996 resultados para Ávalos, Hernando de, Marqués de Pescara, (1490-1525)
We deal with a classical predictive mechanical system of two spinless charges where radiation is considered and there are no external fields. The terms (2,2)Paa of the expansion in the charges of the HamiltonJacobi momenta are calculated. Using these, together with known previous results, we can obtain the paa up to the fourth order. Then we have calculated the radiated energy and the 3-momentum in a scattering process as functions of the impact parameter and the incident energy for the former and 3-momentum for the latter. Scattering cross-sections are also calculated. Good agreement with well known results, including those of quantum electrodynamics, has been found.
In the Hamiltonian formulation of predictive relativistic systems, the canonical coordinates cannot be the physical positions. The relation between them is given by the individuality differential equations. However, due to the arbitrariness in the choice of Cauchy data, there is a wide family of solutions for these equations. In general, those solutions do not satisfy the condition of constancy of velocities moduli, and therefore we have to reparametrize the world lines into the proper time. We derive here a condition on the Cauchy data for the individuality equations which ensures the constancy of the velocities moduli and makes the reparametrization unnecessary.
BACKGROUND: In Canada, many health authorities recommend that primary care physicians (PCP) stay involved throughout their patients' cancer journey to increase continuity of care. Few studies have focused on patient and physician expectations regarding PCP involvement in cancer care. OBJECTIVE: To compare lung cancer patient, PCP and specialist expectations regarding PCP involvement in coordination of care, emotional support, information transmission and symptom relief at the different phases of cancer. DESIGN: Canadian survey of lung cancer patients, PCPs and cancer specialists PARTICIPANTS: A total of 395 patients completed questionnaires on their expectations regarding their PCP participation in several aspects of care, at different phases of their cancer. Also, 45 specialists and 232 community-based PCP involved in these patients' care responded to a mail survey on the same aspects of cancer care. RESULTS: Most specialists did not expect participation of the PCP in coordination of care in the diagnosis and treatment phases (65% and 78% respectively), in contrast with patients (83% and 85%) and PCPs (80% and 59%) (p < 0.0001). At these same phases, the best agreement among the 3 groups was around PCP role in emotional support: 84% and more of all groups had this expectation. PCP participation in symptom relief was another shared expectation, but more unanimously at the treatment phase (p = 0.85). In the advanced phase, most specialists expect a major role of PCP in all aspects of care (from 81% to 97%). Patients and PCP agree with them mainly for emotional support and information transmission. CONCLUSION: Lung cancer patient, PCP and specialist expectations regarding PCP role differ with the phase of cancer and the specific aspect of cancer care. There is a need to reach a better agreement among them and to better define PCP role, in order to achieve more collaborative and integrated cancer care.
During development vertebrate embryos pass through a stage where their morphology is most conserved between species, the phylotypic period (approximately the pharyngula). To explain the resistance to evolutionary changes of this period, one hypothesis suggests that it is characterized by a high level of interactions. Based on this hypothesis, we examined protein-protein interactions, signal transduction cascades and miRNAs over the course of zebrafish development, and the conservation of expression of these genes in mouse development. We also investigated the characteristics of genes highly expressed before or during the presumed phylotypic period. We show that while there is a high diversity of interactions during the phylotypic period (protein-DNA, RNA-RNA, cell-cell, and between tissues), which is well conserved with mouse, there is no clear difference with later, more morphologically divergent, stages. We propose that the phylotypic period may rather be the expression at the morphological level of strong conservation of molecular processes earlier in development.
Complex auditory hallucinations are often characterized by hearing voices and are then called auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs). While AVHs have been extensively investigated in psychiatric patients suffering from schizophrenia, reports from neurological patients are rare and, in most cases, incomplete. Here, we characterize AVHs in 9 patients suffering from pharmacoresistant epilepsy by analyzing the phenomenology of AVHs and patients' neuropsychological and lesion profiles. From a cohort of 352 consecutively examined patients with epilepsy, 9 patients suffering AVHs were identified and studied by means of a semistructured interview, neuropsychological tests, and multimodal imaging, relying on a combination of functional and structural neuroimaging data and surface and intracranial EEG. We found that AVHs in patients with epilepsy were associated with prevalent language deficits and damage to posterior language areas and basal language areas in the left temporal cortex. Auditory verbal hallucinations, most of the times, consisted in hearing a single voice of the same gender and language as the patient and had specific spatial features, being, most of the times, perceived in the external space, contralateral to the lesion. We argue that the consistent location of AVHs in the contralesional external space, the prominence of associated language deficits, and the prevalence of lesions to the posterior temporal language areas characterize AVHs of neurological origin, distinguishing them from those of psychiatric origin.
