996 resultados para total institutions
The choice to adopt risk-sensitive measurement approaches for operational risks: the case of Advanced Measurement Approach under Basel II New Capital Accord This paper investigates the choice of the operational risk approach under Basel II requirements and whether the adoption of advanced risk measurement approaches allows banks to save capital. Among the three possible approaches for operational risk measurement, the Advanced Measurement Approach (AMA) is the most sophisticated and requires the use of historical loss data, the application of statistical tools, and the engagement of a highly qualified staff. Our results provide evidence that the adoption of AMA is contingent on the availability of bank resources and prior experience in risk-sensitive operational risk measurement practices. Moreover, banks that choose AMA exhibit low requirements for capital and, as a result might gain a competitive advantage compared to banks that opt for less sophisticated approaches. - Internal Risk Controls and their Impact on Bank Solvency Recent cases in financial sector showed the importance of risk management controls on risk taking and firm performance. Despite advances in the design and implementation of risk management mechanisms, there is little research on their impact on behavior and performance of firms. Based on data from a sample of 88 banks covering the period between 2004 and 2010, we provide evidence that internal risk controls impact the solvency of banks. In addition, our results show that the level of internal risk controls leads to a higher degree of solvency in banks with a major shareholder in contrast to widely-held banks. However, the relationship between internal risk controls and bank solvency is negatively affected by BHC growth strategies and external restrictions on bank activities, while the higher regulatory requirements for bank capital moderates positively this relationship. - The Impact of the Sophistication of Risk Measurement Approaches under Basel II on Bank Holding Companies Value Previous research showed the importance of external regulation on banks' behavior. Some inefficient standards may accentuate risk-taking in banks and provoke a financial crisis. Despite the growing literature on the potential effects of Basel II rules, there is little empirical research on the efficiency of risk-sensitive capital measurement approaches and their impact on bank profitability and market valuation. Based on data from a sample of 66 banks covering the period between 2008 and 2010, we provide evidence that prudential ratios computed under Basel II standards predict the value of banks. However, this relation is contingent on the degree of sophistication of risk measurement approaches that banks apply. Capital ratios are effective in predicting bank market valuation when banks adopt the advanced approaches to compute the value of their risk-weighted assets.
Características do solo, como o carbono orgânico total (COT), a biomassa microbiana e a atividade enzimática, são influenciadas por diversos fatores e têm sido apontadas como indicadores adequados de alterações provocadas por diferentes sistemas de uso e manejo do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o COT, a biomassa microbiana e a atividade enzimática de um Cambissolo Háplico Tb distrófico típico de áreas agrícolas, florestais e de pastagem, no Médio Vale do Paraíba do Sul (RJ). Os sistemas avaliados foram: agricultura anual (AgAn); agricultura perene (AgP); pasto; floresta secundária em estádio inicial de sucessão (FSEI); floresta secundária em estádio médio de sucessão (FSEM); e floresta secundária em estádio avançado de sucessão (FSEA). Foram coletadas amostras de terra na camada de 0-5 cm, em duas épocas distintas (úmida e seca), e analisados o COT e as propriedades biológicas: C da biomassa microbiana - CBM; N da biomassa microbiana - NBM; respiração basal - RB; quociente metabólico - qCO2; quociente microbiano - qMIC; e atividade das enzimas arilsulfatase, β-glicosidase e fosfatase ácida. As áreas agrícolas apresentaram redução no COT e nas propriedades biológicas (atividade enzimática e carbono e nitrogênio da biomassa microbiana) do solo quando comparadas ao pasto e às áreas florestais. Com as análises de componentes principais, foi possível separar os sistemas agrícolas e os sistemas florestais e de pasto. Observou-se que, em ambas as épocas, a FSEM e o pasto estiveram associados ao COT e à maioria das variáveis biológicas, ao contrário dos sistemas agrícolas.
