993 resultados para 710
Hatte man zuvor lediglich Einzelbauten einen Denkmalswert zugesprochen, mehrten sich in den Jahren um 1900 im Zeichen eines wachsenden Interesses für die histori-sche Bedeutung und die ästhetischen Qualitäten alter – meist mittelalterlich gepräg-ter – Städte die Bemühungen um deren Erhaltung. Mit ausdrücklichem Rekurs auf den Denkmalswert der alten Städte wurden nun ein Vorgehen propagiert, das die Forderungen nach einer baulichen Modernisierung der Städte mit einer Erhaltung von deren charakteristischen Merkmalen vereinbaren sollte. Gerade solche Bemü-hungen um die Erhaltung des ‚Stadtbilds’ resultierten aber oft in massiven Eingriffen, welche die alten Städte nach einem unhistorischen Ideal ‚traditioneller’ Gestaltung überformten. Der Vortrag soll zeigen, dass solche Strategien nicht nur in einzelnen städ-tebaulichen Eingriffen und Sanierungskampagnen verfolgt wurden, sondern in eine breite Theoriediskussion unter Vertretern des Städtebaus und der Denkmalpflege eingebunden waren. Exemplarisch werden einige Berührungspunkte zwischen der deutschsprachigen und der italienischen Debatte dargestellt, zum einen an zwei bei-nahe gleichzeitigen Projekten zur Stadterneuerung in Florenz und in Frankfurt am Main, zum anderen an Beiträgen aus der Theoriedebatte. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Frage nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen den Idealvorstellungen der mittelalterli-chen Stadt einerseits und deren Niederschlag in Sanierungs- und Restaurierungskon-zepten anderseits.
In den Jahren des Zweiten Weltkriegs wurden in der Schweiz im Rahmen von Arbeitsbeschaffungsprogrammen des Bundes unter anderem Kampagnen unter den Titeln «Altstadtsanierung», «Hotelsanierung» und «Bergdorfsanierung» durchgeführt, wie auch eine Planungsstelle beim Heimatschutz eingerichtet wurde. Gemeinsam war den Programmen, dass sie auf die Pflege – und das hiess: Überformung – von Stadt- und Landschaftsbild nach Massgabe traditionalistischer und regionalistischer Architekturvorstellungen zielten. Damit trugen sie dazu bei, eine Sanierungs- und Restaurierungspraxis zu etablieren, wie sie seit dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert von der Heimatschutzbewegung propagiert worden war und die gebaute Umwelt der Schweiz bis heute mitprägt. Der Aufsatz verortet die Arbeitsbeschaffungskampagnen in ihrem zeitgenössischen politischen Kontext, indem aufgezeigt wird, wie sich der Rekurs auf das traditionelle Stadt- und Landschaftsbild in das identitätspolitische Programm der sogenannten Geistigen Landesverteidigung fügte.
The Personal Response System Program at Huffington Center on Aging, Baylor College of Medicine, provides emergency call systems for elderly people living independently in Houston, Texas. The goal of the project was to complete a formative evaluation of the Personal Response System Program. The specific aims of the evaluation were three-fold. One aim was to evaluate participant health status and level of disability. The second aim was to develop a health care cost estimation strategy. Finally, a preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis was completed to evaluate the program's impact on health care costs and health status among the elderly target population. ^ The evaluation was a longitudinal, randomized experimental design. After the screening of 120 volunteers for eligibility, clients were asked to complete a written questionnaire and a monthly health service contact diary. Volunteers were contacted by telephone interviewers to collect health status information from 100 eligible clients (83%) on three occasions during the six months of follow-up. ^ Initially, volunteers were randomized to two experimental groups. The two groups were found to be comparable at the beginning of the study. No significant differences were detected related to health status, level of disability, or history of physician visits at baseline. However, the group with the Personal Response System (PRS) device had more adverse health events, higher IADL scores, more frequent use of walkers, lower average health status scores, and fewer community volunteers hours than the usual care comparison group. ^ The health care costs were estimated based on an algorithm adapted from the American Medical Association guidelines. Average total health care costs for the group with the PRS device ($912) were greater than the usual care group ($464). However, median health care values for the PRS group ($263) were similar to the usual care comparison group ($234). The preliminary findings indicated that the use of the PRS device was not associated with health care cost savings. ^ In the preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis, use of the personal response system was found to be associated with increased mental health status among elderly clients. The cost-effectiveness evaluation indicated that the associated cost for six months was $710 per unit increase in mental component score when the $150 PRS subscription was included. However, clients with the PRS device were found to have a greater decline in physical health status during the six-month follow-up. The beneficial effect on mental health status was found to be in contrast to negative findings associated with changes in physical health status. The implications for future research relate to the need to identify risk factors among geriatric populations to better target groups that would most likely benefit from PRS Program enrollment. ^