Contient : N° 53 Sceau de Catherine d'Alençon, duchesse de Bavière (1416) ; Nos 56 et 57 Sceaux de Jean, duc de Calabre et de Lorraine (31 octobre 1465) et de son fils aîné ; N° 58 Sceau de Marguerite, reine d'Angleterre (1470) ; N° 59 Sceau de Bernardin Bochetel, évêque de Rennes (1564) ; N° 61 « S. Petri, Dei gratia archiepiscopi Tholosani » [Pierre V de Lion ?] ; Nos 62 et 64 Sceau de Robert d'Alençon, comte du Perche (1370 et 1375) ; Nos 72 et 81 Médailles du roi René (dessins) ; N° 73 Sceau de Jeanne, reine de Jérusalem, Sicile et Aragon (1498), avec contre-sceau ; N° 74 Sceau et contre-sceau de Louis de France, duc d'Anjou et roi de Sicile ; N° 75 Sceau d'Isabelle, comtesse du Maine et de Guise (1462), avec contresceau ; N° 76 Sceau et contre-sceau de René d'Anjou, roi de Sicile et de Jérusalem ; N° 77 « [S. Nicolai] ducis Calabrie, Lotharingie, A[ndegavie]..., » avec contre-sceau ; N° 78 Sceau de Pierre, comte d'Alençon, seigneur de Fougères, vicomte de Beaumont (1378), avec contre-sceau ; Nos 79 et 82 Sceau et contre-sceau de Louis II, roi de Jérusalem et de Sicile et comte d'Anjou (1407 et 1408) ; Nos 80 et 88 Sceau et contre-sceau de Robert, comte d'Artois ; N° 84 « S. novum Ludovici, regis Fran. filii, ducis Andegavensis et comitis Cenomannensis, » avec contre-sceau (1374) ; N° 85 Sceau et contre-sceau de Catherine, fille aînée du duc d'Alençon, « comtesse de Montfort, dame de Sonois » ; N° 86 Sceau et contre-sceau de Charles, comte du Maine (1451) ; N° 87 « Scel René d'Anjou, chlr., baron et s. de Mézières et de Thury, » avec contre-sceau ; N° 89 Sceau de Yolande reine de Jérusalem et de Sicile (1428) ; N° 94 Sceau d'Henri de Carinthie, évêque de Troyes ; cf. vol. 3101, n° 8 ; N° 101 Sceau de Charles, comte d'Alençon (1361) ; N° 112 Sceau d'Antoine de Cravant, abbé de la Trinité de Vendôme ; cf. vol. 3113, n° 7 ; N° 113 « Sigillum Johannis, episcopi Silvanectensis » [Jean Neveu † 1499, ou Jean Calveau † 1522] ; N° 115 Sceau de Jean de Tinteniac du Percher, abbé de Saint-Aubin († 1525) ; N° 120 « Scel Pierre, bastart d'Alençon » (1419) ; N° 128 « Constras. Ludovici, regis condam Francor. filii, ducis Andegavie et comit. Cenamanie. » ; N° 154 Sceau de Mathieu, évêque de Troyes (1169-1180) ; N° 257 Sceau de René, duc d'Alençon (1478)
Forme archaïque, présente dès l'aube de l'écriture; forme ergonomique, présente autour de nous de manière bien plus courante que toute narration; la liste est un objet fascinant, qui ne dévoile jamais autant sa complexité que lorsqu'elle apparaît dans un cadre littéraire. Un cadre permettant de questionner, en les confrontant, la liste et son énonciateur - son sujet. Qui parle quand une liste se dit? Que dit-elle de celui qui l'énonce? Qui parle, lorsque la syntaxe se bouleverse au point de détruire les hiérarchies permettant habituellement de fixer au discours une origine, une destination, une reprise en charge? Il s'agira de répondre à ces questions et donc de passer d'une poétique à une éthique de la liste, afin de montrer que la description d'un tel objet est indissociable de sa contextualisation discursive, sa subjectivisation. Celle-ci traverse, par une constante métalepse (glissement entre les instances de responsabilité du discours), tout le spectre des actants du texte-liste - de la figure d'auteur à celle du lecteur. La spécificité de la liste littéraire se déporte alors dans un espace éthique, puis bientôt thymique, constitué par un faisceau d'oppositions : par exemple, la liste peut être fermée ou ouverte, hyper- ou hypolisible ; signe d'ordre (c'est l'inventaire, où à l'item correspond la chose) comme de désordre (c'est l'accumulation proliférante). Mais le couple oppositionnel le plus fécond est constitué par l'hybris et la mélancolie: hybris, ou l'orgueil de croire à une réinvention du monde par le pouvoir d'une juxtaposition sans limites. Mélancolie, ou miroitement du mot manquant, évidence de l'absence. C'est sous l'égide de cette opposition que je traite un vaste corpus constitué de huit auteurs contemporains, marqués par un XXe siècle catastrophique, où à l'hybris pléthorique de l'expression de la monstruosité et de l'abondance (J-M.G. Le Clézio, Georges Perec, Eric Chevillard) répond la mélancolie d'une absence ontologique : identitaire (Patrick Modiano), épistémologique (Pierre Senges) langagière (Pascal Quignard, Olivia Rosenthal), voire politique (Antoine Volodine).
