680 resultados para sulfated phenols


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Red marine algae of the genus Gracilaria synthesize sulfated polysaccharides (PS) bioactive. But many of these PS were not properly assessed, as is the case of PS synthesized by edible seaweed Gracilaria birdiae. Previous studies showed that sulfated galactans this alga has anti-inflammatory effect. In this work, a galactan (GB) of G. birdiae was obtained and evaluated by different tests. GB showed anticoagulant activity in APTT assay. GB showed no toxicity to normal cells (3T3), but inhibited the survival of cells of adenocarcinoma of the cervix (HeLa) and human pancreatic cancer (Panc-1) 80% (1.5 mg / ml). GB was not able to hijack the OH radical or the superoxide radical. However, showed activity electron donor in two different tests and presented iron chelator activity (70% and 1.0 mg / ml) and Copper (70% at 0.5 mg / ml). The presence of a higher GB promotes formation of crystals of calcium oxalate dihydrate small size, which is less aggressive, because GB is able to interact with and stabilize the crystal that form. Furthermore, GB (2.0 mg / mL) was not cytotoxic to human renal cells (HEK-293). The data lead us to propose that GB has a great potential for the treatment of urolithiasis


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The sulfated polysaccharides (SP) from the edible red seaweed Gracilaria birdiae were obtained using five different condition extraction (GB1: Water; GB1p: Water/proteolysis; GB1s: Water/sonication; GB1sp: Water/sonication/proteolysis; GB2s: NaOH/sonication; GB2sp: NaOH/sonication/proteolysis. The yield (g) increased in the following order GB2sp>GB1sp>GB1p>GB2s>GB1s>GB1. However, the amount of SP extracted increased in different way GB2sp>GB1p>GB1>GB1sp>GB1s>GB2s. Infrared and electrophoresis analysis showed that all conditions extracted the same SP. In addition, monosaccharide composition showed that ultrasound promotes the extraction of other polysaccharides than SP. In the prothrombin time (PT) test, which evaluates the extrinsic coagulation pathway, none of the samples showed anticoagulant activity. While in the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) test, which evaluates the intrinsic coagulation pathway, all samples showed anticoagulant activity, except GB2s. The aPTT activity decreased in the order of GB1sp>GB2sp>GB1p>GB1>GB1s>GB2s. Total capacity antioxidant (TCA) of the SP was also affected by condition extraction, since GB2s and GB1 showed lower activity in comparison to the other conditions. In conclusion, the conditions of SP extraction influence their biological activities and chemical composition. The data showed NaOH/sonication/proteolysis was the best condition to extract anticoagulant and antioxidant SPs from Gracilaria birdiae.


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Anxiety disorders and Parkinson’s disease (PD) affect a large portion of the world population. Indeed, therapeutic alternatives available do not contribute to improve most clinical conditions and/or are linked with undesirable side effects. Thus, there is a great demand for the development of new drugs to treatment of these diseases. Passiflora cincinnata Mast. is a native species present in several Brazilian states, popularly known as “maracujá do mato”, “maracujá tubarão” or “maracujá mochila”. Additionally, species of Passiflora genus are traditionally known for their exotic flowers, edible fruits with pronounced flavor and for their sedative, tranquilizer and anxiolytic properties reported by folk medicine. These plants possess important organic compounds such as phenols, cyanogenic glycosides, flavonoids and alkaloids, which are responsible for the anxiolytic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycemic, among others activities when tested in mammals. Despite this fact, only a few studies have been conducted to investigate the possible in vivo biological effects of Passiflora cincinnata Mast extracts. Thereby, in this study we evaluated the effects of the alcoholic extract of this plant in anxiety and PD animal model. Mice acutely or chronically administered with ethanolic extract of P. cincinnata do not showed any anxiogenic- or anxyolitic-like effect in elevated plus maze (EPM). In order to reproduce PD symptom’s in mice, we administered repeated injections of reserpine which progressively induced motor impairments such as increase in catalepsy, oral movements, and reduction of the average speed of the animals in the open field, as well as depleted dopamine prodution in SNpc cells. Furthermore, this treatment resulted in the loss of aversive memory recall in mice when undergoing PMDAT. Yet, passiflora group also show this amnesic profile. However, animals treated concomitantly with the alcoholic extract of Passiflora cincinnata Mast. showed higher latency for the onset of motor impairment evaluated by catalepsy. Thus, our results shows that the alcoholic extract of the plant P. cincinnata was able to delay the onset of the catalepsy induced by reserpine administration, plus reverted the depletion of dopamine production in SNpc cells.


