937 resultados para tort liability volunteer
The State Long-Term Care Ombudsman program operates as a unit within the Iowa Department on Aging. Duties of all long-term care ombudsmen are mandated by the Older Americans Act. This office serves people living in nursing facilities, skilled nursing facilities, residential care facilities, nursing facilities in hospitals, elder group homes and assisted living programs. In order to carry out all of the mandates of the Older Americans Act this office recommends to increase the number of local long-term care ombudsman, develop a volunteer long-term care ombudsman program, clarify the definition of assisted living in Iowa, expand the long-term care ombudsman program into home and community based services, and reinstate the Iowa Office of Substitute Decision Maker.
[cat] En aquest treball extenem les reformes lineals introduïdes per Pfähler (1984) al cas d’impostos duals. Estudiem l’efecte relatiu que els retalls lineals duals d’un impost dual tenen sobre la distribució de la desigualtat -es pot fer un estudi simètric per al cas d’augments d’impostos-. Tambe introduïm mesures del grau de progressivitat d’impostos duals i mostrem que estan connectades amb el criteri de dominació de Lorenz. Addicionalment, estudiem l’elasticitat de la càrrega fiscal de cadascuna de les reformes proposades. Finalment, gràcies a un model de microsimulació i una gran base de dades que conté informació sobre l’IRPF espanyol de l’any 2004, 1) comparem l’efecte que diferents reformes tindrien sobre l’impost dual espanyol i 2) estudiem quina redistribució de la riquesa va suposar la reforma dual de l’IRPF (Llei ’35/2006’) respecte l’anterior impost.
The Main Street Four Point Approach® is a proven development process and has provided both focus and opportunity to Iowa’s participating cities. Collectively, these progressive communities have documented thousands of volunteer hours and millions of dollars in private investment into the revitalization of their historic city centers.
Introduction générale : Depuis peu, la colère gronde au sein des actionnaires. Certains d'entre eux s'estiment écartés à tort de certaines décisions importantes et se plaignent de ne pouvoir exercer aucune influence sur la façon dont est gérée la société, dont ils sont pourtant propriétaires. Ce sentiment d'impuissance et même d'injustice est exacerbé par l'octroi, à certains dirigeants parfois peu scrupuleux, de rémunérations astronomiques et en décalage avec les résultats obtenus. Bien que l'assemblée générale soit, aux termes de l'art. 698 al. 1 CO, le pouvoir suprême de la société, les administrateurs et les directeurs donnent l'impression d'être omnipotents et exempts de toute responsabilité Certains actionnaires estiment en d'autres termes que les sociétés anonymes souffrent d'un manque de contrôle. Ce sentiment correspond-il à la réalité ? Notre étude tente de répondre à cette question en examinant l'éventuel rapport hiérarchique entre l'assemblée générale et le conseil d'administration, les devoirs de ce dernier, les conditions auxquelles il peut déléguer la gestion, enfin, la responsabilité de ses membres. Face à l'ampleur du sujet, nous avons été contraint d'effectuer des choix, forcément arbitraires. Nous avons décidé d'écarter la problématique des groupes de sociétés. De même, les législations sur les bourses, les banques et les fusions ne seront que mentionnées. Signalons enfin que certaines problématiques abordées par notre étude occupent actuellement le législateur. Nous avons dès lors tenu compte des travaux préparatoires effectués jusqu'à la fin de l'année 2008. Nous commencerons par étudier dans une première partie les relations et l'éventuel rapport hiérarchique entre l'assemblée générale, pouvoir suprême de la société, et le conseil d'administration, chargé d'exercer la haute direction et de gérer les affaires de la société. La détermination de leurs positions hiérarchiques respectives devrait nous permettre de savoir si et comment l'assemblée générale peut s'immiscer dans les compétences du conseil d'administration. