748 resultados para sensor networks
A pentagonal patch-excited sectorized antenna (SA) suitable for 2.4-2.5 GHz localization systems was studied and developed. The integration of six patch-excited structures converges into a sectorized antenna called Hive5 that provides gain improvement compared to a patch antenna, maximum variation of 3 dB beam width over the radiation pattern and circular polarization (CP). This antenna is presented and analyzed taking into account the tap length and the flare angle. The proposed antenna in combination with a RF-Switch provides a cost effective solution for localization based on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and will be used for implementing angle of arrival (AoA) techniques combined with RF fingerprinting techniques.
This book discusses in detail the CMOS implementation of energy harvesting. The authors describe an integrated, indoor light energy harvesting system, based on a controller circuit that dynamically and automatically adjusts its operation to meet the actual light circumstances of the environment where the system is placed. The system is intended to power a sensor node, enabling an autonomous wireless sensor network (WSN). Although designed to cope with indoor light levels, the system is also able to work with higher levels, making it an all-round light energy harvesting system. The discussion includes experimental data obtained from an integrated manufactured prototype, which in conjunction with a photovoltaic (PV) cell, serves as a proof of concept of the desired energy harvesting system. © 2016 Springer International Publishing. All rights are reserved.
L'attaque de retransmission sélective est une menace sérieuse dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN), en particulier dans les systèmes de surveillance. Les noeuds peuvent supprimer de manière malicieuse certains paquets de données sensibles, ce qui risque de détruire la valeur des données assemblées dans le réseau et de diminuer la disponibilité des services des capteurs. Nous présentons un système de sécurité léger basé sur l'envoi de faux rapports pour identifier les attaques de retransmission sélective après avoir montré les inconvénients des systèmes existants. Le grand avantage de notre approche est que la station de base attend une séquence de faux paquets à un moment précis sans avoir communiqué avec les noeuds du réseau. Par conséquent, elle sera capable de détecter une perte de paquets. L'analyse théorique montre que le système proposé peut identifier ce type d'attaque et peut alors améliorer la robustesse du réseau dans des conditions d'un bon compromis entre la fiabilité de la sécurité et le coût de transmission. Notre système peut atteindre un taux de réussite élevé d‟identification face à un grand nombre de noeuds malicieux, tandis que le coût de transmission peut être contrôlé dans des limites raisonnables.
Cluster based protocols like LEACH were found best suited for routing in wireless sensor networks. In mobility centric environments some improvements were suggested in the basic scheme. LEACH-Mobile is one such protocol. The basic LEACH protocol is improved in the mobile scenario by ensuring whether a sensor node is able to communicate with its cluster head. Since all the nodes, including cluster head is moving it will be better to elect a node as cluster head which is having less mobility related to its neighbours. In this paper, LEACH-Mobile protocol has been enhanced based on a mobility metric “remoteness” for cluster head election. This ensures high success rate in data transfer between the cluster head and the collector nodes even though nodes are moving. We have simulated and compared our LEACH-Mobile-Enhanced protocol with LEACHMobile. Results show that inclusion of neighbouring node information improves the routing protocol.
Cluster based protocols like LEACH were found best suited for routing in wireless sensor networks. In mobility centric environments some improvements were suggested in the basic scheme. LEACH-Mobile is one such protocol. The basic LEACH protocol is improved in the mobile scenario by ensuring whether a sensor node is able to communicate with its cluster head. Since all the nodes, including cluster head is moving it will be better to elect a node as cluster head which is having less mobility related to its neighbours. In this paper, LEACH-Mobile protocol has been enhanced based on a mobility metric “remoteness” for cluster head election. This ensures high success rate in data transfer between the cluster head and the collector nodes even though nodes are moving. We have simulated and compared our LEACH-Mobile-Enhanced protocol with LEACHMobile. Results show that inclusion of neighbouring node information improves the routing protocol.
Embedded systems, especially Wireless Sensor Nodes are highly prone to Type Safety and Memory Safety issues. Contiki, a prominent Operating System in the domain is even more affected by the problem since it makes extensive use of Type casts and Pointers. The work is an attempt to nullify the possibility of Safety violations in Contiki. We use a powerful, still efficient tool called Deputy to achieve this. We also try to automate the process
Embedded systems, especially Wireless Sensor Nodes are highly prone to Type Safety and Memory Safety issues. Contiki, a prominent Operating System in the domain is even more affected by the problem since it makes extensive use of Type casts and Pointers. The work is an attempt to nullify the possibility of Safety violations in Contiki. We use a powerful, still efficient tool called Deputy to achieve this. We also try to automate the process
Genetic programming is known to provide good solutions for many problems like the evolution of network protocols and distributed algorithms. In such cases it is most likely a hardwired module of a design framework that assists the engineer to optimize specific aspects of the system to be developed. It provides its results in a fixed format through an internal interface. In this paper we show how the utility of genetic programming can be increased remarkably by isolating it as a component and integrating it into the model-driven software development process. Our genetic programming framework produces XMI-encoded UML models that can easily be loaded into widely available modeling tools which in turn posses code generation as well as additional analysis and test capabilities. We use the evolution of a distributed election algorithm as an example to illustrate how genetic programming can be combined with model-driven development. This example clearly illustrates the advantages of our approach – the generation of source code in different programming languages.
