946 resultados para weld quality control


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In recent years, it has become apparent that the design and maintenance of pavement drainage extends the service life of pavements. Most pavement structures now incorporate subsurface layers. Part of the function of these subsurface layers is to drain away excess water, which can be extremely deleterious to the life of the pavement. To assure the effectiveness of such drainage layers after they have been spread and compacted, simple, rapid, in-situ permeability and stability testing and end-result specification are needed. This report includes conclusions and recommendations related to four main study objectives: (1) Determine the optimal range for in-place stability and in-place permeability based on Iowa aggregate sources; (2) Evaluate the feasibility of an air permeameter for determining the permeability of open and well-graded drainage layers in situ; (3) Develop reliable end-result quality control/quality assurance specifications for stability and permeability; and (4) Refine aggregate placement and construction methods to optimize uniformity.


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Although the radiation doses involved in basic research radiology are relatively small, the increasing number of radiological procedures makes risks becoming increasingly high. Quality control techniques in radiological practice have to ensure an adequate system of protection for people exposed to radiation. These techniques belong to a quality assurance program for X-ray machines and are designed to correct problems related to equipment and radiological practices, to obtain radiological images of high quality and to reduce the unnecessary exposures.


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This manual is a summary of the findings of a comprehensive study. Its purpose is to provide engineers with the information they need to make educated decisions on the use of ternary mixtures for constructing concrete structures. It discusses the effects of ternary mixtures on fresh and hardened mixture properties and on concrete sustainability; factors that need to be considered for both structural and mixture design; quality control issues; and three example mixtures from constructed projects


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Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is commonly used in the care of patients for diagnostic classification of osteoporosis, low bone mass (osteopenia), or normal bone density; assessment of fracture risk; and monitoring changes in bone density over time. The development of other technologies for the evaluation of skeletal health has been associated with uncertainties regarding their applications in clinical practice. Quantitative ultrasound (QUS), a technology for measuring properties of bone at peripheral skeletal sites, is more portable and less expensive than DXA, without the use of ionizing radiation. The proliferation of QUS devices that are technologically diverse, measuring and reporting variable bone parameters in different ways, examining different skeletal sites, and having differing levels of validating data for association with DXA-measured bone density and fracture risk, has created many challenges in applying QUS for use in clinical practice. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) 2007 Position Development Conference (PDC) addressed clinical applications of QUS for fracture risk assessment, diagnosis of osteoporosis, treatment initiation, monitoring of treatment, and quality assurance/quality control. The ISCD Official Positions on QUS resulting from this PDC, the rationale for their establishment, and recommendations for further study are presented here.


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The main goal of CleanEx is to provide access to public gene expression data via unique gene names. A second objective is to represent heterogeneous expression data produced by different technologies in a way that facilitates joint analysis and cross-data set comparisons. A consistent and up-to-date gene nomenclature is achieved by associating each single experiment with a permanent target identifier consisting of a physical description of the targeted RNA population or the hybridization reagent used. These targets are then mapped at regular intervals to the growing and evolving catalogues of human genes and genes from model organisms. The completely automatic mapping procedure relies partly on external genome information resources such as UniGene and RefSeq. The central part of CleanEx is a weekly built gene index containing cross-references to all public expression data already incorporated into the system. In addition, the expression target database of CleanEx provides gene mapping and quality control information for various types of experimental resource, such as cDNA clones or Affymetrix probe sets. The web-based query interfaces offer access to individual entries via text string searches or quantitative expression criteria. CleanEx is accessible at: http://www.cleanex.isb-sib.ch/.


