735 resultados para Accelerating universes


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We have studied the kinetics of transcriptional initiation and activation at the malT and malTp1 promoters of Escherichia coli using UV laser footprinting. Contrary to previous studies and because of the very rapid signal acquisition by this technique, we can obtain structural information about true reaction intermediates of transcription initiation. The consequences of adding a transcriptional activator, the cAMP receptor protein/cAMP complex (CRP), are monitored in real time, permitting us to assign specific interactions to the activation of discrete steps in transcription initiation. Direct protein–protein contacts between CRP and the RNA polymerase appeared very rapidly, followed by DNA melting around the −10 hexamer. CRP slightly increased the rate of this isomerization reaction but, more importantly, favored the establishment of additional contacts between the DNA upstream of the CRP binding site and RNA polymerase subsequent to open complex formation. These contacts make a major contribution to transcriptional activation by stabilizing open forms of the promoter complex, thereby indirectly accelerating promoter escape. The ensemble of the kinetic, structural signals demonstrated directly that CRP exerts most of its activating effects on the late stages of transcriptional initiation at the malT promoter.


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Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins accelerate GTP hydrolysis by Gi but not by Gs class α-subunits. All RGS proteins share a conserved 120-amino acid sequence termed the RGS domain. We have demonstrated that the RGS domains of RGS4, RGS10, and GAIP retain GTPase accelerating activity with the Gi class substrates Giα1, Goα, and Gzα in vitro. No regulatory activity of the RGS domains was detected for Gsα. Short deletions within the RGS domain of RGS4 destroyed GTPase activating protein activity and Giα1 substrate binding. Comparable protein–protein interactions between Giα1–GDP–AlF4− and the RGS domain or full-length RGS4 were detected using surface plasmon resonance.


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In bacterial photosynthetic reaction centers, the protonation events associated with the different reduction states of the two quinone molecules constitute intrinsic probes of both the electrostatic interactions and the different kinetic events occurring within the protein in response to the light-generated introduction of a charge. The kinetics and stoichiometries of proton uptake on formation of the primary semiquinone QA− and the secondary acceptor QB− after the first and second flashes have been measured, at pH 7.5, in reaction centers from genetically modified strains and from the wild type. The modified strains are mutated at the L212Glu and/or at the L213Asp sites near QB; some of them carry additional mutations distant from the quinone sites (M231Arg → Leu, M43Asn → Asp, M5Asn → Asp) that compensate for the loss of L213Asp. Our data show that the mutations perturb the response of the protein system to the formation of a semiquinone, how distant compensatory mutations can restore the normal response, and the activity of a tyrosine residue (M247Ala → Tyr) in increasing and accelerating proton uptake. The data demonstrate a direct correlation between the kinetic events of proton uptake that are observed with the formation of either QA− or QB−, suggesting that the same residues respond to the generation of either semiquinone species. Therefore, the efficiency of transferring the first proton to QB is evident from examination of the pattern of H+/QA− proton uptake. This delocalized response of the protein complex to the introduction of a charge is coordinated by an interactive network that links the Q− species, polarizable residues, and numerous water molecules that are located in this region of the reaction center structure. This could be a general property of transmembrane redox proteins that couple electron transfer to proton uptake/release reactions.


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Exogenous application of gangliosides to cells affects many cellular functions. We asked whether these effects could be attributed to the influence of gangliosides on the properties of sphingolipid–cholesterol microdomains on the plasma membrane, also termed rafts. The latter are envisaged as lateral assemblies of sphingolipids (including gangliosides), cholesterol, and a specific set of proteins. Rafts have been implicated in processes such as membrane trafficking, signal transduction, and cell adhesion. Recently, using a chemical cross-linking approach with Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells permanently expressing a GPI-anchored form of growth hormone decay accelerating factor (GH-DAF) as a model system, we could show that GPI-anchored proteins are clustered in rafts in living cells. Moreover, this clustering was dependent on the level of cholesterol in the cell. Here we show that incubation of MDCK cells with gangliosides abolished subsequent chemical cross-linking of GH-DAF. Furthermore, insertion of gangliosides into the plasma membrane of MDCK GH-DAF cells renders GH-DAF soluble when subjected to extraction with Triton X-114 at 4°C. Our data suggest that exogenous application of gangliosides displaces GPI-anchored proteins from sphingolipid–cholesterol microdomains in living cells.


