925 resultados para support surface functional group influence


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El proceso administrativo y de compras de OPL Carga tiene algunas falencias entre ellas: fallas en la Comunicación entre el personal operativo, no se realizan llamadas internas usando con frecuencia el email, produciendo la saturación de solicitudes las cuales terminan sin ser resueltas en cuanto a roles se refiere, no hay enfoque de procesos en vista que no se tiene claras las tareas de cada cargo, adicionalmente no hay claridad en los subprocesos, perjudicando el proceso con el aumento de costos, pérdida de tiempo, las responsabilidades de los funcionario no todas las veces se ejecutan en el tiempo asignado, el liderazgo compartido presenta ambigüedades. Objetivos: Definir el trabajo en equipo en el proceso administrativo y de compras en OPL carga de Bucaramanga. La investigación que a realizar es de tipo descriptivo, busca descubrir las falencias o características que permiten diseñar y desarrollar un modelo de solución para los problemas del equipo de OPL Carga S.A.S. Materiales y métodos: La investigación efectuada es de tipo descriptivo, el objetivo es definir el modelo del trabajo en equipo y describir las falencias en el proceso administrativo y de compras en OPL carga de Bucaramanga, que permitan obtener un diagnóstico integral que conlleve a la implementación de estrategias de solución. Resultados: Se identificaron las falencias en los siguientes aspectos: Variable comunicación, rendimiento, destrezas complementarias, propósito significativo y meta específicas de los funcionarios en OPL carga sección administrativa. Conclusiones: El modelo de trabajo en equipo que OPL aplica es jerárquico, en el que se ofrece estabilidad, seguridad, se toman decisiones en forma piramidal, mediante la planeación de tareas, la colaboración, igualdad y respeto por los miembros, trabajando en pro de la solución de problemas. Se construyó un plano conceptual que permitió exponer la interpretación que la estudiante tiene de las teorías, investigaciones y antecedentes válidos para la comprensión del problema investigado. Área comunicacional: Coordinar acciones tendientes para que los funcionarios respondan a tiempo los emails atenientes a su trabajo. Área condiciones de trabajo: Clarificar y diseñar las reglas de comportamiento al interior de los equipos de trabajo que redunden en el mejoramiento del mismo y la búsqueda de soluciones oportunas. Área metas específicas: Procurar mediante auditorías el cumplimiento de las metas y objetivos propuestos por cada equipo de trabajo.


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La butirilcolinesterasa humana (BChE; EC es una enzima polimórfica sintetizada en el hígado y en el tejido adiposo, ampliamente distribuida en el organismo y encargada de hidrolizar algunos ésteres de colina como la procaína, ésteres alifáticos como el ácido acetilsalicílico, fármacos como la metilprednisolona, el mivacurium y la succinilcolina y drogas de uso y/o abuso como la heroína y la cocaína. Es codificada por el gen BCHE (OMIM 177400), habiéndose identificado más de 100 variantes, algunas no estudiadas plenamente, además de la forma más frecuente, llamada usual o silvestre. Diferentes polimorfismos del gen BCHE se han relacionado con la síntesis de enzimas con niveles variados de actividad catalítica. Las bases moleculares de algunas de esas variantes genéticas han sido reportadas, entre las que se encuentra las variantes Atípica (A), fluoruro-resistente del tipo 1 y 2 (F-1 y F-2), silente (S), Kalow (K), James (J) y Hammersmith (H). En este estudio, en un grupo de pacientes se aplicó el instrumento validado Lifetime Severity Index for Cocaine Use Disorder (LSI-C) para evaluar la gravedad del consumo de “cocaína” a lo largo de la vida. Además, se determinaron Polimorfismos de Nucleótido Simple (SNPs) en el gen BCHE conocidos como responsables de reacciones adversas en pacientes consumidores de “cocaína” mediante secuenciación del gen y se predijo el efecto delos SNPs sobre la función y la estructura de la proteína, mediante el uso de herramientas bio-informáticas. El instrumento LSI-C ofreció resultados en cuatro dimensiones: consumo a lo largo de la vida, consumo reciente, dependencia psicológica e intento de abandono del consumo. Los estudios de análisis molecular permitieron observar dos SNPs codificantes (cSNPs) no sinónimos en el 27.3% de la muestra, c.293A>G (p.Asp98Gly) y c.1699G>A (p.Ala567Thr), localizados en los exones 2 y 4, que corresponden, desde el punto de vista funcional, a la variante Atípica (A) [dbSNP: rs1799807] y a la variante Kalow (K) [dbSNP: rs1803274] de la enzima BChE, respectivamente. Los estudios de predicción In silico establecieron para el SNP p.Asp98Gly un carácter patogénico, mientras que para el SNP p.Ala567Thr, mostraron un comportamiento neutro. El análisis de los resultados permite proponer la existencia de una relación entre polimorfismos o variantes genéticas responsables de una baja actividad catalítica y/o baja concentración plasmática de la enzima BChE y algunas de las reacciones adversas ocurridas en pacientes consumidores de cocaína.