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite à la gestion de la société, le législateur postulant qu'elle doit être conjointement exercée par tous les membres du conseil d'administration dans la mesure où elle n'a pas été déléguée. Or, comme un exercice conjoint par tous les administrateurs ne convient qu'aux plus petites sociétés anonymes, la gestion est très fréquemment déléguée en pratique. Nous examinerons ainsi les conditions formelles et les limites matérielles de la délégation de la gestion. Nous étudierons en particulier les portées et contenus respectifs de l'autorisation statutaire et du règlement d'organisation, puis passerons en revue la liste de compétences intransmissibles et inaliénables du conseil d'administration dressée par l'art. 716a al. 1 CO. Nous nous attarderons ensuite sur les différents destinataires de la délégation en insistant sur la flexibilité du système suisse, avant de considérer la problématique du cumul des fonctions à la tête de la société, et de nous demander si la gestion peut être déléguée à l'assemblée générale. Nous conclurons la première partie en étudiant la manière dont l'assemblée générale peut participer à la gestion de la société, et exposerons à cet égard les récentes propositions du Conseil fédéral. Dans une deuxième partie, nous constaterons que face à l'ampleur et à la complexité des tâches qui lui incombent, il est aujourd'hui largement recommandé au conseil d'administration d'une grande société de mettre en place certains comités afin de rationnaliser sa façon de travailler et d'optimiser ainsi ses performances. Contrairement aux développements menés dans la première partie, qui concernent toutes les sociétés anonymes indépendamment de leur taille, ceux consacrés aux comités du conseil d'administration s'adressent principalement aux sociétés ouvertes au public et aux grandes sociétés non cotées. Les petites et moyennes entreprises seraient toutefois avisées de s'en inspirer. Nous traiterons de la composition, du rôle et des tâches de chacun des trois comités usuels que sont le comité de contrôle, le comité de rémunération et le comité de nomination. Nous exposerons à cet égard les recommandations du Code suisse de bonne pratique pour le gouvernement d'entreprise ainsi que certaines règles en vigueur en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis, états précurseurs en matière de gouvernement d'entreprise. L'étude des tâches des comités nous permettra également de déterminer l'étendue de leur propre pouvoir décisionnel. Nous aborderons enfin la problématique particulièrement sensible de la répartition des compétences en matière de rémunération des organes dirigeants. Notre troisième et dernière partie sera consacrée à la responsabilité des administrateurs. Nous exposerons dans un premier temps le système de la responsabilité des administrateurs en général, en abordant les nombreuses controverses dont il fait l'objet et en nous inspirant notamment des récentes décisions du Tribunal fédéral. Comme la gestion n'est que rarement exercée conjointement par tous les administrateurs, nous traiterons dans un deuxième temps de la responsabilité des administrateurs qui l'ont déléguée. A cet égard, nous nous arrêterons également sur les conséquences d'une délégation ne respectant pas les conditions formelles. Nous terminerons notre travail par l'étude de la responsabilité des administrateurs en rapport avec les tâches confiées à un comité de conseil d'administration. Comme le conseil d'administration a des attributions intransmissibles et inaliénables et que les principes d'un bon gouvernement d'entreprise lui recommandent de confier certaines de ces tâches à des comités spécialisés, il s'agit en effet de déterminer si et dans quelle mesure une répartition des tâches au sein du conseil d'administration entraîne une répartition des responsabilités.
The State of Iowa [STATE] and the Iowa Department of Transportation [IDOT] hereby is claim any warranty of any kind, express or implied, in reference to the information contained herein. The STATE and the IDOT neither assume nor authorize any person to assume for the STATE or the IDOT any liability in connection with the information contained herein, and there are no oral agreements or warranties regarding the information contained herein. Each and every person is hereby notified that the vertical clearances specified herein are subject to change due to resurfacing, surface buckling, weather conditions, or any other event. It is the responsibility of each and every vehicle operator to ascertain whether sufficient ACTUAL vertical clearance exists to move his vehicle or motor vehicle between the roadway and the underpasses and bridges listed herein. The May 15 date on this map reflects the end of the update schedule for the previous calendar year. Any vertical clearance restrictions which could or may change AFTER this date will not be reflected on this map. For the latest information on vertical clearance restrictions call the Office of Motor Carrier Services in Ankeny, (515) 237-3264 or visit http://www.iowadot.gov/mvd/omcs.