Ex-libris : F. 1, étiquette collée: "Ex bibliotheca Mss. COISLINIANA ... 1732"
We describe a patient with adult-onset Rasmussen's encephalitis (RE) responsive to vagus nerve stimulation. This previously healthy woman developed RE in the right hemisphere at the age of 27. Despite antiepileptic drug polytherapy, she continued to experience subcontinuous, simple-partial left-sided motor seizures and slowly progressive cognitive impairment. Resective surgery was not considered owing to the preservation of left motor skills. She was implanted with a vagus nerve stimulator at the age of 41; after 6 months she experienced a greater than 50% reduction in seizure frequency, which persisted over 2 years together with improvement of her neurological and cognitive status.
E11 esta nota explico de forma muy resumida las principales hipótesis y conclusiones expuestas en la memoria que, sobre el mismo tema y con el mismo título, he realizado como tesis doctoral. Se estudian las características estratigráficas y sedimentológicas del Cuaternario del delta del Llobregat que se desarrolla básicamente sobre las margas azules del Plioceno. Se han diferenciado dos tipos de Cuaternario, uno inferior denominado complejo detrítico inferior que se atribuye al Flandrierise y se caracteriza por la existencia de ciclos transgresivos separados por niveles de estabilización y depósitos regresivos, y un complejo deltaico que incluye una fase transgresiva (10.900 +/- 150 años B.P.) y el delta en sentido estricto, en el que domina la progradación deltaica aunque también incluye períodos de estabilización. Todo este Cuaternario se asocia al ascenso del mar Flandriense que se realizó, no de forma continua sino con etapas de estabilización.
Ce mémoire de recherche a pour thématique la participation politique, dans son acception large. Celle-ci est abordée sous un angle novateur, celui des politiques publiques. Les objectifs sont, d'une part, de déterminer les mécanismes mis en place pour renforcer la participation politique et, d'autre part, d'en évaluer les impacts. L'étude consiste en une étude de cas du projet « Votre Ville, Votre Vie, Votre Voix » développé par le Bureau lausannois pour les immigrés. Plus précisément, deux sortes d'activités menées entre mars et juin 2014 dans le cadre de ce projet ont été sélectionnées pour l'évaluation : une séance d'information sur les droits politiques et des visites d'institutions politiques. Pour ce faire, une dizaine de participants à ces activités ont été interviewés. Les résultats de l'étude mettent en évidence des impacts marqués sur les facteurs de la participation politique liés aux affects ou aux opinions et des impacts moins nets sur la compétence politique et sur les différentes composantes du comportement politique. Ces différents effets ressortent enfin plus clairement chez les interviewés ayant participé aux visites qu'à la séance.
Ectopic or tertiary lymphoid tissues (TLTs) are often induced at sites of chronic inflammation. They typically contain various hematopoietic cell types, high endothelial venules, and follicular dendritic cells; and are organized in lymph node-like structures. Although fibroblastic stromal cells may play a role in TLT induction and persistence, they have remained poorly defined. Herein, we report that TLTs arising during inflammation in mice and humans in a variety of tissues (eg, pancreas, kidney, liver, and salivary gland) contain stromal cell networks consisting of podoplanin(+) T-zone fibroblastic reticular cells (TRCs), distinct from follicular dendritic cells. Similar to lymph nodes, TRCs were present throughout T-cell-rich areas and had dendritic cells associated with them. They expressed lymphotoxin (LT) β receptor (LTβR), produced CCL21, and formed a functional conduit system. In rat insulin promoter-CXCL13-transgenic pancreas, the maintenance of TRC networks and conduits was partially dependent on LTβR and on lymphoid tissue inducer cells expressing LTβR ligands. In conclusion, TRCs and conduits are hallmarks of secondary lymphoid organs and of well-developed TLTs, in both mice and humans, and are likely to act as important scaffold and organizer cells of the T-cell-rich zone.
Sludges resulting from wastewater treatment processes have a characteristically high water content, which complicates handling operations such as pumping, transport and disposal. To enhance the dewatering of secondary sludge, the effect of ultrasound waves, thermal treatment and chemical conditioning with NaOH have been studied. Two features of treated sludges were examined: their rheological behavior and their dewaterability. The rheological tests consisted of recording shear stress when the shear rate increases and decreases continuously and linearly with time, and when it increases and decreases in steps. Steady-state viscosity and thixotropy were obtained from the rheological tests, and both decreased significantly in all cases with increased treatment intensity. Centrifugation of ultrasonicated and thermally treated sludges allowed the total solid content to be increased by approximately 16.2% and 17.6%, respectively. These dewatered sludges had a lower viscosity and thixotropy than the untreated sludge. In contrast, alkali conditioning barely allowed the sludge to be dewatered by centrifugation, despite decreasing its viscosity and thixotropy.
Acquis le 15 mai 1830 d'Armans-Alexis Monteil parmi 80 ouvrages pour le prix global de 2400 francs; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, registre des acquisitions 1828-1833, n° 65/29.