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El canal lumbar estrecho de tipo degenerativo, es una enfermedad que se presenta en pacientes entre la quinta y la sexta década de vida; es la causa más común de cirugía lumbar después de los 65 años. Este trabajo busca determinar cuáles son los factores asociados a la presentación de eventos adversos o re-intervención en cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho en la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá en los años comprendidos entre 2003 y 2013. Métodos: se realizó un estudio de prevalencia de tipo analítico, en donde se analizaron 249 pacientes sometidos a intervención quirúrgica por cirugía de canal lumbar estrecho.


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Introdução: O adiamento das altas clínicas nas Unidades de Cuidados Continuados Integrados (UCCI) por motivos sociais é actualmente considerado um dos principais motivos que impedem a integração atempada de novos clientes na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados, RNCC, daqui em diante designada como a REDE. Este atraso tem impacto ao nível da recuperação e estabilização dos utentes, bem como ao nível de eficiência e eficácia da UCCI, não podendo deixar de se considerarem os aspectos sociais e económicos. Objectivo Geral: Identificar os determinantes que influenciam as altas clínicas em UCCI. Métodos e População do Estudo: Este é um estudo de caso colectivo, em que os dados observacionais, transversais, são recolhidos por meio de questionário de auto-relato (por cada área de intervenção directa) e por análise dos processos de consulta de pacientes. O objecto desta pesquisa abrange dois grupos: o grupo de amostra composto por 70 profissionais de saúde que lidam directamente com os utentes e o grupo amostra composto de utentes internados na UCCI L Nostrum, com alta clínica entre 1/1/2011 e 31/12/2012, e que foram integrados através da REDE. Foram recolhidos os dados de 293 utentes sendo objecto de estudo os casos de 83 utentes integrados através da REDE e com prolongamento de internamento por motivos sociais. Resultados: Na percepção dos profissionais de saúde, as respostas institucionais apresentam-se como a condicionante mais indicada, tanto para os utentes em geral, com 22 indicações (88%) como para os utentes da REDE, com 10 indicações (40%). Relativamente aos motivos familiares há referência de 76% para os utentes em geral e de 36% para os utentes da REDE. Os motivos económicos também apresentam, para os profissionais inquiridos, um valor expressivo (68%) nos utentes em geral, estando nos da REDE este factor condicionante a par com os motivos familiares (36%). Os motivos estruturais têm menor expressão tanto nos utentes em geral (32%) como nos utentes da REDE (16%). “Outros” para os utentes em geral, refere-se a dependência funcional (4%). Nos motivos familiares, para os utentes em geral, 23 (92%) foi mais vezes indicada a insuficiência de suporte familiar, para os utentes da REDE, 13 (52%). A ausência de suporte familiar, para os utentes em geral, representa 48% das respostas, seguindo-se o suporte inadequado (28%) e a ausência de cuidadores (24%). Para os utentes da REDE, o suporte inadequado apresenta-se como segundo motivo (7%), seguindo-se a ausência de suporte familiar (16%). Na percepção dos profissionais, os utentes da REDE estão também condicionados pela distância geográfica (8%) da sua área residencial. Em termos estruturais, os motivos mais assinalados pelos profissionais para a generalidade dos utentes foram as barreiras físicas à mobilidade (80%) e a habitação sem condições básicas de habitabilidade (78%). Os mesmos motivos foram assinalados para os utentes da REDE, barreiras físicas à mobilidade (40%) e habitação sem condições de habitabilidade (28%). No entanto, relativamente aos utentes em geral, a ausência de habitação (29%) e a distância geográfica (4%) também foram motivos assinalados. Dos motivos económicos percebidos pelos profissionais, a insuficiência de rendimentos é o factor