Prior to ca. 14,660 yr BP, during the early Late-glacial (Oldest Dryas), larval assemblages of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) in Gerzensee, Switzerland, were dominated by cold stenothermic taxa as well as by taxa typical of subalpine lakes today. This was the coldest period of the entire sequence. After ca. 14,660 yr BP, in the Late Glacial Interstadial (Bølling–Allerød), a temperature increase is recorded by a sharp rise in the oxygen-isotope ratio in lake marl and by an increase in the organic-matter content of the sediments. Changes in the chironomid fauna then are consistent with rising temperatures. This warming trend is interrupted between 14,070 and 13,940 yr BP, coinciding with the GI-1d cold oscillation, but the change in the chironomid assemblage is more consistent with a response to increasing lake depth and density of aquatic macrophytes than falling temperature. A rise in cold-adapted chironomid taxa between 13,840 and 13,710 yr BP suggests that summer air temperatures may have declined. Changes in the chironomid assemblage after 13,710 yr BP suggest a decline in submerged macrophytes coupled with a rise in lake productivity and summer temperature, although the latter is not reflected in the oxygen-isotope record. This suggests that there may have been increasing seasonality during this period when summer temperatures were rising, driven by rising summer insolation, and winters becoming cooler, which is largely reflected in the oxygen-isotope record. A decline in thermophilic chironomids and a rise in cold-adapted taxa after 13,180 yr BP suggest a response to cooling at the beginning of the Gerzensee Oscillation.
Objectives Despite many reports on best practises regarding onsite psychological services, little research has attempted to systematically explore the frequency, issues, nature and client groups of onsite sport psychology consultancy at the Olympic Games. The present paper will fill this gap through a systematic analysis of the sport psychology consultancy of the Swiss team for the Olympic Games of 2006 in Turin, 2008 in Beijing and 2010 in Vancouver. Design Descriptive research design. Methods The day reports of the official sport psychologist were analysed. Intervention issues were labelled using categories derived from previous research and divided into the following four intervention-issue dimensions: “general performance”, “specific Olympic performance”, “organisational” and “personal” issues. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, chi square statistics and odds ratios. Results Across the Olympic Games, between 11% and 25% of the Swiss delegation used the sport psychology services. On average, the sport psychologist provided between 2.1 and 4.6 interventions per day. Around 50% of the interventions were informal interventions. Around 30% of the clients were coaches. The most commonly addressed issues were performance related. An association was observed between previous collaboration, intervention likelihood and intervention theme. Conclusions Sport psychologists working at the Olympic Games are fully engaged with daily interventions and should have developed ideally long-term relationships with clients to truly help athletes with general performance issues. Critical incidents, working with coaches, brief contact interventions and team conflicts are specific features of the onsite consultancy. Practitioners should be trained to deal with these sorts of challenges.
A search for resonant diboson production using a data sample corresponding to 4.7 fb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV is presented. The search for a narrow resonance in the WW or WZ mass distribution is conducted in a final state with an electron or a muon, missing transverse momentum, and at least two jets. No significant excess is observed and limits are set using three benchmark models: WW resonance masses below 940 and 710 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level for spin-2 Randall-Sundrum and bulk Randall-Sundrum gravitons, respectively; WZ resonance masses below 950 GeV are excluded at 95% confidence level for a spin-1 extended gauge model W' boson.
Territorial Cohesion through Spatial Policies: An Analysis with Cultural Theory and Clumsy Solutions
The European Territorial Cohesion Policy has been the subject of numerous debates in recent years. Most contributions focus on understanding the term itself and figuring out what is behind it, or arguing for or against a stronger formal competence of the European Union in this field. This article will leave out these aspects and pay attention to (undefined and legally non-binding) conceptual elements of territorial cohesion, focusing on the challenge of linking it within spatial policies and organising the relations. Therefore, the theoretical approach of Cultural Theory and its concept of clumsy solution are applied to overcome the dilemma of typical dichotomies by adding a third and a fourth (but not a fifth) perspective. In doing so, normative contradictions between different rational approaches can be revealed, explained and approached with the concept of ‘clumsy solutions’. This contribution aims at discussing how this theoretical approach helps us explain and frame a coalition between the Territorial Cohesion Policy and spatial policies. This approach contributes to finding the best way of linking and organising policies, although the solution might be clumsy according to the different rationalities involved.