642 resultados para 1478


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Vegyes oligopóliumoknak nevezzük az olyan piacszerkezeteket, amelyek esetében a magánvállalatok mellett állami vállalatok is tevékenykednek. A vegyes oligopóliumokban az állami vállalatok részben vagy egészében a társadalmi többletet kívánják maximalizálni. Olyan vegyes duopóliumot vizsgálunk, amelyben a vállalatok előbb kiépítik kapacitásaikat, majd meghatározzák termékük kínálati árát. Kreps-Scheinkman [1983] tisztán magánvállalatos duopóliumokra vizsgált ilyen két időszakos modellt, és megállapította, hogy az első időszaki egyensúlyi kapacitások megegyeznek az azonos költségszerkezetű és kínálati viszonyú Cournot-duopólium egyensúlyi kibocsátásaival. Tanulmányunkban Kreps-Scheinkman [1983] eredményét kiterjesztjük a vegyes duopóliumok - lineáris keresleti görbe és konstans egységköltségek melletti - esetére. _____ In mixed oligopolies, private firms compete with a public firm, which at least partially aims to maximize social surplus. The authors investigate mixed duopolies in which the firms first build capacities simultaneously and then set their prices simultaneously as well. For the same two-stage game with purely private firms Kreps and Scheinkman demonstrated in 1983 that the first-stage equilibrium capacities of the two-stage game are identical with the equilibrium outputs of the Cournot duopoly. This paper extends Kreps and Scheinkman's results to mixed duopolies with linear demands and constant unit costs. It is shown that quantity pre-commitment and Bertrand competition also yield to Cournot outcomes when a public firm is involved, not only in the case of private firms.


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The function of assessment in higher-education hospitality programs is to improve student learning. Although the assessment process is common in higher-education institutions, examples of assessment practices in hospitality programs have not been made available to academic practitioners. This paper describes a method successful at formulating assessment in a hospitality college professional program.


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Vol. 24, Issue 28, 8 pages


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In 1998, a dispute between a federal government agency and the local community of Chacchoben resulted in the emergence of a community-based ecotourism (CBE) enterprise to be fully owned and operated by the community in conjunction with a complex arrangement of agreements and partnerships with external actors. CBE is usually framed as a lower-impact, often small-scale alternative to mass tourism and as a conservation and development strategy that can hypothetically protect biologically diverse landscapes while improving the lives of marginalized peasant and indigenous communities through their participation. This case study analyzes the roles of common property land tenure and social capital and how the unique dilemma of a mass community-based ecotourism theme park emerged in Chacchoben. Findings indicate that local decisions and processes of development, conservation, and land use are affected by the complex interaction between local and external institutions and fluctuating levels of social capital.


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The cleft palate presented by transforming growth factor-β3 (Tgf-β3 ) null mutant mice is caused by altered palatal shelf adhesion, cell proliferation, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transformation and cell death. The expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor-β1 ( Tgf-β1 ) and muscle segment homeobox-1 (Msx-1) is modified in the palates of these knockout mice, and the cell proliferation defect is caused by the change in EGF expression. In this study, we aimed to determine whether this change in EGF expression has any effect on the other mechanisms altered in Tgf-β 3 knockout mouse palates. We tested the effect of inhibiting EGF activity in vitro in the knockout palates via the addition of Tyrphostin AG 1478. We also investigated possible interactions between EGF, Tgf-β 1 and Msx-1 in Tgf-β 3 null mouse palate cultures. The results show that the inhibition of EGF activity in Tgf-β 3 null mouse palate cultures improves palatal shelf adhesion and fusion, with a particular effect on cell death, and restores the normal distribution pattern of Msx-1 in the palatal esenchyme. Inhibition of TGF-β 1 does not affect either EGF or Msx-1 expression.


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Acknowledgements Financial support for composing this article was obtained from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB, Beef and Lamb), UK. Concept of review was also initiated from discussions originating from EU COST Action FA1201, Epiconcept: Epigenetics and Periconception Environment


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This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Dr Marius Sudol for the hYAP plasmids (obtained through Addgene), Dr Pete Zammit for the pMSCV-IRES-eGFP plasmid, Dr Robert Judson for subcloning the hYAP cDNAs into the pMSCV-IRES-eGFP plasmid, Dr Lynda Erskine for the provision of mouse embryo samples, and Professor Jimmy Hutchison and the Orthopaedics Department at the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary for the provision of human tissue samples. The authors are also grateful to Denise Tosh and Susan Clark for excellent technical support. This work was funded by Arthritis Research UK (grant 19429).