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The pericarp of Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa Degener is now being investigated for medicine purposes. There are no reports about it toxicity. The aim of the present study was investigate the sub chronic toxicity in male rats and reproductive toxicity in pregnant rats and exposed fetuses of an extract obtained by infusion of the pericarp in water (1:3 m/v;100o C, 10 min). The extract composition was evaluated by tube reactions and thin lawyer chromatography (TLC). Adult male rats (n=8) were treated with 300 mg/kg of the extract, by gavage, during 30 days and pregnant rats (n=7) from gestation day 0 to day 20. Control received tap water (1 mL). Water and food intakes and body weight gain were recorded. At day 29 of treatment the sexual behavior of the males was analyzed and then half of males from each group received cyclophosphamide (50 mg/kg, i.p.) to (anti)genotoxic assessment in bone marrow. At day 30, males were anesthesized for parameters collection. At day 20 of gestation, the dams were anesthesized for reproductive performance evaluation. The fetal analysis was conducted by visceral and skeletal. Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of flavonoids, unspecific alkaloids, phenols and triterpenic compounds. Statistical analysis revealed absence of significant differences between experimental and control. This study suggest that the aqueous extract obtained from pericarp of P. edulis var. flavicarpa Degener was not able to promote toxic effects in rats. Cytotoxicity was evaluated with the PCE/NCE ratio (NCE=normochromatic erythrocytes). Statistical analysis (mean ± SEM) revealed absence of changes in the frequency of MNPCE (negative control: 3.26±0.42; positive control: 11.72±1.02; negative experimental: 4.02±0.13; positive experimental: 10.47±0.87) or cytotoxicity (negative control: 0.37±0.08; positive control: 0.23±0.05; negative experimental: 0.37±0.07; positive experimental: 0.23±0.02). This study suggests that the extracts showed no (anti)genotoxic and no cytotoxic activities under the experimental conditions.


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This study aimed to extract, characterize and conduct a prospective analysis of pharmacological activities of sulfated polysaccharides from green seaweed Caulerpa prolifera. Seven fractions (CP-0.3/CP-0.5/CP-0.7/CP-0.9/CP-1.1/CP-1.5/CP-2.0) were obtained from C. prolifera by alkaline proteolysis followed by sequential precipitation in acetone. The physicochemical analyzes indicated that C. prolifera synthesizes a homogalactan (CP-0.9) and different populations of sulfated heteropolysaccharides. In the analysis of anticoagulant activity, all fractions except CP-0.3, influenced the intrinsic coagulation pathway. All fractions showed antioxidant activity in six different assays being more pronounced in hydrogen peroxide scavenging assay, especially CP-0.3, CP-0.7 and CP-0.9 (which obtained 61% of hydrogen peroxide scavenging), in ferric chelation assay (especially CP-0.9 with 56% chelation) and cupric chelation assay (especially CP-2.0 with 78% chelation). With respect to immunomodulatory activity, the presence of CP-0.3, CP-0.7 and CP-0.9 showed an immunogenic potential, increasing the production of nitric oxide (NO) by 48, 142 and 163 times, respectively. Conversely, the NO synthesis fell 73% after the activation of macrophages by LPS, incubated concurrently with CP-2.0. The anti-adipogenic activity of the fractions was also evaluated and CP-1.5 was able to reduce the differentiation of pre-adipocytes (3T3-L1) into adipocytes by 60%, without affecting the cell viability. The fractions CP-0.3, CP-0.5 and CP-0.9 reduced the viability of the HeLa cells (human cervical adenocarcinoma) by 55% and CP-1.5 reduced the viability of the 786-0 cells (human renal adenocarcinoma) by 75%. Leishmanicidal activity and microbicide effect against Carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae (KPC) have not been identified. However, the viability of Staphylococcus epidermidis was reduced by 23.8% in the presence of CP -1.5. All fractions were able to change the formation of calcium oxalate crystals. CP-0.3, CP-0.5 and CP-1.1 only promoted the formation of COD type crystals with a very small size (1 μm). Confocal microscopy and zeta potential data of crystals formed in the presence of the samples showed that the polysaccharides present in the fractions must interact with calcium ions present throughout the crystal lattice, affecting the growth and morphology of crystals The results described herein indicate that the fractions rich in polysaccharides obtained from the green seaweed C. prolifera present a multi therapeutic potential, and subsequent purification steps, as well as research on the mechanisms of action by which these polymers act should be investigated.


