858 resultados para workshops (seminars)


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The objective of this study was to develop an internet-based seminar framework applicable for landscape architecture education. This process was accompanied by various aims. The basic expectation was to keep the main characteristics of landscape architecture education also in the online format. On top of that, four further objectives were anticipated: (1) training of competences for virtual team work, (2) fostering intercultural competence, (3) creation of equal opportunities for education through internet-based open access and (4) synergy effects and learning processes across institutional boundaries. This work started with the hypothesis that these four expected advantages would compensate for additional organisational efforts caused by the online delivery of the seminars and thus lead to a sustainable integration of this new learning mode into landscape architecture curricula. This rationale was followed by a presentation of four areas of knowledge to which the seminar development was directly related (1) landscape architecture as a subject and its pedagogy, (2) general learning theories, (3) developments in the ICT sector and (4) wider societal driving forces such as global citizenship and the increase of open educational resources. The research design took the shape of a pedagogical action research cycle. This approach was constructive: The author herself is teaching international landscape architecture students so that the model could directly be applied in practice. Seven online seminars were implemented in the period from 2008 to 2013 and this experience represents the core of this study. The seminars were conducted with varying themes while its pedagogy, organisation and the technological tools remained widely identical. The research design is further based on three levels of observation: (1) the seminar design on the basis of theory and methods from the learning sciences, in particular educational constructivism, (2) the seminar evaluation and (3) the evaluation of the seminars’ long term impact. The seminar model itself basically consists of four elements: (1) the taxonomy of learning objectives, (2) ICT tools and their application and pedagogy, (3) process models and (4) the case study framework. The seminar framework was followed by the presentation of the evaluation findings. The major findings of this study can be summed up as follows: Implementing online seminars across educational and national boundaries was possible both in term of organisation and technology. In particular, a high level of cultural diversity among the seminar participants has definitively been achieved. However, there were also obvious obstacles. These were primarily competing study commitments and incompatible schedules among the students attending from different academic programmes, partly even in different time zones. Both factors had negative impact on the individual and working group performances. With respect to the technical framework it can be concluded that the majority of the participants were able to use the tools either directly without any problem or after overcoming some smaller problems. Also the seminar wiki was intensively used for completing the seminar assignments. However, too less truly collaborative text production was observed which could be improved by changing the requirements for the collaborative task. Two different process models have been applied for guiding the collaboration of the small groups and both were in general successful. However, it needs to be said that even if the students were able to follow the collaborative task and to co-construct and compare case studies, most of them were not able to synthesize the knowledge they had compiled. This means that the area of consideration often remained on the level of the case and further reflections, generalisations and critique were largely missing. This shows that the seminar model needs to find better ways for triggering knowledge building and critical reflection. It was also suggested to have a more differentiated group building strategy in future seminars. A comparison of pre- and post seminar concept maps showed that an increase of factual and conceptual knowledge on the individual level was widely recognizable. Also the evaluation of the case studies (the major seminar output) revealed that the students have undergone developments of both the factual and the conceptual knowledge domain. Also their self-assessment with respect to individual learning development showed that the highest consensus was achieved in the field of subject-specific knowledge. The participants were much more doubtful with regard to the progress of generic competences such as analysis, communication and organisation. However, 50% of the participants confirmed that they perceived individual development on all competence areas the survey had asked for. Have the additional four targets been met? Concerning the competences for working in a virtual team it can be concluded that the vast majority was able to use the internet-based tools and to work with them in a target-oriented way. However, there were obvious differences regarding the intensity and activity of participation, both because of external and personal factors. A very positive aspect is the achievement of a high cultural diversity supporting the participants’ intercultural competence. Learning from group members was obviously a success factor for the working groups. Regarding the possibilities for better accessibility of educational opportunities it became clear that a significant number of participants were not able to go abroad during their studies because of financial or personal reasons. They confirmed that the online seminar was to some extent a compensation for not having been abroad for studying. Inter-institutional learning and synergy was achieved in so far that many teachers from different countries contributed with individual lectures. However, those teachers hardly ever followed more than one session. Therefore, the learning effect remained largely within the seminar learning group. Looking back at the research design it can be said that the pedagogical action research cycle was an appropriate and valuable approach allowing for strong interaction between theory and practice. However, some more external evaluation from peers in particular regarding the participants’ products would have been valuable.