mais assinalado pela generalidade dos utentes (84%) e pelos da REDE (68%), seguida da percepção da capacidade de reposta limitada das instituições, 64% para a generalidade dos utentes e 28% para os da REDE e por fim os tipos de respostas insuficientes para as necessidades individuais dos utentes (20% dos utentes em geral e 12% da REDE). No total dos dois anos, 2011 e 2012, verificaram-se na UCCI L Nostrum 293 prorrogações (100%) das quais 210 (71,6%) foram consideradas dentro do prazo e justificadas com motivos clínicos, enquanto 83 (28,3%) foram efectivamente protelamentos por motivos sociais, tendo em conta que nestes casos os utentes já não tinham critérios clínicos que justificassem a sua permanência na UCCI. Das 210 prorrogações consideradas dentro do prazo e justificadas com motivos clínicos, 93 (44,3%) foram-no por tempo de espera para transferência de UCCI. Em 2011, dos 146 utentes com alta protelada (100%), 50 utentes (34,2%) permaneceram na UCCI por motivos sociais, enquanto em 2012 houve registo de 33 casos de protelamento (22,4%) em 147 (100%) altas prorrogadas. Conclusões: Dos factores identificados como motivo de protelamento nos 83 utentes, estritamente por motivos sociais, destaca-se o protelamento de alta por espera de integração em equipamento/resposta adequada, nomeadamente lar ou serviços de apoio domiciliário (79,5%), seguindo-se a insuficiência de rendimentos do utente/familiares para contratação de serviços ou resposta institucional (74,7%), a inexistência de condições habitacionais para regresso ao domicílio (63,9%) e a insuficiência de suporte familiar (54,2%). Regista-se também a inadequação do suporte familiar (31,3%), a inexistência de suporte familiar (28,9%) e, em menor percentagem, a ausência de condições estruturais (13,3%). A ausência de domicílio (sem abrigo) (8,4%) e a ausência de rendimentos (4,8%) também foram factores inibidores da alta clínica. Dos 293 utentes identificados que tiveram protelamento da alta por motivos sociais verificou-se que 144 (49,1%) dos utentes permaneceram unicamente pela existência de condicionantes institucionais e familiares/estruturais. Aspectos éticos: ao longo deste estudo, foram assegurados e respeitados, todos os procedimentos de garantia da confidencialidade e rigor na recolha dos dados, e a não interferência nas dinâmicas da instituição, dos utentes e dos profissionais.


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Point defects in metal oxides such as TiO2 are key to their applications in numerous technologies. The investigation of thermally induced nonstoichiometry in TiO2 is complicated by the difficulties in preparing and determining a desired degree of nonstoichiometry. We study controlled self-doping of TiO2 by adsorption of 1/8 and 1/16 monolayer Ti at the (110) surface using a combination of experimental and computational approaches to unravel the details of the adsorption process and the oxidation state of Ti. Upon adsorption of Ti, x-ray and ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (XPS and UPS) show formation of reduced Ti. Comparison of pure density functional theory (DFT) with experiment shows that pure DFT provides an inconsistent description of the electronic structure. To surmount this difficulty, we apply DFT corrected for on-site Coulomb interaction (DFT+U) to describe reduced Ti ions. The optimal value of U is 3 eV, determined from comparison of the computed Ti 3d electronic density of states with the UPS data. DFT+U and UPS show the appearance of a Ti 3d adsorbate-induced state at 1.3 eV above the valence band and 1.0 eV below the conduction band. The computations show that the adsorbed Ti atom is oxidized to Ti2+ and a fivefold coordinated surface Ti atom is reduced to Ti3+, while the remaining electron is distributed among other surface Ti atoms. The UPS data are best fitted with reduced Ti2+ and Ti3+ ions. These results demonstrate that the complexity of doped metal oxides is best understood with a combination of experiment and appropriate computations.


