987 resultados para 894.541


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The monthly and annual mean freshwater, heat and salt transport through the open boundaries of the South and East China Seas derived from a variable-grid global ocean circulation model is reported. The model has 1/6degrees resolution for the seas adjacent to China and 30 resolution for the global ocean. The model results are in fairly good agreement with the existing estimates based on measurements. The computation shows that the flows passing through the South China Sea contribute volume, heat and salt transport of 5.3 Sv, 0.57 PW and 184 Ggs(-1), respectively (about 1/4) to the Indonesian Throughflow, indicating that the South China Sea is an important pathway of the Pacific to Indian Ocean throughflow. The volume, heat and salt transport of the Kuroshio in the East China Sea is 25.6 Sv, 2.32 PW and 894 Ggs(-1), respectively. Less than 1/4 of this transport passes through the passage between Iriomote and Okinawa. The calculation of heat balance indicates that the South China Sea absorbs net heat flux from the sun and atmosphere with a rate of 0.08 PW, while the atmosphere gains net heat flux from the Baohai, Yellow and East China Seas with a rate of 0.05 PW.


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本论文采用扩增片段长度多态性(AFLP)技术对牙鲆Paralichthys olivaceus群体和夏鲆Paralichthys dentaus 群体进行了种群鉴定和遗传结构分析。共用8 对引物对两个群体(每个群体30 个个体)进行了分析。总共产生了379 个条带,条带大小在60-1000bp。牙鲆与夏鲆的遗传多态性分别为53.83%和22.22%。牙鲆群体的多态位点数显著低于夏鲆群体。牙鲆群体和夏鲆群体种的特异条带分别为27.3% 和 29.61%。两群体平均杂和度分别为0.0701 和 0.1556,香农氏多态指数分别为0.1044 和0.2387。群体内平均遗传距离分别为0.0705 (0.0214 到0.1377)和0.1656 (0.0629 到 0.2338),两群体间的平均遗传距离为0.6328。 AFLP 技术是进行种间群体结构分析的一个很好的分子标记方法,对牙鲆和夏鲆亲本群体进行遗传背景析为今后的杂交育种阐明种间杂交的遗传机理奠定基础。 在本论文中我们采用5×8 因子交配设计建立了牙鲆P. olivaceus(♀)× 夏鲆P. dentaus(♂)杂交家系,对生长相关性状的遗传力进行分析。所有家系都混合养殖在同一养殖池中,40 日龄,在养殖池中随机采集600 个个体,测量体长,体宽,体重等数量性状;然后提取杂交子代DNA 进行家系的鉴定。首先从牙鲆的微卫星中筛选了在牙鲆、夏鲆以及杂交子代扩增多态性较好的10 对微卫星引物(Po1, Po13, Po20, Po35, Po42, Po48, Po56, Po58, Po91, Poli 23TUF)。我们采用了三对引物对600 个个体进行了家系鉴定,共有400 多个体鉴定出自己的亲本,成功率达到80%以上。基于以上结果我们认为微卫星标记可以做为一个有效的标记来代替现实的物理标记,并且可以在子代的早期进行亲本的鉴定。 在养殖过程中,我们对自交和杂交家系生长状况进行了跟踪分析,在181刘清华 牙鲆(♀)×夏鲆(♂)分子遗传学及数量遗传学研究 博士学位论文II日龄之前杂交鲆体长和体重均为未表现出杂种优势,杂种优势率值始终为负值,但是绝对值在逐渐减小。从196 日龄之后杂交鲆杂种优势开始表现出来,并且在196 日龄之后杂种优势率显著的增加。256 日龄体长杂种优势率为14.29%,体重杂种优势率为59.78%, 271 日龄体长杂种优势率达到27.36%,体重杂种优势率为 102.32%。 本研究对杂交鲆在40 日龄的体长,体高、尾柄长、尾柄高,以及全长和体重的遗传力进行了估计,5 个性状的体长半同胞遗传力h2 S 为0.00146-0.719,5个性状的全同胞遗传力h2D 为0.00121-0.632,5 个性状的半同胞和全同胞的平均遗传力h2SD 为0.001335-0.6755。其中全长的遗传力最大。实验结果说明对早期幼鱼进行体长、体重等性状实施选育策略可能会显著影响后期杂交鲆的生长。