Selostus: Timoteilajikkeiden sadot, kasvuominaisuudet sekä typpi- ja kuitupitoisuus kahdella leveysasteella
Potilaiden käsitys terveyteen liittyvästä elämänlaadusta lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeisenä toipumisaikana – kuuden kuukauden seurantatutkimus Tässä kaksivaiheisessa seurantatutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin potilaiden käsitystä terveyteen liittyvästä elämänlaadusta lonkan tekonivelleikkauksen jälkeisenä toipumisaikana. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tarkoituksena oli sekä kuvailla potilaiden kokemuksia potilaana olosta, saamastaan hoidosta ja terveyspalveluorganisaatiosta että analysoida aikaisempien tutkimusten perusteella leikkauksen tuloksia potilaan kannalta. Toisessa vaiheessa tarkoituksena oli arvioida potilaiden kokemaa elämänlaatua leikkauksen jälkeen, ja sitä vaikuttivatko primaaritulokset (fyysinen toimintakyky, kipu, ahdistus) tai taloudelliset seuraukset (potilaiden itsensämaksamat kustannukset, palvelujen käyttö) terveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää mahdolliset kriittiset ajankohdat tai tekijät, jotka saattavat hidastaa toipumista ja siten huonontaa potilaiden elämänlaatua. Tätä tietoa voidaan käyttää hoitotyössä kun suunnitellaan sopivaa hoitoa ja tukea toipumisajalle. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa primaarileikkaukseen tulevat potilaat (n = 17) kuvailivat teemahaastatteluissa kokemuksiaan kahdesti leikkauksen jälkeen. Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla. Lisäksi 17 tutkimusartikkelista analysoitiin deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla leikkauksen tuloksia potilaalle, tuloksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja käytetyt tutkimusmetodit. Toisessa vaiheessa primaari- tai revisioleikkaukseen tulevat potilaat (n = 100) arvioivat leikkauksen tuloksia kuuden kuukauden ajan leikkauksen jälkeen: terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua, primaarituloksia ja taloudellisia seurauksia. Aineisto kerättiin erilaisilla mittareilla: Sickness Impact Profile, Finnish Version, Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory, ja Numeric Rating Scale. Lisäksi käytettiin tätä tutkimusta varten tehtyjä kyselylomakkeita: Fyysinen toimintakyky-mittari, Palvelujen käyttö-mittari ja Kustannusmittari. Tutkimuksen toiseen vaiheen tulokset analysoitiin tilastollisilla menetelmillä. Potilaiden terveyteen liittyvä elämänlaatu parani ja kipu lievittyi leikkauksen jälkeen ja fyysinen toimintakyky lisääntyi toipumisaikana. Positiivisista muutoksista huolimatta potilaat kokivat ahdistusta samassa määrin kuin ennen leikkaustakin. Palvelujen käyttö vaihteli toipumisajan kuluessa ja potilaiden maksamissa kustannuksissa oli suuria vaihteluita. Fyysisen toimintakyvyn lisääntyminen ja kivun lieveneminen paransivat terveyteen liittyvää elämänlaatua. Sen sijaan huonompi elämänlaatu toipumisaikana oli yhteydessä suurempaan palvelujen käyttöön, kun taas kustannuksilla ei ollut yhteyttä elämänlaatuun. Potilaiden ominaispiirteet tulisi ottaa enemmän huomioon suunniteltaessa sopivaa leikkauksenjälkeistä hoitoa ja tukea. Potilaat tarvitsevat yksilöllisiä ohjeita, sillä monet taustatekijät (esim. ikä, sukupuoli, preoperatiivinen kipu, siviilisääty, ja leikkaustyyppi) vaikuttavat toipumiseen.