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In the well drilling operations problems caused by contamination of the drilling fluid are common. The dissolution of ions from the geological formations affects the rheological and filtration properties of the fluids. These ions shield the charges of ionic polymers, leading to its precipitation. In this work was performed a detailed study on the stability of the properties of aqueous solutions and aqueous drilling fluids in the presence of sulphated and carboxylated polymers, using carboxymethylcellulose and kappa-carrageenan as polymer compounds carboxylated and sulfated model, respectively. The effects of ionic strength of the aqueous medium containing Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ on rheological properties of the polymer and drilling fluids solutions were evaluated by varying the concentration of salts, pH and temperature. It was observed that the fluids with κ-carrageenan suffered less influence against the contamination by the ions at pH 9 to 10, even at higher concentrations, but higher influence on pH> 11. The fluids containing carboxymethylcellulose were more sensitive to contamination, with rapid reduction in viscosity and significant increase of the filtrate volume, while the fluid based polymer sulfated kappa-carrageenan showed evidence of interaction with cations and preserve the rheological properties and improved stability the volume of filtrate.


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In the well drilling operations problems caused by contamination of the drilling fluid are common. The dissolution of ions from the geological formations affects the rheological and filtration properties of the fluids. These ions shield the charges of ionic polymers, leading to its precipitation. In this work was performed a detailed study on the stability of the properties of aqueous solutions and aqueous drilling fluids in the presence of sulphated and carboxylated polymers, using carboxymethylcellulose and kappa-carrageenan as polymer compounds carboxylated and sulfated model, respectively. The effects of ionic strength of the aqueous medium containing Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ on rheological properties of the polymer and drilling fluids solutions were evaluated by varying the concentration of salts, pH and temperature. It was observed that the fluids with κ-carrageenan suffered less influence against the contamination by the ions at pH 9 to 10, even at higher concentrations, but higher influence on pH> 11. The fluids containing carboxymethylcellulose were more sensitive to contamination, with rapid reduction in viscosity and significant increase of the filtrate volume, while the fluid based polymer sulfated kappa-carrageenan showed evidence of interaction with cations and preserve the rheological properties and improved stability the volume of filtrate.


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Marine algae are rich sources of various structural compounds which recently has been increasingly studied as a new source of bioactive substances. The alginate, as come as fucans, are considered the main acidic polysaccharides found in brown seaweed. This molecule consists a linear natural polysaccharide, non-sulfated, and presents monosaccharides: acid β-D-mannuronic (M) and α-L-guluronic acid (G); in a vast amount compositions and threads. Alginate has been widely applied in food and pharmaceutical industries because of its ability to retain water, forming films and gels as well as thickening, stabilizing and form emulsions. In this work we aimed to extract, structurally characterize, compare and analyze the possible pharmacological activities of native alginate molecule obtained from brown seaweed Dyctiopteris delicatula (DYN), and its chemically sulfated derivative (DYS). The alginate structure and composition molecule can be proven through chemical dosing, that showed low protein contamination and high sugar level, existence and separation of M and G blocks in the descending paper chromatography, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance. Molecule sulfation was proven with sulphate dosage, resulting in 28.56% sulphate in molecule; electrophoresis, verify metachromasia with toluidine blue; and infrared spectroscopy, that showed a characteristic band at 1221cm-1 corresponding a sulfate group vibration. For the pharmacological activities the tests was: antioxidant activity, changes in cell function (MTT test) and anticoagulant test. In the antioxidant activity we observed that DYN showed better results in the kidnapping of hydroxyl radicals and ferric chelation compared to DYS, this had the best result in the total antioxidant capacity. Both showed similar activity in reducing power and the kidnapping radicals DPPH. In MTT test DYN and DYS had not proliferative and cytotoxic activity in fibroblast cells (3T3) and showed antiproliferative and cytotoxic activity in cancer cell lines HeLa and B16 melanoma. In anticoagulant assay DYN showed good activity in the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation, and a small activity in the extrinsic pathway, in the other hand DYS showed only a very small activity in the extrinsic pathway, but cannot come to be regarded as an anticoagulant agent. From these results it can be concluded that the alginate was extracted and sulfated, revealing a potential compound to be used in the pharmaceutical industry as an anticoagulant agent, antioxidant and antitumor and the sulfation has not been conclusively important to performance in the tested pharmacological activities