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This paper proposes a conceptual model of a context-aware group support system (GSS) to assist local council employees to perform collaborative tasks in conjunction with inter- and intra-organisational stakeholders. Most discussions about e-government focus on the use of ICT to improve the relationship between government and citizen, not on the relationship between government and employees. This paper seeks to expose the unique culture of UK local councils and to show how a GSS could support local government employer and employee needs.


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It is generally agreed that changing climate variability, and the associated change in climate extremes, may have a greater impact on environmentally vulnerable regions than a changing mean. This research investigates rainfall variability, rainfall extremes, and their associations with atmospheric and oceanic circulations over southern Africa, a region that is considered particularly vulnerable to extreme events because of numerous environmental, social, and economic pressures. Because rainfall variability is a function of scale, high-resolution data are needed to identify extreme events. Thus, this research uses remotely sensed rainfall data and climate model experiments at high spatial and temporal resolution, with the overall aim being to investigate the ways in which sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies influence rainfall extremes over southern Africa. Extreme rainfall identification is achieved by the high-resolution microwave/infrared rainfall algorithm dataset. This comprises satellite-derived daily rainfall from 1993 to 2002 and covers southern Africa at a spatial resolution of 0.1° latitude–longitude. Extremes are extracted and used with reanalysis data to study possible circulation anomalies associated with extreme rainfall. Anomalously cold SSTs in the central South Atlantic and warm SSTs off the coast of southwestern Africa seem to be statistically related to rainfall extremes. Further, through a number of idealized climate model experiments, it would appear that both decreasing SSTs in the central South Atlantic and increasing SSTs off the coast of southwestern Africa lead to a demonstrable increase in daily rainfall and rainfall extremes over southern Africa, via local effects such as increased convection and remote effects such as an adjustment of the Walker-type circulation.


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Background/aims: Scant consideration has been given to the variation in structure of the human amniotic membrane (AM) at source or to the significance such differences might have on its clinical transparency. Therefore, we applied our experience of quantifying corneal transparency to AM. Methods: Following elective caesarean, AM from areas of the fetal sac distal and proximal (ie, adjacent) to the placenta was compared with freeze-dried AM. The transmission of light through the AM samples was quantified spectrophotometrically; also, tissue thickness was measured by light microscopy and refractive index by refractometry. Results: Freeze-dried and freeze-thawed AM samples distal and proximal to the placenta differed significantly in thickness, percentage transmission of visible light and refractive index. The thinnest tissue (freeze-dried AM) had the highest transmission spectra. The thickest tissue (freeze-thawed AM proximal to the placenta) had the highest refractive index. Using the direct summation of fields method to predict transparency from an equivalent thickness of corneal tissue, AM was found to be up to 85% as transparent as human cornea. Conclusion: When preparing AM for ocular surface reconstruction within the visual field, consideration should be given to its original location from within the fetal sac and its method of preservation, as either can influence corneal transparency.