O potencial mátrico em solos não saturados é um importante componente do potencial total e, portanto, deve ser medido da melhor forma possível. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da temperatura do solo sobre o potencial mátrico e o gradiente de potencial total, durante a redistribuição da água num Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, em Piracicaba, SP, a partir de dados coletados por tensiometria. Em uma parcela circular de 3 m de diâmetro, foram instalados 10 tensiômetros com transdutor de tensão, modelo SWT3 da Delta-T, nas profundidades de 0,10; 0,15; 0,20; 0,25; 0,30; 0,35; 0,40; 0,45; 0,50; e 0,55 m, com os quais foram obtidos os potenciais mátricos para essas profundidades e o gradiente de potencial total, (ΔΦm/Δz)+1, para a profundidade de 0,25 m, com Δz de 0,1; 0,2; e 0,3 m, utilizando os tensiômetros instalados nas profundidades de 0,20 e 0,30; 0,15 e 0,35; e 0,10 e 0,40 m para ΔΦm, respectivamente. Na mesma parcela, foram também instalados termopares tipo T na superfície e nas profundidades 0,025; 0,050; e 0,075 m de solo. Ambas as leituras dos tensiômetros e termopares foram armazenadas em um Datalogger, Modelo DL2, da Delta-T, a idênticos intervalos de tempo. As avaliações detectaram oscilações na leitura do potencial mátrico da água no solo ao longo do dia e nos efeitos diferenciados nos tensiômetros instalados em profundidades diferentes, ocasionando oscilações também no gradiente de potencial total da água no solo. Os melhores horários para a realização das leituras dos tensiômetros são nas primeiras sete horas do dia ou após às 18 h.
During episodes of trauma carnitine-free total parenteral nutrition (TPN) may result in a reduction of the total body carnitine pool, leading to a diminished rate of fat oxidation. Sixteen patients undergoing esophagectomy were equally and randomly divided and received isonitrogenous (0.2 gN/kg.day) and isocaloric (35 kcal/kg.day TPN over 11 days without and with L-carnitine supplementation (12 mg/kg.day). Compared with healthy controls, the total body carnitine pool was significantly reduced in both groups prior to the operation. Without supplementation carnitine concentrations were maintained, while daily provision of carnitine resulted in an elevation of total carnitine mainly due to an increase of the free fraction. Without supplementation the cumulative urinary carnitine losses were 11.5 +/- 6.3 mmol corresponding to 15.5% +/- 8.5% of the estimated total body carnitine pool. Patients receiving carnitine revealed a positive carnitine balance in the immediate postoperative phase, 11.1% +/- 19.0% of the infused carnitine being retained. After 11 days of treatment comparable values for respiratory quotient, plasma triglycerides, free fatty acids, ketone bodies, and cumulative nitrogen balance were observed. It is concluded that in the patient population studied here carnitine supplementation during postoperative TPN did not improve fat oxidation or nitrogen balance.
O crescente nível de degradação das terras tem promovido a adoção de manejos agrícolas que busque aliar a produção agropecuária à conservação do solo. Entre esses, a prática da Integração Lavoura-Pecuária (ILP) tem intensificado-se no Centro-Oeste brasileiro. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito em longo prazo do sistema ILP e da sazonalidade, sob a comunidade da macrofauna edáfica e das frações oxidáveis do carbono orgânico total (COT) em áreas de cultivo e Cerradão, foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Cabeceira no município de Maracaju, MS, um estudo em que se mensurou a influência da ILP sobre as frações oxidáveis do COT e sobre a macrofauna edáfica. O sistema ILP está sendo utilizado nessa área desde 2003; o solo foi identificado como Latossolo Vermelho, localizado em área de relevo plano. As áreas amostradas possuem o seguinte histórico: soja/milho + braquiária/algodão/ aveia + pastagem/soja/formação da pastagem/pastagem; as amostragens foram realizadas na época seca, em que as culturas presentes eram pasto, milho+braquiária e algodão; e na chuvosa, com milho+braquiária, algodão e soja. Assim, as áreas nas duas épocas de avaliação foram: pasto/milho, milho+braquiária/ algodão, algodão/soja e uma área nativa de Cerradão. A amostragem foi realizada nas profundidades de 0-10, 10-20 e 20-30 cm, sendo feitas as seguintes determinações: análise da macrofauna edáfica, fracionamento granulométrico da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) e frações oxidáveis do COT. As áreas não apresentavam delineamento experimental, sendo este um estudo de observação. Os dados foram comparados pelo teste de Kruskal Wallis a 5 % e por meio da análise de redundância. A compartimentalização da MOS pode ser utilizada para a avaliação da qualidade do manejo, sendo os compartimentos mais sensíveis as frações F1 e F2 de frações oxidáveis, pois são mais lábeis no solo, já as frações F3 e F4 são as mais recalcitrantes. Isoptera (cupim) pode estar atuando como agente humificador da matéria orgânica na área de Cerradão, contribuindo para maiores teores de F3 e F4, em relação à F1 e F2 na época seca. Esse padrão somente foi verificado na área de Cerradão, visto que nas áreas de produção, Isoptera é controlado pelo manejo. A falta desse inseto no sistema ILP pode estar reduzindo a estabilização da MOS nas frações F3 e F4.