This brochures has information on the celebration of the American Revolution and describes the duties of the Bicentennial Commission and State Heritage '76 committees. It tells how a person can help with the celebration and lists the members of the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission.
This report contains information on the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. It includes the history, member information and their duties, activities performed, photos and a report from each Iowa county on what they accomplished for the celebration of the U.S. Bicentennial.
BACKGROUND: The use of cannabis and other illegal drugs is particularly prevalent in male young adults and is associated with severe health problems. This longitudinal study explored variables associated with the onset of cannabis use and the onset of illegal drug use other than cannabis separately in male young adults, including demographics, religion and religiosity, health, social context, substance use, and personality. Furthermore, we explored how far the gateway hypothesis and the common liability to addiction model are in line with the resulting prediction models. METHODS: The data were gathered within the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). Young men aged around 20 years provided demographic, social, health, substance use, and personality-related data at baseline. Onset of cannabis and other drug use were assessed at 15-months follow-up. Samples of 2,774 and 4,254 individuals who indicated at baseline that they have not used cannabis and other drugs, respectively, in their life and who provided follow-up data were used for the prediction models. Hierarchical logistic stepwise regressions were conducted, in order to identify predictors of the late onset of cannabis and other drug use separately. RESULTS: Not providing for oneself, having siblings, depressiveness, parental divorce, lower parental knowledge of peers and the whereabouts, peer pressure, very low nicotine dependence, and sensation seeking were positively associated with the onset of cannabis use. Practising religion was negatively associated with the onset of cannabis use. Onset of drug use other than cannabis showed a positive association with depressiveness, antisocial personality disorder, lower parental knowledge of peers and the whereabouts, psychiatric problems of peers, problematic cannabis use, and sensation seeking. CONCLUSIONS: Consideration of the predictor variables identified within this study may help to identify young male adults for whom preventive measures for cannabis or other drug use are most appropriate. The results provide evidence for both the gateway hypothesis and the common liability to addiction model and point to further variables like depressiveness or practising of religion that might influence the onset of drug use.
The State Long-Term Care Ombudsman program (SLTCOP)operates as a unit within the Iowa Department on Aging. Duties of all long-term care ombudsmen are mandated by the Older Americans Act. This office serves people living in nursing, skilled nursing, residential care, and nursing facilities in hospitals as well as elder group homes and assisted living facilities. In order to carry out all of the mandates of the Older Americans Act this office recommends to establish a fully functioning volunteer ombudsman program that meets the criteria set forth in the Federal Older Americans Act as well as to strengthen family & resident councils, and to increase collaboration between the SLTCOP and Iowa’s Aging Network.
Toxicokinetic modeling is a useful tool to describe or predict the behavior of a chemical agent in the human or animal organism. A general model based on four compartments was developed in a previous study in order to quantify the effect of human variability on a wide range of biological exposure indicators. The aim of this study was to adapt this existing general toxicokinetic model to three organic solvents, which were methyl ethyl ketone, 1-methoxy-2-propanol and 1,1,1,-trichloroethane, and to take into account sex differences. We assessed in a previous human volunteer study the impact of sex on different biomarkers of exposure corresponding to the three organic solvents mentioned above. Results from that study suggested that not only physiological differences between men and women but also differences due to sex hormones levels could influence the toxicokinetics of the solvents. In fact the use of hormonal contraceptive had an effect on the urinary levels of several biomarkers, suggesting that exogenous sex hormones could influence CYP2E1 enzyme activity. These experimental data were used to calibrate the toxicokinetic models developed in this study. Our results showed that it was possible to use an existing general toxicokinetic model for other compounds. In fact, most of the simulation results showed good agreement with the experimental data obtained for the studied solvents, with a percentage of model predictions that lies within the 95% confidence interval varying from 44.4 to 90%. Results pointed out that for same exposure conditions, men and women can show important differences in urinary levels of biological indicators of exposure. Moreover, when running the models by simulating industrial working conditions, these differences could even be more pronounced. In conclusion, a general and simple toxicokinetic model, adapted for three well known organic solvents, allowed us to show that metabolic parameters can have an important impact on the urinary levels of the corresponding biomarkers. These observations give evidence of an interindividual variablity, an aspect that should have its place in the approaches for setting limits of occupational exposure.
