979 resultados para teaterstriden 1916


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Currently, there is a limited understanding of the sources of ambient fine particles that contribute to the exposure of children at urban schools. Since the size and chemical composition of airborne particle are key parameters for determining the source as well as toxicity, PM1 particles (mass concentration of particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 1 µm) were collected at 24 urban schools in Brisbane, Australia and their elemental composition determined. Based on the elemental composition four main sources were identified; secondary sulphates, biomass burning, vehicle and industrial emissions. The largest contributing source was industrial emissions and this was considered as the main source of trace elements in the PM1 that children were exposed to at school. PM1 concentrations at the schools were compared to the elemental composition of the PM2.5 particles (mass concentration of particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 µm) from a previous study conducted at a suburban and roadside site in Brisbane. This comparison revealed that the more toxic heavy metals (V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb), mostly from vehicle and industrial emissions, were predominantly in the PM1 fraction. Thus, the results from this study points to PM1 as a potentially better particle size fraction for investigating the health effects of airborne particles.


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This paper investigates the effects of experience on the intuitiveness of physical and visual interactions performed by airport security screeners. Using portable eye tracking glasses, 40 security screeners were observed in the field as they performed search, examination and interface interactions during airport security x-ray screening. Data from semi structured interviews was used to further explore the nature of visual and physical interactions. Results show there are positive relationships between experience and the intuitiveness of visual and physical interactions performed by security screeners. As experience is gained, security screeners are found to perform search, examination and interface interactions more intuitively. In addition to experience, results suggest that intuitiveness is affected by the nature and modality of activities performed. This inference was made based on the dominant processing styles associated with search and examination activities. The paper concludes by discussing the implications that this research has for the design of visual and physical interfaces. We recommend designing interfaces that build on users’ already established intuitive processes, and that reduce the cognitive load incurred during transitions between visual and physical interactions.


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In this study I consider what kind of perspective on the mind body problem is taken and can be taken by a philosophical position called non-reductive physicalism. Many positions fall under this label. The form of non-reductive physicalism which I discuss is in essential respects the position taken by Donald Davidson (1917-2003) and Georg Henrik von Wright (1916-2003). I defend their positions and discuss the unrecognized similarities between their views. Non-reductive physicalism combines two theses: (a) Everything that exists is physical; (b) Mental phenomena cannot be reduced to the states of the brain. This means that according to non-reductive physicalism the mental aspect of humans (be it a soul, mind, or spirit) is an irreducible part of the human condition. Also Davidson and von Wright claim that, in some important sense, the mental aspect of a human being does not reduce to the physical aspect, that there is a gap between these aspects that cannot be closed. I claim that their arguments for this conclusion are convincing. I also argue that whereas von Wright and Davidson give interesting arguments for the irreducibility of the mental, their physicalism is unwarranted. These philosophers do not give good reasons for believing that reality is thoroughly physical. Notwithstanding the materialistic consensus in the contemporary philosophy of mind the ontology of mind is still an uncharted territory where real breakthroughs are not to be expected until a radically new ontological position is developed. The third main claim of this work is that the problem of mental causation cannot be solved from the Davidsonian - von Wrightian perspective. The problem of mental causation is the problem of how mental phenomena like beliefs can cause physical movements of the body. As I see it, the essential point of non-reductive physicalism - the irreducibility of the mental - and the problem of mental causation are closely related. If mental phenomena do not reduce to causally effective states of the brain, then what justifies the belief that mental phenomena have causal powers? If mental causes do not reduce to physical causes, then how to tell when - or whether - the mental causes in terms of which human actions are explained are actually effective? I argue that this - how to decide when mental causes really are effective - is the real problem of mental causation. The motivation to explore and defend a non-reductive position stems from the belief that reductive physicalism leads to serious ethical problems. My claim is that Davidson's and von Wright's ultimate reason to defend a non-reductive view comes back to their belief that a reductive understanding of human nature would be a narrow and possibly harmful perspective. The final conclusion of my thesis is that von Wright's and Davidson's positions provide a starting point from which the current scientistic philosophy of mind can be critically further explored in the future.