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ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Von der „Chaosgruppe“ zur lernenden Organisation. Fallstudien zur Induzierung und Verbreitung von Innovation in ländlichen Kleinorganisationen im Buruli (Zentral-Uganda). Die oft fehlende Nachhaltigkeit landwirtschaftlicher Projekte in Afrika allgemein und in Buruli (Zentral-Uganda) insbesondere gab den Anstoß zu der Forschung, die der vorliegenden Dissertation zugrunde liegt. Ein häufiger Grund für das Scheitern von Projekten ist, dass die lokale Bevölkerung die landwirtschaftliche Innovation als Risiko für die Ernährungssicherheit der Familie betrachtet. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist daher ein Beitrag zur Suche nach einem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit, der dieser Tatsache Rechnung trägt. Als Forschungsmethode wurden die Gruppendiskussion und die Beobachtung mit den beiden Varianten „teilnehmender Beobachter“ und „beobachtender Teilnehmer“ gemäß Lamnek(1995b) angewendet. Es stellte sich heraus, dass die ablehnende Haltung der Zielbevölkerung landwirtschaftlicher Innovation gegenüber durch finanzielle Anreize, Seminare oder die Überzeugungskunst von Mitarbeitern der Entwicklungsorganisationen kaum behoben werden kann, sondern nur durch den Einbezug der Menschen in einen von ihnen selbst gesteuerten Risikomanagementprozess. Die Prozessberatung von Schein (2000) und die nichtdirektive Beratung von Rogers (2010) haben sich im Rahmen unserer Untersuchung für die Motivierung der Bevölkerung für eine risikobewusste Entwicklungsinitiative von großem Nutzen erwiesen ebenso wie für die Beschreibung dieses Prozesses in der vorliegenden Studie. Die untersuchten Gruppen wurden durch diesen innovativen Ansatz der Entwicklungsberatung in die Lage versetzt, das Risiko von Innovation zu analysieren, zu bewerten und zu minimieren, ihre Zukunft selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und in einem sozialen, ökonomischen und physischen Umfeld zu gestalten sowie auf Veränderungen im Laufe der Umsetzung angemessen zu reagieren. Der Erwerb dieser Fähigkeit setzte eine Umwandlung einfacher Bauerngruppen ohne erkennbare Strukturen in strukturierte und organisierte Gruppen voraus, die einer lernenden Organisation im ländlichen Raum entsprechen. Diese Transformation bedarf als erstes eines Zugangs zur Information und einer zielorientierten Kommunikation. Die Umwandlung der Arbeitsgruppe zu einer lernenden Bauernorganisation förderte die Nachhaltigkeit des Gemüseanbauprojekts und das Risikomanagement und wurde so zu einem konkreten, von der Umwelt wahrgenommenen Beispiel für die Zweckmäßigkeit des oben beschriebenen Forschungsansatzes. Die Herausbildung einer lernenden Organisation ist dabei nicht Mittel zum Zweck, sondern ist selbst das zu erreichende Ziel. Die Beobachtung, Begleitung und Analyse dieses Umwandlungsprozesses erfordert einen multidisziplinären Ansatz. In diesem Fall flossen agrarwissenschaftliche, soziologische, linguistische und anthropologische Perspektiven in die partnerschaftlich ausgerichtete Forschung ein. Von der Entwicklungspolitik erfordert dieser Ansatz einen neuen Weg, der auf der Partnerschaft mit den Betroffenen und auf einer Entemotionalisierung des Entwicklungsvorhabens basiert und eine gegenseitige Wertschätzung zwischen den Akteuren voraussetzt. In diesem Prozess entwickelt sich im Laufe der Zeit die „lernende“ Bauernorganisation auch zu einer „lehrenden“ Organisation und wird dadurch eine Quelle der Inspiration für die Gesamtgesellschaft. Die Nachhaltigkeit von ländlichen Entwicklungsprojekten wird damit maßgeblich verbessert.


