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Vols. 1 and 3 edited by J. J. Cartwright and J. M. Rigg; v. 2, by Mrs. S. C. Lomas; v. 4, by Marjorie Blatcher; v. 5, by G. Dyfnallt Owen.
Doctor's dissertation at Greifswald (Ger.) university.
This ed. was originally printed for the Roxburghe Club in 1857.
This paper introduces a compact form for the maximum value of the non-Archimedean in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models applied for the technology selection, without the need to solve a linear programming (LP). Using this method the computational performance the common weight multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) DEA model proposed by Karsak and Ahiska (International Journal of Production Research, 2005, 43(8), 1537-1554) is improved. This improvement is significant when computational issues and complexity analysis are a concern.
This article describes a surgical robotic device that is able to discriminate tissue interfaces and other controlling parameters ahead of the drill tip. The advantage in such a surgery is that the tissues at the interfaces can be preserved. A smart tool detects ahead of the tool point and is able to control the interaction with respect to the flexing tissue, to avoid penetration or to control the extent of protrusion with respect to the position of the tissue. For surgical procedures, where precision is required, the tool offers significant benefit. To interpret the drilling conditions and the conditions leading up to breakthrough at a tissue interface, a sensing scheme is used that discriminates between the variety of conditions posed in the drilling environment. The result is a fully autonomous system, which is able to respond to the tissue type, behaviour, and deflection in real-time. The system is also robust in terms of disturbances encountered in the operating theatre. The device is pragmatic. It is intuitive to use, efficient to set up, and uses standard drill bits. The micro-drill, which has been used to prepare cochleostomies in the theatre, was used to remove the bone tissue leaving the endosteal membrane intact. This has enabled the preservation of sterility and the drilling debris to be removed prior to the insertion of the electrode. It is expected that this technique will promote the preservation of hearing and reduce the possibility of complications. The article describes the device (including simulated drill progress and hardware set-up) and the stages leading up to its use in the theatre. © 2010 Authors.
Vol. 23, Issue 1, 8 pages
Relatório de estágio para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e 1º Ciclo do ensino básico
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar sob quais aspectos se dá a interação entre mídia e religião, bem como as tensões ou continuidades que a aproximação do ‘sagrado’ com o ‘profano’ na sociedade midiatizada evoca. Para tal, elegemos como objeto de estudo a participação dos artistas evangélicos no Programa Esquenta!, exibido nas tardes de domingo, pela Rede Globo. Tomamos como referencial teórico os conceitos de cultura gospel, de midiatização, especialmente o conceito de bios midiático, e a discussão sobre secularização proposta por Habermas. A metodologia empregada prevê duas etapas. A primeira consiste numa uma análise de conteúdo de cinco edições do programa que contaram com a participação de artistas evangélicos, exibidas nos anos de 2013 e 2014. Nesse momento, o objetivo foi perceber o lugar que a música gospel ocupa dentro da proposta do programa. A segunda etapa consiste na realização de dois grupos de discussão, um formado por evangélicos e o outro por não-evangélicos, para compreender como os conteúdos religiosos deslocados de seu contexto original são ressignificados pela audiência. Resulta desta pesquisa a observação de que a participação dos artistas gospel no Esquenta! oferece novos modos de olhar que ampliam o conceito de cultura gospel, bem como legitima a mídia como lugar de experiência religiosa. Além disso, ilustra a perspectiva habermasiana ao refletir a dupla afetação entre universo religioso e vida secular, que emerge do entrecruzamento entre mídia e religião.
BACKGROUND: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a globally prevalent cause of diarrhea. Though usually self-limited, it can be severe and debilitating. Little is known about the host transcriptional response to infection. We report the first gene expression analysis of the human host response to experimental challenge with ETEC. METHODS: We challenged 30 healthy adults with an unattenuated ETEC strain, and collected serial blood samples shortly after inoculation and daily for 8 days. We performed gene expression analysis on whole peripheral blood RNA samples from subjects in whom severe symptoms developed (n = 6) and a subset of those who remained asymptomatic (n = 6) despite shedding. RESULTS: Compared with baseline, symptomatic subjects demonstrated significantly different expression of 406 genes highlighting increased immune response and decreased protein synthesis. Compared with asymptomatic subjects, symptomatic subjects differentially expressed 254 genes primarily associated with immune response. This comparison also revealed 29 genes differentially expressed between groups at baseline, suggesting innate resilience to infection. Drug repositioning analysis identified several drug classes with potential utility in augmenting immune response or mitigating symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: There are statistically significant and biologically plausible differences in host gene expression induced by ETEC infection. Differential baseline expression of some genes may indicate resilience to infection.