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以青海省果洛州藏族自治州甘德县青珍乡高山嵩草Kobresia pygmaea草甸轻度退化草地和重度退化草地为研究对象,通过植物地上部分主要功能群(禾草类、杂类草、莎草类)、植物根系和土壤碳、氮浓度及储量动态研究,结果表明:高寒小嵩草草甸轻度退化草地地上部分主要功能群碳、氮浓度和C∶N比值明显高于重度退化草地的浓度。同一草地类型主要功能群比较,碳、氮浓度依次为杂类草〉禾草类〉莎草类;植物地上部分的碳、氮浓度明显高于地下根系的碳、氮浓度。重度退化草地植物根系碳、氮浓度高于轻度退化草地植物根系碳、氮浓度。重度退化草地土壤总有机碳浓度显著低于轻度退化草地土壤总有机碳浓度,随着土层的加深碳、氮浓度有减少的趋势。江河源区高山嵩草草甸的土壤有机碳、氮储量最大,植物根系碳、氮储量居中,植物地上部分碳、氮储量最小。重度退化草地总有机碳储量(13554.3g/m~2)较轻度退化草地储量(14669.2g/m~2)下降7.60%。其中,0-40cm土壤层碳储量下降4.10%,植物根系碳储量下降59.97%,植物地上部分碳储量下降15.39%;重度退化草地总氮储量(3780.6g/m~2)较轻度退化草地储量(3352.7g/m~2)高12.76%,其中,0-40cm土壤中总氮储量高13.07%,植物根系全氮储量下降55.09%,植物地上部分全氮下降16.00%。由于草地退化损失有机碳11149kg/hm~2,而全氮增加4278kg/hm~2。


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Floral organogenesis and development of Przeivalskia langutica Maxim, endemic to China and Hyoscyamus niger L. , which belong to the tribe Hyoscyameae (Solanaceae), were studied using scanning electron microscope. They have three common characters of floral organ initiation and development: 1) initia-tion of the floral organs in the two species follows Hofmeister's rule; 2) the mode of corolla tube development belongs to the "late sympetaly" type; 3) primordia of the floral appendages initiated in a pentameroua pattern and acropetal order. But initiation of the calyx-lobe primordia showed different modes in these two species. The calyx-lobe primordia of H, niger have simultaneously whorled initiation, while those of P, tangulica have helical initiation, but the five calyx-lobe primordia form a ring after all five calyx-lobe primordia occur. The systematic significance of the present results in the genera Hyoscyamus and Przeivalskia is discussed in this paper.


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本文研究了青海葱属青甘韭 9个居群的染色体数目和核型。其中分布于湟源、西宁和共和海拔相对较低的地区的居群为 2倍体 ,核型公式为 2n =2x =16 =14m +2st (2SAT) (湟源居群和西宁居群 ) ,2n =2x =16 =12m +2sm +2st (2SAT) (共和居群 ) ;分布于玛沁、玉树、囊谦等高海拔地区的居群为 4倍体 ,核型公式为 2n =4x =32 =2 8m +4st (2SAT) (玉树居群 1和囊谦居群 1) ,2n =4x =32 =2 4m +4sm +4st (玛沁居群和玉树居群 3)和 2n =4x =32 =2 6m +2sm+4st (玉树居群 2 ) ;囊谦一个生长在林下的居群为8倍体,2n =8x =64 =54m +2sm +8st.讨论了居群间的核型分化和倍性与分布的关系。


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We investigated experimental warming and simulated grazing ( clipping) effects on rangeland quality, as indicated by vegetation production and nutritive quality, in winter-grazed meadows and summer- grazed shrublands on the Tibetan Plateau, a rangeland system experiencing climatic and pastoral land use changes. Warming decreased total aboveground net primary productivity ( ANPP) by 40 g . m(-2) . yr(-1) at the meadow habitats and decreased palatable ANPP ( total ANPP minus non- palatable forb ANPP) by 10 g . m(-2) . yr(-1) at both habitats. The decreased production of the medicinal forb Gentiana straminea and the increased production of the non- palatable forb Stellera chamaejasme with warming also reduced rangeland quality. At the shrubland habitats, warming resulted in less digestible shrubs, whose foliage contains 25% digestible dry matter ( DDM), replacing more digestible graminoids, whose foliage contains 60% DDM. This shift from graminoids to shrubs not only results in lower- quality forage, but could also have important consequences for future domestic herd composition. Although warming extended the growing season in non- clipped plots, the reduced rangeland quality due to decreased vegetative production and nutritive quality will likely overwhelm the improved rangeland quality associated with an extended growing season.Grazing maintained or improved rangeland quality by increasing total ANPP by 20 - 40 g . m(-2) . yr(-1) with no effect on palatable ANPP. Grazing effects on forage nutritive quality, as measured by foliar nitrogen and carbon content and by shifts in plant group ANPP, resulted in improved forage quality. Grazing extended the growing season at both habitats, and it advanced the growing season at the meadows. Synergistic interactions between warming and grazing were present, such that grazing mediated the warming- induced declines in vegetation production and nutritive quality. Moreover, combined treatment effects were nonadditive, suggesting that we cannot predict the combined effect of global changes and human activities from single- factor studies.Our findings suggest that the rangelands on the Tibetan Plateau, and the pastoralists who depend on them, may be vulnerable to future climate changes. Grazing can mitigate the negative warming effects on rangeland quality. For example, grazing management may be an important tool to keep warming- induced shrub expansion in check. Moreover, flexible and opportunistic grazing management will be required in a warmer future.