Distributed systems are one of the most vital components of the economy. The most prominent example is probably the internet, a constituent element of our knowledge society. During the recent years, the number of novel network types has steadily increased. Amongst others, sensor networks, distributed systems composed of tiny computational devices with scarce resources, have emerged. The further development and heterogeneous connection of such systems imposes new requirements on the software development process. Mobile and wireless networks, for instance, have to organize themselves autonomously and must be able to react to changes in the environment and to failing nodes alike. Researching new approaches for the design of distributed algorithms may lead to methods with which these requirements can be met efficiently. In this thesis, one such method is developed, tested, and discussed in respect of its practical utility. Our new design approach for distributed algorithms is based on Genetic Programming, a member of the family of evolutionary algorithms. Evolutionary algorithms are metaheuristic optimization methods which copy principles from natural evolution. They use a population of solution candidates which they try to refine step by step in order to attain optimal values for predefined objective functions. The synthesis of an algorithm with our approach starts with an analysis step in which the wanted global behavior of the distributed system is specified. From this specification, objective functions are derived which steer a Genetic Programming process where the solution candidates are distributed programs. The objective functions rate how close these programs approximate the goal behavior in multiple randomized network simulations. The evolutionary process step by step selects the most promising solution candidates and modifies and combines them with mutation and crossover operators. This way, a description of the global behavior of a distributed system is translated automatically to programs which, if executed locally on the nodes of the system, exhibit this behavior. In our work, we test six different ways for representing distributed programs, comprising adaptations and extensions of well-known Genetic Programming methods (SGP, eSGP, and LGP), one bio-inspired approach (Fraglets), and two new program representations called Rule-based Genetic Programming (RBGP, eRBGP) designed by us. We breed programs in these representations for three well-known example problems in distributed systems: election algorithms, the distributed mutual exclusion at a critical section, and the distributed computation of the greatest common divisor of a set of numbers. Synthesizing distributed programs the evolutionary way does not necessarily lead to the envisaged results. In a detailed analysis, we discuss the problematic features which make this form of Genetic Programming particularly hard. The two Rule-based Genetic Programming approaches have been developed especially in order to mitigate these difficulties. In our experiments, at least one of them (eRBGP) turned out to be a very efficient approach and in most cases, was superior to the other representations.
As a vital factor affecting system cost and lifetime, energy consumption in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) has been paid much attention to. This article reviews existing energy harvesting technology applied in WSNs, and analyzes advantages of harvesting radio frequency (RF) energy in WSNs.
The content of this paper is a snapshot of a current project looking at producing a real-time sensor-based building assessment tool, and a system that personalises workspaces using multi-agent technology. Both systems derive physical environment information from a wireless sensor network that allows clients to subscribe to real-time sensed data. The principal ideologies behind this project are energy efficiency and well-being of occupants; in the context of leveraging the current state-of-the-art in agent technology, wireless sensor networks and building assessment systems to enable the optimisation and assessment of buildings. Participants of this project are from both industry (construction and research) and academia.
The Java language first came to public attention in 1995. Within a year, it was being speculated that Java may be a good language for parallel and distributed computing. Its core features, including being objected oriented and platform independence, as well as having built-in network support and threads, has encouraged this view. Today, Java is being used in almost every type of computer-based system, ranging from sensor networks to high performance computing platforms, and from enterprise applications through to complex research-based.simulations. In this paper the key features that make Java a good language for parallel and distributed computing are first discussed. Two Java-based middleware systems, namely MPJ Express, an MPI-like Java messaging system, and Tycho, a wide-area asynchronous messaging framework with an integrated virtual registry are then discussed. The paper concludes by highlighting the advantages of using Java as middleware to support distributed applications.
The content of this paper is a snapshot of a current project looking at producing a real-time sensor-based building assessment tool, and a system that personalises work-spaces using multi-agent technology. Both systems derive physical environment information from a wireless sensor network that allows clients to subscribe to real-time sensed data. The principal ideologies behind this project are energy efficiency and well-being of occupants; in the context of leveraging the current state-of-the-art in agent technology, wireless sensor networks and building assessment systems to enable the optimisation and assessment of buildings. Participants of this project are from both industry (construction and research) and academia.
This paper addresses the impact of imperfect synchronisation on D-STBC when combined with incremental relay. To suppress such an impact, a novel detection scheme is proposed, which retains the two key features of the STBC principle: simplicity (i.e. linear computational complexity), and optimality (i.e. maximum likelihood). These two features make the new detector very suitable for low power wireless networks (e.g. sensor networks).
This paper discusses the RFID implants for identification via a sensor network. Brain-computer implants linked in to a wireless network. Biometric identification via body sensors is also discussed. The use of a network as a means for remote and distance monitoring of humans opens up a range of potential uses. Where implanted identification is concerned this immediately offers high security access to specific areas by means of only an RFID device. If a neural implant is employed then clearly the information exchanged with a network can take on a much richer form, allowing for identification and response to an individual's needs based on the signals apparent on their nervous system.