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Acknowledgments This work was supported by Arthritis Research UK (Grant no. 19282). We are grateful to Dr. Nick Fluck for his invaluable support in recruiting patients for the study, and Mrs. Vivien Vaughan for her invaluable expertise in recruiting study participants and maintaining ethical documentation.


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This article focuses on the agonistic account of renewal and discusses its place within the broader horizon of radical democracy. It suggests that while the emphasis which agonistic theorists place on difference and popular struggles (particularly social movement politics) ensures some common ground with other theories of radical democracy, their account of renewal also displays some marked differences. The article explores these differences and discusses whether agonism is sufficient to address the limits of the current neoliberal order.


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Los estudios sobre la comunidad genovesa del Reino de Granada suelen centrarse en las actividades desarrolladas en el territorio y rara vez en la reconstrucción de trayectorias individuales, circunstancia determinada por el recurso casi exclusivo a los protocolos notariales. El caso de Francesco Grimaldi es singular por muchas razones: su localización en fuentes de naturaleza muy variada –protocolos notariales de Granada y Málaga, Registro del Sello de Simancas y Granada, Chancillería de Valladolid, el epistolario del comendador Fuensalida y el archivo privado de la familia Grimaldo de Cáceres– ha permitido seguir su presencia y sus actividades en Granada, la Corte e Inglaterra –donde desempeñó un papel fundamental en el matrimonio entre Catalina de Aragón y Enrique VIII–. Así se conoce su interés por los préstamos y el negocio de la renta, las circunstancias de su matrimonio con Francisca de Cáceres y la adquisición de un importante patrimonio en el reino granadino.


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A investigação que a seguir se apresenta integra-se no âmbito do VI Curso de Mestrado em Serviço Social, da Escola Superior de Altos Estudos do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga, centrando-se a análise no “Mercado de Trabalho em Serviço Social no Sector Público em Portugal, nos anos 90. Análise a Partir da Abertura de Concursos Públicos.” Neste sentido procedeu-se a uma análise das ofertas de emprego em Serviço Social para a Administração Pública Central e para a Administração Pública Local, partindo do levantamento de concursos públicos, para Técnicos Superiores de Serviço Social, publicados em Diário da República, entre o dia 16 do mês de Agosto 1991 (data da publicação do Dec. -Lei nº 296/91 que veio criar e regulamentar a carreira de Técnico Superior de Serviço Social) até ao mês de Dezembro de 1999. Abordam-se as principais transformações no mundo do trabalho e suas repercussões no Serviço Social, considerando algumas questões da crise capitalista, globalização e implementação de políticas neo liberais. Analisam-se também, algumas das principais directrizes subjacentes aos programas do XI, XII e XIII Governos Constitucionais, existentes nos anos 90 em Portugal, e correspondentes políticas sociais que deste modo, contribuíram para o crescimento do mercado de trabalho dos Assistentes Sociais. Procedeu-se a uma abordagem sobre o estado da formação em Serviço Social e o reconhecimento da atribuição do grau de licenciatura em 1989, assim como a criação e regulamentação da carreira Técnica Superior de Serviço Social no sector público em 1991, e as principais alterações que a partir de então se fizeram sentir ao nível de mercado de trabalho. Pretende-se assim com este estudo, contribuir para um conhecimento mais aprofundado do mercado de trabalho no sector público na década de 90, dos Assistentes Sociais, dando a conhecer o número de concursos públicos (691) e número de vagas (1478) distribuídos pela Administração Pública Central (436 concursos e 1132 vagas) e pela Administração Pública Local (255 concursos e 346 vagas), apresentando as entidades que mais profissionais admitiram para os seus serviços. Apresentam-se também os tipos de concursos publicados (internos e externos), as categorias profissionais e a distribuição por distrito, correlacionando respectivamente, com o número de concursos e número de vagas.


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The key idea of the book is that courses for adults need to be designed and not just put together haphazardly without careful thought and planning. This central argument is reflected in the title of the book, which sees ‘creating’ and ‘design for learning’ as core ideas and permeates the thinking and framework offered as a template for designing learning. For me, this reflects the balance between flexibility and structure that is needed for designing and teaching courses for adults in a variety of contexts.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar