944 resultados para sequential coalescence


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Patellid limpets are ecologically important keystone grazers having a long history of overexploitation in the Macaronesian Archipelagos (NE Atlantic islands), where some species, such as Patella aspera, are under serious risk.[1, 2] Patella aspera is a protandric sequential hermaphrodite species with external fertilization, in which individuals start off as males but may undergo a sex reversal with age.[3] Hence, exploitation tends to focus on the larger females in the population as larger limpets (predominantly females) are selectively removed. Despite conservation legislation in Canaries, Madeira and Azores, limpets are under severe pressure and few individuals survive long enough to become females, a phenomenon that severely restricts the effective population size.[4] New conservation actions for the protection and sustainable use of limpets in Macaronesian Archipelagos are urgently needed and should be based on a multidisciplinary framework based on knowledge of the population dynamics and connectivity of this species.


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Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Vivemos actualmente numa sociedade caracterizada pela informação, pela segmentação do público e pela crescente necessidade de experiências por parte deste mesmo público, em que é cada vez mais difícil para as marcas posicionarem-se no mercado, razão pela qual é necessário pensar em novas estratégias publicitárias para comunicar com os consumidores. Em face deste cenário, o Marketing de Guerrilha pode constituir-se como uma ferramenta diferenciadora e eficaz, já que se propõe desenvolver soluções à medida dos públicos através da implementação de acções inesperadas, ousadas, impactantes e, sobretudo, geradoras de experiências. Neste contexto este trabalho procura aprofundar o conhecimento deste novo tipo de comunicação publicitária a partir da identificação das suas técnicas e tácticas mais usadas e do estudo do seu impacto junto do grande público, entendido este como a viralidade da acção, medida em Plays, e o feedback do consumidor, medido em Likes e Dislikes. Considerando a diminuta investigação científica sobre este tema, bem como a parca literatura disponível, esta dissertação assume a forma de um estudo exploratório do tipo misto sequencial, desenvolvido com base numa análise qualitativa seguida de quantitativa de 150 casos publicados online, disponibilizados na base de dados Ads of the World. Identificadas as técnicas e tácticas mais comuns, os resultados do trabalho empírico sugerem a existência de dependência entre técnicas ou tácticas e a viralidade da acção e feedback do consumidor.


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Aquando da definição de um layout por fluxo de produto, ou linha de produção, é necessário proceder-se à melhor selecção de combinações de tarefas a serem executadas em cada estação / posto de trabalho para que o trabalho seja executado numa sequência exequível e sejam necessárias quantidades de tempo aproximadamente iguais em cada estação / posto de trabalho. Este processo é chamado de balanceamento da linha de produção. Verifica-se que as estações de trabalho e equipamentos podem ser combinados de muitas maneiras diferentes; daí que a necessidade de efectuar o balanceamento das linhas de produção implique a distribuição de actividades sequenciais por postos de trabalho de modo a permitir uma elevada utilização de trabalho e de equipamentos e a minimizar o tempo de vazio. Os problemas de balanceamento de linhas são tipicamente problemas complexos de tratar, devido ao elevado número de combinações possíveis. Entre os métodos utilizados para resolver estes problemas encontram-se métodos de tentativa e erro, métodos heurísticos, métodos computacionais de avaliação de diferentes opções até se encontrar uma boa solução e métodos de optimização. O objectivo deste trabalho passou pelo desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional para efectuar o balanceamento de linhas de produção recorrendo a algoritmos genéticos. Foi desenvolvida uma aplicação que implementa dois algoritmos genéticos, um primeiro que obtém soluções para o problema e um segundo que optimiza essas soluções, associada a uma interface gráfica em C# que permite a inserção do problema e a visualização de resultados. Obtiveram-se resultados exequíveis demonstrando vantagens em relação aos métodos heurísticos, pois é possível obter-se mais do que uma solução. Além disso, para problemas complexos torna-se mais prático o uso da aplicação desenvolvida. No entanto, esta aplicação permite no máximo seis precedências por cada operação e resultados com o máximo de nove estações de trabalho.


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Os sistemas de tempo real modernos geram, cada vez mais, cargas computacionais pesadas e dinâmicas, começando-se a tornar pouco expectável que sejam implementados em sistemas uniprocessador. Na verdade, a mudança de sistemas com um único processador para sistemas multi- processador pode ser vista, tanto no domínio geral, como no de sistemas embebidos, como uma forma eficiente, em termos energéticos, de melhorar a performance das aplicações. Simultaneamente, a proliferação das plataformas multi-processador transformaram a programação paralela num tópico de elevado interesse, levando o paralelismo dinâmico a ganhar rapidamente popularidade como um modelo de programação. A ideia, por detrás deste modelo, é encorajar os programadores a exporem todas as oportunidades de paralelismo através da simples indicação de potenciais regiões paralelas dentro das aplicações. Todas estas anotações são encaradas pelo sistema unicamente como sugestões, podendo estas serem ignoradas e substituídas, por construtores sequenciais equivalentes, pela própria linguagem. Assim, o modo como a computação é na realidade subdividida, e mapeada nos vários processadores, é da responsabilidade do compilador e do sistema computacional subjacente. Ao retirar este fardo do programador, a complexidade da programação é consideravelmente reduzida, o que normalmente se traduz num aumento de produtividade. Todavia, se o mecanismo de escalonamento subjacente não for simples e rápido, de modo a manter o overhead geral em níveis reduzidos, os benefícios da geração de um paralelismo com uma granularidade tão fina serão meramente hipotéticos. Nesta perspetiva de escalonamento, os algoritmos que empregam uma política de workstealing são cada vez mais populares, com uma eficiência comprovada em termos de tempo, espaço e necessidades de comunicação. Contudo, estes algoritmos não contemplam restrições temporais, nem outra qualquer forma de atribuição de prioridades às tarefas, o que impossibilita que sejam diretamente aplicados a sistemas de tempo real. Além disso, são tradicionalmente implementados no runtime da linguagem, criando assim um sistema de escalonamento com dois níveis, onde a previsibilidade, essencial a um sistema de tempo real, não pode ser assegurada. Nesta tese, é descrita a forma como a abordagem de work-stealing pode ser resenhada para cumprir os requisitos de tempo real, mantendo, ao mesmo tempo, os seus princípios fundamentais que tão bons resultados têm demonstrado. Muito resumidamente, a única fila de gestão de processos convencional (deque) é substituída por uma fila de deques, ordenada de forma crescente por prioridade das tarefas. De seguida, aplicamos por cima o conhecido algoritmo de escalonamento dinâmico G-EDF, misturamos as regras de ambos, e assim nasce a nossa proposta: o algoritmo de escalonamento RTWS. Tirando partido da modularidade oferecida pelo escalonador do Linux, o RTWS é adicionado como uma nova classe de escalonamento, de forma a avaliar na prática se o algoritmo proposto é viável, ou seja, se garante a eficiência e escalonabilidade desejadas. Modificar o núcleo do Linux é uma tarefa complicada, devido à complexidade das suas funções internas e às fortes interdependências entre os vários subsistemas. Não obstante, um dos objetivos desta tese era ter a certeza que o RTWS é mais do que um conceito interessante. Assim, uma parte significativa deste documento é dedicada à discussão sobre a implementação do RTWS e à exposição de situações problemáticas, muitas delas não consideradas em teoria, como é o caso do desfasamento entre vários mecanismo de sincronização. Os resultados experimentais mostram que o RTWS, em comparação com outro trabalho prático de escalonamento dinâmico de tarefas com restrições temporais, reduz significativamente o overhead de escalonamento através de um controlo de migrações, e mudanças de contexto, eficiente e escalável (pelo menos até 8 CPUs), ao mesmo tempo que alcança um bom balanceamento dinâmico da carga do sistema, até mesmo de uma forma não custosa. Contudo, durante a avaliação realizada foi detetada uma falha na implementação do RTWS, pela forma como facilmente desiste de roubar trabalho, o que origina períodos de inatividade, no CPU em questão, quando a utilização geral do sistema é baixa. Embora o trabalho realizado se tenha focado em manter o custo de escalonamento baixo e em alcançar boa localidade dos dados, a escalonabilidade do sistema nunca foi negligenciada. Na verdade, o algoritmo de escalonamento proposto provou ser bastante robusto, não falhando qualquer meta temporal nas experiências realizadas. Portanto, podemos afirmar que alguma inversão de prioridades, causada pela sub-política de roubo BAS, não compromete os objetivos de escalonabilidade, e até ajuda a reduzir a contenção nas estruturas de dados. Mesmo assim, o RTWS também suporta uma sub-política de roubo determinística: PAS. A avaliação experimental, porém, não ajudou a ter uma noção clara do impacto de uma e de outra. No entanto, de uma maneira geral, podemos concluir que o RTWS é uma solução promissora para um escalonamento eficiente de tarefas paralelas com restrições temporais.