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Les diferents normatives, europea i nacional regulen la necessitat d’establir sistemes d’autocontrolque assegurin un nivell minim de seguretat dels productes alimentaris i de les normes relatives alsmanipuladors d’aliments. Les empreses del sector alimentari son les responsables de la higiene en elsseus establiments, basant-se en l’Analisi de Perills i Punts de Control Critic (APPCC) i controlant elpossible risc contra la salut en la cadena alimentaria. Els responsables de l’empresa de platsprecuinats cuinats Jotri S.L. estan interessats en la implementacio d’un sistema d’autocontrol de laqualitat. Per aixo estan interessats en la implementacio d’un sistema d’autocontrol de la seguretatalimentaria (APPCC). Es realitzara la determinacio de punts critics a controlar en les linies de canelonsde carn i l’apliacio de mesures preventives i mesures correctores en les linies de canelons, croquetesi lasanyes


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Minimizing infiltration of water in pavement structures has long been a priority of pavement designers. Incorporation of subsurface edgedrains is frequently an integral part of an pavement drainage system. In order for such a system to be effective however, it must be properly installed and maintained. With advances in video technology, inspection of edgedrain systems can now be conducted quite efficiently. This report documents the results of 287 video inspections of highway edgedrain systems in 29 states. These inspections were conducted to both demonstrate the capabilities of the technology as well as demonstrating some of the common problems associated with the performance of edgedrain systems. Findings indicated not only that the equipment was quite effective in identifying edgedrain performance concerns, but also how widespread the concerns of edgedrain performance are. Almost one third of the systems inspected had nonfunctional outlets, another third were either found to have non-functional mainlines or the mainlines could not be inspected due to physical obstructions. Only one third of the systems inspected were found to be performing as intended. Recommendations are provided for edgedrain design improvements to facilitate performance of the system and their inspections as well as recommendations to improve quality control during construction. Suggestions are also provided for maintenance procedures to address concerns identified in the inspection process. A Draft Guide Specification For Video Edgedrain Inspection and Acceptance is also provided as an Appendix.


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The major objective of this research project was to use thermal analysis techniques in conjunction with x-ray analysis methods to identify and explain chemical reactions that promote aggregate related deterioration in portland cement concrete. Twenty-two different carbonate aggregate samples were subjected to a chemical testing scheme that included: • bulk chemistry (major, minor and selected trace elements) • bulk mineralogy (minor phases concentrated by acid extraction) • solid-solution in the major carbonate phases • crystallite size determinations for the major carbonate phases • a salt treatment study to evaluate the impact of deicer salts Test results from these different studies were then compared to information that had been obtained using thermogravimetric analysis techniques. Since many of the limestones and dolomites that were used in the study had extensive field service records it was possible to correlate many of the variables with service life. The results of this study have indicated that thermogravimetric analysis can play an important role in categorizing carbonate aggregates. In fact, with modern automated thermal analysis systems it should be possible to utilize such methods on a quality control basis. Strong correlations were found between several of the variables that were monitored in this study. In fact, several of the variables exhibited significant correlations to concrete service life. When the full data set was utilized (n = 18), the significant correlations to service life can be summarized as follows ( a = 5% level): • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.73 for premature TG loss versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.74 for relative crystallite size versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = 0.53 for ASTM C666 durability factor versus service life. • Correlation coefficient, r, = -0.52 for acid-insoluble residue versus service life. Separation of the carbonate aggregates into their mineralogical categories (i.e., calcites and dolomites) tended to increase the correlation coefficients for some specific variables (r sometimes approached 0.90); however, the reliability of such correlations was questionable because of the small number of samples that were present in this study.


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The Swiss Haemophilia Registry of the Medical Committee of the Swiss Haemophilia Society started in 1996 but was set as an internet-based, double password-protected facility in the year 2000. With the inclusion of patients' data from two new centres in 2009, we assume a coverage rate of about 90% of all patients with inherited bleeding disorders in our country. Data concerning the phenotype and genotype of the disorder, its severity, its therapy, the prevalence of inhibitors are readily available to the registered users, allowing quality control of haemophilia therapy at a national level, but also rapid care of the patient visiting the emergency room of another treatment centre. Basing on the available data, about two thirds of the WFH global survey can be answered; the mortality statistics shows that bleeding remains a cause of death in haemophiliacs, also in the 21th century. The Registry allows for comparisons with international datasets, especially with respect to treatment (prophylaxis vs. on-demand therapy), factor consumption and costs.