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The behaviour and fate of spilled oil in harsh marine environments, such as the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean are complex due to environmental factors and the composition of the crude. In order to develop appropriate oil spill prevention and management methods, we must first understand how the oil behaves in these harsh environmental conditions. This study focuses on determining the fate of oil in harsh marine environments by first identifying target compounds in the oil that can be used to determine the fate of a spill. This thesis presents the partitioning behaviour of six polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which represent different groups, and phenols in cold conditions. The smallest PAH, naphthalene, dominated in terms of concentration in water accommodated fraction (WAF) of oil, while the larger ringed PAHs presented at lower concentrations. The smallest oil-water partition coefficient was recorded by phenol which partitioned into the seawater more quickly than PAHs. The partitioning of larger PAHs was slower and they indicated high partition coefficients. The oil partitioning increased slightly as temperature increased from 4ᴼC to 15ᴼC. The oil loading (0.1 g/L to 10 g/L) also contributed in deciding the concentrations in water. The use of chemical dispersants is a common response to spills. This study identified that chemical dispersants can change the fate of an oil spill by increasing the availability of oil in seawater. The concentration of larger PAHs such as pyrene and chrysene increased significantly with the application of dispersants. The information obtained are used in developing a molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) sensor to identify oil spills in the North Atlantic Ocean.


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The Banisteriopsis genus is widespread in traditional medicine. This work aims to contribute with information about the chemical composition and on the evaluation of the biological activity of the essential oil, the ethanol extract of the leaves and partitions of the Banisteriopsis laevifolia. The phytochemical screeningtest of ethanol extract and partitions of leaves indicated the presence of flavonoids, terpenoids, saponins, phenols and steroids compounds. Nitrogenous compounds, characteristic of some species of this family, were not detected. Flavonoids were the predominant metabolite, with the highest concentrations on the partitions ethyl acetate and n-butanol. The antibacterial activity, antifungal and cytotoxicity of the essetial oil, ethanol extract and partitions were assyed by microdilution broth method (MBM), where the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) were calculated. The ethanol extract and partitions did not inhibit growth against to Gram positive bacteria tested, with MIC less than 400 mg L-1. For the Gram negative bacteria tested, the hexane and hydroethanol partitios were more effective against F. nucleatum bacteria (MIC 100 ug mL-1). The ethanol extract showed antifungal activity with MIC of 31.2 mg L-1. Ethyl acetate and n-butanol partitions showed MIC 187.5 mg L-1 and 93.7 mg L-1, respectively, arousing interest for isolation studies. The antioxidant activity was evaluated by the DPPH free radical method. The ethanolic extract, ethyl acetate and n-butanol partitions were active, since they showed EC50 values (4.53 ug mL-1, 4.07 and 8.39 ug mL-1, respectively), values equivalent to the BHT (7.3 mg L-1). The analysis by HPLC-MS/MS of the most active fractions (ethyl acetate and n-butanol) identified phenolic compounds (flavonols and phenolic acids) which exert recognized biological activity. The GC-MS analysis of the essential oils from leaves collected in two periods studied (dry and wet), showed a small variation in the number of compounds. The major classes identified for the oil collected in the dry period were aliphatic alcohols (23,4%), terpenoids (18.7%), sterols (10.4%) and long-chain alkanes (9.2%) compounds. Terpenoids (26.8%) were the major class for the rain season. The major compounds (3Z) -hexenol, phytol and untriacontano are present in the two seasons but in different amounts (19.4%, 9.8% and 7.5% during the dry season, and 17.0 %, 14.9% and 15.3% in the rainy season, respectively). The essential oil from rainy season was not effective against to the oral bacteria Gram positive and Gram negative tested. However, showed significant antifungal activity with MIC 1000 mg L-1 against Candidas. Thus, the promising results with respect to biological assays of ethanolic extract and partitions from B. laevifolia contributed to the chemical and biological knowledge of the species B. laevifolia.


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The problem of interference of antioxidants, such as hindered phenols, with peroxide-initiated crosslinking of polyethylene was addressed through the use of functional (reactive) graftable antioxidants (g-AO). Reactive derivatives of hindered phenol and hindered amine antioxidants were synthesised, characterised and used to investigate their grafting reactions in high density polyethylene; both non-crosslinked (PE) and highly peroxide-crosslinked (PEXa). Assessment of the extent of in-situ grafting of the antioxidants, their retention after exhaustive solvent extraction in PE and PEXa, and the stabilising performance of the grafted antioxidants (g-AO) in the polymer were examined and benchmarked against conventionally stabilised crosslinked & non-crosslinked polyethylene. It was shown that the functional antioxidants graft to a high extent in PEXa, and that the level of interference of the g-AOs with the polymer crosslinking process was minimal compared to that of conventional antioxidants which bear the same antioxidant function. The much higher level of retention of the g-AOs in PEXa after exhaustive solvent extraction, compared to that of the corresponding conventional antioxidants, accounts for their superior long-term thermal stabilising performance under severe extractive conditions.