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Solvent extraction is considered as a multi-criteria optimization problem, since several chemical species with similar extraction kinetic properties are frequently present in the aqueous phase and the selective extraction is not practicable. This optimization, applied to mixer–settler units, considers the best parameters and operating conditions, as well as the best structure or process flow-sheet. Global process optimization is performed for a specific flow-sheet and a comparison of Pareto curves for different flow-sheets is made. The positive weight sum approach linked to the sequential quadratic programming method is used to obtain the Pareto set. In all investigated structures, recovery increases with hold-up, residence time and agitation speed, while the purity has an opposite behaviour. For the same treatment capacity, counter-current arrangements are shown to promote recovery without significant impairment in purity. Recycling the aqueous phase is shown to be irrelevant, but organic recycling with as many stages as economically feasible clearly improves the design criteria and reduces the most efficient organic flow-rate.


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Objectives - This study intended to characterize work environment contamination by particles in 2 waste-sorting plants. Material and Methods - Particles were measured by portable direct-reading equipment. Besides mass concentration in different sizes, data related with the number of particles concentration were also obtained. Results - Both sorting units showed the same distribution concerning the 2 exposure metrics: particulate matter 5 (PM5) and particulate matter 10 (PM10) reached the highest levels and 0.3 μm was the fraction with a higher number of particles. Unit B showed higher (p < 0.05) levels for both exposure metrics. For instance, in unit B the PM10 size is 9-fold higher than in unit A. In unit A, particulate matter values obtained in pre-sorting and in the sequential sorting cabinet were higher without ventilation working. Conclusions - Workers from both waste-sorting plants are exposed to particles. Particle counting provided additional information that is of extreme value for analyzing the health effects of particles since higher values of particles concentration were obtained in the smallest fraction.


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This paper focuses on evaluating the usability of an Intelligent Wheelchair (IW) in both real and simulated environments. The wheelchair is controlled at a high-level by a flexible multimodal interface, using voice commands, facial expressions, head movements and joystick as its main inputs. A Quasi-experimental design was applied including a deterministic sample with a questionnaire that enabled to apply the System Usability Scale. The subjects were divided in two independent samples: 46 individuals performing the experiment with an Intelligent Wheelchair in a simulated environment (28 using different commands in a sequential way and 18 with the liberty to choose the command); 12 individuals performing the experiment with a real IW. The main conclusion achieved by this study is that the usability of the Intelligent Wheelchair in a real environment is higher than in the simulated environment. However there were not statistical evidences to affirm that there are differences between the real and simulated wheelchairs in terms of safety and control. Also, most of users considered the multimodal way of driving the wheelchair very practical and satisfactory. Thus, it may be concluded that the multimodal interfaces enables very easy and safe control of the IW both in simulated and real environments.


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Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizaional na Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Intervenção Comunitária