BACKGROUND: The association between smoking and total energy expenditure (TEE) is still controversial. We examined this association in a multi-country study where TEE was measured in a subset of participants by the doubly labeled water (DLW) method, the gold standard for this measurement. METHODS: This study includes 236 participants from five different African origin populations who underwent DLW measurements and had complete data on the main covariates of interest. Self-reported smoking status was categorized as either light (<7 cig/day) or high (≥7 cig/day). Lean body mass was assessed by deuterium dilution and physical activity (PA) by accelerometry. RESULTS: The prevalence of smoking was 55% in men and 16% in women with a median of 6.5 cigarettes/day. There was a trend toward lower BMI in smokers than non-smokers (not statistically significant). TEE was strongly correlated with fat-free mass (men: 0.70; women: 0.79) and with body weight (0.59 in both sexes). Using linear regression and adjusting for body weight, study site, age, PA, alcohol intake and occupation, TEE was larger in high smokers than in never smokers among men (difference of 298 kcal/day, p = 0.045) but not among women (162 kcal/day, p = 0.170). The association became slightly weaker in men (254 kcal/day, p = 0.058) and disappeared in women (-76 kcal/day, p = 0.380) when adjusting for fat-free mass instead of body weight. CONCLUSION: There was an association between smoking and TEE among men. However, the lack of an association among women, which may be partly related to the small number of smoking women, also suggests a role of unaccounted confounding factors.
BACKGROUND: To evaluate the outcome of patients with carcinoma of anal margin in terms of recurrence, survival, and radiation toxicity. METHODS: A series of 45 consecutive patients, with anal margin carcinoma treated between 1983 and 2006 with curative intent at two institutions, was retrospectively analyzed. A surgical excision (close or positive surgical margin in 22 out of 29 patients) was realized before radiotherapy (RT). RT consisted of definitive external beam RT (EBRT) in 36 patients, brachytherapy (BT) alone in two patients, and both BT and EBRT in seven patients. The median total radiation dose was 59.4 Gy (range, 30-74 Gy). RESULTS: The 5-year locoregional control (LRC) rate was 78% [95% confidence interval (CI), 64-93%]. The 5-year disease-specific survival (DSS) and overall survival (OS) rates were respectively 86% (95% CI, 72-99%) and 55% (95% CI, 44-66%). The overall anal conservation rate was 80% for the whole series. There was no significant association between local recurrence and patient age, histological grade, tumor size, T stage, overall treatment time, RT dose, or chemotherapy. Long-term side effects were observed in 15 patients (33%). Only three patients developed grade 3-4 late toxicity (CTCAE/NCI v3.0). Significant relationship was found between dose, and complication rate (48% for dose >or=59.4 Gy versus 8% for dose < 59.4 Gy; P = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that definitive RT and/or BT yield a good local control and disease-specific survival comparable with published data. This study suggests that radiation dose over 59.4 Gy seems to increase treatment-related morbidity.