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Accelerating hippocampal sprouting by making unilateral progressive lesions of the entorhinal cortex spared the spatial memory of rats tested for retention of a learned alternation task. Subsequent transection of the sprouted crossed temporodentate pathway (CTD), as well as a simultaneous CTD transection and progressive entorhinal lesion, produced a persistent deficit on the memory task. These results suggest that CTD sprouting, which is homologous to the original perforant path input to the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, is behaviorally significant and can ameliorate at least some of the memory deficits associated with hippocampal deafferentation.


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The relation between changes in modern glaciers, not including the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, and their climatic environment is investigated to shed light on paleoglacier evidence of past climate change and for projecting the effects of future climate warming on cold regions of the world. Loss of glacier volume has been more or less continuous since the 19th century, but it is not a simple adjustment to the end of an “anomalous” Little Ice Age. We address the 1961–1997 period, which provides the most observational data on volume changes. These data show trends that are highly variable with time as well as within and between regions; trends in the Arctic are consistent with global averages but are quantitatively smaller. The averaged annual volume loss is 147 mm⋅yr−1 in water equivalent, totaling 3.7 × 103 km3 over 37 yr. The time series shows a shift during the mid-1970s, followed by more rapid loss of ice volume and further acceleration in the last decade; this is consistent with climatologic data. Perhaps most significant is an increase in annual accumulation along with an increase in melting; these produce a marked increase in the annual turnover or amplitude. The rise in air temperature suggested by the temperature sensitivities of glaciers in cold regions is somewhat greater than the global average temperature rise derived largely from low altitude gauges, and the warming is accelerating.


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Proteins of the regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) family modulate the duration of intracellular signaling by stimulating the GTPase activity of G protein α subunits. It has been established that the ninth member of the RGS family (RGS9) participates in accelerating the GTPase activity of the photoreceptor-specific G protein, transducin. This process is essential for timely inactivation of the phototransduction cascade during the recovery from a photoresponse. Here we report that functionally active RGS9 from vertebrate photoreceptors exists as a tight complex with the long splice variant of the G protein β subunit (Gβ5L). RGS9 and Gβ5L also form a complex when coexpressed in cell culture. Our data are consistent with the recent observation that several RGS proteins, including RGS9, contain G protein γ-subunit like domain that can mediate their association with Gβ5 (Snow, B. E., Krumins, A. M., Brothers, G. M., Lee, S. F., Wall, M. A., Chung, S., Mangion, J., Arya, S., Gilman, A. G. & Siderovski, D. P. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95, 13307–13312). We report an example of such a complex whose cellular localization and function are clearly defined.


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The 1982–1994 National Long-Term Care Surveys indicate an accelerating decline in disability among the U.S. elderly population, suggesting that a 1.5% annual decline in chronic disability for elderly persons is achievable. Furthermore, many risk factors for chronic diseases show improvements, many linked to education, from 1910 to the present. Projections indicate the proportion of persons aged 85–89 with less than 8 years of education will decline from 65% in 1980 to 15% in 2015. Health and socioeconomic status trends are not directly represented in Medicare Trust Fund and Social Security Administration beneficiary projections. Thus, they may have different economic implications from projections directly accounting for health trends. A 1.5% annual disability decline keeps the support ratio (ratio of economically active persons aged 20–64 to the number of chronically disabled persons aged 65+) above its 1994 value, 22:1, when the Hospital Insurance Trust Fund was in fiscal balance, to 2070. With no changes in disability, projections indicate a support ratio in 2070 of 8:1—63% below a cash flow balance.