La novela posnacional es un fenómeno relativamente reciente en la literatura latinoamericana. Sus orígenes se sitúan en los noventa, como parte de una narrativa que se rebela contra la llamada literatura del Boom originada en los sesenta. Los escritores posnacionales—a diferencia de sus predecesores—no se muestran obsesionados por la identidad latinoamericana. La globalización, el fracaso del socialismo y el descrédito de las grandes utopías son otros fenómenos que explican la emergencia de una narrativa que trasciende los márgenes nacionales. La literatura posnacional cubana se inserta dentro de esta corriente. Luego de la caída del Muro de Berlín, los jóvenes escritores cubanos comienzan a incluir una retórica diferente en sus creaciones: eluden el compromiso político militante, evitan los mensajes altruistas y abandonan las pretensiones de definir posiciones con relación al futuro de la patria o a su propia identidad. El proyecto revolucionario y su destino—tópico narrativo por más de tres décadas—desaparece como tema. El modo particular de la literatura posnacional cubana se expresa en la desesperanza y el desencanto. El propósito de esta disertación es ejemplificar dicha noción a través del análisis de los proyectos literarios de tres escritoras cubanas contemporáneas: Ena Lucía Portela, Anna Lidia Vega Serova y Karla Suárez. Además de sus cuentos, se analizan las novelas “Djuna y Daniel”, de Ena Lucía Portela; “Ánima fatua”, de Anna Lidia Vega Serova y “La viajera” de Karla Suárez. Estas novelas, además de ser ejemplos de la existencia en Cuba de una tradición en la narrativa latinoamericana contemporánea desvinculada de las preocupaciones nacionales, rompen con el paradigma del hombre heterosexual revolucionario. Los protagonistas de estas nuevas ficciones, por lo general mujeres, son personas desarraigadas y alejadas de la sociedad, ocasionales consumidoras de estupefacientes y que practican relaciones homosexuales. La transgresión de los estereotipos de género y de los comportamientos heteronormativos se convierte en un instrumento de dinámica posmoderna que presenta nuevos códigos y supone un desafío a los principios tradicionales del modelo revolucionario cubano.
To examine population affinities in light of the ‘dual structure model’, frequencies of 21 nonmetric cranial traits were analyzed in 17 prehistoric to recent samples from Japan and five from continental northeast Asia. Eight bivariate plots, each representing a different bone or region of the skull, as well as cluster analysis of 21-trait mean measures of divergence using multidimensional scaling and additive tree techniques, revealed good discrimination between the Jomon-Ainu indigenous lineage and that of the immigrants who arrived from continental Asia after 300 BC. In Hokkaido, in agreement with historical records, Ainu villages of Hidaka province were least, and those close to the Japan Sea coast were most, hybridized with Wajin. In the central islands, clines were identified among Wajin skeletal samples whereby those from Kyushu most resembled continental northeast Asians, while those from the northernmost prefectures of Tohoku apparently retained the strongest indigenous heritage. In the more southerly prefectures of Tohoku, stronger traces of Jomon ancestry prevailed in the cohort born during the latest Edo period than in the one born after 1870. Thus, it seems that increased inter-regional mobility and gene flow following the Meiji Restoration initiated the most recent episode in the long process of demic diffusion that has helped to shape craniofacial change in Japan.
Entre los modelos literarios que, en las epopeyas quinientistas acerca de la conquista de México, sirven para dar forma épica a la materia histórica tomada de las crónicas, la Eneida de Virgilio desempeña un papel fundamental. En el presente artículo se pretende mostrar cómo la identificación de Jerónimo de Aguilar con el Aqueménides virgiliano, que se encuentra por primera vez en el Carlo famoso de Luis Zapata, reaparece en Francisco de Terrazas, en Gabriel Lobo Lasso de la Vega y en Antonio de Saavedra Guzmán, así como proponer algunas consideraciones acerca de las relaciones que se hayan podido dar entre las obras de estos poetas.