-20(29)-ene-27,28-dioic acid, and 2a,3ß-dihydroxylup-20(29)-ene-27,28-dioic acid, and three phytosteroids: stigmasterol, sitosterol and campesterol, have been isolated from stem extracts of A. amazonicus Ducke. Their structures were characterized by spectral data including COSY and HMQC. In an in vitro biological screening of the isolated compounds, 3ß-hydroxylup-20(29)-ene-27,28-dioic acid was cytotoxic against the SKBR-3 human adenocarcinoma cell line (1 to 10 mg/mL), while 2a,3ß-dihydroxylup-20(29)-ene-27,28-dioic acid exhibited cytotoxicity against both SKBR-3 human adenocarcinoma and C-8161 human melanoma tumor cell lines (>0.1 mg/mL). In the present study, different extracts and some fractions of this plant were also investigated for trypanocidal activity due to the presence of pentacyclic triterpenes. The triterpene classes are potent against Trypanosoma cruzi. The bioassays were carried out using blood collected from Swiss albino mice by cardiac puncture during the parasitemic peak (7th day) after infection with the Y strain of T. cruzi. The results obtained showed that A. amazonicus is a potential source of bioactive compounds since its extracts and fractions isolated from it exhibited in vitro parasite lysis against trypomastigote forms of T. cruzi at concentrations >100 µg/mL. Fractions containing mainly betulin, lupenone, 3ß-hydroxylup-20(29)-ene-27,28-dioic acid, and 2a,3ß-dihydroxylup-20(29)-ene-27,28-dioic acid showed more activity than crude extracts.


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Ectopic gastric mucosa (EGM) is considered to be a congenital condition. Rare cases of adenocarcinoma have been described. There are no data justifying regular biopsies or follow-up. Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is a protein involved in gastrointestinal tumor development by inhibiting apoptosis and regulating angiogenesis. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate COX-2 expression in EGM and compare it with normal tissue and Barrett's esophagus. We evaluated 1327 patients. Biopsies were taken from the inlet patch for histological evaluation and from the gastric antrum to assess Helicobacter pylori infection. Biopsies taken from normal esophageal, gastric antrum and body mucosa and Barrett's esophagus were retrieved from a tissue bank. EGM biopsies were evaluated with respect to type of epithelium, presence of H. pylori, and inflammation. COX-2 was detected by immunohistochemistry using the avidin-biotin complex. EGM islets were found in 14 patients (1.1%). Histological examination revealed fundic type epithelium in 58.3% of cases, H. pylori was present in 50% and chronic inflammation in 66.7%. Expression of COX-2 was negative in normal distal esophagus, normal gastric antrum and normal gastric body specimens (10 each). In contrast, EGM presented over-expression of COX-2 in 41.7% of cases and Barrett's esophagus in 90% of cases (P = 0.04 and 0.03, respectively). COX-2 immunoexpression in EGM was not related to gender, age, epithelium type, presence of inflammation or intestinal metaplasia, H. pylori infection, or any endoscopic finding. Our results demonstrate up-regulation of COX-2 in EGM, suggesting a possible malignant potential of this so-called harmless mucosa.


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The anti-tumor effect of the Moroccan endemic thyme (Thymus broussonettii) essential oil (EOT) was investigated in vitro using the human ovarian adenocarcinoma IGR-OV1 parental cell line OV1/P and its chemoresistant counterparts OV1/adriamycin (OV1/ADR), OV1/vincristine (OV1/VCR), and OV1/cisplatin (OV1/CDDP). All of these cell lines elicited various degrees of sensitivity to the cytotoxic effect of EOT. The IC50 values (mean ± SEM, v/v) were 0.40 ± 0.02, 0.39 ± 0.02, 0.94 ± 0.05, and 0.65 ± 0.03% for OV1/P, OV1/ADR, OV1/VCR, and OV1/CDDP, respectively. Using the DBA-2/P815 (H2d) mouse model, tumors were developed by subcutaneous grafting of tumor fragments of similar size obtained from P815 (murin mastocytoma cell line) injected in donor mouse. Interestingly, intra-tumoral injection of EOT significantly reduced solid tumor development. Indeed, by the 30th day of repeated EOT treatment, the tumor volumes of the animals were 2.00 ± 0.27, 1.35 ± 0.20, and 0.85 ± 0.18 cm³ after injection with 10, 30, or 50 µL per 72 h (six times), respectively, as opposed to 3.88 ± 0.50 cm³ for the control animals. This tumoricidal effect was associated with a marked decrease of mouse mortality. In fact, in these groups of mice, the recorded mortality by the 30th day of treatment was 30 ± 4, 18 ± 4, and 8 ± 3%, respectively, while the control animals showed 75 ± 10% of mortality. These data indicate that the EOT which contains carvacrol as the major component has an important in vitro cytotoxic activity against tumor cells resistant to chemotherapy as well as a significant antitumor effect in mice. However, our data do not distinguish between carvacrol and the other components of EOT as the active factor.


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Gastric cancer is the fourth most frequent type of cancer and the second cause of cancer mortality worldwide. The genetic alterations described so far for gastric carcinomas include amplifications and mutations of the c-ERBB2, KRAS, MET, TP53, and c-MYC genes. Chromosomal instability described for gastric cancer includes gains and losses of whole chromosomes or parts of them and these events might lead to oncogene overexpression, showing the need for a better understanding of the cytogenetic aspects of this neoplasia. Very few gastric carcinoma cell lines have been isolated. The establishment and characterization of the biological properties of gastric cancer cell lines is a powerful tool to gather information about the evolution of this malignancy, and also to test new therapeutic approaches. The present study characterized cytogenetically PG-100, the first commercially available gastric cancer cell line derived from a Brazilian patient who had a gastric adenocarcinoma, using GTG banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization to determine MYC amplification. Twenty metaphases were karyotyped; 19 (95%) of them presented chromosome 8 trisomy, where the MYC gene is located, and 17 (85%) presented a deletion in the 17p region, where the TP53 is located. These are common findings for gastric carcinomas, validating PG100 as an experimental model for this neoplasia. Eighty-six percent of 200 cells analyzed by fluorescent in situ hybridization presented MYC overexpression. Less frequent findings, such as 5p deletions and trisomy 16, open new perspectives for the study of this tumor.


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Doxorubicin (DOX) was conjugated to a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) against human midkine (MK), and the conjugate (scFv-DOX) was used to target the chemotherapeutic agent to a mouse solid tumor model in which the tumor cells expressed high levels of human MK. The His-tagged recombinant scFv was expressed in bacteria, purified by metal affinity chromatography, and then conjugated to DOX using oxidative dextran (Dex) as a linker. The molecular formula of this immunoconjugate was scFv(Dex)1.3(DOX)20. In vitro apoptosis assays showed that the scFv-DOX conjugate was more cytotoxic against MK-transfected human adenocarcinoma cells (BGC823-MK) than untransfected cells (55.3 ± 2.4 vs 22.4 ± 3.8%) for three independent experiments. Nude mice bearing BGC823-MK solid tumors received scFv-DOX or equivalent doses of scFv + DOX for 2 weeks and tumor growth was more effectively inhibited by the scFv-DOX conjugate than by scFv + DOX (51.83% inhibition vs 40.81%). Histological analysis of the tumor tissues revealed that the highest levels of DOX accumulated in tumors from mice treated with scFv-DOX and this resulted in more extensive tumor cell death than in animals treated with the equivalent dose of scFv + DOX. These results show that the scFv-DOX conjugate effectively inhibited tumor growth in vivo and suggest that antigen-specific scFv may be competent drug-carriers.