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Surface coatings are very common on mineral grains in soils but most laboratory dissolution experiments are carried out on pristine, uncoated mineral grains. An experiment designed to unambiguously isolate the effect of surface coatings on mineral dissolution from any influence of solution saturation state is reported. Two aliquots of 53 to 63 mum anorthite feldspar powder were used. One was dissolved in pH 2.6 HCl, the other in pH 2.6 FeCl3 solution, both for similar to6000 h in flow-through reactors. An amorphous Fe-rich, Al-, Ca- and Si-free orange precipitate coated the anorthite dissolved in the FeCl3 solution. BET surface area of the anorthite increased from 0.16 to 1.65 m(2) g(-1) in the HCl experiment and to 3.89 m(2) g(-1) in the FeCl3 experiment. The increase in surface area in the HCl experiment was due to the formation of etch pits on the anorthite grain surface whilst the additional increase in the FeCl3 experiment was due to the micro- and meso-porous nature of the orange precipitate. This precipitate did not inhibit or slow the dissolution of the anorthite. Steady state dissolution rates for the anorthite dissolved in the HCl and FeCl3 were similar to2.5 and 3.2 X 10(-10) mol(feldspar) m(-2) s(-1) respectively. These rates are not significantly different after the cumulative uncertainty of 17% in their value due to uncertainty in the inputs parameters used in their calculation is taken into account. Results from this experiment support previous theoretical and inference-based conclusions that porous coatings should not inhibit mineral dissolution. Copyright (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd.


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This paper analyses historic records of agricultural land use and management for England and Wales from 1931 and 1991 and uses export coefficient modelling to hindcast the impact of these practices on the rates of diffuse nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) export to water bodies for each of the major geo-climatic regions of England and Wales. Key trends indicate the importance of animal agriculture as a contributor to the total diffuse agricultural nutrient loading on waters, and the need to bring these sources under control if conditions suitable for sustaining 'Good Ecological Status' under the Water Framework Directive are to be generated. The analysis highlights the importance of measuring changes in nutrient loading in relation to the catchment-specific baseline state for different water bodies. The approach is also used to forecast the likely impact of broad regional scale scenarios on nutrient export to waters and highlights the need to take sensitive land out of production, introduce ceilings on fertilizer use and stocking densities, and controls on agricultural practice in higher risk areas where intensive agriculture is combined with a low intrinsic nutrient retention capacity, although the uncertainties associated with the modelling applied at this scale should be taken into account in the interpretation of model output. The paper advocates the need for a two-tiered approach to nutrient management, combining broad regional policies with targeted management in high risk areas at the catchment and farm scale.


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Model catalysts of Pd nanoparticles and films on TiO2 (I 10) were fabricated by metal vapour deposition (MVD). Molecular beam measurements show that the particles are active for CO adsorption, with a global sticking probability of 0.25, but that they are deactivated by annealing above 600 K, an effect indicative of SMSI. The Pd nanoparticles are single crystals oriented with their (I 11) plane parallel to the surface plane of the titania. Analysis of the surface by atomic resolution STM shows that new structures have formed at the surface of the Pd nanoparticles and films after annealing above 800 K. There are only two structures, a zigzag arrangement and a much more complex "pinwheel" structure. The former has a unit cell containing 7 atoms, and the latter is a bigger unit cell containing 25 atoms. These new structures are due to an overlayer of titania that has appeared on the surface of the Pd nanoparticles after annealing, and it is proposed that the surface layer that causes the SMSI effect is a mixed alloy of Pd and Ti, with only two discrete ratios of atoms: Pd/Ti of 1: 1 (pinwheel) and 1:2 (zigzag). We propose that it is these structures that cause the SMSI effect. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Carbendazim is highly toxic to earthworms and is used as a standard control substance when running field-based trials of pesticides, but results using carbendazim are highly variable. In the present study, impacts of timing of rainfall events following carbendazim application on earthworms were investigated. Lumbricus terrestris were maintained in soil columns to which carbendazim and then deionized water (a rainfall substitute) were applied. Carbendazim was applied at 4 kg/ha, the rate recommended in pesticide field trials. Three rainfall regimes were investigated: initial and delayed heavy rainfall 24 h and 6 d after carbendazim application, and frequent rainfall every 48 h. Earthworm mortality and movement of carbendazim through the soil was assessed 14 d after carbendazim application. No detectable movement of carbendazim occurred through the soil in any of the treatments or controls. Mortality in the initial heavy and frequent rainfall was significantly higher (approximately 55%) than in the delayed rainfall treatment (approximately 25%). This was due to reduced bioavailability of carbendazim in the latter treatment due to a prolonged period of sorption of carbendazim to soil particles before rainfall events. The impact of carbendazim application on earthworm surface activity was assessed using video cameras. Carbendazim applications significantly reduced surface activity due to avoidance behavior of the earthworms. Surface activity reductions were least in the delayed rainfall treatment due to the reduced bioavailability of the carbendazim. The nature of rainfall events' impacts on the response of earthworms to carbendazim applications, and details of rainfall events preceding and following applications during field trials should be made at a higher level of resolution than is currently practiced according to standard International Organization for Standardization protocols.