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The long QT syndrome (LQTS) is a heritable disorder that predisposes to sudden cardiac death. LQTS is caused by mutations in ion channel genes including HERG and KCNE1, but the precise mechanisms remain unclear. To clarify this situation we injected adenoviral vectors expressing wild-type or LQT mutants of HERG and KCNE1 into guinea pig myocardium. End points at 48–72 h included electrophysiology in isolated myocytes and electrocardiography in vivo. HERG increased the rapid component, IKr, of the delayed rectifier current, thereby accelerating repolarization, increasing refractoriness, and diminishing beat-to-beat action potential variability. Conversely, HERG-G628S suppressed IKr without significantly delaying repolarization. Nevertheless, HERG-G628S abbreviated refractoriness and increased beat-to-beat variability, leading to early afterdepolarizations (EADs). KCNE1 increased the slow component of the delayed rectifier, IKs, without clear phenotypic sequelae. In contrast, KCNE1-D76N suppressed IKs and markedly slowed repolarization, leading to frequent EADs and electrocardiographic QT prolongation. Thus, the two genes predispose to sudden death by distinct mechanisms: the KCNE1 mutant flagrantly undermines cardiac repolarization, and HERG-G628S subtly facilitates the genesis and propagation of premature beats. Our ability to produce electrocardiographic long QT in vivo with a clinical KCNE1 mutation demonstrates the utility of somatic gene transfer in creating genotype-specific disease models.


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Linker length and composition were varied in libraries of single-chain Arc repressor, resulting in proteins with effective concentrations ranging over six orders of magnitude (10 μM–10 M). Linkers of 11 residues or more were required for biological activity. Equilibrium stability varied substantially with linker length, reaching a maximum for glycine-rich linkers containing 19 residues. The effects of linker length on equilibrium stability arise from significant and sometimes opposing changes in folding and unfolding kinetics. By fixing the linker length at 19 residues and varying the ratio of Ala/Gly or Ser/Gly in a 16-residue-randomized region, the effects of linker flexibility were examined. In these libraries, composition rather than sequence appears to determine stability. Maximum stability in the Ala/Gly library was observed for a protein containing 11 alanines and five glycines in the randomized region of the linker. In the Ser/Gly library, the most stable protein had seven serines and nine glycines in this region. Analysis of folding and unfolding rates suggests that alanine acts largely by accelerating folding, whereas serine acts predominantly to slow unfolding. These results demonstrate an important role for linker design in determining the stability and folding kinetics of single-chain proteins and suggest strategies for optimizing these parameters.


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To investigate the relation between cell division and expansion in the regulation of organ growth rate, we used Arabidopsis thaliana primary roots grown vertically at 20°C with an elongation rate that increased steadily during the first 14 d after germination. We measured spatial profiles of longitudinal velocity and cell length and calculated parameters of cell expansion and division, including rates of local cell production (cells mm−1 h−1) and cell division (cells cell−1 h−1). Data were obtained for the root cortex and also for the two types of epidermal cell, trichoblasts and atrichoblasts. Accelerating root elongation was caused by an increasingly longer growth zone, while maximal strain rates remained unchanged. The enlargement of the growth zone and, hence, the accelerating root elongation rate, were accompanied by a nearly proportionally increased cell production. This increased production was caused by increasingly numerous dividing cells, whereas their rates of division remained approximately constant. Additionally, the spatial profile of cell division rate was essentially constant. The meristem was longer than generally assumed, extending well into the region where cells elongated rapidly. In the two epidermal cell types, meristem length and cell division rate were both very similar to that of cortical cells, and differences in cell length between the two epidermal cell types originated at the apex of the meristem. These results highlight the importance of controlling the number of dividing cells, both to generate tissues with different cell lengths and to regulate the rate of organ enlargement.


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The rate- and state-dependent constitutive formulation for fault slip characterizes an exceptional variety of materials over a wide range of sliding conditions. This formulation provides a unified representation of diverse sliding phenomena including slip weakening over a characteristic sliding distance Dc, apparent fracture energy at a rupture front, time-dependent healing after rapid slip, and various other transient and slip rate effects. Laboratory observations and theoretical models both indicate that earthquake nucleation is accompanied by long intervals of accelerating slip. Strains from the nucleation process on buried faults generally could not be detected if laboratory values of Dc apply to faults in nature. However, scaling of Dc is presently an open question and the possibility exists that measurable premonitory creep may precede some earthquakes. Earthquake activity is modeled as a sequence of earthquake nucleation events. In this model, earthquake clustering arises from sensitivity of nucleation times to the stress changes induced by prior earthquakes. The model gives the characteristic Omori aftershock decay law and assigns physical interpretation to aftershock parameters. The seismicity formulation predicts large changes of earthquake probabilities result from stress changes. Two mechanisms for foreshocks are proposed that describe observed frequency of occurrence of foreshock-mainshock pairs by time and magnitude. With the first mechanism, foreshocks represent a manifestation of earthquake clustering in which the stress change at the time of the foreshock increases the probability of earthquakes at all magnitudes including the eventual mainshock. With the second model, accelerating fault slip on the mainshock nucleation zone triggers foreshocks.


