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为了研究水体富营养化引起的无机氮升高对沉水植物的胁迫 ,本研究用 4种浓度的碳酸铵和 5种浓度的硝酸钾对金鱼藻进行急性处理 ,分别在 5— 4 8h内测定植株超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、过氧化氢酶 (CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶 (APX)的活力。结果表明铵盐处理下 4种酶中CAT活性变化最大 ,在 5— 15h时其活性与处理浓度正相关。更长时间 2 4h处理则导致响应停止。硝酸盐处理下SOD、APX和CAT活性在 2 4h时才有明显升高。SOD和CAT活性在 4种酶中变化最大 ,它
克隆得到 2种缘毛类纤毛虫———钟形钟虫 (Vorticellacampanula)和螅状独缩虫 (Carchesiumpolyp inum)的胞质Hsp70基因部分序列 ,长度均为 4 38bp ,编码 14 6个氨基酸。以细菌为外类群 ,利用最大似然法和邻接法构建包括其他 5种纤毛虫在内的共 2 6个物种的Hsp70基因氨基酸序列系统发育树 ,其拓扑结构显示 :V campanula和C polypinum聚在一起 ,并与另 2种寡膜纲的嗜热四膜虫 (Tetrahymenathermophila)及草
采用RACE-PCR方法从斜带石斑鱼的下丘脑SMART cDNA中克隆sox3基因,并研究其时空表达模式。研究结果表明,sox3 cDNA片段全长1152bp,共编码300个氨基酸。该基因在未受精卵和桑椹胚期仅可检测到微弱的转录本,从高囊胚期开始转录,一直到鱼苗1天,都维持着较高的表达水平。在肝和肾等6种组织中均检测不到转录本的存在,而在包括垂体和下丘脑等6种脑组织中可检测到不同强弱的转录本,呈现出很强的中枢神经系统的表达特异性。在未成熟卵巢中可检测到大量转录本的存在,在成熟卵子中可检测到微弱的转录本,而
This paper describes the University of Cambridge, Engineering Design Centre's (EDC) case for inclusive design, based on 10 years of research, promotion and knowledge transfer. In summary, inclusive design applies an understanding of customer diversity to inform decisions throughout the development process, in order to better satisfy the needs of more people. Products that are more inclusive can reach a wider market, improve customer satisfaction and drive business success. The rapidly ageing population increases the importance of this approach. The case presented here has helped to convince BT, Nestlé and others to adopt an inclusive approach.
Our ability to have an experience of another's pain is characteristic of empathy. Using functional imaging, we assessed brain activity while volunteers experienced a painful stimulus and compared it to that elicited when they observed a signal indicating that their loved one--present in the same room--was receiving a similar pain stimulus. Bilateral anterior insula (AI), rostral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), brainstem, and cerebellum were activated when subjects received pain and also by a signal that a loved one experienced pain. AI and ACC activation correlated with individual empathy scores. Activity in the posterior insula/secondary somatosensory cortex, the sensorimotor cortex (SI/MI), and the caudal ACC was specific to receiving pain. Thus, a neural response in AI and rostral ACC, activated in common for "self" and "other" conditions, suggests that the neural substrate for empathic experience does not involve the entire "pain matrix." We conclude that only that part of the pain network associated with its affective qualities, but not its sensory qualities, mediates empathy.
在江汉平原濒临长江北岸的洪湖及其周围的土壤中 ,分别取得沉积物柱状钻孔样品和土壤剖面样品 ,用偏光显微镜和电子显微镜观察了 2 .5kaBP以来形成的三种湖相粘土的微结构特征 ,并以此解释的其成因和沉积环境 .0 .9- 2 .5kaBP期间形成的青色粘土的典型微结构有 :凝胶结构、细颗粒粒径和小孔隙、矿物颗粒低圆度和淡水中心冈硅藻等生物框架结构 .主要是有机质胶体与粘土胶体相互作用形成的 .此期间 ,河流带入湖泊的泥沙少 ,洪湖拥有一个开阔、稳定、浮游生物较多的淡水湖泊环境 .0 .4 5 - 1kaB
利用富营养浅水湖泊武汉东湖中所建立的大型实验围隔系统 ,对沉水植物的水质净化作用作了现场实验研究。重建后的沉水植物可以显著改善水质 ,水体透明度显著提高 ,水色降低。在研究期间 ,水生植物围隔 CODCr和 BOD5一般分别为 2 0和 5 mg/L左右 ;对照围隔和大湖水体则分别约为 40和 1 0 mg/L。水生植物围隔水体中可检出的有机污染种类也较对照围隔和大湖水体低。实验结果表明恢复以沉水植物为主的水生植被是改善富营养湖泊水质和重建生态系统的有效措施
This case study explores the interaction between domestic and foreign governmental policy on technology transfer with the goal of exploring the long-term impacts of technology transfer. Specifically, the impact of successive licensing of fighter aircraft manufacturing and design to Japan in the development of Japan's aircraft industry is reviewed. Results indicate Japan has built a domestic aircraft industry through sequential learning with foreign technology transfers from the United States, and design and production on domestic fighter aircraft. This process was facilitated by governmental policies in both Japan and the United States. Published by Elsevier B.V.
We develop a group-theoretical analysis of slow feature analysis for the case where the input data are generated by applying a set of continuous transformations to static templates. As an application of the theory, we analytically derive nonlinear visual receptive fields and show that their optimal stimuli, as well as the orientation and frequency tuning, are in good agreement with previous simulations of complex cells in primary visual cortex (Berkes and Wiskott, 2005). The theory suggests that side and end stopping can be interpreted as a weak breaking of translation invariance. Direction selectivity is also discussed. © 2011 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
A new combined Non Fertile and Uranium (CONFU) fuel assembly is proposed to limit the actinides that need long-term high-level waste storage from the pressurized water reactor (PWR) fuel cycle. In the CONFU assembly concept, ∼20% of the UO2 fuel pins are replaced with fertile free fuel hosting the transuranic elements (TRUs) generated in the previous cycle. This leads to a fuel cycle sustainable with respect to net TRU generation, and the amount and radiotoxicity of the nuclear waste can be significantly reduced in comparison with the conventional once-through UO2 fuel cycle. It is shown that under the constraints of acceptable power peaking limits, the CONFU assembly exhibits negative reactivity feedback coefficients comparable in values to those of the reference UO2 fuel. Feasibility of the PWR core operation and control with complete TRU recycle has been shown based on full-core three-dimensional neutronic simulation. However, gradual buildup of small amounts of Cm and Cf challenges fuel reprocessing and fabrication due to the high spontaneous fission rates of these nuclides and heat generation by some Pu, Am, and Cm isotopes. Feasibility of the processing steps becomes more attainable if the time between discharge and reprocessing is 20 yr or longer.
本文报道了我国西南武陵山区鱼类寄生线虫一新种——鳠伍氏线虫,新种(Wuinemamysti sp.nov.);建立了伍氏属一新属(Wuinema gen.nov.),隶属于琴柏科(Quimperiidae),琴柏亚科(Quimperiinae)。