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A problem in the archaeometric classification of Catalan Renaissance pottery is the fact, that the clay supply of the pottery workshops was centrally organized by guilds, and therefore usually all potters of a single production centre produced chemically similar ceramics. However, analysing the glazes of the ware usually a large number of inclusions in the glaze is found, which reveal technological differences between single workshops. These inclusions have been used by the potters in order to opacify the transparent glaze and to achieve a white background for further decoration. In order to distinguish different technological preparation procedures of the single workshops, at a Scanning Electron Microscope the chemical composition of those inclusions as well as their size in the two-dimensional cut is recorded. Based on the latter, a frequency distribution of the apparent diameters is estimated for each sample and type of inclusion. Following an approach by S.D. Wicksell (1925), it is principally possible to transform the distributions of the apparent 2D-diameters back to those of the true three-dimensional bodies. The applicability of this approach and its practical problems are examined using different ways of kernel density estimation and Monte-Carlo tests of the methodology. Finally, it is tested in how far the obtained frequency distributions can be used to classify the pottery


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El treball pretén, per una banda, conèixer a grans trets el marc normatiu sobre la inserció laboral de les persones amb discapacitat i endinsar-se en què són i com s’articulen els enclavaments laborals. D’altra banda, pretén conèixer la situació actual i real dels centres especials de treball a les comarques de Girona


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Projecte que presenta una base teòrica construida a partir de l'animació sociocultural com a àmbit d'intervenció de l'educació social, passant per l'educació no formal, l'educació d'adults i l'educació en el temps lliure i l'oci i el teatre socioeducatiu. Aquesta base teòrica ha servit per idear i desenvolupar el taller de teatre per a dones maltractades


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The genesis of this innovation lies in the commitment of a national Irish business enterprise to the professional development of its staff in general, and to the enhancement of its Information Technologies (IT) staff specifically, in collaboration with a national Higher Education (HE) provider. A postgraduate degree, awarded by the HE provider, seeks to bring coherence and cohesion to the education and training provision for newly recruited IT graduate staff of the business enterprise, simultaneously acting both as an induction process for new staff and as a professional capacity building exercise, thereby enhancing the enterprise’s organisational learning and collective competence in the areas of information technologies, IT security and technical service management. The curriculum was designed by the HE provider in collaboration with the business enterprise to offer it to circa sixteen IT staff per cycle of delivery through a model known generally as the new apprenticeship for professional practice which uses a combination of college-based, block release taught elements, regular day release seminars and substantial work-based learning, supported by the academic staff of the HE provider and work-based support staff/mentors of the business enterprise. Academic quality assurance, pedagogical, assessment and accreditation responsibilities remain with the HE provider. (...)


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Resum de la V Trobada dels tallers per a l’aplicació del Conveni europeu del paisatge, què va tenir lloc a Girona al setembre de 2006


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La búsqueda de alternativas que frenen eficazmente las consecuencias del conflicto armado en Colombia, es una labor que algunos ex mandatarios han liderado debido a los perjuicios que ocasionan no solo al núcleo familiar, sino en gran medida a la mujer. Ella es una de las víctimas de la violencia por ser líder comunitaria, por dirigir una fundación, ó por tener algún familiar vinculado a la Policía, el Ejército o a un grupo al margen de la ley. Todas estas condiciones, propias del conflicto armado, vulneran los derechos de la mujer pero, al mismo tiempo, impulsa a que ellas hagan uso de sus experiencias negativas con el fin de minimizar las problemáticas sociales y el impacto de la violencia en sus vidas. Este trabajo periodístico desarrolla cuatro reportajes mediante el uso de cuestionarios con preguntas a profundidad y es complementado con un video, con el propósito de destacar la lucha y la labor de cuatro gestoras de paz, quienes utilizan diferentes estrategias como la creación de movimientos sociales, la utilización de marchas o plantones, la divulgación de talleres sobre el perdón y reconciliación, o la construcción de un Banco del Trueque, para contrarrestar la violencia de la que son objeto. Se concluye que el papel de la mujer, como constructora de paz, no puede ser clasificado en un único objetivo, sino debe entenderse como la suma de múltiples prioridades debido a que el conflicto armado afecta de diferente manera a la mujer, a su familia, y a su comunidad. Su capacidad de liderazgo y de entrega hace que su labor sea de suma importancia pues su huella beneficia a toda la sociedad. Hay que destacar que el desafío de esta nueva gestora consiste en visibilizar su trabajo para ganar mayor reconocimiento político, promover su participación en acuerdos de paz, y minimizar las situaciones que ponen en riesgo su vida y la de sus organizaciones.


