995 resultados para Active oxygen


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A study of radio intensity variations at seven frequencies in the range 0.3 to 90 GHz for compact extragalactic radio sources classified as BL Lacs and high- and low-optical polarization quasars (HPQs and LPQs) is presented. This include the results of flux-density monitoring of 33 compact sources for three years at 327 MHz with the Ooty Synthesis Radio Telescope. The degrees of 'short-term' (tau less than about 1 yr) variability for the three optical types are found to be indistinguishable at low frequencies (less than 1 GHz), pointing to an extrinsic origin for the low-frequency variability. At high frequencies, a distinct dependence on optical type is present, the variability increasing from LPQs, through HPQs to BL Lacs. This trend persists even when only sources with ultra-flat radio spectra (alpha greater than -0.2) are considered. Implications of this for the phenomenon of high-frequency variability and the proposed unification schemes for different optical types of active galactic nuclei are discussed.


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The a.c. conductivity of CaF2 samples containing a fine dispersion of CaO particles has been measured in the temperature range 630 to 1100 K. The conductivity of the dispersed solid electrolyte is two orders of magnitude higher than that for pure polycrystalline CaF2 in the middle of the temperature range. Transport measurements on pure single crystals of CaF2 and polycrystalline samples, with and without CaO dispersion, using Fe+FeO and pure Fe as electrodes, clearly indicate that fluorine ions are the only migrating ionic species with a transport number of almost unity, contrary to the suggestion of Chou and Rapp [1, 2]. The enhanced conductivity of the dispersed solid electrolyte probably arises from two effects. A small solubility of oxygen in CaF2 results in an increase in the fluorine vacancy concentration and conductivity. Adsorption of fluorine ions on the surface of the dispersed particles of CaO results in a space charge region around each particle with enhanced conductivity. Measurements on a galvanic cell incorporating CaF2 as the solid electrolyte and oxide electrodes show that the e.m.f. is a function of the activity of CaO at the electrode/electrolyte interface. The response to an oxygen potential gradient is, therefore, through an exchange reaction, which establishes an equivalent fluorine potential at the electrode/electrolyte interface.


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A tripod ligand possessing two pyridine moieties and a phenolato group as pendants forms a mononuclear complex with an axial copper(II)–phenolate co-ordination in a square-pyramidal environment.


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Evidence is presented for the strong interaction of oxygen and nitrogen with solid films of buckminsterfullerene based on core-level spectroscopic studies. Cr, Ni and Cu deposited on C60 films interact strongly giving rise to large changes in the C(Is) and C(2p) binding energies as well as the (2p) binding energies of the transition metals.


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H2O2, in addition to producing highly reactive molecules through hydroxyl radicals or peroxidase action, can exert a number of direct effects on cells, organelles and enzymes. The stimulations include glucose transport, glucose incorporation into glycogen, HMP shunt pathway, lipid synthesis, release of calcium from mitochondria and of arachidonate from phospholipids, poly ADP ribosylation, and insulin receptor tyrosine kinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase activities. The inactivations include glycolysis, lipolysis, reacylation of lysophospholipids, ATP synthesis, superoxide dismutase and protein kinase C. Damages to DNA and proteoglycan and general cytotoxicity possibly through oxygen radicals were also observed. A whole new range of effects will be opened by the finding that H2O2 can act as a signal transducer in oxidative stress by oxidizing a dithiol protein to disulphide form which then activates transcription of the stress inducible genes. Many of these direct effects seem to be obtained by dithiol-disulphide modification of proteins and their active sites, as part of adaptive responses in oxidative stress.