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Bifidobacteria constitute a specific group of commensal bacteria, typically found in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of humans and other mammals. Bifidobacterium breve strains are numerically prevalent among the gut microbiota of many healthy breast-fed infants. In the current study, we investigated glycosulfatase activity in a bacterial nursling stool isolate, B. breve UCC2003. Two putative sulfatases were identified on the genome of B. breve UCC2003. The sulfated monosaccharide N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate (GlcNAc-6-S) was shown to support growth of B. breve UCC2003, while, N-acetylglucosamine-3-sulfate, N-acetylgalactosamine-3-sulfate and N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate, did not support appreciable growth. Using a combination of transcriptomic and functional genomic approaches, a gene cluster, designated ats2, was shown to be specifically required for GlcNAc-6-S metabolism. Transcription of the ats2 cluster is regulated by a ROK-family transcriptional repressor. This study represents the first description of glycosulfatase activity within the Bifidobacterium genus. Bifidobacteria are saccharolytic organisms naturally found in the digestive tract of mammals and insects. Bifidobacterium breve strains utilize a variety of plant and host-derived carbohydrates which allow them to be present as prominent members of the infant gut microbiota as well as being present in the gastrointestinal tract of adults. In this study, we introduce a previously unexplored area of carbohydrate metabolism in bifidobacteria, namely the metabolism of sulfated carbohydrates. B. breve UCC2003 was shown to metabolize N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate (GlcNAc-6-S) through one of two sulfatase-encoding gene clusters identified on its genome. GlcNAc-6-S can be found in terminal or branched positions of mucin oligosaccharides, the glycoprotein component of the mucous layer that covers the digestive tract. The results of this study provide further evidence of this species' ability to utilize mucin-derived sugars, a trait which may provide a competitive advantage in both the infant and adult gut.


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Composite NiFe2O4–TiO2 magnetic catalysts were prepared by mechanochemical synthesis from a mixture of titania supported nickel ferrite nanoparticles and P25 titania (Evonic). The former provides fast and efficient heating under radiofrequency field, while the latter serves as an active catalyst or catalyst support. The highest heating rate was observed over a catalyst prepared for a milling time of 30 min. The catalytic activity was measured over the sulfated composite catalysts in the condensation of aniline and 3-phenylbutyric acid in a stirred tank reactor and in a continuous RF heated flow reactor in the 140–170 °C range. The product yield of 47% was obtained over the sulfated P25 titania catalyst in the flow reactor.


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agricultural, pharmaceutical, cosmetic or bioenergy applications. They contain bioactive compounds, namely, polysaccharides Fucoidan. These polysaccharides are mainly constituted by fucose residues and sulfate esters, and have been reported to possess a broad variety of bioactivities, such as anticoagulant, anti-thrombotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antiviral and antioxidant. In this work, the fucoidans from brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus from “Ria de Aveiro” were isolated and characterized in order to add value to this natural resource of the region. The polysaccharides from the algae were extracted with hot water and fractioned by ethanol precipitation and calcium chloride salts. They were further purified by using anion-exchange chromatography, allowing to separate the neutral polysaccharides (laminaranas) from those negatively charged (sulfated fucoidans and alginate). The purified polysaccharides showed high content of fucose (41 mol%) and sulfates (50 mol%), having also galactose residues (6 mol%), which confirm the presence of only sulfated fucoidans. Glycosidic linkages analysis show the presence of high amounts of terminal fucose (25%) and (1→3,4)-Fuc (26%), allowing to infer that the fucoidans were highly branched. These fucoidans are composed also by (1→2)-Fuc (14%) and (1→3)-Fuc linkages (10-16%). In this work it was also tested an alternative extraction technology, the microwave hydrodiffusion and gravity system, where it was possible to extract sugars, although in low yields. However, this methodology allowed to extract polysaccharides, constituted mainly by fucose and uronic acids, as well as mannitol, without the need to add any solvent, obtaining at the end the dry alga. The current work allowed to characterize the structure of the fucoidans isolated from “Ria de Aveiro” F. vesiculosus. The presence of high content of sulfate residues and the high branch degree of the purified fucoidans allow to infer that these polysaccharides could have potential to be studied for biomedical applications, according to their biological activities.