Résumé L'objectif de la thèse est de comprendre le mode d'organisation économique spécifique aux petits centres urbains qui composent les espaces frontaliers sahéliens, en s'interrogeant sur leur concurrence ou leur complémentarité éventuelle à l'intérieur d'un régime de spatialité particulier. En s'appuyant sur l'exemple du carrefour économique de Gaya-Malanville-Kamba situé à la frontière entre le Niger, le Bénin et le Nigeria, il questionne le rôle de la ville-frontière ainsi que le jeu des acteurs marchands localement dominants, à partir de quatre grandes interrogations : Quelles sont les spécificités de l'Afrique sahélienne qui obligent à renouveler les approches géographiques de l'espace marchand? Quels sont les facteurs déterminants de l'activité économique frontalière? Les formes d'organisation de l'espace qui concourent à la structuration de l'économie sont-elles concurrentes ou coopératives? Les logiques économiques frontalières sont-elles compatibles avec l'orientation des programmes de développement adoptés par les pays sahéliens et leurs partenaires bi- ou multilatéraux? Dans une première partie, un modèle territorial de l'Afrique sahélienne permet de rendre compte de la prédominance des logiques circulatoires sur les logiques productives, une propriété essentielle de toute organisation économique confrontée à l'instabilité climatique. Dans une seconde partie, l'étude considère les facteurs déterminants de l'activité économique frontalière que sont le degré d'enclavement des territoires, la libre circulation des biens et des personnes, les relations concurrentielles ou coopératives qui lient les marchés ainsi que les liens clientélistes qui unissent patron et obligés. Une troisième partie est consacrée aux productions agricoles de tente organisées sous forme de coopératives paysannes ou d'initiatives privées. Une quatrième partie s'intéresse aux réseaux de l'import-export et du commerce de détail qui bénéficient de l'augmentation des besoins engendrée par l'urbanisation sahélienne. L'économie spatiale qui résulte de ces flux est organisée selon deux logiques distinctes : d'une part, les opportunités relatives à la production agricole conduisent certains investisseurs à intensifier l'irrigation pour satisfaire la demande des marchés urbains, d'autre part, les acteurs du capitalisme marchand, actifs dans l'import-export et la vente de détail, développent des réseaux informels et mobiles qui se jouent des différentiels nationaux. Les activités commerciales des villes-marchés connaissent alors des fluctuations liées aux entreprises productives et circulatoires de ces patrons, lesquelles concourent à l'organisation territoriale générale de l>Afrique sahélienne. Ces logiques évoluent dans un contexte fortement marqué par les politiques des institutions financières internationales, des agences bilatérales de coopération et des ONGs. Celles-ci se donnent pour ambition de transformer les économies, les systèmes politiques et les organisations sociales sahéliennes, en faisant la promotion du libéralisme, de la bonne gouvernance et de la société civile. Ces axes directeurs, qui constituent le champ de bataille contemporain du développement, forment un ensemble dans lequel la spécificité sahélienne notamment frontalière est rarement prise en compte. C'est pourquoi l'étude conclut en faveur d'un renouvellement des politiques de développement appliquées aux espaces frontaliers. Trois grands axes d'intervention peuvent alors être dégagés, lesquels permettent de réconcilier des acteurs et des logiques longtemps dissociés: ceux des espaces séparés par une limite administrative, ceux de la sphère urbaine et rurale et ceux du capitalisme marchand et de l'investissement agricole, en renforçant la coopération économique transfrontalière, en prenant en considération les interactions croissantes entre villes et campagnes et en appuyant les activités marchandes. Abstract: Urbanisation in West Africa is recent and fast. If only 10 % of the total population was living in urban areas in 1950, this proportion reached 40 % in 2000 and will be estimated to 60 % in 2025. Small and intermediate cities, located between the countryside and large metropolis, are particularly concerned with this process. They are nowadays considered as efficient vectors of local economic development because of fiscal or monetary disparities between states, which enable businessmen to develop particular skills based on local urban networks. The majority of theses networks are informal and extremely flexible, like in the Gaya - Malanville - Kamba region, located between Niger, Benin and Nigeria. Evidence show that this economic space