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Objetivos Mediante un estudio descriptivo transversal, establecer la presencia de una relación entre los niveles de exposición a plaguicidas con la presencia de hallazgos clínicos neurológicos periféricos en personas expuestas ocupacionalmente a estos. Resultados La muestra poblacional fue de 59 trabajadores, en el área rural del municipio del Espinal, Tolima. El 52% de la población refirió usar organofosforados, 32 % carbamatos, 16% organoclorados, y 66% otros grupos de plaguicidas. Los niveles sanguíneos de carbamatos estuvieron presentes en el 7% de la población, organofosforados en el 66% y organoclorados en el 100%. En el 42% de la población se estableció sospecha de neuropatía a partir de los síntomas y en el 92% a partir de los signos. Se estableció asociación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles sanguíneos de determinados organoclorados con la sospecha de neuropatía periférica a partir de síntomas; la presencia de sensación de pérdida de la fuerza en extremidades y la presencia de alteraciones en los reflejos osteotendinosos. Conclusiones El presente estudio permitió identificar los plaguicidas a los cuales está expuesta la población agrícola del municipio del Espinal así como corrobora el efecto de bioacumulación y biomagnificación de los organoclorados. Adicionalmente, se detectó la presencia de hallazgos sugestivos de compromiso neurológico periférico, con asociaciones significativas entre ciertas anormalidades y determinados organoclorados. Este estudio es una aproximación a la relación entre la exposición a plaguicidas de la población agrícola de la zona rural del municipio del Espinal con la secuelas neurológicos periféricas asociadas a esta.


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A presentation from 2009 on who to enable staff to plan workshops within the School.


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Materials for workshops at Winchester School of Art to encourage and develop the use of EdShare.


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The implementation of anti-drug policies that focus on illicit crops in the Andean countries faces many significant obstacles, one of which is the cultural clash it generates between the main stakeholders. On the one hand one finds the governments and agencies that attempt to implement crop substitution and eradication policies and on the other the peasant and natives communities that have traditionally grown and used coca or those peasants who have found in coca an instrument of power and political leverage that they never had before. The confrontation about coca eradication, alternative development and other anti-drug policies in coca growing areas transcends drug related issues and is part of a wider and deeper confrontation that reflects the long-term unsolved conflicts of the Andean societies. All Andean countries have stratified and fragmented societies in which peasants and Indians have been excluded from power. In Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru most peasants belong to native communities many of which have remained segregated from “white” society. The mixing of the races (mestizaje) in Colombia occurred early during the Conquest and Colony. Those of Indian descent became subservient to the Spanish and Creoles. The society that evolved was (and still is) highly hierarchical, authoritarian, and has subjacent racist values. The resulting political system has been exclusionary of large portions of the population. Among Indian communities coca has been used for millennia and its use has become an identity symbol of their resistance against what may be looked at as foreign invasion. “The Andean Indian chews coca because that way he affirms his identity as son and owner of the land that yesterday the Spaniard took away and today the landowner keeps away from him. To chew coca is to be Indian...and to quietly and obstinately challenge the contemporary lords that descend from the old encomenderos and the older conquistadors” (Vidart, 1991: 61, author’s translation). In Andean literature on illegal drugs as well as in seminars, colloquia and other meetings where drug policies are debated, complaints are frequently expressed about the treatment of coca in the same category as cocaine, heroin, morphine amphetamines and other “hard” drugs. The complainants assert that “coca is not cocaine” and that it is unfair to classify coca, a nature given plant which has been used for millennia in the Andes without significant negative effects on users, in the same category as man made psychotropic drugs. They also argue that coca has manifold social and religious meanings in indigenous cultures, that coca is sacred and that the requirement of the1961 Single Convention demanding that Bolivia and Peru completely eradicate coca within 25 years is limiting Indigenous communities in their freedom to practice their religions. In most debates about drug interdiction, the views of those who oppose that approach are not accepted as legitimate. Indeed, “prohibitionists” demonize drugs and those who oppose drug policies in Latin America frequently demonize the United States as the imperialist power that imposes them. This dual polarization is a main obstacle to establish a meaningful policy debate aimed at broadening the policy consensus necessary for successful policy implementation. This essay surveys the status of coca in the United Nations Conventions, explains why it is confusing, and how a few changes would eliminate some of the sources of conflict and help organize and control licit coca markets in the Andes. The current disorganized and weakly controlled legal coca market in Peru has been analyzed to demonstrate its deficiencies and to illustrate possible improvements in international drug control policies.