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Volatile chemical compounds responsible for the aroma of wine are derived from a number of different biochemical and chemical pathways. These chemical compounds are formed during grape berry metabolism, crushing of the berries, fermentation processes (i.e. yeast and malolactic bacteria) and also from the ageing and storage of wine. Not surprisingly, there are a large number of chemical classes of compounds found in wine which are present at varying concentrations (ng L-1 to mg L-1), exhibit differing potencies, and have a broad range of volatilities and boiling points. The aim of this work was to investigate the potential use of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy combined with chemometrics as a rapid and low-cost technique to measure volatile compounds in Riesling wines. Samples of commercial Riesling wine were analyzed using an NIR instrument and volatile compounds by gas chromatography (GC) coupled with selected ion monitoring mass spectrometry. Correlation between the NIR and GC data were developed using partial least-squares (PLS) regression with full cross validation (leave one out). Coefficients of determination in cross validation (R 2) and the standard error in cross validation (SECV) were 0.74 (SECV: 313.6 μg L−1) for esters, 0.90 (SECV: 20.9 μg L−1) for monoterpenes and 0.80 (SECV: 1658 ?g L-1) for short-chain fatty acids. This study has shown that volatile chemical compounds present in wine can be measured by NIR spectroscopy. Further development with larger data sets will be required to test the predictive ability of the NIR calibration models developed.


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Pro gradu -tutkielmani käsittelee Suomen murteiden sanakirjan taustaksi kerätyn Suomen murteiden sana-arkiston kartuttamisen historiaa; fennistisen murteenkeruun alkuvaiheita. Lähestyn murresanakirjan pitkää hanketta tutkimus- ja kulttuurihistoriallisesta näkökulmasta. Kansankielen sanakirja on fennistiikan merkittävimpiä tutkimushankkeita. Suo-men kielen vanhojen pitäjänmurteiden sanasto on ällistyttävän laaja aineisto, jonka keräämiseen ja julkaisemiseen on kulunut toista vuosisataa, ja sanakirjan toimitustyö jatkuu edelleen. Kansanmurteemme sisältävät paitsi kielitieteellisesti mielenkiintoista aineistoa myöskin runsaasti tietoa agraarisen elinkeinorakenteen aikakaudelta. Dialektologia ja kansatiede kulkevat käsikkäin. Murresanakirja on niin ollen merkittävä kansallinen omaisuus, jonka arvo koko suomalaiselle yhteiskunnalle on eittämättä suuri. Murteiden sanakirjan syntysanat on ajoitettavissa vuoteen 1868, vaikka toki fennistiikassa oli leksikografisia pyrintöjä jo ennen sitä (mm. Lönnrotin Suomalais-ruotsalainen sanakirja). Sanakirjahankkeessa on hahmotettavissa kolme vaihetta, joita kutsun ryhdistäytymisiksi. Nämä tapahtuivat noin vuosina 1896, 1916 ja 1925. Valotan työni aluksi hieman kansallisten tieteiden ja 1800-luvun alun aatehistoriallista taustaa (luku 2), jonka jälkeen tutkin murresanakirjahankkeen alkuvaiheita ja ensimmäisten sanastonkeruiden käynnistymistä (luku 3). Käsittelen kutakin hankkeen organisatorista muutosvaihetta ja hallinnollisten puitteiden kehittymistä luvuissa 4-6. Lopuksi pohdin murresanakirjan ja murteenkeruun historiallista merkitystä fennistiikalle ja yhteiskunnalle (luku 7). Tutkimukseni lähteinä on oppihistoriallista kirjallisuutta sekä murteiden keruusta vastanneiden yhteisöjen asiakirjoja. Erityisen kiinnostaviksi osoittautuivat Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskuksessa säilytettävät sanakirjahankkeen hallinnolliset asiakirjat 1916-1925. Tuon esiin varhaisempiakin pöytäkirjamainintoja. Hankkeen alussa Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Kielitieteellinen Osakunta ja Kotikielen Seura keräsivät ensimmäisiä sanastokokoelmia. Tämän jälkeen ensimmäinen ryhdistäytyminen tapahtui vuodesta 1896 lähtien, jolloin Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura otti vastuun hankkeesta, E. N. Setälän tunnettua sanakirjaohjelmaa ja E. A. Ekmanin Suomen kielen keräilysanastoa noudattaen. Keruu oli kuitenkin liian hidasta, joten 1916 perustettiin Suomen kielen sanakirjaosakeyhtiö, jotta toimintaan saataisiin enemmän varoja. Ensimmäinen maailmansota ja sisällissota kuitenkin romahduttivat rahan arvon, ja kolmannen kerran hanke jouduttiin organisoimaan uudelleen vuonna 1925, Sanakirjasäätiön muodossa. Vuonna 1976 Sanakirjasäätiö liittyi Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskukseen. Kansanmurteiden keräämisessä korostuu kaikissa keruun vaiheissa kaksi asiaa. Ensinnäkin sanastuksella oli aina kiire. Vanhat murteet olivat katoamassa, ja ne piti saada nopeasti talteen. Tähän kiinnitettiin huomiota jo varhain, ja vielä 1900-luvun loppupuoliskollakin, kun keruuhanke hiljalleen saatiin loppuunviedyksi. Toiseksi sanakirjahanke on aina joutunut elämään kädestä suuhun, toisin sanoen taloudelliset puitteet ovat sanelleet keruumahdollisuudet. Vakaalle taloudelliselle pohjalle hanke pääsi vasta 1930-luvulla Sanakirjasäätiön aikana, jolloin siihen alettiin saada valtion rahoitusta. Murresanakirjahankkeen läpi kulkee punaisena lankana kansallisromanttinen innostus ja isänmaallis-tieteellinen pyrkimys suomen kirjakielen kehittämiseen, joka vielä 1800-luvun puolivälissä oli meneillään. Kansalliset tieteet lujittivat itsenäistymistä ja suoma-laistumista. Aatehistorian kautta sanakirjahanke asettuu laajempaan yhteyteen. Avainsanat: tutkimushistoria, suomen kielen murteet, murteenkeruu, dialektologia, suomen murteiden sanakirja, fennistiikan oppihistoria, leksikografia, kansalliset tieteet, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Kotikielen Seura, Suomen kielen sanakirjaosakeyhtiö, Sanakirjasäätiö