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With 25% of the UK population predicted to be obese by 2010, the costs to individuals and society are set to rise. Due to the extra economic and social pressures obesity causes, there is an increasing need to understand what motivates and prevents consumers from eating a healthy diet so as to be able to tailor policy interventions to specific groups in society. In so doing, it is important to explore potential variations in attitudes, motivation and behaviour as a function of age and gender. Both demographic factors are easily distinguished within society and a future intervention study which targets either, or both, of these would likely be both feasible and cost-effective for policy makers. As part of a preliminary study, six focus groups (total n = 43) were conducted at the University of Reading in November 2006, with groups segmented on the basis of age and gender. In order to gather more sensitive information, participants were also asked to fill out a short anonymous questionnaire before each focus group began, relating to healthy eating, alcohol consumption and body dissatisfaction. Making use of thematic content analysis, results suggested that most participants were aware of the type of foods that contribute to a healthy diet and the importance of achieving a healthy balance within a diet. However, they believed that healthy eating messages were often conflicting, and were uncertain about where to find information on the topic. Participants believed that the family has an important role in educating children about eating habits. Despite these similarities, there were a number of key differences among the groups in terms of their reasons for making food choices. Older participants (60+ years old) were more likely to make food choices based on health considerations. Participants between the ages of 18–30 were less concerned with this link, and instead focused on issues of food preparation and knowledge, prices and time. Younger female participants said they had more energy when they ate healthier diets; however, very often their food choices related to concern with their appearance. Older female participants also expressed this concern within the questionnaire, rather than in the group discussions. Overall, these results suggest that consumer motivations for healthy eating are diverse and that this must be considered by government, retailers and food producers.


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1. The establishment of grassy strips at the margins of arable fields is an agri-environment scheme that aims to provide resources for native flora and fauna and thus increase farmland biodiversity. These margins can be managed to target certain groups, such as farmland birds and pollinators, but the impact of such management on the soil fauna has been poorly studied. This study assessed the effect of seed mix and management on the biodiversity, conservation and functional value of field margins for soil macrofauna. 2. Experimental margin plots were established in 2001 in a winter wheat field in Cambridgeshire, UK, using a factorial design of three seed mixes and three management practices [spring cut, herbicide application and soil disturbance (scarification)]. In spring and autumn 2005, soil cores taken from the margin plots and the crop were hand-sorted for soil macrofauna. The Lumbricidae, Isopoda, Chilopoda, Diplopoda, Carabidae and Staphylinidae were identified to species and classified according to feeding type. 3. Diversity in the field margins was generally higher than in the crop, with the Lumbricidae, Isopoda and Coleoptera having significantly more species and/or higher abundances in the margins. Within the margins, management had a significant effect on the soil macrofauna, with scarified plots containing lower abundances and fewer species of Isopods. The species composition of the scarified plots was similar to that of the crop. 4. Scarification also reduced soil- and litter-feeder abundances and predator species densities, although populations appeared to recover by the autumn, probably as a result of dispersal from neighbouring plots and boundary features. The implications of the responses of these feeding groups for ecosystem services are discussed. 5. Synthesis and applications. This study shows that the management of agri-environment schemes can significantly influence their value for soil macrofauna. In order to encourage the litter-dwelling invertebrates that tend to be missing from arable systems, agri-environment schemes should aim to minimize soil cultivation and develop a substantial surface litter layer. However, this may conflict with other aims of these schemes, such as enhancing floristic and pollinator diversity.