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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In the past few years Tabling has emerged as a powerful logic programming model. The integration of concurrent features into the implementation of Tabling systems is demanded by need to use recently developed tabling applications within distributed systems, where a process has to respond concurrently to several requests. The support for sharing of tables among the concurrent threads of a Tabling process is a desirable feature, to allow one of Tabling’s virtues, the re-use of computations by other threads and to allow efficient usage of available memory. However, the incremental completion of tables which are evaluated concurrently is not a trivial problem. In this dissertation we describe the integration of concurrency mechanisms, by the way of multi-threading, in a state of the art Tabling and Prolog system, XSB. We begin by reviewing the main concepts for a formal description of tabled computations, called SLG resolution and for the implementation of Tabling under the SLG-WAM, the abstract machine supported by XSB. We describe the different scheduling strategies provided by XSB and introduce some new properties of local scheduling, a scheduling strategy for SLG resolution. We proceed to describe our implementation work by describing the process of integrating multi-threading in a Prolog system supporting Tabling, without addressing the problem of shared tables. We describe the trade-offs and implementation decisions involved. We then describe an optimistic algorithm for the concurrent sharing of completed tables, Shared Completed Tables, which allows the sharing of tables without incurring in deadlocks, under local scheduling. This method relies on the execution properties of local scheduling and includes full support for negation. We provide a theoretical framework and discuss the implementation’s correctness and complexity. After that, we describe amethod for the sharing of tables among threads that allows parallelism in the computation of inter-dependent subgoals, which we name Concurrent Completion. We informally argue for the correctness of Concurrent Completion. We give detailed performance measurements of the multi-threaded XSB systems over a variety of machines and operating systems, for both the Shared Completed Tables and the Concurrent Completion implementations. We focus our measurements inthe overhead over the sequential engine and the scalability of the system. We finish with a comparison of XSB with other multi-threaded Prolog systems and we compare our approach to concurrent tabling with parallel and distributed methods for the evaluation of tabling. Finally, we identify future research directions.


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Desertification is a critical issue for Mediterranean drylands. Climate change is expected to aggravate its extension and severity by reinforcing the biophysical driving forces behind desertification processes: hydrology, vegetation cover and soil erosion. The main objective of this thesis is to assess the vulnerability of Mediterranean watersheds to climate change, by estimating impacts on desertification drivers and the watersheds’ resilience to them. To achieve this objective, a modeling framework capable of analyzing the processes linking climate and the main drivers is developed. The framework couples different models adapted to different spatial and temporal scales. A new model for the event scale is developed, the MEFIDIS model, with a focus on the particular processes governing Mediterranean watersheds. Model results are compared with desertification thresholds to estimate resilience. This methodology is applied to two contrasting study areas: the Guadiana and the Tejo, which currently present a semi-arid and humid climate. The main conclusions taken from this work can be summarized as follows: • hydrological processes show a high sensitivity to climate change, leading to a significant decrease in runoff and an increase in temporal variability; • vegetation processes appear to be less sensitive, with negative impacts for agricultural species and forests, and positive impacts for Mediterranean species; • changes to soil erosion processes appear to depend on the balance between changes to surface runoff and vegetation cover, itself governed by relationship between changes to temperature and rainfall; • as the magnitude of changes to climate increases, desertification thresholds are surpassed in a sequential way, starting with the watersheds’ ability to sustain current water demands and followed by the vegetation support capacity; • the most important thresholds appear to be a temperature increase of +3.5 to +4.5 ºC and a rainfall decrease of -10 to -20 %; • rainfall changes beyond this threshold could lead to severe water stress occurring even if current water uses are moderated, with droughts occurring in 1 out of 4 years; • temperature changes beyond this threshold could lead to a decrease in agricultural yield accompanied by an increase in soil erosion for croplands; • combined changes of temperature and rainfall beyond the thresholds could shift both systems towards a more arid state, leading to severe water stresses and significant changes to the support capacity for current agriculture and natural vegetation in both study areas.


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Flexible forms of work like project work are gaining importance in industry and services. Looking at the research on project work, the vast majority of present literature is on project management, but increasingly, problems concerning the quality of work and the efficiency of project teams become visible. The question now is how project work can be structured in order to simultaneously provide efficient and flexible work and healthy working conditions ensuring the development of human resources for a long time. Selected results of publicly funded research into project work will be presented based on case studies in 7 software development /IT consulting project teams (N=34). A set of different methods was applied: interviews with management/project managers, group interviews on work constraints, a monthly diary about well-being and critical incidences in the course of the project, and a final evaluation questionnaire on project outcomes focusing on economic and health aspects. Findings reveal that different types of projects exist with varying degree of team members’ autonomy and influence on work structuring. An effect of self-regulation on mental strain could not be found. The results emphasize, that contradicting requirements and insufficient organizational resources with respect to the work requirements lead to an increased work intensity or work obstruction. These contradicting requirements are identified as main drivers for generating stress. Finally, employees with high values on stress for more than 2 months have significantly higher exhaustion rates than those with only one month peaks. Structuring project work and taking into account the dynamics of project work, there is a need for an active role of the project team in contract negotiation or the detailed definition of work – this is not only a question of individual autonomy but of negotiation the range of option for work structuring. Therefore, along with the sequential definition of the (software) product, the working conditions need to be re-defined.