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The practice of geophysical prospecting shows us the complex interior earth. The studies of the complexity play an important role and practical guide for the subsurface structure. At present, the complexity of the earth mainly means lateral and vertical homogeneity, anisotropy and non-linear quality. And the anisotropy and non-linear media studies become the frontier in seismology and exploration seismology. This paper summarizes the development of complexities and presents the forward and inverse in the non-linear and anisotropic media. Firstly, the paper introduces the theory of seismic wave propagation in the non-linear and anisotropic media, the theoretical basis for simulation and inversion research. Secondly, high quality numerical simulation method with little dispersion has been developed to investigate the influence of complexity including anisotropy and non-linear multi-component seismograms. Because most real data in seismology have a single component, we developed two aspects work on anisotropic multi-component imaging. One is prestack reflection migration. The result show that distorted images are obtained if data from anisotropic media are migrated using isotropic extrapolation. Moreover, image quality will be improved greatly after considering anisotropy in subsurface layers. The other one is the we take advantage of multi-component data to inversion of the anisotropic parameters jointly seimic reflection travel time and polarization information. Based on these research works, we get the following results: 1.Combing numerical simulation, systematical studies indicate that anisotropy and non-linear seismograms characters are significant to detect cracked belts in the earth and to understand deformation field and mechanism. 2.Based on anisotropic media models, we developed an efficient prestack migration method for subsurface structure and different observation methods seismic data, which improving the imaging quality with VSP, seismograms and real data. 3.Jointly seismic inversion combining seismic anisotropic reflection traveltimes and polarizations data show that the complete wrong inversion and the following explanation will be resulted by ignoring anisotropy.


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通常情况下,人为污染会造成大气环境的酸化,最终导致形成酸雨.人为污染主要是化石燃料燃烧造成的大气污染.一般认为远离人类活动的偏远地区没有或很少受到人为的污染,它们的大气化学组成可以作为大气化学的本底;通过与本底的对比研究,可以顺利评估人类对大气环境的污染程度.天山是一个远离人类居住的偏远地区.人类对大气的污染是否影响到该区尚颇有争议.为回答这一问题,我们选择天山山地冰川的冰芯为研究对象,利用冰冻环境有效地保存大气有机物质记录的特点,从大气化学组成变化历史的角度,探讨人类活动对大气化学的影响.我们利用DX-300离子色谱分析了天山一号冰川14.08 m冰芯的有机酸和硫酸等含量.结果显示,乙酸是冰芯中含量最高的化学组分,平均含量为389.4±336.3 ng/g(n=489),甲酸平均含量为61.1±89.0 ng/g(n=541).甲酸/乙酸平均值为0.21士0.23,显示了人类污.染来源的特征.虽然两种主要有机酸的平均含量差异很大,但在过去43 a中它们的含量变化特征相同,且与pH的变化同步,这表明人为活动对该地区大气的污染并没有造成环境的酸化,而是碱化.研究表明,利用远离人类居住地区大气化学组成作为大气的本底对大气污染程度进行评估应持谨慎态度.


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从生物成矿研究现状, 铊矿床地质概况着手, 通过中国西南低温成矿域中铊矿床实例, 讨论铊富集成矿的地质背景和生物成矿机制. 在铊矿床生物成矿研究中, 着重从生物富集与铊有相关性, 岩矿石中微古动物富集铊, 富铊矿石中生物化石铸型, 生物硫参与成矿和铊矿石中富生物成因有机碳几个方面进行讨论. 铊矿床经历了同生生物富集和后成热液改造二个成矿阶段, 由于后成热液改造作用强烈, 使同生生物富集矿石中生物残留无几, 故使矿床呈现出热液改造矿床的面貌.