Abstract Traditionally, the common reserving methods used by the non-life actuaries are based on the assumption that future claims are going to behave in the same way as they did in the past. There are two main sources of variability in the processus of development of the claims: the variability of the speed with which the claims are settled and the variability between the severity of the claims from different accident years. High changes in these processes will generate distortions in the estimation of the claims reserves. The main objective of this thesis is to provide an indicator which firstly identifies and quantifies these two influences and secondly to determine which model is adequate for a specific situation. Two stochastic models were analysed and the predictive distributions of the future claims were obtained. The main advantage of the stochastic models is that they provide measures of variability of the reserves estimates. The first model (PDM) combines one conjugate family Dirichlet - Multinomial with the Poisson distribution. The second model (NBDM) improves the first one by combining two conjugate families Poisson -Gamma (for distribution of the ultimate amounts) and Dirichlet Multinomial (for distribution of the incremental claims payments). It was found that the second model allows to find the speed variability in the reporting process and development of the claims severity as function of two above mentioned distributions' parameters. These are the shape parameter of the Gamma distribution and the Dirichlet parameter. Depending on the relation between them we can decide on the adequacy of the claims reserve estimation method. The parameters have been estimated by the Methods of Moments and Maximum Likelihood. The results were tested using chosen simulation data and then using real data originating from the three lines of business: Property/Casualty, General Liability, and Accident Insurance. These data include different developments and specificities. The outcome of the thesis shows that when the Dirichlet parameter is greater than the shape parameter of the Gamma, resulting in a model with positive correlation between the past and future claims payments, suggests the Chain-Ladder method as appropriate for the claims reserve estimation. In terms of claims reserves, if the cumulated payments are high the positive correlation will imply high expectations for the future payments resulting in high claims reserves estimates. The negative correlation appears when the Dirichlet parameter is lower than the shape parameter of the Gamma, meaning low expected future payments for the same high observed cumulated payments. This corresponds to the situation when claims are reported rapidly and fewer claims remain expected subsequently. The extreme case appears in the situation when all claims are reported at the same time leading to expectations for the future payments of zero or equal to the aggregated amount of the ultimate paid claims. For this latter case, the Chain-Ladder is not recommended.
Abstract This paper shows how to calculate recursively the moments of the accumulated and discounted value of cash flows when the instantaneous rates of return follow a conditional ARMA process with normally distributed innovations. We investigate various moment based approaches to approximate the distribution of the accumulated value of cash flows and we assess their performance through stochastic Monte-Carlo simulations. We discuss the potential use in insurance and especially in the context of Asset-Liability Management of pension funds.
Tort claims resulting from alleged highway defects have introduced an additional element in the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of highways. A survey of county governments in Iowa was undertaken in order to quantify the magnitude and determine the nature of this problem. This survey included the use of mailed questionnaires and personal interviews with County Engineers. Highway-related claims filed against counties in Iowa amounted to about $52,000,000 during the period 1973 through 1978. Over $30,000,000 in claims was pending at the end of 1978. Settlements of judgments were made at a cost of 12.2% of the amount claimed for those claims that had been disposed of, not including costs for handling claims, attorney fees, or court costs. There was no clear time trend in the amount of claims for the six-year period surveyed, although the anount claimed in 1978 was about double the average for the preceding five years. Problems that resulted in claims for damages from counties have generally related to alleged omissions in the use of traffic control devices or defects, often temporary, resulting from alleged inadequacies in highway maintenance. The absence of stop signs or warning signs often has been the central issue in a highway-related tort claim. Maintenance problems most frequently alleged have included inadequate shoulders, surface roughness, ice o? snow conditions, and loose gravel. The variation in the occurrence of tort claims among 85 counties in Iowa could not be related to any of the explanatory variables that were tested. Claims hppeared to have occurred randomly. However, using data from a subsample of 11 counties, a significant relationship was shown probably to exist between the amount of tort claims and the extensiveness of use of wcirning signs on the respective county road systems. Although there was no indication in any county that their use of warning signs did not conform with provisions of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (Federal Highway Administration, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1978), many more warning signs were used in some counties than would be required to satisfy this minimum requirement. Sign vandalism reportedly is a problem in all counties. The threat of vandalism and the added costs incurred thereby have tended to inhibit more extensive use of traffic control devices. It also should be noted that there is no indication from this research of a correlation between the intensiveness of sign usage and highway safety. All highway maintenance activities introduce some extraordinary hazard for motorists. Generally effective methodologies have evolved for use on county road systems for routine maintenance activities, procedures that tend to reduce the hazard to practical and reasonably acceptable levels. Blading of loose-surfaced roads is an examples such a routine maintenance activity. Alternative patterns for blading that were investigated as part of this research offered no improvements in safety when compared with the method in current use and introduced a significant additional cost that was unacceptable, given the existing limitations in resources available for county roads.