is characterised by high potentialities (climatic and hydrological conditions, location on main economic West African axis) and few constraints (remoteness of some potentially high productive areas). In this context, this PhD deals with the economic relationships between the three market cities. Focusing on the links that unite the businessmen of the local markets - called patron; - it reveals the extreme flexibility of their strategies as well as the deeply informal nature of their activities. Through the analysis of examples taken from the commerce of agricultural products, import and export flows and detail activities, it studies the changes that have taken place in the city centres of Gaya, Malanville and Kamba. Meanwhile, this research shows how these cities represent a border economical area based on rival and complementary connections. In the first Part, it was necessary to reconsider the usual spatial analysis devoted to the question of economic centrality. As a matter of fact, the organisation of West African economic spaces is very flexible and mobile. Centrality is always precarious because of seasonal or temporary reasons. This is why the first chapters are devoted to the study of the specificity of the Sahelian territoriality. Two main elements are relevant: first the population diversity and second, the urban-rural linkages. In the second part, the study considers three main factors on which the cross-border economic networks are dependent: enclosure that prevents goods to reach the markets, administrative constraints that limit free trade between states and cities and the concurrent or complementary relationships between markets. A third part deals with the clientelist ties engaged between the patrons and their clients with the hypothesis that these relationships are based on reciprocity and inequality. A fourth part is devoted to' the study of the spatial organisation of commercial goods across the borders, as far as the agriculture commercial products, the import-export merchandises and the retail products are concerned. This leads to the conclusion that the economic activity is directly linked to urban growth. However, the study notices that there is a lack of efficient policies dealing with strengthening the business sector and improving the cross-border cooperation. This particularity allows us to favour new local development approaches, which would take into account the important potential of private economical actors. In the same time, the commercial flows should be regulated with the help of public policies, as long as they are specifically adapted to the problems that these areas have to deal with.
A espectroscopia de raios-X por reflexão total (TXRF) é uma técnica promissora para análise de elementos-traço (ETs), principalmente por não ser necessária a digestão das amostras, reduzindo assim a geração de resíduos e emissão de vapores tóxicos. Este trabalho comparou os teores dos ETs: Cr, Mn, Ni, Zn, Cu, As, Se, Hg e Pb, coletados em solos de área de agricultura intensiva e vegetação nativa, determinados por TXRF e por espectrometria de absorção atômica de chama ou forno de grafite (FAAS/GFAAS). Adicionalmente, compararam-se os teores dos ET com valores de referência para solos não contaminados. As amostras de solo foram coletadas na profundidade 0,0-0,2 m em municípios representativos de cada região agrícola do Estado de Mato Grosso (Rondonópolis, Alto Garça, Primavera do Leste, Campo Novo, Nova Mutum, Lucas do Rio Verde, Sorriso, Sinop, Campo Novo dos Parecis, Campos de Julho e Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade). Em cada município, foram selecionadas seis áreas, totalizando 72 amostras, todas georreferenciadas. Para a leitura dos teores de ET no aparelho de TXRF S2 Picofox™, foram preparadas suspensões de solo usando Triton X-100 a 5 % v/v utilizando gálio como padrão interno, enquanto no FAAS/GFAAS as amostras foram submetidas à digestão ácida pelo método 3051A. Considerando área cultivada e área nativa, respectivamente, os teores médios dos ET por TXRF, em mg kg-1, foram: Cr, 69 e 62; Zn, 16 e 8; Pb, 28 e 21; Mn, 56 e 42; As, 2 e 2; Cu, 9 e 8; e Ni, 2 e 2. O Cd, Se e Hg não foram detectados por TXRF nas amostras analisadas. Para As, Cr, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cu e Pb, houve correlação linear (p<0,001) positiva entre as técnicas e, no geral, os teores obtidos para esses ET em TXRF foram superiores aos do FAAS/GFAAS. Os teores de todos os elementos detectados pelo TXRF, exceto o Cr, estão dentro das faixas dos relatados para solos não contaminados e muito inferiores aos limites de alerta estipulados na literatura.