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The oxidation of NADH and accompanying reduction of oxygen to H2O2 stimulated by polyvanadate was markedly inhibited by SOD and cytochrome c. The presence of decavanadate, the polymeric form, is necessary for obtaining the microsomal enzyme-catalyzed activity. The accompanying activity of reduction of cytochrome c was found to be SOD-insensitive and therefore does not represent superoxide formation. The reduction of cytochrome c by vanadyl sulfate was also SOD-insensitive. In the presence of H2O2 all the forms of vanadate were able to oxidize reduced cytochrome c, which was sensitive to mannitol, tris and also catalase, indicating H202-dependent generation of hydroxyl radicals. Using ESR and spin trapping technique only hydroxyl radicals, but not superoxide anion radicals, were detected during polyvanadate-dependent NADH oxidation.


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The chemical potential of oxygen corresponding to the iron-rutile-ilmenite (IRI) and iron-ilmenite-ulvospinel (IIU) equilibria has been measured employing solid-state galvanic cells,$$Pt, Fe + TiO_2 + FeTiO_3 //(Y_2 O_3 ) ZrO_2 //Fe + FeO, Pt$$ and $${\text{Pt, Fe + FeTiO}}_{\text{3}} {\text{ + Fe}}_{\text{2}} {\text{TiO}}_{\text{4}} {\text{//(Y}}_{\text{2}} {\text{0}}_{\text{3}} {\text{) ZrO}}_{\text{2}} {\text{//Fe + FeO, Pt}}$$ in the temperature range of 875 to 1275 K and 900 to 1373 K, respectively. The cells are written such that the right-hand electrodes are positive. The electromotive force (emf) of both the cells was found to be reversible and to vary linearly with temperature over the entire range of measurement. The chemical potential of oxygen for IRI equilibrium is represented by Δμo2(IRI) = -550,724 - 29.445T + 20.374T InT(±210) J mol−1 (875 <-T<- 1184 K) = -620,260 + 369.593T - 27.716T lnT(±210) J mol−1 (1184 <-T<- 1275 K) and that for IIU equilibrium by Δμo2(IIU) = -501,800 - 49.035T + 20.374T lnT(±210) J mol−1 (900 <-T<- 1184 K) = -571,336 + 350.003T− 27.716T lnT(=−210) J mol-1 (1184 <-T<- 1373 K) The standard Gibbs energy changes for IRI and IIU equilibria have been deduced from the measured oxygen potentials. Since ilmenite contains small amounts of Ti³+ ions, a correction for the activity of FeTiO3 has been incorporated by assuming ideal mixing on each cation sublattice in the FeTiO3-Ti2O3 system. Similarly, the ulvospinel contains some Fe³+ ions and a correction for the activity of Fe2TiO4 has been included by modeling the Fe2TiO4-Fe3O4 system. The third-law analysis of the results obtained for IRI equilibrium gives ΔH 298 0 = -575 (±1.0) kJ mol-1 and for IIU equilibrium yields ΔH 298 0 = -523.7 (±0.7) kJ mol−1}. The present results suggest that Fe2+ and Ti4+ cations mix almost ideally on the octahedral site of spinel lattice in Fe2TiO4, giving rise to a configurational contribution of 2R In 2 (11.5256 J mol-1 K-1) to the entropy of Fe2TiO4.


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Oxygen is shown to adsorb molecularly on a clean Cu(110) surface at 80 K and dissociate around 150 K forming atomic oxygen. Adsorption of oxygen on an HCl covered surface at low temperatures results in the formation of adsorbed hydroxyl groups and water in addition to adsorbed molecular oxygen. The molecular oxygen species is stable up to 190 K on the HCl covered surface.


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Diamond crystallites were synthesized using various oxygen‐hydrocarbon flames. The flames have been profiled in real time using a nonintrusive diagnostic technique. Optical emission spectra for different zones have been recorded and the active species identified. Diamond growth was observed only in the thermodynamically unequilibriated primary combustion zone of the flames. Carbon‐bearing species, atomic hydrogen, and atomic oxygen, noted to be critical for diamond growth, were observed in the flames. The diamond growth was confirmed by x‐ray diffraction, laser‐Raman analysis, and scanning electron microscopy. The study offers the first insight into the flame spectra in the context of diamond synthesis at atmospheric pressures.