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As streets age, officials must deal with rehabilitating and reconstructing these pavements to maintain a safe and comfortable ride. In light of nationwide budget shortfalls, cost-effective methods of extending pavement service life must be developed or the overall condition of street systems will continue to fall. Thin maintenance surfaces (TMSs) are a set of cost-effective preventive maintenance surfacing techniques that can be used to extend the life of bituminous pavement—pavement built with hot mix asphalt, hot mix asphalt overlays of portland cement concrete pavements, built-up seal coat (chip seal), stabilized materials, or a combination of these. While previous phases of TMS research have provided information about the uses of thin maintenance surfaces in rural settings, urban areas have different road maintenance challenges that should be considered separately. This research provides city street officials with suggestions for TMS techniques that street departments can easily test and include into their current programs. This research project facilitated the construction of TMS test sections in Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, and West Des Moines (all urban settings in Iowa). Test section sites and surfaces were selected to suit the needs of municipalities and were applied to roads with an array of various distresses and maintenance needs. Condition surveys of each test section were performed before construction, after construction, and after the first winter to record the amount and severity of existing distress and calculate the pavement condition index. Because conditions of the test sections varied greatly, determining which surface was most successful by comparing case studies was not feasible. However, some general conclusions can be made from this research. TMSs are suitable preventive maintenance techniques for a municipal street department’s program for preserving existing pavements. Careful attention should be paid to proper planning, quality control during construction, aggregate and binder selection, and aggregate embedment in order to support successful TMS application.


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Trenchless technologies are methods used for the construction and rehabilitation of underground utility pipes. These methods are growing increasingly popular due to their versatility and their potential to lower project costs. However, the use of trenchless technologies in Iowa and their effects on surrounding soil and nearby structures has not been adequately documented. Surveys of and interviews with professionals working in trenchless-related industries in Iowa were conducted, and the results were analyzed and compared to survey results from the United States as a whole. The surveys focused on method familiarity, pavement distress observed, reliability of trenchless methods, and future improvements. Results indicate that the frequency of pavement distress or other trenchless-related issues are an ongoing problem in the industry. Inadequate soil information and quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) are partially to blame. Fieldwork involving the observation of trenchless construction projects was undertaken with the purpose of documenting current practices and applications of trenchless technology in the United States and Iowa. Field tests were performed in which push-in pressure cells were used to measure the soil stresses induced by trenchless construction methods. A program of laboratory soil testing was carried out in conjunction with the field testing. Soil testing showed that the installations were made in sandy clay or well-graded sand with silt and gravel. Pipes were installed primarily using horizontal directional drilling with pipe diameters from 3 to 12 inches. Pressure cell monitoring was conducted during the following construction phases: pilot bore, pre-reaming, and combined pipe pulling and reaming. The greatest increase in lateral earth pressure was 5.6 psi and was detected 2.1 feet from the centerline of the bore during a pilot hole operation in sandy lean clay. Measurements from 1.0 to 2.5 psi were common. Comparisons were made between field measurements and analytical and finite element calculation methods.


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This study evaluated the use of electromagnetic gauges to determine the adjusted densities of HMA pavements. Field measurements were taken with two electromagnetic gauges, the Pavement Quality Indicator (PQI) 301 and the Pavetracker Plus 2701B. Seven projects were included in the study with 3 to 5 consecutive paving days. For each day/lot 20 randomly selected locations were tested along with seven core locations. The analysis of PaveTracker and PQI density consisted of determining which factors are statistically significant, and core density residuals and a regression analysis of core as a function of PaveTracker and PQI readings. The following key conclusions can be stated: 1. Core density, traffic and binder content were all found to be significant for both electromagnetic gauges studied, 2. Core density residuals are normally distributed and centered at zero for both electromagnetic gauges, 3. For PaveTracker readings, statistically one third of the lots do not have an intercept that is zero and two thirds of the lots do not rule out a scaler correction factor of zero, 4. For PQI readings, statistically the 95% confidence interval rules out the intercept being zero for all seven projects and six of the seven projects do not rule out the scaler correction factor being zero, 5. The PQI 301 gauge should not be used for quality control or quality assurance, and 6. The Pavetracker 2701B gauge can be used for quality control but not quality assurance. This study has found that with the limited sample size, the adjusted density equations for both electromagnetic gauges were determined to be inadequate. The PaveTracker Plus 2701B was determined to be better than the PQI 301. The PaveTracker 2701B could still be applicable for quality assurance if the number of core locations per day is reduced and supplemented with additional PaveTracker 2701B readings. Further research should be done to determine the minimum number of core locations to calibrate the gauges each day/lot and the number of additional PaveTracker 2701B readings required.