Three-dimensional imaging and quantification of myocardial function are essential steps in the evaluation of cardiac disease. We propose a tagged magnetic resonance imaging methodology called zHARP that encodes and automatically tracks myocardial displacement in three dimensions. Unlike other motion encoding techniques, zHARP encodes both in-plane and through-plane motion in a single image plane without affecting the acquisition speed. Postprocessing unravels this encoding in order to directly track the 3-D displacement of every point within the image plane throughout an entire image sequence. Experimental results include a phantom validation experiment, which compares zHARP to phase contrast imaging, and an in vivo study of a normal human volunteer. Results demonstrate that the simultaneous extraction of in-plane and through-plane displacements from tagged images is feasible.
Research was undertaken to define an appropriate level of use of traffic control devices on rural secondary roads that carry very low traffic volumes. The goal of this research was to improve the safety and efficiency of travel on the rural secondary road system. This goal was to be accomplished by providing County Engineers with guidance concerning the cost-effective use of traffic control devices on very low volume rural roads. A further objective was to define the range of traffic volumes on the roads for which the recommendations would be appropriate. Little previous research has been directed toward roads that carry very low traffic volumes. Consequently, the factual input for this research was developed by conducting an inventory of the signs and markings actually in use on 2,069 miles of rural road in Iowa. Most of these roads carried 15 or fewer vehicles per day. Additional input was provided by a survey of the opinions of County Engineers and Supervisors in Iowa. Data from both the inventory and the opinion survey indicated a considerable lack of uniformity in the application of signs on very low volume rural roads. The number of warning signs installed varied from 0.24 per mile to 3.85 per mile in the 21 counties in which the inventory was carried out. The use of specific signs not only varied quite widely among counties but also indicated a lack of uniform application within counties. County officials generally favored varying the elaborateness of signing depending upon the type of surface and the volume of traffic on different roads. Less elaborate signing would be installed on an unpaved road than on a paved road. A concensus opinion was that roads carrying fewer than 25 vehicles per day should have fewer signs than roads carrying higher volumes. Although roads carrying 0 to 24 vehicles per day constituted over 24% of the total rural secondary system, they carried less than 3% of the total travel on that system. Virtually all of these roads are classified as area service roads and would thus be expected to carry only short trips primarily by local motorists. Consequently, it was concluded that the need for warning signs rarely can be demonstrated on unpaved rural roads with traffic volumes of fewer than 25 vehicles per day. It is recommended that each county designate a portion of its roads as an Area Service Level B system. All road segments with very low traffic volumes should be considered for inclusion in this system. Roads included in this system may receive a lesser level of maintenance and a reduced level of signing. The county is also afforded protection from liability arising from accidents occurring on roads designated as part of an Area Service Level B system. A uniform absence of warning signs on roads of this nature is not expected to have any discernible effect on the safety or quality of service on these very low volume roads. The resources conserved may be expended more effectively to upgrade maintenance and traffic control on roads carrying higher volumes where the beneficial effect on highway safety and service will be much more consequential.