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甘肃文县阳山金矿的探明黄金储量已达308t,平均品位4.74g/t,是我国地质勘查储量最大的金矿床。该矿床产于西秦岭造山带,是一个同碰撞形成的类卡林型金矿床,矿体受EW向韧脆性剪切带控制,赋矿围岩为泥盆系碳质千枚岩-板岩-碳酸盐-硅质岩和侵入其中的花岗斑岩脉。流体成矿过程包括:形成石英-绢云母-黄铁矿组合的早阶段,形成石英-黄铁矿-毒砂-方铅矿等多金属组合的主成矿阶段,形成碳酸盐-辉锑矿-石英网脉的晚阶段。 与矿体关系较为密切的花岗斑岩富集LILE 和 LREE, 亏损 Ba, Sr, Nb, Ta, P 和Ti,ΣREE=54.35~124.01 μg/g ,(La/Yb)N=9.72~27.80,δEu=0.70~0.89, ISr值为0.70806~0.71756,平均0.71107;εNd(t)平均-3.4;Nd模式年龄(T2DM)平均1.34(Ga)。表明花岗斑岩岩浆应源自成熟度较低的中元古代基底地壳物质。花岗斑岩的(206Pb/204Pb)220Ma、(207Pb/204Pb)220Ma和(208Pb/204Pb)220Ma的平均值分别为17.875、15.604和38.296,与秦岭微陆块的中元古代基底和碧口地体碧口群的Pb同位素组成一致。考虑到前人获得碧口群的年龄为1.235~1.367Ga,而秦岭微陆块沿勉略缝合带向南仰冲到碧口地体之上,我们认为由碧口群等组成的俯冲板片的变质脱水熔融作用导致了阳山金矿带花岗斑岩的形成。因此,阳山金矿带的花岗斑岩是扬子与华北大陆中生代碰撞造山过程中形成的同碰撞花岗岩类。 最新的S,Sr和Pb同位素研究表明:热液成矿早阶段的黄铁矿的34S值范围介于-15.5‰~6.59‰之间,总体离散性比较大,显示沉积地层来源的特征,硫同位素组成属离散型,不具有岩浆主导的成矿的塔式效应。花岗岩中黄铁矿硫同位素范围很集中,34S值处于-1.47‰~2.12‰之间,本区花岗斑岩不可能为成矿物质的主要来源。矿石硫化物的初始锶同位素比值范围较大(0.70877~0.71697,平均为0.71258),显示成矿物质并非单一来源,考虑到花岗斑岩先于矿床形成,只在后期构造作用的岩体部分成矿的地质事实,少量矿石中的低锶同位素比值黄铁矿有可能来自作为围岩的花岗斑岩,也可能来自基底物质。矿石硫化物Pb同位素206Pb/204Pb=17.552~18.853,平均18.260;207Pb/204Pb=15.574~15.928,平均15.685;208Pb/204Pb=37.894~39.293,平均38.680,变化范围比较大。μ=9.46~10.06,平均为9.65,ω值介于36.96~42.21,显示了铅源的物质成熟度较高,要求最佳物源是浅变质化学-碎屑沉积建造,恰好与本区泥盆构造层为浅变质细碎屑岩夹薄层灰岩系的特征一致,部分低Sr和Pb同位素比值的成矿物质可能来自于作为围岩的花岗斑岩和/或者基地物质。 总结前人阳山金矿床的H-O-C同位素体系的研究得出,初始成矿流体来源于碳酸盐地层或相似岩石建造的变质或/和改造脱水,成矿流体系统从早到晚、从深到浅,由变质热液演变为大气降水热液。与本文得出的结论一致。 总而言之, 阳山金矿矿成矿流体的来源早期具有变质水特征,应来自赋矿地层或相似岩性组合的改造或变质脱水作用,晚阶段大气水为主的流体性质。成矿物质主要来自于赋矿围岩。流体经过作为部分围岩的花岗斑岩时从中萃取少部分成矿物质,而导致了少部分的低锶、铅同位素的矿石硫化物组成。 在中生代扬子板块北缘(包括碧口地块)向南秦岭陆陆碰撞过程中,扬子北缘板片沿勉略断裂向北俯冲到南秦岭之下,下插板片增温增压,发生变质、脱水和部分熔融。碰撞中期,构造背景由挤压向伸展转变,减压增温的环境导致大量变质流体沿深大断裂向上运移,不断萃取围岩中大量成矿元素,并将成矿元素搬运至有利于流体聚集、成矿物质卸载的空间,使成矿物质富集成矿。阳山金矿床定位于泥盆系构造层中,成矿时代为190Ma左右,紧随花岗斑岩侵入作用(220Ma左右),主成矿作用发生于碰撞作用由挤压-伸展转变期的减压增温环境。成岩、成矿模式与CMF模式吻合。 阳山超大型金矿是世界罕见的碰撞造山带内类卡林型金矿床,其地质地球化学特征复杂、独特,流体性质主要与造山型金矿一致,矿床地质主要与卡林型金矿一致,部分特征兼与造山型和卡林型两类矿床之间,花岗斑岩本身成矿的特点又为阳山所特有,总体具有造山型向卡林型金矿过渡的性质。因此建议以“秦岭式”或“阳山式”类卡林型金矿床代表与阳山金矿具有类似成矿背景及地球化学性质的矿床。