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Handwritten dedication: Robert Weltsch in herzlicher Gesinnung MB


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For many fisheries, there is a need to develop appropriate indicators, methodologies, and rules for sustainably harvesting marine resources. Complexities of scientific and financial factors often prevent addressing these, but new methodologies offer significant improvements on current and historical approaches. The Australian spanner crab fishery is used to demonstrate this. Between 1999 and 2006, an empirical management procedure using linear regression of fishery catch rates was used to set the annual total allowable catch (quota). A 6-year increasing trend in catch rates revealed shortcomings in the methodology, with a 68% increase in quota calculated for the 2007 fishing year. This large quota increase was prevented by management decision rules. A revised empirical management procedure was developed subsequently, and it achieved a better balance between responsiveness and stability. Simulations identified precautionary harvest and catch rate baselines to set quotas that ensured sustainable crab biomass and favourable performance for management and industry. The management procedure was simple to follow, cost-effective, robust to strong trends and changes in catch rates, and adaptable for use in many fisheries. Application of such “tried-and-tested” empirical systems will allow improved management of both data-limited and data-rich fisheries.


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Verso: Handwritten postcard correspondence dated 1916 January 21


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Laura (1878-1917) died during a flu epidemic. She married Sigmund Stiassny and had two children, Lisbeth (Gersuny) (1900-1986) and Walter (1902-1912) who died of a ruptured appendix.


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Brother of Herbert Strauss


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Autographed dedication on verso: "Dem Freunde Fritz Mauthner zum Geburtstag 22. November 1916 Gustav Landauer"