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Soil treated with self-cementing fly ash is increasingly being used in Iowa to stabilize fine-grained pavement subgrades, but without a complete understanding of the short- and long-term behavior. To develop a broader understanding of fly ash engineering properties, mixtures of five different soil types, ranging from ML to CH, and several different fly ash sources (including hydrated and conditioned fly ashes) were evaluated. Results show that soil compaction characteristics, compressive strength, wet/dry durability, freeze/thaw durability, hydration characteristics, rate of strength gain, and plasticity characteristics are all affected by the addition of fly ash. Specifically, Iowa selfcementing fly ashes are effective at stabilizing fine-grained Iowa soils for earthwork and paving operations; fly ash increases compacted dry density and reduces the optimum moisture content; strength gain in soil-fly ash mixtures depends on cure time and temperature, compaction energy, and compaction delay; sulfur contents can form expansive minerals in soil–fly ash mixtures, which severely reduces the long-term strength and durability; fly ash increases the California bearing ratio of fine-grained soil–fly ash effectively dries wet soils and provides an initial rapid strength gain; fly ash decreases swell potential of expansive soils; soil-fly ash mixtures cured below freezing temperatures and then soaked in water are highly susceptible to slaking and strength loss; soil stabilized with fly ash exhibits increased freeze-thaw durability; soil strength can be increased with the addition of hydrated fly ash and conditioned fly ash, but at higher rates and not as effectively as self-cementing fly ash. Based on the results of this study, three proposed specifications were developed for the use of self-cementing fly ash, hydrated fly ash, and conditioned fly ash. The specifications describe laboratory evaluation, field placement, moisture conditioning, compaction, quality control testing procedures, and basis of payment.


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Effective winter maintenance makes use of freezing-point-depressant chemicals (also known as ice-control products) to prevent the formation of the bond between snow and ice and the highway pavement. In performing such winter maintenance, the selection of appropriate ice-control products for the bond prevention task involves consideration of a number of factors, as indicated in Nixon and Williams (2001). The factors are in essence performance measurements of the ice-control products, and as such can be easily incorporated into a specification document to allow for selection of the best ice-control products for a given agency to use in its winter maintenance activities. Once performance measures for de-icing or anti-icing chemicals have been specified, this allows the creation of a quality control program for the acceptance of those chemicals. This study presents a series of performance measurement tests for ice-control products, and discusses the role that they can play in such a quality control program. Some tests are simple and rapid enough that they can be performed on every load of icecontrol products received, while for others, a sampling technique must be used. An appropriate sampling technique is presented. Further, each test is categorized as to whether it should be applied to every load of ice-control products or on a sampling basis. The study includes a detailed literature review that considers the performance of ice-control products in three areas: temperature related performance, product consistency, and negative side effects. The negative side effects are further broken down into three areas, namely operational side effects (such as chemical slipperiness), environmental side effects, and infrastructural side effects (such as corrosion of vehicles and damage to concrete). The review indicated that in the area of side effects the field performance of ice-control products is currently so difficult to model in the laboratory that no particular specification tests can be recommended at this time. A study of the impact of ice-control products on concrete was performed by Professor Wang of Iowa State University as a sub-contract to this study, and has been presented to the Iowa Highway Research Board prior to this report.