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(l) The Pacific basin (Pacific area) may be regarded as moving eastwards like a double zip fastener relative to the continents and their respective plates (Pangaea area): opening in the East and closing in the West. This movement is tracked by a continuous mountain belt, the collision ages of which increase westwards. (2) The relative movements between the Pacific area and the Pangaea area in the W-EfE-W direction are generated by tidal forces (principle of hypocycloid gearing), whereby the lower mantle and the Pacific basin or area (Pacific crust = roof of the lower mantle?) rotate somewhat faster eastwards around the Earth's spin axis relative to the upper mantle/crust system with the continents and their respective plates (Pangaea area) (differential rotation). (3) These relative West to East/East to West displacements produce a perpetually existing sequence of distinct styles of opening and closing oeean basins, exemplified by the present East to West arrangement of ocean basins around the globe (Oceanic or Wilson Cycle: Rift/Red Sea style; Atlantic style; Mediterranean/Caribbean style as eastwards propagating tongue of the Pacific basin; Pacific style; Collision/Himalayas style). This sequence of ocean styles, of which the Pacific ocean is a part, moves eastwards with the lower mantle relative to the continents and the upper-mantle/crust of the Pangaea area. (4) Similarly, the collisional mountain belt extending westwards from the equator to the West of the Pacific and representing a chronological sequence of collision zones (sequential collisions) in the wake of the passing of the Pacific basin double zip fastener, may also be described as recording the history of oceans and their continental margins in the form of successive Wilson Cycles. (5) Every 200 to 250 m.y. the Pacific basin double zip fastener, the sequence of ocean styles of the Wilson Cycle and the eastwards growing collisional mountain belt in their wake complete one lap around the Earth. Two East drift lappings of 400 to 500 m.y. produce a two-lap collisional mountain belt spiral around a supercontinent in one hemisphere (North or South Pangaea). The Earth's history is subdivided into alternating North Pangaea growth/South Pangaea breakup eras and South Pangaea growth/North Pangaea breakup eras. Older North and South Pangaeas and their collisional mountain belt spirals may be reconstructed by rotating back the continents and orogenic fragments of a broken spiral (e.g. South Pangaea, Gondwana) to their previous Pangaea growth era orientations. In the resulting collisional mountain belt spiral, pieced together from orogenic segments and fragments, the collision ages have to increase successively towards the West. (6) With its current western margin orientated in a West-East direction North America must have collided during the Late Cretaceous Laramide orogeny with the northern margin of South America (Caribbean Andes) at the equator to the West of the Late Mesozoic Pacific. During post-Laramide times it must have rotated clockwise into its present orientation. The eastern margin of North America has never been attached to the western margin of North Africa but only to the western margin of Europe. (7) Due to migration eastwards of the sequence of ocean styles of the Wilson Cycle, relative to a distinct plate tectonic setting of an ocean, a continent or continental margin, a future or later evolutionary style at the Earth's surface is always depicted in a setting simultaneously developed further to the West and a past or earlier style in a setting simultaneously occurring further to the East. In consequence, ahigh probability exists that up to the Early Tertiary, Greenland (the ArabiaofSouth America?) occupied a plate tectonic setting which is comparable to the current setting of Arabia (the Greenland of Africa?). The Late Cretaceous/Early Tertiary Eureka collision zone (Eureka orogeny) at the northern margin of the Greenland Plate and on some of the Canadian Arctic Islands is comparable with the Middle to Late Tertiary Taurus-Bitlis-Zagros collision zone at the northern margin of the Arabian Plate.