860 resultados para 7-year-old Children


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Enamel defects are common alterations that can occur in both the primary or permanent dentition. A range of etiological factors related to this pathology can be found in the literature. Molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) is a kind of enamel defect alteration that requires complex treatment solutions, and for this reason, it is of great clinical interest for dental practice. This article describes the management of a clinical case of MIH in a 7-year-old child. The different treatment options depending on the extension of the defect, the degree of tooth eruption and the hygiene and diet habits of the patient are also discussed.


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Purpose: the purpose of this in vivo study was to compare the accuracy of primary incisor length determined by direct digital radiography (straight-line measurement and grid superimposition) and measurement of the actual tooth length. Methods. Twenty-two primary maxillary incisors that required extractions were selected from 3- to 5-year-old children. The teeth were radiographed with an intraoral sensor using the long cone technique and a sensor holder (30-cm focus-to-sensor distance). The exposure time was 03 seconds. Tooth length was estimated by using straight-line and grid measurements provided by the distance measurement feature of the Computed Dental Radiography digital dental imaging system. The actual tooth length was obtained by measuring the extracted tooth with G digital caliper. Data were analyzed statistically by Pearson's correlation coefficient and a paired t test. Results: There were statistically significant differences (P=.007) between the 2 measurement techniques and between the actual tooth lengths and grid measurements. There was no statistically significant difference (P=38) between straight-line measurements and actual tooth lengths, showing that the straight-line measurements were more accurate. Underestimation of the actual tooth length, however, occurred in 45% of the straight-line measurements and in 73% of the grid measurements. Conclusion: It is possible to determine primary tooth length in digital radiographs using onscreen measurements with 0 reasonable degree of accuracy.


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Intrusion of permanent teeth is one of the most severe types of traumatic injuries. Different treatment strategies have been proposed, and the best approach for each case depends on the stage of root development, severity of the intrusive luxation, presence of alveolar fracture and number of intruded teeth. The purpose of this paper is to describe the treatment management of 2 cases of severely intruded immature permanent maxillary central incisors in 71/2- and 8-year-old children. In case 1, the traumatized tooth was treated by surgical repositioning, while in case 2 watchful waiting for spontaneous re-eruption was the treatment of choice. Treatment strategies were successful in both cases, as demonstrated by the continuation of root development, maintenance of pulp vitality, and absence of signs of per/apical pathosis during the follow-up period. Regardless of the treatment strategy, traumatically intruded teeth should undergo periodical clinical and radiographic surveillance on a long-term basis to allow early detection of possible complications. (Pediotr Dent 2009;31:340-5) Received March 11, 2008 vertical bar Last Revision June 25, 2008 vertical bar Revision Accepted July 16, 2008


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Esse estudo teve como objetivo examinar possíveis alterações na dinâmica intrínseca de crianças e adultos decorrentes de informações externas na realização de uma tarefa de manutenção da postura ereta. Participaram do estudo dez crianças de 8 anos de idade e dez adultos jovens de ambos os gêneros. Eles permaneceram na posição ereta dentro de uma sala móvel que foi movimentada continuamente para frente e para trás. Os participantes recebiam informação sobre o movimento da sala e eram solicitados a não oscilar ou a oscilar junto com o movimento da mesma. Os resultados mostraram que a manipulação da informação visual induziu oscilação corporal correspondente (dinâmica intrínseca) em crianças e adultos. Informação sobre o movimento da sala e solicitação de uma ação (informação comportamental) alteraram o relacionamento entre informação visual e oscilação corporal. Crianças apresentaram mais dificuldades em alterar a dinâmica intrínseca do que adultos, indicando que elas são mais dependentes da dinâmica intrínseca do que adultos. Esses resultados trazem implicações importantes para a situação de ensino-aprendizagem, pois indica que aprendizagem envolvendo crianças deve ser estruturada propiciando condições mais favoráveis para alterações na dinâmica intrínseca para que os objetivos da mesma sejam alcançados.


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Os métodos radiográficos panorâmicos apresentam ampliação das imagens de estruturas anatômicas da face, com variação de uma região para outra. Atualmente, este tipo de técnica tem sido utilizado para mensurações verticais, horizontais e angulares. A área e o perímetro da imagem bilateral do ramo da mandíbula foram medidos em radiografias panorâmicas obtidas pelo sistema elipsopantomográfico, de crianças dos dois sexos, com idade cronológica entre 8 e 10 anos. Os desenhos, em papel vegetal, da imagem de cada ramo foram capturados através de scanner e as medidas foram feitas em microcomputador com aplicativo específico. Duas formas de separar a imagem do ramo da mandíbula, bilateralmente, foram propostas: no gônio e através de uma tangente à parte mais profunda da borda anterior da imagem do ramo que tocava a base. Os resultados obtidos permitiram evidenciar que houve simetria entre os lados, expressa pelas medidas de área e perímetro das imagens do ramo da mandíbula.


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Relata-se o caso de um cisto de inclusão epitelial em um cão macho, boxer, com 7 anos de idade. O cisto havia sido observado por trinta dias, era único, não congênito e apenas um olho estava acometido. Sete meses antes da consulta, o cão apresentou ulceração corneana indolente, tratada com ceratectomia e recobrimento de terceira pálpebra. O cisto foi removido através de ceratectomia superficial, seguida de enxerto conjuntival pediculado. A recuperação foi descomplicada e não houve recidiva após sete meses de pós-operatório.


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Corneal degeneration may occur with a deposition of lipids or calcium, or both. Calcareous and lipid degeneration may be either primary or secondary, associated with systemic diseases such as primary hyperlipidemia, hyperlipidemia associated with hyperadrenocorticism, and hypothyroidism. The authors report a case of bilateral corneal lipid and calcium degeneration in a 7-year-old female Poodle with hyperadrenocorticism. The condition worsened with Lysodren(R) therapy but responded to surgical excision.


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An 7-year-old male German shepherd dog not neutered was attended presenting several cutaneous nodules ranging from 0.5-3 cm in diameter at least a one year history, located mainly in thoracic and pelvic limbs, with progressive weight loss over two months. Fine needle aspiration biopsy and pelvic and thoracic limbs nodules excision biopsy were performed. After histopathological diagnosis, nodular dermatofibrosis diagnosis was determined and abdominal ultrasound was performed for possible renal cysts evaluation. The animal received treatment to control secondary bacterial infection. It is necessary to carry out histopathological examination and ultraosund to identify possible renal cysts and for definitive diagnosis. There is no specific treatment for nodular dermatofibrosis. © 2013 Asian Network for Scientific Information.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Ciências da Motricidade - IBRC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)