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Introducción: Dado que la enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) es la causa más común de mortalidad en pacientes con artritis reumatoide (AR), el objetivo fue determinar los factores asociados a esta complicación en una serie amplia de pacientes colombianos. Adicionalmente, se efectuó una revisión sistemática de la literatura para abordar el estado del arte sobre los factores de riesgo no tradicionales para la ECV en AR. Métodos: Estudio analítico, de tipo corte transversal en el que 800 pacientes colombianos con AR se evaluaron teniendo en cuenta variables asociadas a ECV. Se siguieron las pautas de los elementos de Información Preferidos para Revisiones Sistemáticas y Meta-análisis (PRISMA). Resultados: Colesterol ≥200 mg/dL (OR 3.44; IC 95% 2.21-5.38; p<0.0001), índice de masa corporal anormal (OR 1.70; IC 95% 1.12-2.58; p=0.011), fueron factores de riesgo tradicionales significativamente asociados con ECV en estos pacientes. Como factores no tradicionales de riesgo, autoinmunidad familiar (OR 2.03; IC 95% 1.13-3.65; p=0.017), más de 10 años de enfermedad (OR 2.12; IC 95% 1.36-3.29; p=0.001), trabajadores en las tareas del hogar (OR 2.29; IC 95% 1.45-3.61; p<0.0001), uso de esteroides sistémicos (OR 2.51; IC 95% 1.18-5.37; p=0.017) se asociaron con ECV en nuestra población. A través de la revisión sistemática varios factores y resultados relacionados con las ECV fueron confirmados e identificados. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo tradicionales no explican completamente las altas tasas de ECV en los pacientes con AR. Así, factores de riesgo no tradicionales, relacionados con autoinmunidad se reconocen ahora y actúan sinérgicamente, como predictores de esta comorbilidad.


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El sueño, es indispensable para la recuperación, física, mental y de procesos como la consolidación de memoria, atención y lenguaje. La privación de sueño (PS) incide en la atención y concentración. La PS es inherente a la formación médica, pero no es claro el papel de los turnos nocturnos en estudiantes, porque no cumplen con un objetivo académico, pero hay relación con disminución de la salud, productividad, accidentes, y alteraciones en diversas actividades. Está descrito el impacto de la PS sobre la capacidad de aprendizaje y aspectos como el ánimo y las relaciones interpersonales. MÉTODOS: Se realizó un estudio analítico observacional de cohorte longitudinal, con tres etapas de medición a 180 estudiantes de Medicina de la Universidad del Rosario, que evaluó atención selectiva y concentración mediante la aplicación de la prueba d2, validada internacionalmente para tal fin. RESULTADOS: Se estudiaron 180 estudiantes, 115 mujeres, 65 hombres, entre los 18 y 26 años (promedio 21). Al inicio del estudio dormían en promedio 7,9 horas, cifra que se redujo a 5,8 y 6,3 en la segunda y tercera etapa respectivamente. El promedio de horas de sueño nocturno, disminuyó en el segundo y tercer momento (p<0,001); Además se encontró mediante la aplicación de la prueba d2, que hubo correlación significativa directa débil, entre el promedio de horas de sueño, y el promedio del desempeño en la prueba (r=0.168, p=0.029) CONCLUSIONES: La PS, con períodos de sueño menores a 7,2 horas, impactan de manera importante la atención selectiva, la concentración


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En noviembre del 2009 después de varias mesas de trabajo entre el sector público, el sector privado, la comunidad y expertos del tema de las veinte localidades del Distrito Capital nace como resultado de un proceso de participación y concertación con los diferentes actores de la comunidad, la política pública de deporte, recreación y actividad física para Bogotá “Bogotá más activa” 2009 2019. El proceso de participación se realizó por medio de 40 talleres, dos por localidad, durante los meses de octubre y noviembre del 2008, donde se garantizaron los espacios para debatir los temas más importantes según la consideración de las diferentes comunidades. La participación ciudadana es el objeto de estudio de la investigación, en este contexto, la pregunta de investigación que se pretende responder a lo largo de este trabajo es: ¿Cuál fue el papel de la participación ciudadana en la formulación de la política pública de deporte, recreación y actividad física para Bogotá “Bogotá más activa” 2009-2019 en la localidad de Suba?.