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Based on the recent high-resolution laboratory experiments on propagating shear rupture, the constitutive law that governs shear rupture processes is discussed in view of the physical principles and constraints, and a specific constitutive law is proposed for shear rupture. It is demonstrated that nonuniform distributions of the constitutive law parameters on the fault are necessary for creating the nucleation process, which consists of two phases: (i) a stable, quasistatic phase, and (ii) the subsequent accelerating phase. Physical models of the breakdown zone and the nucleation zone are presented for shear rupture in the brittle regime. The constitutive law for shear rupture explicitly includes a scaling parameter Dc that enables one to give a common interpretation to both small scale rupture in the laboratory and large scale rupture as earthquake source in the Earth. Both the breakdown zone size Xc and the nucleation zone size L are prescribed and scaled by Dc, which in turn is prescribed by a characteristic length lambda c representing geometrical irregularities of the fault. The models presented here make it possible to understand the earthquake generation process from nucleation to unstable, dynamic rupture propagation in terms of physics. Since the nucleation process itself is an immediate earthquake precursor, deep understanding of the nucleation process in terms of physics is crucial for the short-term (or immediate) earthquake prediction.


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The friction of rocks in the laboratory is a function of time, velocity of sliding, and displacement. Although the processes responsible for these dependencies are unknown, constitutive equations have been developed that do a reasonable job of describing the laboratory behavior. These constitutive laws have been used to create a model of earthquakes at Parkfield, CA, by using boundary conditions appropriate for the section of the fault that slips in magnitude 6 earthquakes every 20-30 years. The behavior of this model prior to the earthquakes is investigated to determine whether or not the model earthquakes could be predicted in the real world by using realistic instruments and instrument locations. Premonitory slip does occur in the model, but it is relatively restricted in time and space and detecting it from the surface may be difficult. The magnitude of the strain rate at the earth's surface due to this accelerating slip seems lower than the detectability limit of instruments in the presence of earth noise. Although not specifically modeled, microseismicity related to the accelerating creep and to creep events in the model should be detectable. In fact the logarithm of the moment rate on the hypocentral cell of the fault due to slip increases linearly with minus the logarithm of the time to the earthquake. This could conceivably be used to determine when the earthquake was going to occur. An unresolved question is whether this pattern of accelerating slip could be recognized from the microseismicity, given the discrete nature of seismic events. Nevertheless, the model results suggest that the most likely solution to earthquake prediction is to look for a pattern of acceleration in microseismicity and thereby identify the microearthquakes as foreshocks.


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We have sequenced the region of DNA adjacent to and including the flightless (fli) gene of Drosophila melanogaster and molecularly characterized four transcription units within it, which we have named tweety (twe), flightless (fli), dodo (dod), and penguin (pen). We have performed deletion and transgenic analysis to determine the consequences of the quadruple gene removal. Only the flightless gene is vital to the organism; the simultaneous absence of the other three allows the overriding majority of individuals to develop to adulthood and to fly normally. These gene deletion results are evaluated in the context of the redundancy and degeneracy inherent in many genetic networks. Our cDNA analyses and data-base searches reveal that the predicted dodo protein has homologs in other eukaryotes and that it is made up of two different domains. The first, designated WW, is involved in protein-protein interactions and is found in functionally diverse proteins including human dystrophin. The second is involved in accelerating protein folding and unfolding and is found in Escherichia coli in a new family of peptidylprolyl cis-trans isomerases (PPIases; EC In eukaryotes, PPIases occur in the nucleus and the cytoplasm and can form stable associations with transcription factors, receptors, and kinases. Given this particular combination of domains, the dodo protein may well participate in a multisubunit complex involved in the folding and activation of signaling molecules. When we expressed the dodo gene product in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, it rescued the lethal phenotype of the ESS1 cell division gene.