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An oxidative pathway hitherto unknown for tile degradation of a sesquiterpene alcohol, nerolidol (I) by Alcaligenes eutrophus is presented. Fermentation of nerolidol (I) by this organism in a mineral salts medium resulted in the formation of geranylacetone (II) and an optically active alcohol (S)-(+)-geranylacetol (III), as major metabolites. Nerolidol (I) induced cells readily transformed 1,2-epoxynerolidol (IV) and 1,2-dihydroxynerolidol (V) into geranylacetone (II). These cells also exhibited their ability to carry out stereospecific reduction of II into (S)-(+)-geranylacetol (III). Oxygen uptake studies clearly indicated that nerolidol induced cells oxidized compounds II, III, IV, V and ethyleneglycol. Based on these observations a new oxidative pathway for the degradation of I is suggested which envisages the epoxidation of the terminal double bond, opening of the epoxide and cleavage between C-2 and C-3 in a manner similar to the periodate oxidation of diol.


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Oxidation of NADH by decavanadate, a polymeric form vanadate with a cage-like structure, in presence of rat liver microsomes followed a biphasic pattern. An initial slow phase involved a small rate of oxygen uptake and reduction of 3 of the 10 vanadium atoms. This was followed by a second rapid phase in which the rates of NADH oxidation and oxygen uptake increased several-fold with a stoichiometry of NADH: O2 of 1ratio1. The burst of NADH oxidation and oxygen uptake which occurs in phosphate, but not in Tris buffer, was prevented by SOD, catalase, histidine, EDTA, MnCl2 and CuSO4, but not by the hydroxyl radical quenchers, ethanol, methanol, formate and mannitol. The burst reaction is of a novel type that requires the polymeric structure of decavanadate for reduction of vanadium which, in presence of traces of H2O2, provides a reactive intermediate that promotes transfer of electrons from NADH to oxygen.


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A concentration-dependent inactivation of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase was found on reincubation of rat liver microsomal preparations with H2O2 and at lower concentrations in the presence of KCN which inhibited the contaminating catalase. The inactivation was not affected in the presence quenchers of hydroxyl radicals and singlet oxygen and was also obtained when H2O2 was added during the reaction. HMG-CoA, but not NADPH, partially protected the enzyme from H2O2-inactivation. Even at high concentration DTT was unable to reverse this inactivation. The soluble 50 kDa-enzyme was similarly inactivated by H2O2, and the tryptic-digest of the inactivated protein indicated the presence of a disulfide-containing peptide. The results support the view that H2O2 by directly acting on the catalytic domain possibly converts an active thiol group to an inaccessible disulfide and irreversibly HMG-CoA reductase.


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Catalytic activities of some transition metal-phthalocyanine complexes towards electroreduction of molecular oxygen are examined on Nafion®-bound and bare porous carbon electrodes in 2.5 M H2SO4 electrolyte. It is found that these metal complexes exhibit better catalytic activities towards oxygen reduction with the Nafion®-bound electrodes.


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Reaction of 2-bromomethyl-1-(2′-tetrahydropyranyloxy) benzene 3a with tetrachlorocatechol(TCC) in acetone in presence of anhydrous K2CO3 resulted in the formation of diastereomeric products to which cis- & trans- 6-chloro-8-hydroxy-8-(2-oxopropyl)spiro[9H-benzo[a]xanthen- 9,2′(1′H) benzofuran]-7(8H)-one (7a & 8a) structures were assigned, along with tetrachlorocatechol ethers (5a & 6a). Similar reaction of 3a with tetrabromocatechol(TBC) gave the expected monobromo compounds 7d & 8d along with the ethers 5d & 6d. When the reaction was repeated with substrates 3b–c with TCC/TBC in ketonic solvents(acetone/methyl ethyl ketone), the corresponding compounds 5b–c to 8b–c, 5e–f to 6e–f, 7e–g & 8e–h were obtained. A suitable explanation has been given for the formation of acetonyl compound 6 in this reaction.